Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1972

The role, the role is still a little bit.

As Stark expected, under the powerful physical attack of Dawn’s Hammer, even a huge guy like Void Monster, it is unavoidable that he was punched backwards. Backed up. And given that a large part of his huge body is hidden in the hell on the other side of the space rift, his retreat is almost equivalent to being beaten back into hell.

Even if it is only a small range, it is not even as much as it has drilled during this period of time. But for Stark, this is already very exciting news. He seemed to have seen the hope of victory. Therefore, he almost immediately sent such news to the Reed Court Academecian in space.

“It works, gentlemen. It’s very accurate! Then come again, the position remains the same, three bursts!”

The whole process can only use coordinate information to lock the target Reed Court Academecian and the others can’t see the result of own, so they are actually worried, worrying that oneself will make an oolong like a missed vehicle. After all, this is not a trivial matter. If the hammer of Dawn is badly hit, it will destroy the overall landform of an area, or directly destroy an entire city. Not to mention them, even those professional soldiers may not be able to bear it. They will feel nervous, which is not surprising at all.

And now, their worries have proven to be unnecessary. So naturally, they let go of their hands and feet and continued to follow Stark’s requirements.

In the sky flashes again, and then the sound of the air being torn apart. This sound was not carried by the Hammer of Dawn at the moment, but the effect of the first strike of the Hammer of Dawn. As a super weapon with a speed of more than Mach 10,000 per second, the speed of sound propagation after it enters the atmosphere is obviously unable to keep up with its body. Right now, the first blow has been settled, and the second blow is about to come. It only arrives slowly. This is really unbearable for people to feel the magic of human technology.

Stark was involved in the design of Dawn’s Hammer, but at the moment he does not have the skill to be proud of own design. All of his energy was put on the present, on the body of the rare beast of the void. He has been repelled, so will he be beaten back? All hopes at this moment were already pinned by him on the following three hammers of dawn. And just in his expectation, the three hammers of dawn have fallen on the void rare beast in no particular order.

The effect of one plus one plus one is definitely greater than three. Before the void rare beast had time to heal the damage it had suffered, the blow that followed had completely tore its body apart.

Following the wound opened at first, the hammer of dawn can more directly vent oneself’s terrifying power to its body within the body. And on the basis of triple, even a behemoth like the empty rare beast showed an unbearable appearance.

The filthy flesh and blood suddenly erupted like a huge volcano, and shot up nearly 1000 meters in the direction of the wound. The huge body is also like a plastic bag that has blown through a hole. Under the application of external force, it trembles and shakes out a shocking range.

This makes people worry about whether this body will suddenly explode, and then whether the flesh and blood will suddenly fall on them. Of course, this worry is unnecessary. Because even if it is void rare beast, no matter how bad it is, it will not fall to such a point.

It is an unrealistic delusion in itself to want this terrifying void rare beast to be broken just by the formidable power of the hammer of dawn. Stark should have understood this very well, but when things went smoothly unexpectedly, he still inevitably gave birth to a trace of fluke. Of course, reality quickly slapped him, telling him with the cruelest truth that he really thought too much.

The void rare beast, which can hold up 100 million tons of nuclear explosion center damage, is essentially no different from those undying lives in the true sense. Such an opponent, wanting to eliminate it by physical means alone shouldn’t. It is probably the best situation to be able to delay it, and even in such a situation, the possibility of its realization is not that great. Because of a very simple truth, that is, it is impossible to stay there as a target.

Although the monster’s body is almost restricted to the cracks in this space, it is impossible to move to other places in a short time, but as a member of the void, its own aggression Sexuality and destructiveness have already been determined, and it is impossible to fight back.

The angry roar began to resound throughout the earth. Under the premise that the body was forced to become such a premise, the Void Monster also began to brew an own counterattack.

As for the degree of control over one’s own flesh and blood, it is estimated that there are not many races in the entire universe that can match the void. They specialize in twisting the body and will of organisms, and fundamentally they can control the movement of every cell in the body.

This is the talent that belongs to them alone, and this talent also makes that even though the monster’s body has been greatly damaged, the flesh and blood have been broken into such a state. But under its will, the flesh and blood that spilled out had already begun to condense and converge madly, and in a short period of time, it had already piled up into a huge body shape.

The sharp palms of humans grow on spider-like hooks. The huge limbs slapped the ground in an instant. While tamping the ground fiercely, it also plunged oneself’s sharp claws into the ground plates.

It is not a body that makes such a movement, but a thousand hands and feet like a centipede. The densely packed limbs seem to make people have one’s hair stand on end, but obviously, the monster itself doesn’t care about this. It only cares about its own purpose, and its purpose is to withstand the impact from the hammer of dawn.

The addition of Sir Mordo’s consciousness makes it very clear that the purpose of these humans is to repel it and expel it from in this world. This is certainly unacceptable to the monster dominated by Mordo Sir consciousness.

Under the premise that it clearly understands that it is simply impossible to eliminate it with human power, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate counterattack to prevent these humans from achieving their goals. From this point of view, using all means to keep oneself in this world is obviously the most terrible.

