Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2000

In the face of all these disasters, some people might say that Stark is a little slack, a little negligent, and his behavior is a shame for his responsibility.

Such words are not without a market. In the previous era of sashimi, there was definitely a large number of people who used this banner to protest against Stark in front of White House. It’s just that now, people have learned to be smart and won’t be so easily inspired by others. As a creature with a brain, just think about it for a moment to know that Stark has done everything he can.

He is also a person after all, and as a person, his power has limits. This is no exception even for the so-called heroes. When faced with this kind of disaster like doomsday, no matter how much he wants to pull strongly against a crazy tide, he can only act like standing on a fence in front of a tsunami.

It’s not his fault. People who know a little bit about it probably think so. However, Stark Oneself would not think so. His conceit, as always, made him habitually carry everything on his own body, and in this regard, he felt that even if oneself could not prevent this from happening, he also had the responsibility to remedy it as much as possible.

This idea cannot be considered wrong, but it is really a mess.

The reality is worse than his worst assumption. The destruction of this World caused by the chaos is far beyond his expected bottom line. Stark thought that oneself had enough expectations for the situation, but the facts proved that his expectations were far from enough.

Perhaps from an individual point of view, Dormammu’s influence is not as powerful as Thanos and Star Swallowing. It is a fundamental destruction. But what he can affect is the human mind and inject chaos into it, ignoring the defense of the overwhelming majority. This is like injecting Venom into a human body, and the consequences may be more serious than simple destruction.

Stark is beginning to realize this, because he has noticed something very wrong, that is, he has lost contact with the rear command center.

Although it is said that when facing Dormammu, the so-called big rear has lost that strategic advantage, but in any case, they are always better than oneself and the others who directly face the threat of Dormammu. It’s kind of safe. Now the contact is completely cut off, which makes his heart full of anxiety. Regardless of certain safety regulations, he had already ordered Jarvis.

“Jarvis, what happened in the command center? Bring me all the information!”

The influence of the Void Lord is only on creatures, but like Jarvis Artificial intelligence will not be affected by him at all. This made Jarvis quickly responded to Stark’s summon and put forward his own point of view towards Stark.

“It’s a bit bad, sir. I hope you prepare yourself psychologically before seeing these things.”

“Come on, Jarvis. I’ve Ready.”

Took a deep breath, Stark called out to Jarvis. In the face of Stark’s orders, Jarvis has never had any room to refuse, so soon, the impact recorded based on the military’s internal system was already in front of Stark.

“Sorry, sir. As you can see, because of the sudden outbreak of internal conflicts, your subordinates are on the verge of extinction…”


Images from the Ministry of National Defense show that when time advances to the moment when Dormammu reveals his true body, almost no one can maintain their own sanity under that power. Conflicts broke out among the soldiers. Those armed with guns were shooting almost indiscriminately, and those unarmed, using all the tools that oneself could use, fierce and unafraid of death fought against each other.

Not only soldiers, those officers are no exception. This includes the absolute high-level staff including General Ross, and it is precisely because of his existence that the incident has further deteriorated.

General Ross is not one of those ordinary persons. When he was transformed into the Red Hulk, the entire command center had already become a hell, a colosseum where he was ravaged by himself. None of the people present can withstand his rampage, and when he can no longer control oneself frantic thoughts, the fate of these people is actually doomed.

Stark looked almost ashen as he watched all of this development. Of course, even if he saw Red Hulk tearing a soldier in half, he would inevitably reveal his unacceptable appearance. expression comes. It’s not that he has never seen such a bloody scene, but when this kind of thing happened in his own camp, he still resisted a little in his heart.

The picture was eliminated by him, and he could no longer look directly at the tragic situation. Compared to oneself witnessing the bloody facts with his own eyes, he hopes to understand the final situation through others’ narration.

“Jarvis, tell me the final result, also how many people survived…except for General Ross?”

“There is only one…but the good news is that there is still This one is Ms. Mary Ya. Hill. I temporarily mobilized part of the authority and controlled Ms. Hill with the power of the omnic. Before General Ross did her hand, she was placed in a safe place. She is now She hasn’t recovered her sanity, but she is in good physical condition. You don’t need to worry about her.”

This is a blessing in misfortune, and it is something that makes Stark feel excited. Although this is a bit unfair to the soldiers who have sacrificed, the truth is. As Vice President Mary Ya. Hill, both in terms of status and importance, are much more important than them. Not to mention one or two soldiers, even if the lives of hundreds or thousands of soldiers are not as valuable as her life.

This is the meaning of power. Of course, Stark believes that this is an obligation as it should be by rights that he has after shouldering a heavy responsibility. For this country, she can play a greater role while she is alive, and that’s enough.

“Very well, Jarvis. You did the right thing. I will find a way to restore her sanity. After she regains her sanity, I believe that with her help, we can quickly restore the country Order is right.”

Stark said somewhat optimistically, of course, a considerable part of his doing this was that he was encouraging oneself to oneself. The situation has become so bad that no matter what kind of change it will not have too much impact on the facts. He himself knows this very well, but no matter what the reason is, he needs to comfort oneself. Anyway, things are impossible. If so, optimism should be fine.

