Sun God Marvel

Chapter 1998

“Mr. Zhou, I think we need to talk about it. On the security of this World!”

As this World is destroyed to this day One of the culprits, Smith Zhou suddenly faced such a problem, it was naturally a little surprised. This is equivalent to praying for a long life and begging for Yama, and he must have worshipped the wrong temple.

Smith Zhou knew exactly what kind of mistake Stark had made, but he was not at all kind enough to help him correct it at this time. Humans must be in order to own stupidity and pay the price. Since Stark can make such mistakes at this time, as a beneficiary, of course he will do his part.

“Oh, the world is safe? Do you think it has anything to do with me?”

A little trick of wanting to get caught. Although I am very curious about what kind of ingenious argument Stark can put forward at this time, on the surface, he still has the to disdain as beneath contempt.

Of course, although this move is just a trick, it is quite useful. After all, Stark impossible guessed that Smith Zhou and his old enemy Hydra could have such a big connection. This kind of thing is unreasonable. If you tell someone who will listen to who will not believe it, he will naturally guess it. Oneself is betraying the military situation by doing so.

In his opinion, Smith Zhou may be one of the Peak powers oneself is most likely to win. And this kind of power is precisely what humanity needs most at the moment. Humans must rely on this Peak power to provide the most important guarantee for their safety, and after the death of Ancient One, he may be the only choice.

Even if it is only possible, he still has to find a way to fight for it. In order to win over him, it was not unacceptable to expose a plan that oneself had just given birth to.

“Mr. Zhou, I think anyway, you are also a member of mankind. Seeing the desperate situation of mankind falling into extinction in the face of such a crisis, is this a good thing for you? Don’t you? I don’t need you to do anything for human beings. I just hope that you can pull them as much as you can when they are in trouble. Isn’t that okay?”

Stark doesn’t dare To be too absolute, because he himself also knows that it is impossible to expect everyone to fully understand like the Ancient One sorcerer. He can only ask the other party to do what he can, and whether the other party is willing to do such a thing depends on their mood.

This is actually a plea, but the attitude is a little high-profile. In his own capacity, such a tone is not a problem. After all, the entire United States knows what kind of guy he is. It is impossible to expect him to behave in a humble state when asking for help.

Smith Zhou naturally knows this too, so he doesn’t bother to care about it with Stark. He didn’t mind making some promises that he wouldn’t fulfill at all for the purpose of listening to the enemy’s fictitiousness, so after Stark said so, he responded in a smooth manner.

“If I just do my best, I don’t mind doing something. Of course, if you expect me to charge you, then you don’t have to say that. I will do it for others. Nothing like this. Rather than being rejected by me, it’s better for you not to open the mouth.”

“Of course, I won’t let you do such a thing.”

Smith Zhou’s promise to let him do something like this is already a rare thing. Stark is impossible to be unsatisfied and use him as a tool.

He quickly agreed, and also made a guarantee in the name of own. And Smith Zhou, who expected them to be impossible to do such a stupid thing, didn’t entangle this issue any more. He just wanted to know what kind of trick Stark wanted to play in his heart.

“Tell me, what is your plan? Don’t tell me, you don’t have a little plan in your heart. If this is the case, I don’t think we need to cooperate. After all, I I don’t plan to do anything that wastes my time and there is no success rate.”

“Plans, of course I have…but you should know, plan and actually establish the plan Getting up, that are two different things. I have to consider many things, including resources and manpower. The scale of this plan is too large, and it is no longer something I can implement by making a decision alone. I need time to convince some people… ..”

“Then tell me a rough idea. I always want to know whether I should give you this time and let you waste it. After all, this is my time too! Of course, as long as you can Come up with a qualified plan, I don’t think I would mind such trivial things. Stark’s reputation is still very loud, isn’t it?”

Smith Zhou continues to bargain, at this time , He was increasingly looking forward to the huge plan in the mind of this well-known smart man.

His experience tells him that in every era of mankind there will be some born heroes, some truly outstanding people. In this era, Stark is undoubtedly one of them. Maybe he did something wrong, maybe he was not worth mentioning in front of oneself. However, no one can deny his ingenuity, no one can boast shamelessly and say that he can do nothing.

Wisdom is always the sharpest weapon in human hands. Make good use of it, human beings can always create unimaginable miracles inadvertently.

He has been defeated by this kind of human miracle more than once, and if he doesn’t know how to learn this lesson at this time, then it would be too stupid. And he is obviously not this stupid type, so paying enough attention to Stark’s plan is something he will definitely do.

The importance he has given is quite trustworthy in Stark’s eyes. After all, he didn’t think much about the status of Smith Zhou, he naturally easily missed this kind of thing. Considering Smith Zhou’s relationship with Zhou Yi, and his friendship with Zhou Yi like that, he would have such an attitude, and he wouldn’t be surprised.

Favor? Always reflected in all aspects. Even at the point of Smith Zhou, he can’t be immune, right? Thinking of this, Stark no longer hesitated, but immediately spoke his own idea to Smith Zhou.

