Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1969

Yellowstone super volcano?

Among the top national leaders present here are those who graduated from prestigious universities, and some are doing real estate advertising and forcibly piled up votes for oneself. There are those who turn black to white, and there are those who are hereditary and the ancestors. In a word, fish and dragons mixed in together, the ingredients are complex. Therefore, it is not practical to expect them to understand the threat of a trifling volcanic eruption with just one term.

Fortunately, there is a think tank behind the top of every country. They may not know astronomy or geography. This is okay. To control a country does not require them to have such professional knowledge. The think tank behind them can understand this. For fools who only if not believe oneself infallible, as long as they are willing to spend a little energy to listen to what the think tank says, then they will eventually understand what the Yellowstone Super Volcano means.

This process is not long, which is just two minutes. Two minutes later, the leaders of the overwhelming majority country were already gloomy, and the handsome prime minister of the Maple Leaf Country, who seemed to be a neighbor of United States, screamed like he was about to jump up.

“Damn it, damn it. Mr. Stark, you are not cracking a joke. Why is it Yellowstone? Could it be something else?”

No wonder he Nervous, if the Yellowstone volcano erupts, American will be extremely unlucky, but the Maple Leaf Country so close is definitely not much better. The ashes of the volcano with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers can make them rub aside, not to mention the fatal situations that follow.

United States is the first, and he is the second. And if the United States can survive such a disaster with its strong national strength and with smart people and scientists like Stark, then he has little confidence in whether the own country can survive this disaster.

Not only does he lack confidence, many countries are also worried about this possible disaster. Those who bear the brunt are those countries that are based on agriculture. The global cooling and crop production reduction will be devastating for them. Taking agriculture as the backbone of the country means that agriculture is the main source of their domestic economy, and if such a main source goes wrong, then the whole country will inevitably fall into turmoil.

Secondly, those countries with large populations. You know, the larger the population, the more rations need to be consumed. For example, Hua Guo, don’t look at Hua Guo’s repeated breakthroughs in the technology of grafting rice, how much is the yield per mu. But to this day, China is still one of the world’s largest food importers. No matter how much food is produced, it is not enough to consume these billions of food. even more how the country must reserve enough food for strategic purposes, so naturally, China, which is currently the strongest country, will inevitably be affected.

Not only in China, but also in Europe. A few agricultural countries in Europe are unlucky, and things are going to happen all over Europe. You must know that the food in Europe itself depends on those agricultural countries to support the bulk, and then the EU’s internal exchanges of supplies are satisfied. It is naturally good in normal times, not only the intestines eaten by my family are full, but also there is a considerable margin to export to the world. But once such a crisis occurs, don’t say it, I am afraid it will be a problem even if your family can eat enough.

In order to maintain the stability of the country, the governments of EU countries will certainly not continue to guarantee the high treatment and high welfare of their citizens. For Europeans who have become accustomed to such high welfare, let them lose their intestines all at once. The belly man fell into a hungry and full meal, which was simply killing them.

Popular grievances must be boiling, and boiling grievances will only erupt against the government that governs them. For these citizens, your government can’t even feed me and want me to vote for you. It’s just a dream. In such a situation, some speculators must be indispensable to just and honorable resist the government’s rule under the banner of the so-called people. At that time, people’s brains will be out of their heads, and the whole of Europe will be plunged into a free revolution. This is certainly not what European countries want to see.

The situation has become so serious that no one wants to sit and watch this happen. So for a time, the entire projection meeting was full of quarrels, including accusations and accusations by name.

“United States, United States, and your United States again. Mr. Stark, what do you really want to do? Why are you the first to provoke every major event that affects the entire world? Yes! Alien invasion is like this, and now this monster called the void is like this. Mr. Stark, I think we need an explanation from you!”

“I will give you an explanation, but Not now, what we need to do now is to make a decision and try to solve the problem before everything I say happens.”

Stark’s rebuttal was quite simple, and faced him The rebuttal, several big men present nodded. Obviously, someone wants to take this opportunity to use public office to avenge private wrongs.

If they do this in normal times, it will be fine. In the idea of ​​maintaining the status of oneself, they will turn one eye and close one eye. But now, it is the time for them to unite sincerely, and if someone else destroys internally at this time, it will not be something they can tolerate.

“Mr. Stark is right. At this time, there is no need to discuss who this is. Solving our current troubles is the key. I hope you calm down. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can wait until Let’s talk about it after the matter is resolved!”

On the surface, it looks like muddy mud, but in fact it is supporting Stark. Once such an attitude was expressed by the boss, some people who wanted to make trouble immediately died down.

cracking a joke, he is just a puppet who was emptied by domestic consortium forces, and he is not very hard at home, even more how is under such occasions. At present, Dongfang’s handle is already talking like this, if he is holding this question, then he will take oneself too seriously. A puppet has a puppet’s way of living, and not every puppet can sit where he is today.

Looking at this recognized puppet just so obediently and honestly, the boss smiled in Stark’s direction after showing a little brother, you are very sensible.

“Mr. Stark, I believe that since you will choose to convene us at this time, then there must be a countermeasure. This is not a critical time, so if you have any ideas, please as soon as possible Speak up!”

“Yes, I already have an idea, but I need to get your trust and grant me the appropriate permissions. Yes, I hope to be able to use the Earth defense system! “

“Earth defense system?” Upon hearing Stark’s request, the many leaders present were all discolored. The so-called Earth defense system is a series of extensions of the Earth defense plan that was originally formulated to deal with the Star Devouring invasion.

