Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1997

From the moment he left Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, Stark felt something serious.

First of all, almost half of the people in Earth in the sky can see that Dormammu’s silhouette is gone. I don’t know if he hid or where he died. This Stark couldn’t guess and couldn’t control him hungry.

Secondly, the spiritual erosion from the void that spread across the entire world seems to have disappeared. Although Stark is not an expert in this area, he can clearly perceive that the kind of depressed, as if whispering in your ear, can make people’s crazy babble disappeared cleanly. And such a change caused him to frown immediately.

He is not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Now, he can only better judge this kind of thing after he understands what happened. So he was almost non-stop, and had already rushed to where the Ancient One was before.

The distance of half an Earth is far too far. In order to know what happened as quickly as possible, Stark also used all his abilities. He almost turned into a ray of light, rushing all the way in a posture that was about to tear half of the Earth’s clouds apart, and after crossing the entire Atlantic, he finally returned to where he was at first.

Of course, this is already a mess here. Before, Ancient One broke out with full strength in order to fight Dormammu. In that case, she couldn’t take care of these odds and ends. The extraction of ground veins and the aftermath of mana have had an irreparable impact on the old Death Valley photos. From a long-term perspective, I am afraid that the lives of future generations in the surrounding areas will change as a result.

This is something that can’t be helped, and Stark can’t say that he blames Ancient One for it. At that time, in that situation, Ancient One did what she was supposed to do. And even if Stark knew the consequences in advance, he didn’t think that oneself would go back to stop Ancient One. Even on the contrary, he felt that oneself was more likely to support her in doing so.

It’s what a wise ruler should do to save the whole situation. Although it is a bit unfair for some, but still that sentence, this World has never been fair, and will not tell you any fairness at this time. Blame it, you have bad luck, that’s all that bad luck.

Not too concerned about such trivial matters, Stark immediately began to search for possible clues. The most ideal situation right now is that he can still find the whole body of Ancient One. Although he doesn’t think this is a possible thing, there is still some hope for this before the result is confirmed.

Of course, since this is the ideal situation, then naturally there is the worst situation. In Stark’s view, the worst case is probably that Ancient One was dominated by Dormammu and became a puppet he controlled with a string.

This is not an impossible thing. If you think about Mordo that has appeared before, you can roughly guess what kind of terrifying things the void can do to this human being after it has swallowed it. Although it is not clear that they can have a certain degree of abilities when they appear in this way, but it is certain that if they can choose, there will never be who hope that such an enemy will appear in front of oneself.

The difference in strength is second, the key is that the psychological blow is enough to completely collapse their psychological defense.

Stark didn’t want to meet an opponent like Ancient One in that situation, so he could only pray in his heart, praying that such bad things would never happen in front of him.

Perhaps his prayers really have an effect, of course, more often than not, there is always some power beyond his imagination dominating all this. What he worried most was that it didn’t happen, but after a short search, he finally found the target oneself had been looking for on a newly formed mountain.

Ancient One, or the corpse of Ancient One.

Although I have known the result before, and I have a certain degree of psychological preparation for this result. But when Stark saw Ancient One’s corpse with his own eyes, he was still uncontrollably born with an extremely complex psychology.

This guy, Ancient One, died like this? This powerful guy actually died in such a place? He couldn’t believe it, and felt sad for some reason.

Perhaps because of their different positions, they once stood on opposite sides. But this does not change the fact that they are fighting together. From a personal point of view, he has to admit that Ancient One is a guy worthy of everyone’s respect.

It’s not who stands in her place and possesses her power to make the same decision as her. What is needed is a huge awareness and the perseverance to implement this awareness. It is not easy for ordinary people to persist for several years or more than ten years, let alone persist for hundreds of years or nearly a thousand years.

If it were oneself, Stark would not necessarily have confidence in oneself. Because he knows that oneself is the biggest weakness of human beings, that is, the characteristic that humans always degenerate will work on him sooner or later. The decay of the human body is not terrifying, but terrifying is the decay of the mind. When a person has so much power, so much power, and can maintain youth for a long time, it is difficult to say what kind of changes a person will produce at that time.

He does not have any confidence in oneself, nor does he have confidence in everyone in this world. However, Ancient One is a special case, because she really did it.

The obscurity in the past proved her restraint on oneself while possessing such power and status. In the face of the threat of the entire world, she was able to resolutely destroy her relatives, and even said to come forward, which is enough to prove her consciousness.

Based on these alone, even if we talk about what kind of grudges and festivals she had with her when she was alive, these things can be put down after she died.

In the past disappeared, all that is left is respect. And as the greatest respect for her, Stark felt that taking her banner, fighting for this World and for the survival of all human beings, might be the best thing oneself at this time should do.

He has this kind of consciousness, and he has written a suicide note to oneself. And just when he was about to find the existence of Dormammu and do whatever it takes to stop him from destroying humanity, a voice suddenly reached his ears.

“You just came, Mr. Stark. There are some things, I think I can ask you…”

“Who?” This suddenly came The voice of Stark was shocked in his heart. He didn’t expect that someone would touch him at this time.