This is a very clear way of thinking, and this way of thinking combined with the unreasonable power of the Void Monster, what it shows is almost equal to despair.

Stark was originally waiting for the development of things with expectation, hoping that this time three consecutive fires can play the biggest role. Not to mention that the monster was completely beaten back. At the very least, the arrogant posture of entering it should be completely wiped out.

However, the sudden change of this monster has already chilled his heart, and when the shock and shock as before came, it did not at all have the expected effect, he His heart was even more chilled.

From his perspective, he can see with his own eyes that the impact from the hammer of dawn is not unbelievable. Countless hooks had been torn apart by powerful force when the impact was just raised, and the filthy flesh and blood covered the whole earth almost instantly.

It’s just that there are too many hooks in this monster. Even though Dawn’s Hammer destroyed a lot, there are still more left. And under the action of these hooks, the impact of the hammer of dawn that could have prayed for a huge effect is equivalent to being transferred to the surface, and being rumbling, the earth as if an earthquake was spread over. The monster itself may have moved a little bit, but this one hair from nine oxen has no meaning compared to what he expected.

Undoubtedly, this is equivalent to Stark’s failure, equivalent to his painstaking efforts defeating the monster’s arbitrary actions. Of course, Stark himself didn’t want to admit this, he still had some hope. So, even if he had estimated that the Hammer of Dawn did not have much to do, he still insisted on the Reed Court Academecian in space and ordered them.

“Hit the target, the effect is mediocre. Go on, Reed Court Academecian, don’t care about the ammunition we reserve, at this time it’s time for them to work. Go on, launch all the hammers of dawn Come down!”

Metal osmium reserves are not many, and it is widely distributed in various mineral veins. However, considering the density of osmium and the consumption of transporting these things to space, the cost of this special metal ammunition is impossible. Even more how is also coated with a layer of Secondary Adamantium, which further increases its cost.

To be honest, such a Dawn Hammer ammunition is not cheaper than a main fighter. It is equivalent to pressing their hands, that is, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of funds have been smashed in.

National power is difficult, and Reid knows this, so of course he would want to save Stark a little bit if possible. After all, as the Big Three of the Allies, he has to pay the bulk.

This kind of thinking is that Stark doesn’t know. If he knows, then he will definitely say it is unnecessary.

Money has never made sense to him, and even if he is really struggling to make ends meet, he doesn’t think that oneself has such a need to save on this matter. After all, if the world is over, no amount of banknotes will be just a pile of waste paper. Instead of thinking about money at this time, it is better to consider whether the role of money can really be used. At this point, he believes that leaders of other countries must have the same idea with him. A war that can be won with money, why should we be afraid of it?

Stark represents the sponsor, and Reid and the others can only be regarded as workers at best. It’s definitely impossible for a part-timer to negotiate terms with the boss, especially when the boss has decided. Therefore, Reid only hesitated for a while, and no longer hesitated to launch all the ammunition in stock.

A total of one hundred rounds, except for the previous four rounds and 96 rounds. It’s not that the space defense system cannot store more ammunition, but considering the load power of the entire Dawn Hammer system and the energy reserve of the entire space station, it can only do that’s all at best.

This point is quite remarkable. If it is a world war, such ammunition reserves are enough to destroy any country in the world. In addition, taking United States as an example, as long as the counted big cities are posted one by one, the entire country’s cities will no longer exist, and the number of deaths will be hundreds of millions. And under the premise that the attack of the hammer of dawn cannot be stopped at all, unless it is said that either the fish dies or the net splits throws all the nuclear bombs out and drags the whole world to hell, otherwise it will simply There is no other way to resist.

This is the formidable power of super weapons, and under the premise of understanding this formidable power, and dare to issue such an order, Stark is undoubtedly taking a huge risk.

He is gambling, gambling with the fate of oneself country. The two results, regardless of whether the hammer of dawn can repel the void monster, the final result will not be too good for United States.

Failed, the Void monster is coming, although it is a scene like the end of the world. And even if it succeeds, the impact of such a number of Dawn Hammers on the land of the United States is definitely not something that can be ignored. He can only be regarded as the least of two evils. What disappointed him was that even if he had already made such an awareness, the final result was still not changing in the direction he hoped.

A hundred strikes of the Hammer of the Dawn, except for the first one, all the other attacks are just a fate. Even if the flash of the Hammer of Dawn has lit up the entire sky, even if the entire surface of the earth has been flattened by more than one layer under the formidable power of the Hammer of Dawn. But in the end, the Void Monster still stood stubbornly there, and firmly held the own body, allowing oneself to stay firmly on this World.

This is a failure. But it can’t be regarded as a complete failure. At the very least, the Hammer of Dawn has indeed delayed a lot of time, giving Ancient One sorcerer more opportunities. It’s just not enough that’s all.

For this, Stark felt sorry for it, but this situation is more or less within his expectations. He didn’t feel depressed, but quickly cheered up and connected with Reid in space with a high degree of calmness.

“The battle failed, Reed Court Academecian. Put away the hammer of dawn, it is useless. Now with the second plan, I need you to start the’Dutch Boy’ system as soon as possible! Leave it to Our time is running out!”

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