In addition to the black hole generator called ultimate weapon, there are also a series of new methods for dealing with possible alien invasion. Among them, there are weapons made against Earth in response to internal wars in the solar system, and weapons made against Earth in response to alien invaders that have landed on Earth. No matter which one of them is, it can be regarded as the crystallization of human wisdom, and it is the most powerful weapon that mankind can make at this stage and for quite some time in the future.

Such weapons are impossible in the hands of a country alone. Because it symbolizes absolute military force, and military force can be seen as a symbol of power in today’s turbulent world. To put it bluntly, even those small countries on the Pacific Ocean that rely on fishing for their livelihoods will have the qualifications to deter the entire world after mastering such weapons, and such a scene is that all autonomous countries cannot Accepted.

For this reason, the caliber of all countries on the Earth defense system is very consistent. That is, unless it is supported by all allies, the Earth defense system will never start.

This sounds a bit absolute, but this absolute is guaranteed.

First of all, I want to use the entire Earth defense system. In addition to the scientific researchers stationed there, all member states must submit a key that only the country’s top leaders know.

Secondly, as the Earth defense system stationed in the outer space of Earth, elite soldiers from more than 20 different countries are stationed on it at all times. These soldiers have only one role, that is, while monitoring the central operating system and various weapon systems as the core, they also shoulder the important task of supervising and monitoring each other. It can be said that each of them has accepted this order, that is, once someone uses the Earth defense system without the permission of their country’s senior level, then they have the right to shoot all involved personnel. And if they can’t prevent such behavior, then even if the entire Earth defense system is destroyed, it would be no hesitation.

The dark side of human nature can be said to be obvious here, but it has to be admitted that in this kind of thing, humans may indeed need such a dark existence. Otherwise, if such a weapon system was placed more than ten or 20 years ago, I am afraid that it has long become the ultimate weapon used by European and American groups headed by United States to threaten and intimidate the entire world. And whether the world will change into a different appearance because of this is something no one can tell.

In short, until now, the only way Stark can think of to deal with the void invasion is this ultimate weapon jointly made by mankind. And since you want to use it, getting the consent of the top leaders of all countries is a hurdle that you have to overcome. He has already said this, and the facts are already in front of everyone. And can you get the consent of these people, really, he doesn’t have that spectrum in his heart.

This is not without precedent. For example, when responding to the Indian crisis, they discussed whether to use certain ground weapons to clean up India after Hydra ruled India. Unfortunately, there may be countries that agree with this, but there are also countries that do not agree. For example, the countries around India do not want India to be a testing ground for ground weapons.

After all, except for the black hole generator in the Earth defense system, all other weapon systems have not been tested. And if there is something and unexpected changes, it is them who cry. It’s a big deal, and no one wants to take such a risk. So naturally, the Earth defense system has remained vacant until today. But now, Stark told them perfectly and clearly that he intends to use this super weapon and is on the territory of oneself country. This makes many people can’t help but give birth to an illusion that oneself is dreaming.

Stark is so bold, so bold that it exceeds everyone’s imagination. After seeing that he is not cracking a joke, many people have also begun to realize the difficulties he is currently facing.

Imagine that everyone is a leader of the country. I’m not even worried about experimenting with this kind of super weapon in a neighboring country, but you are so bold that you want to use this ultimate weapon directly on the land of oneself country. Why, do you think you are a scorpion of the former Soviet Union? Is the heart so big that even Big Ivan dared to order firecrackers in oneself’s yard?

It’s impossible to think about it with ass. So the only explanation is probably that he has no other options.

This is the dilemma that Stark faces, and it is also a difficult choice facing all mankind. In this regard, the boss felt that oneself was probably the most qualified to negotiate with Stark on behalf of other people, so he coughed twice, and while attracting Stark’s attention, he said to him.

“Mr. Stark, you have to think clearly. This kind of thing can’t be cracking a joke. And if things are really as urgent as you said, once we do it here After a decision is made, there is no room for you to regret.”

“Of course, I think I have considered it very clearly. There may be a small loss, but it is better than causing the whole world The catastrophe of collapse is coming. Let’s not hide it from you, I have verified the horror of this monster when I was in hell. I made a 120 million ton nuclear fission weapon in hell and secured this monster. It’s in the core kill zone of nuclear weapons. But even so, I have not been able to eliminate it. So now, I can only hope for the Earth defense system. I don’t want to be able to eliminate it, I just want to delay it, Let those sorcerers be able to send it back to hell…”

Stark’s words broke the last trace of luck for some people. At this time, some people actually wanted to get in the way to put Stark in a dilemma. After all, Stark only talked about the Huangshi Volcano, and no one was sure if it would erupt.

But now, Stark even moved out the nuclear bomb of this level. It would be ridiculous if they were trying to make a difference.

A very simple truth, Stark this remark may be fake. However, if this is real? Even a nuclear bomb of this level can’t kill such a monster, if he is really allowed to descend on Earth, then everyone is really going to die.

Smart people know when to do what kind of things, and such things are obviously not suitable for doing now. Therefore, they restrained one after another.

With their restraint, the others have reached an agreement. After everyone unified the caliber, the gangster acted as a representative and asked a new question again.

“We agree with you in principle, President Stark. But, I don’t know which type of weapon you plan to use?”

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