Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2001

“Jarvis, help me take care of Mary. I can only entrust her to you now…”

“Sir, I don’t Understand what you mean, you can obviously visit her now…”

Jarvis asked incomprehensibly. In response, Stark interrupted him in a rather arrogant tone.

“I said, now is not the time! I have more important things to do now!”

“Yes, sir. What do you also order?” Something subtle After the silence, Jarvis changed the subject. For his question, Stark frowned and began to think about it.

“Jarvis, help me determine the execution capacity of the state capitals including Washington also. I need to know how many people are also sober, and how many people can also help me restore order in this country.”


“I need you to give permission to enter the satellite and administrative system, sir.”

For Jarvis, this is not a difficult task, but as an assistant to Stark, he cannot Under the circumstances to do such things that endanger national security. This is the rule, he naturally needs to abide by it. Just at this special moment, it would be too conservative to do so.

“Don’t care about those rules and regulations, no one will care about what you do at this time. Do as I say, Jarvis. Efficiency at this time is more important than anything.”

For Jarvis, Stark’s commands are the first. So after he said that, Jarvis immediately followed his orders.

“I have been involved in satellites and administrative systems in various places, and I am searching for information from surveillance. Sir, there is a bad news, are you sure you want to listen?”

“Stop talking nonsense to me, Jarvis. Hurry up!”

“Yes, sir. According to the surveillance, I can only tell you very regretfully, I’m afraid the entire United States government has Paralyzed. Almost no one survived. All public officials have lost their minds. The government system has suffered heavy losses. If you count on them to restore the order of the country, I am afraid that only less than 0.1% probability.”

“Then give up this path!”

I had already anticipated this situation in my heart, and Stark not at all revealed some unacceptable expression. The reason why he has to ask this question again is mainly to see if there is any probability in case. Now the psychology of fluke has been dispelled, so naturally, the follow-up plan needs to be laid out.

“Move all the psychiatric devices that can be mobilized, let them enter the government offices, enter the hospitals, enter the schools, and enter all people’s places. From now on, the order of this country will be maintained by the psychiatric devices, and You, Jarvis. I need you to put in all your efforts to help me control the situation in this country as much as possible. I know this is too demanding for you, but I have no other way.”

“Serving you is my mission, sir. This is what I should do.”

Everything in a country must be handled by Jarvis through omnivorous details. The adjustment of the above is undoubtedly a challenge for his computing power. However, Jarvis doesn’t mind this challenge, on the contrary, he is happy to accept such an arrangement.

Just like a talented person who is eager to show off what he has learned in his life, as one of the few intelligent beings in the world, Jarvis certainly hopes that oneself can do its best. Oneself’s life skills have been brought to the extreme. However, in Stark’s camp, even if he has great abilities, he can only be like a prisoner dancing in shackles, restricted everywhere.

There are too many things to consider in the past, not only whether humans can accept his existence, but also whether his existence will affect the social environment of this country. Stark impossible allows him to snatch jobs from ordinary persons, so all he can do is stay by his side and act as a steward. It’s not that it’s bad, but it still means something overkill. As it should be by rights, Jarvis hopes that oneself can do more.

Now is such an opportunity. With Stark’s permission, Jarvis will naturally untie the restriction owner. With national-level mainframe computers to share the load, he simply doesn’t care about this kind of computational power consumption. In the blink of an eye, he had perfectly cleared the entire United States internal situation, and he had already made proper arrangements even where Stark hadn’t taken care of it.

“According to your instructions, omnibuses have begun to settle in the places you mentioned. However, due to the insufficient number of omnibuses to meet your requirements, I have already accepted part of the military factory , Began to produce new omnivorous machines at the fastest speed. It is expected that after two working days, everything will enter the formal state.”

“Two days…too long, we wait In two days, this matter should be resolved before today.”

Stark frowned, apparently a bit unacceptable for this answer. He has let go of the restrictions on Jarvis’, let him stretch his hand long enough. And under such a premise, he can only do this, which really disappointed him.

Jarvis can feel Stark’s disappointment, and for this, his heart is full of grievances. Some things are not something he can do after all. Just like the problem of shortage of manpower, he has done everything oneself can do. You know, in the current situation in United States, there are not many fully automated factories that allow him to intervene. After a large number of capital forces fled, except for the companies associated with the United States Government, the two big companies Stark and Osborn have the capital to complete the fully automated construction of the factory. Small companies waiting to be idle, basically rely on layoffs to maintain their own livelihood, where also the capital to upgrade the industry.

It is not a fully automated production line, and he is basically powerless. This is the limitation of Jarvis’, and if oneself is blamed because of this, it is really wrong.

Stark also knew that oneself was a bit too much, but he didn’t mean to take it back when he said it. At best, it just diverts the subject, and that’s what he did.

“Do your best, Jarvis. Give priority to the restoration of hospitals and traffic roads. If government units cannot resume their functions as soon as possible, then at the very least, we must reduce casualties to manageable levels. Within the scope.”

