Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1988

“You don’t have to do this, father. And, I don’t plan to leave either!”

“Frank, this is not your willful time, you simply don’t know What does this mean…”

Stark didn’t take Frank’s opinion as a thing, at this time, he only regarded it as a child’s ignorant babbling. However, although he thought so, Frank didn’t think so.

Since he said this, he naturally has the idea of ​​owning. As for the idea of ​​own, he was more insistent than Stark imagined.

“No, father, I know exactly what this means. And what I know better is that if I do as you say, I will lose you and mother forever. I don’t want It turned out to be like this, father. What I want is for our family to be neat and tidy together forever.”

Frank rarely shows an expression of excitement, and this time is no exception. However, even though he said such a thing with a rather calm expression, he still caused an uproar in Stark’s heart.

Family, the feelings contained in this word make Stark unable to calm down at all. He understands what Frank means, but because he understands what he means, he knows how much the term Bai Family is for them. Important, he is even more reluctant to let him fall into the same result as them.

Frank can survive, this is probably their family’s greatest hope. I believe that even if Maria is here, she will agree with the idea of ​​own. And if Frank is to be with them, and the destiny of the entire mankind will come to an end, then even if he himself does not blame oneself, will Maria forgive him?

The answer is obvious. Mother will always be more fierce than father in protecting oneself child. I am afraid she would rather destroy the entire world than see the own child suffer even the slightest damage.

She would definitely not want Frank to do this, but would Stark do it? This answer is probably no, after all, their love is comparable.

As father and mother, they always want to leave the best to the child. Whether it is a material need or the elusive hope today. This is a manifestation of their love. For this, Frank is very clear and very clear. He knew how much Stark and the others wanted oneself to survive. However, he himself is not willing to accept such an arrangement.

To live alone, in guilt and pain? This is probably not as comfortable for her as Death. He was determined, so at this time he just broke free from the palm of oneself father, and then went straight to the front of Ancient One.

“What should I do, Teacher?”


Ancient One stood desperately above the clouds, looking down Dormammu, who was hardly hurt, had a wry smile on her face.

Although this is what she expected, when she really saw this scene, she couldn’t help but feel a bitter in her mouth.

It is still too impractical to use the power of a planet to fight against this monster that can cross Interstellar. Even though her intention was only to delay, but after exerting all the tactics, she could only reluctantly delay so much time. After all, she was still full of frustration and annoyance.

Mantis trying to stop a chariot, of course, is a very heroic thing, but compared to the mantis, it will certainly not be a wonderful experience. I think this kind of thing is wonderful, and probably only the side of the car. Judging from the mood of Dormammu right now, he is indeed full of pleasure for this kind of thing.

Not every living planet can meet such a warrior. As a Void Lord with a million years of history, Dormammu can be very responsible to say that such a situation is very rare even in the hundreds of planets he swallowed.

Although some planets have life on them, they have not developed a high enough race and civilization. There are just a bunch of wild beasts on the left and right. When facing the void, they are either dumbstruck or only knowing to escape, which can’t bring much satisfaction to Dormammu.

Although some planets have civilization, they may not be able to give birth to an existence that is qualified to stand in front of him like Ancient One and is willing to confront him. Just like him before, as a powerful wizard, he has a rank and status similar to Ancient One, but when facing the void, he did not at all choose to confront, but chose another path.

This created his identity as the Lord of Heavenly Void, and also allowed him to enjoy the pleasure of watching people struggle in vain and sinking into the abyss in despair.

Now he is accustomed to the identity of the oneself Void Lord, and completely agrees with Void’s values. So in his view, it is also a planet with life, so that the planet that some people stand up against and the planet that no one resists are completely different feelings.

The latter can only be said to be a full meal, not at all except for filling the stomach. In the former, Peak’s chefs show gorgeous skills in front of you, and thoroughly satisfy your taste buds with delicacies. In addition to a kind of gastrointestinal satisfaction, it is more spiritual enjoyment.

He likes to look at the way others hate him, but he can do nothing. So it is clear that the Ancient One has survived the desperate offensive, and one hand can slap the Ancient One here to death. But he just didn’t do it.

On the contrary, he deliberately gave Ancient One a chance to breathe and looked forward to it, wanting to see how many unexpected surprises she could bring to oneself.

No one is a fool in this World. Dormammu was not blind, and Stark was nothing dispensable in his eyes. He was impossible to know that such a big person had disappeared. And since I saw Stark disappearing from under oneself’s eyelids, I only need to think about it a little bit, and it is not difficult to guess what the desperate posture that Ancient One did before is for. It’s nothing more than delaying time that’s all.

Putting hope on others, hoping that these small insects can think of ways to resist the power of oneself. This is a very interesting behavior. For Dormammu, such expectations and efforts are no different from a group of ants kept in a bottle trying to break the bottle.

The hope is almost impossible to achieve, but people can’t help but curious, wanting to see what they can do.

He probably faced Ancient One with such an idea now. Although this kind of behavior is a typical case of villain stupidity, there will always be people willing to do so under the absolute power gap.