“I believe you have seen it, Mr. Zhou. In the face of a huge threat from the universe, how powerless we are. Whether it is for Thanos or Dormammu, our performance They are all very weak, and even a decent counterattack is impossible. This is not the result that humans want to see. At the very least, I don’t want to see such a thing.”

” So? What do you want to say?”

Although Stark’s words are full of unwilling and strong emotions that are almost empathetic, Smith Zhou is not at all so easily inspired by him. This is not a MLM scene, and he is not a youngster who hasn’t been involved in the world. How could he be impossible and his emotions aroused by two casual words. If you want to convince him, you still have to come up with something more substantial. Realizing this, Stark immediately confessed.

“Well, I mean… if we can’t defeat such an opponent. Or if we can’t stop the enemy’s footsteps even with our full strength, then at least we should Let our enemies get nothing.”

“This planet is the home for us. But if we limit our steps here because of this planet, then this It’s too stupid. Humanity’s footsteps should not be confined to one planet. Although it is too early for us to set the target as the stars and the sea now, there are endless threats from the universe. Next, I think it’s time for us to prepare for this.”

“Two hands ready!” Two fingers were raised, Stark said. “If our enemy regards Earth as a goal, I think we can use this to give them a huge surprise. When everything is irreversible, and when all the full strength cannot defeat the opponent, this planet is what we give The cemetery they prepared, even if it is perish together, we have to let everyone know that the Earth people are not their alien bastards who can bully if they want to bully.”

“interesting, in fact , I can hardly imagine that such crazy words will come out of your mouth. At a critical time, destroy the entire Earth together with an uncontestable opponent? This idea may be desirable, but there are two problems.. .”

“First, why do you think that oneself can destroy this planet? Or, what qualifications do you have to think that oneself can destroy this planet? Don’t say that I like or disagree with your opinion I’m afraid it’s just to put your plan in this world in front of most people. There shouldn’t be many that can agree with you.”

“Second, if you get in this world With the permission of some people, they agree with you to play this perish together. The question is, how can you do what you said and take your steps out of the planet? There is no value in mere destruction, you should It’s right to be clear. So you will definitely think about keeping a certain amount of fire as the hope of mankind. And if you choose the starry sky as the direction, how can you do this step?”

In this question Last, Smith Zhou saw it thoroughly. Because no matter where you look at it, Stark is impossible to be the kind of fanatic who desperately wants to drag others to hell. In doing so, he will inevitably leave a bottom line to oneself, and the bottom line can only be that he leaves a fire that can be inherited to mankind.

Stark generally does not think that an ordinary person can see the meaning of own clearly. After all, for him, there is still a difference between genius and mortal. It’s just that he didn’t expect that Smith Zhou was so keen that he could see the deep meaning of oneself’s words at a glance, so he no longer concealed it, and directly told him the own answer.

“The first question is very simple, that is, if an event like a void invasion occurs again, then the opinions of the so-called overwhelming majority are no longer important. I believe you can also see it. When this level exists, the will of the ordinary person is so weak. To expect such a group of chaotic guys to make the right choice, it is better to leave this choice to those who can stay sober and understand.”

“For example, leaders like you?”

Smith Zhou pointed out the key point very rudely. For this, Stark also nodded without the slightest hesitation.

“Of course. In fact, the state has given us this kind of power, right?”

“Go on, I’m listening…”

Although Stark’s answer sounds a bit harsh, what you can’t refute is that he is telling the truth. Smith Zhou didn’t mean to fight him on this truth. So he just nodded, so he gestured to Stark.

“Since you have no opinion on this answer, let’s talk about the second one…”

“I admit that it is indeed I’ve prepared a back road for mankind. And about this back road, we actually started to make preparations a long time ago.”

“All countries have private alien immigration plans for their own. For the continuation of mankind, we have built a special human gene bank on the space station.”

“It’s just that the appearance of Dormammu gave me a warning. When faced with this, it can instantly paralyze the whole When the human regime was operating in the monster, these preparations we made simply failed. To tell the truth, many leaders have reserved a place for oneself in this plan. However, when faced with such a situation, they could not respond at all. . And they don’t have time to react, let alone other people.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

The situation as Stark said It doesn’t make Smith Zhou surprised. After all, privileges will always exist. As the highest leader of a country, to reserve a place for oneself in this kind of matter can be said to be a benefit within a reasonable scope. Keep the superstructure in the face of disaster and stabilize the overall situation. No matter from which aspect, it can be justified. So there is really no need to care about this issue.

Smith Zhou didn’t care about this issue. What he cared about was what Stark said in and out of his words and wanted to get rid of this situation. This is not a cake for two people, it almost cut off everyone’s retreat. Is such an approach possible? Seriously, he was a little skeptical.

Smith Zhou almost put the expression of doubt on his face, and seeing the doubt on his face, of course Stark knew what he was thinking. One advantage of talking to smart people is that there are many things you don’t need to say. He knew that Smith Zhou had already seen the meaning of own, so he immediately followed his conjecture and stated.

“I plan to entrust the future of mankind to you!”

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