Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1968

Although the spiritual pollution from the void has been artificially blocked. However, even if it comes from the nature of creatures, these high-level nationals who can only be regarded as ordinary persons are seeing the immediateness of the void monster. There is an unspeakable psychology of rejection.

It’s like seeing the most disgusting thing in oneself’s life. They should have maintained a certain degree of restraint in this kind of public place. They simply couldn’t hold back oneself. The kind of disgust and hatred in my heart, so much so that almost immediately yelled.

There are few exceptions, even the most respected ones also cursed a few words of Niang Xipi. And even after almost everyone showed such emotions, Stark already solemnly introduced it to everyone present.

“Everyone, this is the threat I am talking about that may destroy mankind. We call it the Void!”

“The Void? This is the same alien as the Kree Star race?”

Someone asked this, and Stark immediately shook his head and denied it.

“I don’t think this is a civilized race. In my opinion, this is more like a wild ecology, an absolutely destructive and aggressive ecological organization. I believe just now Everyone should have an intuitive psychological feeling when facing this monster. Please recall, do you think the psychological feeling of own is normal?”

Normal? It’s definitely impossible, normal. According to Stark’s recollection a little bit, the overwhelming majority have similar doubts in their hearts. You know, this is the first time they have seen something like Void, and even if Void is really ugly, they shouldn’t have this kind of almost extreme disgust. Everyone is not a little child, and the other is not a nymphomaniac who knows people by their faces, mature experience and cunning temperament, it is reasonable to make them treat this unknown thing more objectively. However, the result is that they are not so objective at all, but almost compiled a world swearing book. It is strange how it looks.

Why? Some people suspect that this is because of the special effects everyone has received. However, the equipment on their heads gave them a reminder that if this could still be affected by external influences, then Earth would be too unsafe. So obviously, this should be due to other reasons. And what the reason is, I am afraid that Stark can only give a standard answer.

Everyone focused their attention on Stark, and Stark was already waiting here.

“It seems that you have also discovered that the feeling about this monster is very strange. And why it is like this, I can only tell you that this is completely instinctive. As far as I know Intelligence, even if the monster’s true body is placed in front of the advanced civilizations in the universe, it can be called a disaster. And everyone who knows about it will regard them as enemies of all living beings, and being on the opposite side of all living beings. “

“I ask you to bring this device, not just to make a calm and objective judgment. But if there is no protection of this device, then just rely on naked eye intuitive By watching the existence of this monster, there is a considerable chance that you will lose your sanity and fall into madness and other special situations. I think it shouldn’t be that you are willing to see oneself become that look like that, so I’ll do it for you Made such an arrangement. Of course, if you don’t believe me, you can also take the equipment off. But if something happens, I won’t be responsible for it!”

Tang, which one of the people here is not the big boss who is all-powerful. Let them simply take such risks, they will only be willing to do it unless they are stupid. Of course, they will not do it themselves, which does not mean that they have no other way to verify. It may be inhumane to pull someone over for experimentation, but pulling an inhuman element out to be a guinea pig is a trivial matter for a powerful government like Maozi.

cracking a joke, Maozi’s methods are so hard that they will not let the hostages off in order to deal with terrorists. I want them to pull one out of the Siberian potato-digging army to verify this kind of thing. It’s easy.

In just one minute, everything Stark said has been verified. Seeing that the two most critical figures have whispered to each other, it seems that they have reached some agreement. Stark said as if the iron was hot.

“Everyone, the reason I say that this monster will become a threat to all mankind is not because of this strange ability. The threat I said is more direct and more unstoppable. Now I will At the scene, directly opposite this monster. I can share the scene in front of me with you…”

After he finished speaking, if these people were not given time to refuse, it would be a real-time The image of was forwarded over. And looking at the huge monster that suddenly appeared in front of oneself, looking at his body that constantly emerged from the gap in space and the Ghost Riders who wandered around it like ants, all the people present could not help but gaped. Come.

They were surprised by the number of Ghost Riders, and also shocked by the huge size of this monster. Especially when Satan, who was several hundred meters tall but still as small as a dwarf, appeared in front of them, they were even more shocked by this.

Originally, they had imagined the monster to be large enough, but now that they have a new reference, they find that the monster is much larger than they thought. How can this make them Not shocked?

And what surprised them is still to come, because at this time, Stark has already revealed a lot of hidden secrets.

“You have also seen the size of this monster. What I want to say is that what you see now is only a part of its body. And its body is what you see now Hundreds of times. It covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, and its quality and destructive power are unpredictable values…”

Stark has yet to elaborate. Someone had already intervened and interrupted his explanation.

“Wait a minute, Mr. Stark. How do you know that the size of this monster will be hundreds of times the size of what we see now. Also, this red monster is a little smaller, it’s another What is it?”

If you listen to it, you will be secretive and you will be clear when you listen. This kind of truth can be described as a motto-like existence for many bigwigs present. In their position, if they casually believed the words of others, then it is estimated that their country would have been sacked by others. National affairs, after all, can’t be a joke. So it is normal to have such questions.

Stark expected this. So although he was impatient to answer such questions, he still suppressed his own temperament and answered obediently and honestly.