With such a fluke, Stark thought that way. It’s just that Jarvis is not at all accustomed to his fluke. At this time, he obviously wants to be honest enough to treat Stark, so at this time, he is very straightforward to say to Stark.

“Sir, I have the situation of my wife, do you want to know about it?”

“Mary Ya…” I suddenly heard about oneself’s wife , Stark’s mind suddenly fell a bit. It is not that he does not care, nor is he indifferent to her. The most important reason for not paying attention to her news immediately is that he is full of fear and worry in his heart.

He is afraid of hearing bad news, and when he meets again, all oneself has to face is a cold corpse. That was definitely not something he wanted to see, so he preferred to pretend to be deaf and dumb, rather to assume that she did not exist in this disaster, rather than actively probing the result, the probability.

Of course, now that all of this has fallen, Jarvis has put the result in front of him, even if he wants to escape, there is not much room to escape.

Although he can pretend to be deaf and dumb, he can still pretend, but at this time, he himself will think that there is no need to do so.

“Tell me the situation, Jarvis. I really need to know what is going on with her now…”

“You need to be mentally prepared, sir. Madam’s situation… is not very optimistic.”

Jarvis took a shot, which made Stark’s heart suddenly tense. Panic was almost unstoppable spreading in his heart, he almost used all his strength to keep oneself basically calm. After calming down, he could no longer continue to endure the unknown torture.

“Tell me what the situation is like, Jarvis. I am ready!”

“When the chaos just started, I was immediately protected Madam, evacuated her to a safe place. I can be sure that I ensured her safety. But this kind of influence from the spiritual level cannot be shielded by me, so Madam’s mind has been very seriously affected , It’s quite serious…”

“How serious…” This is expected. Stark from the very beginning is worried about this issue, and now Jarvis’ says It just turned his worries into facts that’s all. Although this caused him to twitch in his heart, it was beyond his expectation, and he could still ask such things calmly.

“I can’t tell, sir. But I think Mrs. She has basically lost the ability to judge and basic reason. She has become offensive and will even hurt herself. This is very dangerous, so I have to control her actions…”

“You did the right thing, Jarvis, thank you, thank you for saving her. If you didn’t do that, I could hardly imagine her What kind of terrifying things will be done. You saved her, saved me, saved our family!”

Stark sincerely thanks. For him, even though Jarvis is his creation, he has every reason to enjoy all the services from him, but after seeing what he has done, he still expresses his heartfelt thanks to him.

Just like what he said, what Jarvis did not only saved Mary, but also saved him and the lives of their family. He couldn’t imagine how he himself would face Frank and how he would face oneself if she had any accident. He made this family complete, even if there were some flaws in it, but anyway, it was much better than being completely broken.

“This is what I should do, sir. I just regret that I can’t do more…”

As Stark’s private steward, everything is With Stark’s interests at its core, it is not surprising that he said this. He really wants to do more for Stark. On this issue, he even puts Stark’s interests above his own. Stark knows this very well, but it does not prevent him from being grateful to Jarvis.

Some things don’t need to be explained, smart people can see clearly. Stark knew some of the changes that had happened to Jarvis, it was inevitable. As one of the few intelligent beings in the world, if Jarvis keeps standing still, it will make people feel strange.

Evolution, this is something that must happen to life. As special intelligent beings, their evolutionary speed will exceed human imagination. Stark was actually already psychologically prepared. If Jarvis betrayed him like Ultron one day, he would not feel strange about it.

Free life shouldn’t be bound by rules. He doesn’t want to be that kind of ignorant slave master, so he is just waiting for Jarvis to speak.

However, Jarvis is not at all, and he continues to provide services to Stark, making an all-out effort just like a real old steward. This made Stark inevitably feel a little emotion in his heart, and besides the emotion, he was also moved a little more differently.

They are already family members. I believe he is not the only one who thinks so. I am afraid that even Jarvis oneself thinks so.

For his family, he can’t be too harsh, so after Jarvis showed such regret, he was already relieved to him.

“You have done enough, Jarvis. You don’t need to blame oneself for things you can’t do. It’s not your responsibility.”

“You need me to do it for you Indicate where the lady is? I think she needs you very much now, and you should need her very much.”

“Yes…no…” Stark subconsciously wanted to agree , But when the words reached his mouth, he thought of another voice in his heart. “It’s not the time yet…”

That was a voice from another standpoint, a point of view born from the righteousness of the country.

As a husband, his wife may really need him now. But as a president, this country needs him more at this time.

Because of such a disaster, no one is immune. Imagine that even his family was nearly killed because of all this. How many families in this country could escape this disaster?

This is the answer that can be guessed just thinking about it. As for such a terrifying thing, as the president, as the Guardian of hundreds of millions of Americans, he feels that oneself has the responsibility to help them out of such a disaster.

He can’t just watch the hundreds of families suffer such injuries and pains. He can’t be so selfish, can’t abandon countless families just because of oneself. He can’t…

This is a painful choice, he must make this choice. This is his destiny, what he must bear. Stark had realized this, so after a fierce inner struggle, he still made a choice. A correct choice.

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