“I understand what you mean, sir. But there is also a problem…We lack professional medical staff. Intellectual equipment cannot replace hospital work. This is your at first It’s already set up when you want to. Even if you want to modify this agreement now, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

“Damn it! Is this my fucking own foot?”

Stark cursed cursed, and it feels more tricky. The agreement is something that affects the whole body. In order to ensure the stability of the psychiatric device, he must make a comprehensive correction to feel relieved. But in this season, he really doesn’t have the time to do such things.

Time is too late, no matter how you look at it. In the face of this difficult situation, Stark had no choice but to take the risk after he could not think of a suitable solution.

“Jarvis, help me contact Ultron. I need his help, and I need his neuron company to contribute to this matter!”

Behind the neuron company People in the United States Government may not know who is standing, but he is clear in his heart. After all, the nano-medical technology itself was born before his eyes. Such an advanced technology has become popular throughout the United States and has a great reputation. He wants to say that he can’t see, or doesn’t know the details inside, then I’m afraid he needs to go to the hospital to register.

The reason for pretending to be invisible is entirely because the relationship between him and Ultron is too delicate. They are more like partners than rivals to some degree. And when the entire United States is surrounded by enemies and has fallen into a trough, it is not what a smart person should do if he rashly pushes a partner to the opposite side. Therefore, based on the principle that more is worse than less, Stark has a selective blindness on the issue of neurons. And no one thought that his actions would instead provide him with a glimmer of survival.

Neuron Company does not lack capital, let alone manpower. Although it is the same as an overwhelming majority hospital, under the aura of Dormammu, there are definitely a few hospital staff who can maintain their sanity. But with that kind of technology, whether there are personnel on the sidelines, it does not make much difference to the neuron hospital.

It’s not so much relying on doctors to rejuvenate and save people. The doctor in Neuron Hospital is more like a caregiver, a comforting mascot. This may sound scary to the patient, but for Stark now, this is indeed the best situation right now.

Send the people injured in the chaos inside to ensure their safety. Wait until the chaos ends and everyone regains their senses, and order in this country will soon be restored. Although the pain in it will take some time to heal, this situation can already be regarded as the best result.

Stark already had such an expectation in his mind, and the crux of the problem now is whether Ultron is willing to cooperate with his work. For this, Stark didn’t worry much. Ultron has no reason for rejecting him, even if there is a slight difference in their ideas, but in essence, in Ultron’s core code, he will still take human life and death seriously.

Unexpectedly, Stark had just made a request, and Jarvis had already received a reply from Ultron. He did not reject Stark on this issue, so Stark’s plan was implemented smoothly. And this can be regarded as relieved of Stark’s concerns.

He really doesn’t want to see the entire United States people die and injured in such a disaster. Although the current method cannot solve this problem fundamentally, it can solve the problem somewhat temporarily.

Of course, this is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure. In order to completely solve this problem, in the final analysis, we must start with the restoration of the people’s rationality. At this point, Stark already had plans in his mind.

Professional problems need to be solved by professionals. For this kind of spiritual problem, the spiritual master Professor Charles in Mutant is the most suitable candidate to break the game.

The government is not a superpower user without a mind system, but it is really not something these people can do to spread the own power to the entire country and even the entire world.

talent is like a high wall, blocking the overwhelming majority of the marchers, and the ones who can really go in front of everyone, and which ones go behind the high wall are still few.

Stark has no way of knowing who these few people are. But the most famous among them is certainly Professor Charles. He has been known as early as the Cold War period, he is undoubtedly the most powerful mind manipulator in this world. His reputation even made many countries including the United States dare not act recklessly against Mutant.

Strong, that’s for sure. The most important thing is that his attitude towards humans is much gentler than Magneto, who is also the leader of Mutant. As a typical dovish figure, Professor Charles is impossible to ignore human disasters anyway. And as long as you play some sympathy cards, I believe that oneself can still move this spiritual master.

Stark thought about it for a long time, thought of countless possibilities, and finally reached the Mutant’s side through Jarvis.

This is actually risky. After all, Mutant is now under the name of Huiyao City. He wants to ask someone to help, but I don’t know if the owner can do it. As the owner of Huiyao City, the family has clearly listed him on the list of unpopular personnel. He was worried that he would be arrogantly rejected as soon as his name was passed on.

It’s not a sensible thing to reason with a group of women. So Stark was obviously fighting Chen Cang’s idea secretly.

There is only one chance, and he has to do everything possible to convince Charles. And while he was constantly deducing the development of the situation in his heart, a gentle and exhausted voice had already reached his ears.

“Good morning, sir. It seems that you are lucky to survive this catastrophe. Should I congratulate you?”

Formula compliment, without any the value of. Stark didn’t intend to waste time on this issue, so he directly faced Charles straight to the point.

“I need your help, Professor Charles. All conditions can be discussed. For this country, for the lives and future of countless ordinary persons, I hope you… No, I pray you, to us Give a helping hand!”

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