Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1987

“Paragon sorcerer! go die for me!”

The anger almost unstoppable skyrocketing, Strange was seeing the appearance of Ancient One In an instant, it was like a wild horse running out of hold, launching an offensive like howling wind and torrential rain against him.

Of course, it does not make much sense. Because the Ancient One that appears now is just a divine sense from the internal projection of Buddha Kingdom in the Palm. Although she is not even a real entity, she does not have the slightest ability to counterattack, but also, unless she has the strength to break the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, it is really impossible to touch her if she wants to touch her.

Although Strange’s strength is not weak, but it has not been able to break the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm. Naturally, his anger can only be vented in the void, and it has become a useless effort that’s all just catharsis.

However, it cannot be said that there is no effect at all. At the very least, the messy temple they were in has become more and more broken. The pillars of the great hall couldn’t bear such a scorching wind, and broke straight in a creak. Without the support of these pillars, the entire great hall immediately collapsed into ruins amidst the roars.

This ancient temple has a history of hundreds of years, but after these hundreds of years, it still fell on such a stubble. Not to mention what significance it has for Ancient One, just say the value of this cultural relic, it is estimated that at least tens of millions of starting.

I have come so many times, maybe I can really bankrupt Ancient One. After all, she is now not as good as before, and with such a bunch of unscrupulous descendants, she is probably not as lavish as she was when it comes to private property issues. If she really cares about this aspect…

Of course, this is cracking a joke. As the singer of Peak, Ancient One is also impossible to care about wealth in the secular world. Not to mention the impact of bug-level spells like gold on the accumulation of wealth is just a question. If human beings are destroyed here, how can she have more wealth?

So, Ancient One always watched Strange’s performance with just face doesn’t change until he realized that oneself was doing useless work and had to stop the own action. Speaking to him.

“Young sorcerer, you don’t know what you are doing or why oneself is angry. If you are willing to calm down, you may find that it’s not you As you think.”

“You want to kill my Teacher, your dísciple! Isn’t this a fact? Paragon sorcerer, you don’t want to fool me with your words!”


The roaring Strange directly refuted it with own logic, but Ancient One pursed the corner of his mouth and asked directly at him.

“So, how much do you know about what your Teacher Mordo did? How can you be sure that what he did is not worthy of me going to Penalty in this way?”

“He just wants to protect this World! When you all person can’t stop Satan, is it wrong for him to choose to do this?”

Arguing for Mordo, after all, in his opinion, everything Mordo has done has his problems. His original intention was not at all wrong, and his choice just had no more leeway. If he is blamed just because of this, or even Penalty is said to be for this, isn’t all this too unfair to him?

To some extent, his idea is not at all wrong. Compared to his sacrifices, Mordo’s various duties and everything he suffered were really unfair. However, this World itself is not fair. In many times and in many cases, what you do with a kind heart, the final result may not be what you want.

It’s like Mordo. He had a heart to bet on oneself’s everything to make a terrifying transaction with the void. He thought that oneself had already grasped the weakness of the void, allowing him to borrow the power of the void. Under the premise, this World itself will not be hurt. But how can he think of it? This deal from the very beginning is a ridiculous lie. Once the deal starts, Earth is equivalent to being put on the lips of the void. It can swallow this World whenever it wants.

From this perspective, he is certainly a victim. However, in comparison, there are 1 billion innocent humans on Earth. Are they not victims? Compared with the fate of these human beings, isn’t all of Mordo’s doing enough to be blamed?

Ancient One thought this in his heart, and he had already described what happened to Strange again. And listening to the subsequent changes she described, Strange’s face immediately showed an indescribable sadness and despair.

As the dísciple of Mordo, he still knows the Master very well. He knew exactly what role Mordo played in this matter. It is like a hero in mythology, a tragic role of own sacrifice in exchange for world peace. It is not contrived, nor is it hypocritical. He really wanted to make this sacrifice, and he hardly planned to ask humans for anything in return.

For such a person, even if he falls halfway in the end, he should be respected by the world. However, destiny made such a ruthless joke with him so much that he simply did not become the heroic character oneself expected, but became a Demon King, a culprit leading to world annihilation The culprit.

What a mockery and how sad it is. Strange, who had been surging with raging anger in his heart, only felt that a burst of ice water was pouring down, and all the anger was extinguished in an instant, but instead it was a complete heart-like coldness.

Yes, he wants to hold injustice for his Teacher, but who will hold the injustice for this World and all the humans in the world? When he realized that what oneself did was not right and what Ancient One did was not wrong, the original motivation naturally disappeared.

He just wants to be quiet now, just to wait quietly for the end of the world, waiting for all this ridiculous to come to an end. And just when he turned around and planned to leave here like this, Ancient One suddenly opened his mouth to him.

“Young sorcerer, you can’t leave now!”

“Why? Do you want me to pay for my own mistake? If so, then come. Anyway, I did a stupid thing, if you want to do and so on to me, I won’t resist!”

