Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1973

Reed Court Academecian They have no way of knowing the situation on the scene. Their only understanding of the situation on the scene is Stark’s judgment.

Of course, it cannot be all by Stark. It’s the final word. Stark not at all suspended oneself’s immediate broadcast. In fact, everything he sees now also appeared in front of the leaders of the allied countries. This is to show that oneself not at all covets the Earth defense system. At the same time, it saves time and avoids unnecessary explanations for every action of own.

Of course, the senior officials of the Allied Powers can see the failure of Dawn Hammer. Compared with Stark, their mentality is not so stable. No one knows the formidable power of the Hammer of Dawn better than them. As a weapon system jointly funded and constructed by all countries, they know very well that the formidable power of the Hammer of Dawn is simply not under the nuclear weapons in their hands.

Excluding the radiation damage of nuclear weapons, Dawn’s Hammer has a physical lethality that no nuclear weapons can match. For example, if you hide in an underground nuclear fortification, nuclear weapons are basically helpless to you. But the Hammer of Dawn is different. It can hit you and send you to hell along with the entire fortification. This is the gap.

At the moment, a hundred shots of Dawn’s Hammer have not been able to eliminate such a monster, which is obviously beyond their psychological expectations. And naturally, panic inevitably rises in their hearts.

National leaders are also human beings. In terms of psychological endurance, you can’t expect them to compare with the fighters who have been fighting on the front line all the year round. To mess around, at this time is a completely normal reaction for them. In comparison, Stark’s calmness seemed a bit abnormal.

But considering the identity of Stark, this is normal. If Mao Zi’s great emperor was Iron Blood Fighter, then Stark could undoubtedly put the title of a hundred war generals on oneself. Even aliens and demons have fought, and his psychological quality is definitely No.1 among leaders. So naturally, when others have no master, he is the first one to come up with an idea. As for the idea he came up with, other people are basically impossible to have any other opinions.

At the very least, this is the only take action plan they currently take. A solution to the problem is better than nothing at all.

There is no objection, so naturally it is impossible that someone prevents Reed Court Academecian from doing what Stark ordered. And that is, under the operation of these scientists, the thirteenth system that Stark calls the Dutch boy has slowly spread.

Different from a pure weapon system such as the Hammer of Dawn, the No. 13 system Dutch boy does not exist as a weapon alone. Its role is much more extensive, and even to some extent, it can change this World is not an exaggeration.

Meteorological control system, this is the academic title of the thirteenth system. The Dutch boy is regarded as the official title, and its name comes from a story in the classic “Silver Skates” published by the famous fairy tale writer Mrs. Dodge in 1865.

The story is that in a small town in the Netherlands, a little boy found seawater leaking into a dam. He blocked the loopholes in the dam with his fingers in order to prevent the dam from bursting until 2nd. It was only discovered by a farmer one day, and thus saved this Dutch town.

Of course, the credibility of fairy tales is naturally unnecessary. If it is really a small child who discovered this kind of thing, then with brat’s nature, maybe he has a greater probability of taking this hole.

This fairy tale, like other fairy tales, aims to educate ideas. It warns people to take precautions before they happen, to detect clues before the situation becomes serious, and to resolve them. Putting such a name on this weather system undoubtedly hopes that it will be like a Dutch boy and change it before the weather problem facing humans becomes serious.

From this, it can be seen that the significance of the existence of Dutch boys is more in response to environmental changes than in response to war. However, the potential of this system is so huge that it cannot be underestimated even in the war. This is the main reason why Stark chose it to deal with the void.

The system began to operate. The first is the launch system located in the circle space station, which transmits the information code unique to the Dutch boy to Earth’s low-Earth orbit. Then, under the dual activation of coding and authority, 1,400 satellites jointly launched by various space powers in the world have already been activated one after another.

Countless meteorological data began to be detected by these satellites, and then collectively gathered on the main system of the enclosed space station. However, the main system is just an operation page. The core of the operation of the entire Dutch boy is still on the weather computer specially matched with it. This computer comes from Earth, and China specially matched divine might for Dutch boys. Taihu Light’s sister computer was used as the basis for computing these complex weather data. The floating-point calculation speed of 930 million times per second is enough to integrate the global weather conditions in the shortest time, and according to the preset procedures, the feasible solutions are summarized.

this can be considered a newcomer specially arranged. As the main investor, China has mastered this is equivalent to master the lifeblood of the entire Dutch boy. If one day Dutch boys are invested in a solution that is not acceptable to them, then China is fully capable of terminating the operation of the entire system by powering off the computer.

This is a manifestation of national privilege. Of course, at this time, this privilege is not at all necessary for passive use. So everything went smoothly, and all possible weather plans were already placed in front of Reid and the others one after another.

What I want to explain here is that although the Dutch boy is a system built specifically to deal with weather problems, although the power of the entire Earth is collected. But this does not mean that it can act wilfully, no matter where it is, it can call the wind and summon the rain, thunderbolt thunderbolt.

Because you must know that Earth’s weather is a holistic issue, not a regional issue that can be isolated separately. There is a good saying that the butterfly on this side of the Pacific Ocean flapped its wings, and a storm rose on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Imagine that even the small things like butterfly fan flapping can produce such a huge chain reaction, so if I create a storm on this side because of man-made reasons, what will happen on the other side of Earth? What about the matter?