To show off your strength and satisfy your own arrogance, this is really normal for the void creatures. In his opinion, how Earth this World struggles is impossible to escape his clutches. In that case, if you want to satisfy your own desire, what is the worst?

Ancient One is also vaguely aware of Dormammu’s intentions, which makes her sighed in relief at the same time, but also inevitably get anxious in her heart.

Yes, Zhou Yi In her cognition, it was unprecedentedly strong, but the Dormammu in front of her seemed to be no different. Both of them have surpassed the level of planet, reaching the magnitude that she can’t estimate at all, and under such a premise, she really doesn’t have the confidence to dare to claim that Zhou Yi will definitely be able to beat the guy in front of her. .

If he can win, then everything is fine, no matter what, Earth also has a future more or less. But if he can’t stop all of this, then what should she do?

Ancient One began to think about other possibilities, and she began to prepare for the worst situation.

Keep the human fire? This may be another opportunity to save the destiny of mankind. If the extinction of Earth is inevitable, then allowing the human species to survive and multiply in other worlds may not be a way to continue the destiny of the race.

Of course, you will definitely lose a lot by doing this. After all, whether it is she or other who, it is impossible to send people from all over the world to another world under the nose of Dormammu.

Don’t say it is all, even if it is one tenth, one hundredth, one thousandth, 1/10000th is impossible. Reality limits the efforts they can make. Under this circumstance, even if they try their full strength, at most they can only make hundreds or thousands of people leave this World.

For this number of human beings in a truly foreign country, it is estimated that even survival will be a very difficult thing. And wanting to count on them to continue the civilization of the entire mankind, to inherit the fire of this race, that would only be an even more vague thing.

Until as a last resort, Ancient One does not plan to do so. But with the ebbing of time, there has been no news until now, and she has had to put this second plan on the agenda in her heart.

Although she knows very well, even if everything goes well, Heaven Realm also received a message from her, wanting to make the big Heaven Realm return to Earth, how could it be impossible for a while? Something for a while. But she just couldn’t contain her own anxiety, so that oneself could calm down and continue to wait.

Under the pressure of the current situation, she almost certainly realized the feeling of living like years sitting on the stove. And under the premise that she has consumed most of her appearance, and now it can only be regarded as a mere name, the confidence in her heart that depends on the pillar is inevitably compromised.

Worry, fear, panic, these emotions that shouldn’t have appeared on her have quietly revealed their heads. Ancient One not at all realized this situation, and she didn’t even notice Dormammu’s playful eyes. Under the deliberate actions of the Void Lord, it is difficult for her to clearly realize how much oneself has been affected by him.

She only knows that oneself can’t wait any longer. Even if Zhou Yi can rush back at the last critical moment, she has to implement this plan first.

This is a precautionary measure. If there are any accidents, there will be no chance for them to do this.

Thinking of this, Ancient One already has the idea of ​​bugging. Avoiding Dormammu’s sight, he managed all this in secret. This of course will speed up the process of Earth being corrupted and swallowed, causing immeasurable casualties. But anyway, this will leave a future for mankind, right?

Compared with the future of the human race, such sacrifices are acceptable. She comforted herself in this way, she had already pressed the head of the cloud, hiding in the stratus clouds, and began to gradually retreat from her own trail. However, before she really slipped from under Dormammu’s eyelids, Dormammu’s voice had already reached her ears.

“Paragon sorcerer, do you want to escape at this time? This is not good… You know, if you don’t act as a barrier to the humans of this World, then this game would be a big deal for me It’s too boring. Seriously, I admire your courage to face me for this World, and I have considerable respect for everything you do. As an opponent, I respect you very much. And Since this is the case, I don’t want you to do some behaviors that are inconsistent with your identity…”

“So, go ahead. You can do what you want , But at the same time, I will do what I should do. Take the current situation as an example, if you really escape from under my nose, I will not stop you, but I am right Vent your disappointment on this planet.”

“With this World’s self-rotating tenth as the limit. When you leave, every tenth of the planet’s rotation, I will Will randomly destroy one-tenth of the creatures in this World. Don’t blame me, even the heroes who should have done their best to protect them are already not in. Then I send such a group of ants on the road, there is nothing at worst. After all, I It’s just that I’ve fulfilled my duty. In comparison, isn’t it you who should be blamed more, Your Excellency Paragon sorcerer?”

Said this in a playful tone, Dormammu said Obviously he put Ancient One on the fire and bake it desperately.

It is true that no matter what Ancient One does, it is estimated that it is impossible to stop Dormammu’s destruction and destruction of this World. But using that deceptive language, Dormammu is to connect human casualties with the actions of Ancient One. He wants to make Ancient One responsible for the lives of these human beings. Although he is the one who did it, he has to tell everyone that the actions of Ancient One prompted him to do it.

If Ancient One made the right choice, he would not do it. The key is whether she will make this correct decision!

Do it or not? Ancient One is caught in a dilemma. Looking at the smirk on Dormammu’s face and feeling the increasing anxiety brought about by the passage of time, she had to force oneself to make a decision.

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