This made him subconsciously waved his fist, and launched a violent attack in the direction of the sound. However, what he didn’t expect was that this punch, which could penetrate steel, was like an ordinary person hitting the Copper Wall Iron Bastion with his bare hands. The weakness was beyond his imagination.

How is it possible? The unbelievable idea bears the brunt, but when he sees the object oneself is attacking, an idea of ​​as it should be by rights has already emerged.

He recognized this guy who appeared suddenly. Smith Zhou, once known as the existence of the Earth Watcher. Although it is said that this name was deliberately touted by the media and the government in order to be able to control him to a certain extent, how does he not at all eat this set. But it cannot be denied that this guy is indeed very general and powerful.

Considering his self-exposed relationship with the human god, this kind of power is understandable. And it is precisely because of the existence of this relationship that in many cases, in many cases, including this moment of Earth’s peril, he and some other people will not be considered.

This is the result of human owners who have suffered from their own evil. After repeated guilt and use, they oneself eliminated the possibility of borrowing that power. And when Zhou Yi himself disappeared and all the power of Huiyao City was searching for his existence, it was even more impossible for them to use the power of these people to resist today’s crisis.

Stark, it’s not that they didn’t have any luck with this, but they had no longer paid attention to their Huiyao City a long time ago and there is no response, which is enough to show their attitude.

As the Divine Realm of the world, they are related to Asgard in one way or another. They must be able to protect themselves. The so-called life and death of human beings, most of them belong to different kinds. Under the circumstances, it is really not something they need to worry about.

Stark knows this, so he knows that these people can’t count on it. Under such a premise, Smith Zhou, who was one of his impressions, appeared in front of him at this time. Of course he was not surprised.

“Why are you? Why do you appear here? Also, does everything that happen here have anything to do with you?”

Some things just need to be thought of a little bit , You can think of a rough idea. Although a little unbelievable, Stark didn’t think so well that Dormammu would give up the body of Ancient One and let her lie in this place. In fact, based on his knowledge of the evil tastes of Dormammu, using Ancient One to deal with them is what he is most likely to do.

Even if he said that doing so would not help him to destroy human beings, as long as he can be disgusting to humans, so as to achieve the purpose of pleasing him, he may be happy. Unless someone can stop him…

Looking at this calm guy who seemed to have never experienced anything before, the doubts in Stark’s heart continued to increase. If he would choose to stand up at this time just to make Stark a little bit weird, then it would be very weird in his heart to be able to maintain such a calm after facing Dormammu.

The power of Dormammu is what he has seen with his own eyes. It is not inferior to Thanos and Zhou Yi’s monster, and it is an opponent that humans cannot match. Such an opponent, even if Smith Zhou’s strength is strong enough to be hostile to him, it shouldn’t be so relaxed and almost calm.

There seemed to be something wrong, but what was wrong, he couldn’t make it clear for a while. So he can only throw the question on Smith Zhou, hoping to find the answer from his answer. As for this, Smith Zhou just picked the corners of his mouth and said to him like this.

“Perhaps there is a little bit, but it is not very useful. At the very least, I have not been able to save her…”

“A step too late Is this really regrettable…”

Smith. Zhou’s answer was more like a disguised acknowledgment for Stark, and while shocked by his strength, Stark regrets even more about Ancient One. If Smith Zhou can come one step earlier, or if she can hold on for a longer period of time, then is it possible for her to survive?

Before the moment of dawn, this is still a shame. With so much emotion in his heart, Stark turned the topic to Dormammu. This is still a threat after all, and he doesn’t know the specific result, so he is impossible at ease.

“By the way, Dormammu, the monster from the void. What happened to you? I mean, will it return in a swirl of dust?”

“Return in a swirl of dust? No, of course not. You can rest assured that it is impossible to have such a chance.”

It is barely clear, and it can be considered a solution to Stark. A thought in my heart. While Smith Zhou gave this answer, he also mentioned his previous rhetoric again.

“Compared to this, I think it’s time for you to tackle the troubles caused by the Void Invasion. Before that, I have one thing I need to ask you. Ancient One sorcerer, I know her, and also a little bit of grudges and festivals. Although these almost ended after her death, I still can’t convince myself to arrange her affairs calmly. So, if possible, can you please help her Arrange a funeral that fits her status? I think, as the Guardian of this World, these are what she deserves.”

“Of course, even if you don’t say me, it’s impossible to let her Lie down here…I will arrange her.”

Stark nodded, whether it is emotional or rational, he should give Ancient One a decent ending. As Smith Zhou said, this is what she deserves. And on such a problem, he still disdains to do unnecessary tricks.

With this promise, Smith Zhou has no reason to stay here again. For him, this is just a thorough understanding of the past between him and Ancient One. After this, he also belongs to the own way. His plan, his great cause…

And seeing Smith Zhou leaving like this, Stark immediately had the intention to stop him. After realizing how powerful Smith Zhou’s power is, he certainly didn’t want to let such a potential power slip away from the owner’s eyes. No matter how slim the hope is, he feels that oneself should fight for it. Because in any case, this may be a guarantee for mankind.

So, he immediately opened his mouth to Smith Zhou.

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