Meteorologists and mathematicians have done professional model deductions on this problem, but the final result warns everyone to never have such crazy ideas. The changes in weather should be gradual, not overnight. The only result of wanting to take such a shortcut is that everyone has to pay the heaviest price for this choice.

This is an ironclad rule, even if Stark is so eager to use Dutch boys to deal with the void, he is also impossible to show all the means regardless of anything. Not to mention that the conditions are not allowed, even the leaders of those other countries are also impossible to let him do such nonsense.

Otherwise, even if you successfully defeated this void monster, you successfully avoided another crisis in Earth. As a result, their oneself home was a typhoon, thunder and rain, three years of severe drought, etc. Wouldn’t it also require GG. People don’t suffer from lack and inequality. This is an ancient truth. Unless it is as a last resort, no one would be willing to make such a sacrifice.

Stark naturally knew this, and he didn’t want to do this to offend the person before he was completely helpless. So so far, his requirements are still only within the controllable range, using power from Dutch boys.

This leaves Court Academecian with few choices. For now, there are probably only three or four methods that can be used. After deducing these methods a little bit in his mind, Reid had already made up his mind.

First of all, he wants to create a storm, the kind of heavy rain and hail. This is not difficult. At this point in time, the cold current from the North Pole has already begun to sink south gradually. He can achieve this goal logically as long as he makes good use of the situation.

Of course, it’s simple to say, but it’s another thing to do. The cold current from the North Pole needs him to urge him, and in the same way, if the storm is to form in this place, then he must guide another player into the arena.

Sufficient heating flow, this is another condition he must create. Only when enough warm currents and cold currents from the Arctic converge just above Death Valley to form a strong convective weather, can he achieve the purpose of oneself to attract storms.

This is a big project, and the actual implementation of such a big project is that hundreds of meteorological satellites located above the United States are immediately like moonfish in the breeding season, and they will count them in one breath. Hundreds of millions of micro-devices are thrown into the clouds below.

These devices are uniformly manufactured by an ultra-high-precision autonomous chemical factory. And their existence has only one meaning, and that is to drive the cloud airflow to a fixed direction by means of microwave oscillations. Meteorological satellites locked the location of the North Extreme Cold Stream early, and under the impetus of these micro devices, it was slow at first, and it would take three to five days before it migrated to the cold current of the United States southwest part. As if being fitted with an airplane engine, he galloped non-stop.

At most two minutes, the cold current will surge to the top of Death Valley. At this time, Reid of course started to get busy for the warm current.

He used another method, which was to launch another kind of micro device towards the clouds. This is a device that can release strong heat radiation, and it is generally used in those heavy rain or heavy snowfall weather to evaporate clouds to prevent the formation of snow disasters or heavy rain disasters.

In general, this method is not easy to use right now. Because this will evaporate the clouds, let almost no obstruction fly over the head of Death Valley, and it is simply impossible to get the howling wind and torrential rain-like weather he wants. However, the situation today is not ordinary, because don’t forget that a megaton nuclear bomb was just detonated in this place.

Although so long has passed, the formidable power of nuclear bombs has long left only the last pollution radiation. But on the meteorological level, its aftermath has not yet reached the point where it can be declared to end.

The nuclear explosion mushroom cloud carried countless dusts and sent them to the clouds. These dusts will always float in the clouds until they encounter heavy rainfall and will return to the ground with raindrops. . Generally speaking, it will rain after a nuclear explosion, because the heat radiation of a nuclear explosion is enough to send a large amount of water vapor to the sky. This water vapor will condense on the nuclear explosion dust and eventually manifest itself in the form of black rain. And the problem lies here.

Death Valley is arid all year round, and the annual average rainfall is far below the average level. This means that the formation of water vapor is almost impossible, and naturally, these dust will not have a chance to return.

The data recorded by meteorological satellites already recorded this, and this was also noticed by Reed Court Academecian. He used those heating devices not to evaporate the clouds, but to heat the nuclear explosion dust. When these heated dust happened to meet the oncoming cold air current, then the strong convective weather he wanted naturally followed.

Everything is as he imagined. When the accelerating cold air current met the heating dust, the clouds immediately stirred and began to roll. The violent wind began to whistle under the action of the air pressure, and the icy airflow was dissolved by the hot air, turned into water droplets, stuck to the dust and crackled down. A dark rainstorm was formed in the hands of human beings with no difficulty. However, this has not reached Reid’s expectations, because what he wants is a storm, and the storm without Thunderbolt is obviously not perfect.

This can’t trouble him. With one order, the two devices attached to different clouds began to emit two different charges, positive and negative. When the two phases were energized, lightning immediately began to spread in the clouds. There is no need for Reid to continue doing and so on, the current has already spontaneously spilled in this strong convective weather, and then quickly spread to the entire sky.

All elements of the storm began to gather, and there is no doubt that as the most conspicuous and prominent existence in the storm, the void monster is the most important target of the storm.

As we always say, don’t stand in the wilderness or under the tree when thunder days. Because you are too prominent, you are easily struck by lightning. This is the case right now, the Void Monster is so prominent, almost half of his head is under the clouds, and he won’t hack anyone!

In the next instant, just listening to the thunderbolt’s roar, the sky of lightning has turned into a woven silver snare, and the light and the light are intertwined with the monster.

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