Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1970

Earth defense system, as the ultimate means for human beings to defend themselves, has far more than one killing move. Of course, killing moves like black hole generators are absolutely impossible to use. That is the means of perish together, and everyone present does not think that it is time for perish together.

Not just black hole generators, other things such as continental oscillators, comet traction systems, etc., are all they don’t want to use passively. They hope Stark can understand this, and Stark naturally understands this idea.

Don’t say it’s them, even he himself doesn’t want to use this kind of perish together. His original intention is only to contain, and under this premise, he will of course want to control the situation within the scope of control.

“I want to use the seventh weapon and the thirteenth system!”

Stark’s goal is quite clear, as a major investor and one of the core manufacturing members , Of course Stark knew exactly which weapon he really needed now. So in the face of this question, he reported the serial number oneself wanted without hesitation. After hearing his answer, a group of people who were still tense immediately showed a relaxed expression.

“It’s a reasonable request. We don’t have any reason to disagree, don’t we? Yes, Your Excellency Stark, I think we can give you an answer now. We agree to your request and you can get ours Authorize and use these two weapons!”

After a brief discussion, Stark got what he wanted as he wished. As soon as the authorization was obtained, he immediately began to act, contacting the Earth defensive circle far beyond Earth.

Said it is a circle, this is really a circle. The Earth defense system, which itself is just a large space station, has been expanded into a large ring space station covering an area of ​​several thousand hectares. In addition to the dozen or so super weapon systems installed on it, a scientific research area responsible for space technology research and development, a living area that can provide normal activities for tens of thousands of people, and the use of solar energy and hydroponic technology to grow crops on a large scale are also specifically divided District and other three large areas.

Under the premise of using solar panels all over the surface of the ring space station as the energy source and the continuous maintenance of hundreds of scientists inside, this space defense system is enough to float in Earth’s outer space for hundreds of years without worry . And if there is an unstoppable change in a Heaven and Earth ball, then this ring space station is undoubtedly the last safe haven for mankind.

Of course, at that time, things could only be done in the case of as a last resort, but now, what Stark has to do is to prevent this as a last resort from happening.

Log on to the Earth defense system as the President of United States, Stark authenticates the identity of oneself, and uploads the joint authorization of hundreds of national leaders. This is a very necessary action, because he doesn’t want oneself to be disrupted by a soldier stationed on the space station when using a super weapon. He needs to race against time in terms of time, so he can’t make any mistakes. And after he went through all the necessary procedures in accordance with the rules and regulations, as the administrator of the Earth defense system, an expert group composed of seven Peak scientists of different nationalities has already appeared in his before.

“Your Excellency Stark, do you want to use a super weapon?”

It is Reid who speaks, representing their excellent scientists in America.

Since he was called into space by the Earth Defense Project, Reid has made his home here.

For him, Earth is a sad place. Not only did he fail to accomplish anything in his career, but he also did nothing emotionally. This made him feel depressed. And just right, Stark Divine Vision recognized talents and discovered his extraordinary aptitude in scientific research. Not only gave him great funding to enable it to demonstrate what it has learned, but also entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, entrusting the Earth defense plan to him.

The so-called scholar died for his confidant. Stark has already achieved such a point for him, he is naturally impossible, I’m sorry Stark. Simply, he simply carried forward the true qualities of a scientist, and while dedicating himself to science, he gave full play to his own talents and built the entire Earth defense system. On one side, as a United States scientist, he occupies a pivotal weight for America’s position in the entire space defense system.

For his talents, it is not difficult to achieve this. Just like now, he is already the most central figure in the operation of the entire space station. All major decisions of the space station are impossible to bypass him, and similarly, the use of super weapons is no exception.

This is actually a good thing. Because all super weapons were deliberately made into a human-driven model when they were originally designed. This is a program designed to prevent network intrusion and virus program implantation. And precisely because of such a plan, if you want to be able to maximize the effectiveness of these super weapons, you must have these experts who have personally participated in the design of these super weapons.

Only with the assistance of these experts, can you find the most effective attack method from those extremely complex parameters. Otherwise, even if you transfer control of these super weapons to your hands, you may not know how to make these weapons work.

After all, super weapons are not small toys like pistols. Even a child can learn how to pull the trigger. It doesn’t have a trigger setting at all, it only has calculation variables and parameters that bring together the wisdom of humans’ cream of the crop.

Without certain knowledge and relevant technical knowledge, you are not qualified to manipulate them at all. This is the same as when someone who can only drive a car is suddenly thrown into a modern fighter jet, and it’s not bad to shoot oneself out of the cockpit.

Stark is a good genius, but even a genius like him, when suddenly faced with this kind of complicated data, he must be a little confused for a while. He wants to get the super weapon into operation as soon as possible, and he needs the help of professionals. Among these professionals, I am afraid that there is no more suitable than Reed Court Academecian.

Stark oneself understood this, so he hurriedly asked Reid for help. As it should be by rights, he must disclose relevant information in the process of seeking help. For a time, several Peak scientists including Reid were in a trance. For the existence of such things as the void, they are really unbelievable.