Strange turned his head, expressionless said such indifference Words come. From his perspective, he really doesn’t care about such things at the moment.

He did such a wrong thing, so it should be paid for it. And besides, the demise of mankind is the immediate matter anyway, what difference does it make if he goes one step earlier and one step later?

Ancient One can understand Strange’s current frustration, but this does not mean that she will agree with such a negative approach.

They should still have hope, otherwise she wouldn’t have to spend time creating such an opportunity to gather these people here. To a certain extent, the hope of mankind is in the hands of you people, so how can she let you go so casually?

“Young sorcerer, I can understand your current mood, but I want to tell you that if you just leave like this, then there is really no hope for the future of mankind. Go!”

“What do you mean?”

Strange stopped. Although he is discouraged, this does not mean that he will let his hope slip out of his own eyelids.

He was frustrated because he knew that oneself would not have any effect in this desperate situation, so instead of struggling in vain, it is better to accept the final result calmly. But, if you say but, also, what little hope exists?

As a human being, he certainly does not hope that human beings will come to an end at this time. Let alone the big problem of the rise and fall of this kind of race, he can’t just let him watch his own friends and relatives die on this World.

Human hearts are all flesh-grown, and he is not the kind of hard-hearted guy who doesn’t even have basic feelings anymore. If there is so little hope, he must bet on everything oneself has. However, does this hope really exist? Or, is this another scam? Strange was a little suspicious, but at this time, he could only choose to believe in Ancient One.

“There is a reason why I have spent my mind and effort to gather you here, young sorcerer. You, plus my dísciple, are enough to gather enough magic power to release to the depths of the void A special signal is sent out. And what this signal is related to is the future and hope of this planet.”

“I believe you should also be aware that I left this World for decades. In these decades, I have been staying in the sky of the ancient East within the realm. Heaven Realm is now wandering inside the Void, and has always wanted to find a way back to Earth. Heaven Realm is now the Celestial Emperor, It’s an unprecedented powerful existence.”

“Before, I was worried that such an existence would affect the order of the entire world, so I used deception to trick him into the depths of the void. But now it seems No matter how bad it is, such an existence is stronger than Swallowing Void if it loses our world. The two evils are the lesser one. At this time, we can only save this World through summon him! This must be Be quick, because the time left for us is running out!”

Ancient One said this while looking at the horizon from a distance. It can be seen from her face that the time she said is running out is indeed not cracking a joke. Associating with some possible existence, Stark even believed that it is very likely that Ancient One himself is already not in now.

No one is standing in front of Dormammu anymore, of course there is not much time left for them. And at such a time, is he really going to risk letting his own son be born to death to fight for the so-called a glimmer of survival for mankind and this World?

Seriously, he hesitated. As a father, he does not want his son to take such a risk and send him to a safe place. This is what he should do most. However, as the president of the United States, as the former Iron Man, his sense of honor and his sense of mission are determined, and he can’t let this heart down.

If he really does this, what should the hundreds of millions of humans in this world do? Yes, he is a father, and father has his own vocation as father. He knows this deeply, and it is precisely because he knows this deeply that he understands better how many fathers like him and how many children like Frank are among the billions of human beings. Somewhat like a mother like Maria.

He should probably be selfish, after all, he has done enough. But, at such a time, can he really be so selfish?

Emotion, also conscience, are deeply torturing his soul, and this is manifested on the outside, that is, he grasped the palm of oneself son and began to work harder.

The knuckles, including his face, are beginning to pale, and the veins faintly beating on his neck are enough to prove how intense his inner struggle is. And all of this was seen by Frank, and he could also clearly feel how difficult the own father was at this moment.

Frank is not an ordinary child. A child of the same age may not even understand the current situation in his position, but he has already made everything clear. As a life born for a special reason, the parents who gave him life are the most important in his life. But right now, his mother is already in danger, but his father can only force a smile, concealing him, and at the same time suffering painful entanglement between the two identities of the owner.

If he can’t see all of this, it’s that’s all. Now that he can see it, how can he pretend to be deaf and dumb here as if nothing happened? So at the moment, before his father had time to react, he had already stepped forward and had to directly express his own determination.

“Father, you don’t have to be embarrassed. I have already figured it out clearly. I am willing to accept Teacher’s request. I hope I can contribute to saving the world… ..”

“Frank, no! Frank, you don’t need to do this. There must be someone else who can take your place. All you have to do now is to go to a safe place as soon as possible and listen to me That’s right! Let’s go, let’s go now!”

Frank’s words also made Stark completely determined. At this moment, father’s nature overwhelmed everything and made all other thoughts in his heart. Seeing all the ghosts.

At this moment, he may be about to lose his own wife. In any case, he does not want to watch his own son follow in this way. He wanted to take him away at all costs, but before he could act, Frank had already discouraged him.

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