“The big red guy is Demon King Satan. And the reason why I know why that monster is so big is because I saw it with my own eyes…”

“See it with my own eyes? Where? Don’t tell me that I am in hell, Lord Stark…”

Not everyone likes Stark. This arrogant and mean guy will probably have a negative score in the impression of overwhelming majority adults. And for some of the high-ranking people present, they also won’t like this guy who is proud of his talents and has greater power than them.

Of course, I don’t like it or not. But jumping out to fight him to find fault is another way of saying it. Smart people certainly don’t do this kind of thing, but there is a kind of person who is an exception. For example, in countries that have been completely invaded by the capital consortium, even the power of the country has been controlled by those people. It is impossible for them to not fight Stark.

It may not be possible to be an enemy in the true sense. Even if the small country in the small land is exhausted to his death, it is impossible to win a vast country. Even if it is declining and the present is not as good as before, this is also impossible. But suddenly he jumped out, disgusting him, this is not a problem. It’s like now…

This sudden mockery made Stark’s heart angry, but he couldn’t. He is here to ask for help, not to make a fight. If there is a holiday, you can save it for later liquidation, but it is better for him to solve the immediate problem now.

To understand this, Stark didn’t continue to conceal, but gave the answer openly.

“You’re right, you’re indeed in hell. Now that I’ve reached this point, then I’ll just say it straight. I believe you all understand some of the small policies I have recently implemented in China. In order to prevent the invasion of the so-called hell devil, I mobilized a considerable part of the power to publicize public opinion, and even said that at a high price I found a real sorcerer…”

Everyone has some understanding. Some people even wondered how the foreign devil sorcerer introduced the spells of the oneself country, and what the sorcerer in the oneself country did.

In short, there is the hidden danger of Hell Devil’s invasion at the front, and no one is curious as to why Stark did this. With the convenience brought by such an idea, Stark immediately talked about the follow-up of half true half false.

“I want to solve this hidden danger in oneself’s domestic first step once and for all. For this reason, I have done a lot of work, that is, at this time, I got an information, that is to open the Gate of Hell’s method. After receiving such information, I suddenly had a bold idea, that is why we have to be beaten so passively, why we can’t counterattack hell, and make use of the importance of hell as the opponent’s base. How about resolving the threats we are facing? Isn’t there such a story in the art of war of that grandson? What is it called…”

“relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home The base of the besiegers, attacking the enemy will save…”

Someone mentioned it to him, and Stark followed this sentence and continued to flicker.

“Yes, it’s this relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers. I organized a small team of elites and let them enter the hell with omnic and nuclear bombs. Like the Iraq War, they were given a beheading operation. But they didn’t want such an operation but they fell into the trap of those demons, and let another hell lord of hell, also known as Satan, caught the gap in Nevada. In Death Valley, a summon was organized in the ceremony of his arrival……”

“No one expected this. By the time we realized it, everything was too late. Now. Even though we have used methods such as nuclear bombs, we still haven’t been able to prevent him from coming.”

Speaking of this, someone has already started to laugh secretly in the heart. United States threw a nucleus and ejected it. Even if they concealed this kind of thing, they might not be able to hide it. After all, the military satellites of all countries are on their heads, and it is really impossible for a target as big as a nuclear bomb to be invisible.

However, because this is a domestic matter, although overwhelming majority countries have noticed this, they are not at all special in the heart. At most, the espionage department can spy on the details. As for the others, they really didn’t think much about it.

What they didn’t expect was that there are so many stories under this nuclear bomb. This made many people sympathize with Stark, but at the same time, they couldn’t help but laugh at him for asking for trouble. As a result, he moved his own stone to the foot.

Stark could see what these people were thinking, he already didn’t notice. It is better to let them laugh at this than to let them know the truth and know that the owner really intends to come. So he simply assumed that he hadn’t seen the same, and went on talking.

“Satan has come, and everyone has seen his power. Nuclear bombs can’t help him. Judging from the current strength of the human army, we have no chance of defeating him. As the lord of hell, Satan He came to the world without any kindness. He came to enslave human beings, just as humans were raised by them as livestock thousands of years ago. I think any human being with free will and dignity is It’s impossible to agree with this behavior, so someone must stand up and resist.”

“I think that’s right, a sponsorer stepped up, and he used own magic to summon from the universe. This kind of monster came out…Void, which is the guy we have seen. The good news is that Satan is not the opponent of this monster. They fought from the world to hell, and then from hell back to the world, and the final result was Satan. It was a complete failure, even relying on our asylum to struggling on whilst at death’s door.”

“The bad news is that the existence of this monster itself is already a threat to this World. I don’t understand that. How did sorcerer summon this monster, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it is on the verge of losing control. Let’s not say anything else, just take the volume I just mentioned. Once the monster is from what we see Break free from Space Crack, then with its huge volume and the huge mass brought by this volume, in an instant, the entire American plate will be shaken by its appearance!”

“Continuous earthquakes I won’t talk about the tsunami. What I want to say is that according to my calculations, the Huangshi super volcano is 70% likely to erupt early due to its appearance. What is the biggest volcano in this world? As a result, I don’t think I need to say more!”

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