“This is unscientific, how does such a huge body exist. Skeleton, muscles, no shape can support such a huge mass, just the gravity of the planet itself should be able to crush it into a ball Rotten meat is right!”

“What is the energy needed to maintain this body? What does it rely on to maintain its existence. If it is maintained by biological feeding, in this world simply impossible It’s only right to have food reserves that can satisfy it. If it’s eating energy, what kind of energy will it need?”

Out of the instinct of scientists, when the void monster is so topical When the thing appeared in front of them for the first time, they almost immediately explored its existence from all aspects. The scene developed into an academic discussion, and in the face of this situation, Reid immediately coughed twice, and then reminded his own companions.

“Gentlemen, our current mission is to help Mr. Stark run super weapons. Regarding the nature of this monster, I think we can wait until everything is over before we discuss it in depth… ….”

As soon as these words were said, the few people present were immediately surprised, and then coincidentally expressed a sorry sneer at Stark. They overlooked Stark a bit, which really shouldn’t. But considering their identities, this is a reasonable thing.

Peak’s scientific researchers are mostly such types with superior IQ and low EQ. It is impractical to expect them to be as smooth as a politician.

Stark doesn’t care about their small problems, and this is not a problem for them at all. All he cares about is time, whether he can knock the void back in the shortest time.

“Gentlemen, I believe you have all received the relevant orders. Now, I plan to activate the No. 7 weapon system, I don’t know how you have prepared!”

“Within two minutes, the seventh weapon space-based attack weapon-the hammer of dawn can be ready. Mr. Stark, we will wait for you to show us the target!”

As an owner person in the true sense, Reid clearly arranged everything for Stark. He saved Stark a lot of time, and also in order to reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble. And this, Stark can see it. So he immediately nodded to Reid very moved.

“Thank you, thank you all. I think mankind will never forget your contributions, if we can stop all of this…Now I will upload the coordinates and pray for luck Goddess Be able to take care of us at this time!”

Taking a deep breath, Stark uploaded the current coordinates of the Void Monster to these experts. After receiving the relevant information, these experts immediately began to operate in an orderly manner.

At this time, it can be seen from space that the huge ring-mounted space station has already begun to move like a clockwork. Rings spread and spread continuously from the periphery to the interior, and the ring structures were put together ring by ring, finally forming a structure like a circular pyramid. This is the space-based attack weapon named Dawn’s Hammer.

The circular orbit on display is an electromagnetic orbit constructed on the basis of the huge power of the space station itself. There is only one goal for such a huge scale, which is to provide sufficient power to the core weapon in the middle. Electromagnetic push.

The core part of Li Mingzhi’s hammer is a revolver device that looks like Gatling. This revolver device is the launch equipment of the entire weapon system, and the ammunition in this equipment is an octagonal prism with a diameter of three meters and a length of twelve meters.

Using the highest quality metal osmium as the main component, a layer of imitation Adamantium is plated on the surface to minimize the probability of deformation by external force and temperature. These huge metal pillars have only one purpose, that is, to run the 30,000 kilometers distance in the shortest time with the greatest mass, the greatest acceleration and the most complete form.

As shown in the movie, when a metal pillar of sufficient weight passes through the atmosphere in this way and hits the Earth’s surface, its formidable power must be very amazing.

Of course, there are some exaggerated elements in the movie. After all, a single tungsten rod wants to create the effect of a nuclear explosion shock wave, which is definitely a bit unrealistic. Let alone what the tungsten rod will look like after it is subjected to atmospheric friction, the impact effect of hitting a large floor block is too much for granted.

To create such an effect, a tungsten rod with a thin arm is impossible. But if it is replaced with this three-meter-diameter alloy prism, that may not be the case.

This kind of metal prism of volume and mass passes through the surface of strikes Earth under the action of electromagnetic acceleration, and its formidable power will not be any different from a meteorite impact of the same volume. And as long as you think about the impact of the asteroid impact on Earth on the extinction of the dinosaurs, you can know how much destructive power this so-called Dawn Hammer weapon can have.

That is to take the void monster as the target, and use his huge body as the direction of energy release, which can barely make people feel relieved. After all, a large part of the monster also lives in hell. Therefore, as long as their attacks are not missed, even if there is a certain amount of kinetic energy spilled, these kinetic energy should be spilled into hell, rather than poured onto Earth’s plate.

This is the situation that can minimize the damage of super weapons to Earth, and it is also the ideal situation for Stark in mind. Of course, there are always exceptions. If things really didn’t go so smoothly, then the strike of the hammer of dawn is better than letting this void monster descend on Earth. At the very least, the probability of the Hammer of Dawn detonating the Yellowstone Volcano is not so great, and the damage caused is within the range he can bear.

Of course, it is better not to happen.

With a silent prayer, Stark waited for the countdown to end. In space, the charging of the Hammer of Dawn has ended, and the surging electric current has been converging on the core of the Hammer of Dawn along the laid-by-layer track. It can be launched after only one order. And that is, after the charge reaches its peak and everything is ready, the command from Reed Court Academecian is already resounding in this system channel.

“The Hammer of Dawn system is ready, countdown, three, two, one… launch!”

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