Sun God Marvel

Chapter 202

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In a US military base on the shore of the United States Eastern Sea, an old man wearing a general uniform and full of energy is in his deputy. Led by him, he quickly walked into the ambulance ward in the base. As soon as he entered the ward, he cast his gaze on a guy who was almost naked.

This is a guy who looks extremely strong. Although he is not tall, the muscles all over his body look very strong. You can almost tell that this is a very powerful guy with naked eye. Of course, This is from the perspective of the soldier.

However, the general made a special trip to look at his figure, instead of looking at his changes. Because he clearly remembered that a few weeks ago, he was seriously injured due to a confidential mission, and his entire skeleton was almost broken. At that time, the doctors said that it was a miracle that he survived.

And now the situation is that he is intact. Judging from the medical examination report alone, his physical condition is not only free of any abnormalities, but even far beyond the normal human value. From this point of view, something very important seems to have happened to him, something very important to this general.

The general couldn’t hold back oneself’s inner excitement, and said to this patient who had just experienced a drastic change.

“How do you feel, Bronsky!”

Emile Bronsky. This is the name of the guy whose body has undergone drastic changes. You can tell from his name that he is a Russian. He once belonged to the KGB, a Soviet secret service organization. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, he joined the United Kingdom Imperial Family Marines, and was subsequently seconded to the SEAL team.

As a soldier, he is definitely the best kind. And, since he started working for this general, he has started to climb up from the first-class level. Strictly speaking, he is no longer an ordinary soldier, but a Super Soldier.

“I feel good, General Ross. Besides, I am very angry. I really want to find that guy again and fight him again!”

I heard The general’s inquiry, Bronsky replied. But from his words, he can feel how unwilling he is for the failure of own, and how much he wants to find the guy who has failed oneself and compete with him again.

This American lieutenant general who he called General Ross is General Thaddeus E. Ross, Chief-In-Charge of the Super Soldier project, and Hulk’s pursuer. He presided over the development of the Super Soldier project, so naturally he also regarded the Hulk that appeared because of an accident in this project as his own work. He pursued Hulk all over the world in order to obtain the secrets in him and copy his abilities. To this end, he has sacrificed many soldiers, Bronsky is one of them, but he is very lucky. Because he survived Hulk’s hands.

General Ross naturally heard his words, and he was silent for a while. Then he said to Bronsky seriously.

“Bronsky, you should know. You are not his opponent!”

“I know, General! I understand very well!” The impatient interrupted General Ross. Bronsky’s expression became very emotional. “But general, you should also know that the only person you can fight against that big guy is me. And I think I am the most qualified person to fight him, as long as…”

“Just?” General Ross could not help but frowned Mao after hearing what Bronsky said. Strictly speaking, he doesn’t like this soldier. He was too ridiculous and had a record of breaking orders. Although his ability is very strong, as a developer of the Super Soldier project, he least valued his personal ability.

The purpose of the Super Soldier project is to turn all soldiers into Super Soldier, which means that all soldiers are brought to the extraordinary grade, not just individual ones.

Bronsky thought that owning a superhuman level would attract the attention of General Ross, and even oneself could make some unreasonable demands. This is actually a very wrong choice. This will only make General Ross’s impression of him worse and worse.

But he is right. He is the only soldier who can fight against the Hulk in General Ross, and he is also the only battle strength he can take action. Not for anything else, just because he is the only one who successfully activated Super Soldier Serum in oneself.

Of course, this Super Soldier Serum is not the one that created Captain America, but something that General Ross has imitated based on the data left over at the time for so many years. Regrettably, although things are copied, the effect is not obvious. Moreover, it also has a certain degree of harm. This is the thing that bothers General Ross the most.

Because this Super Soldier Serum is a failure product in a strict sense, its success rate is too low. There is only one case so far, and that is Emile Bronsky.

“Go ahead, what do you want?” General Ross has no habit of guessing other people’s thoughts. Although he doesn’t like Bronsky, he has no other choice. Because as he himself said, he is the only one who can fight the Hulk.

“I want to inject something like that again.” Hearing the compromise in General Ross’s tone, Bronsky, who thought it was the general who moved his love for talent, excitedly made own request. “But this time, I want a larger injection dose.”

“No!” Upon hearing this, General Ross immediately chose to refuse. “That kind of thing is very dangerous. The chance that you can survive the second injection is very small! Once it fails, soldier. You just died on the operating table!”

He told Brown with a very clear explanation What will be the fate of Ski’s failure. But this is not to worry about his life, but to worry that oneself will have less of a weapon that can fight the Hulk. Although he has determined that Bronsky is not an opponent of the Hulk.

“General, listen. You finally found his trail, didn’t you?” Bronsky began to try to convince General Ross that he is a paranoid combat hobbyist, as long as he can get the excitement Fighting, danger and so on are not important at all. “But you couldn’t catch him. We tried it last time. You used all the weapons that can be used, including ultrasonic weapons. But for him, it is completely useless.”

“These The weapon has not lasted as long as I did, hasn’t it? General, you can only choose to retreat after I fail and watch him run away from you. And with your daughter!”

Hearing this, even the veteran General Ross couldn’t help but twitch. This was a spike that pierced General Ross’s heart, but now it was forcibly pulled out by Bronsky and pierced in again.

His daughter Betty Ross is the lover of Bruce Banner. And since Bruce Banner became the most wanted person of General Ross, his daughter almost didn’t hesitate to stand on Bruce Banner’s side. And helped him again and again. This is one of the things he hates most, and it is also the thing that humiliates him the most.

The reason why he treated Bruce.Banner like this, besides his identity as the Hulk, also one reason is that in his eyes, Banner is the reason for the conflict between her and his daughter. This is almost every father-in-law’s attitude towards his son-in-law in the world. Of course, he is definitely the most excessive kind.

Bronsky succeeded in poking General Ross’s painful spot, and this made him more determined. Originally, he was kind enough to make him live if he survived, but now he has regarded Bronsky as an experiment that he doesn’t need to care about anymore. Since he wanted to court death oneself, General Ross would naturally not stop him. At the same time, he also wants to see if own Super Soldier Serum has further potential.

“Come to me when you are better, and I will arrange another injection for you.” Just so plainly agreed to Bronsky’s request, and General Ross was very good at talking. And how did Bronsky know that own life has been classified as worthless by the guy in front of him.

But even if he knew it, he probably didn’t care. He himself doesn’t care much about own life.

“General, I think it can be done right now.” He looked enthusiastic, or impatient. That expression was different from all the experimental products that General Ross had seen before.

“Come with me!” Commanded to oneself’s deputy, and General Ross took Bronsky to the depths of the base. That’s where he stored everything about the Super Soldier project, and where he injected Bronsky.

Bronsky has been here once, that is, this time, he gained power beyond ordinary people here. So for this second trip, he seemed very excited.

“What do you want to say, Bronsky?” General Ross asked, narrowing his eyes, looking at the doctor who was waiting there. The reason why he asked this is actually the same as asking the last words. But Bronsky did not hear his meaning.

Faced with General Ross’s problem, he appeared arrogant and confident.

“It’s time to put me and that guy on the same starting line, and then make this game a little fairer!”

Look at this guy without the slightest hesitation Going forward and beginning to receive the extremely painful spinal injection, General Ross has only one comment. That is, this is a lunatic, a real lunatic.

But maybe only a madman can fight monsters. I don’t know why, he suddenly had this idea, and a strong premonition appeared. He felt that Bronsky would survive and become stronger. This was something he had never thought of before, but it suddenly appeared in his heart at this moment.

He began to have confidence in the operation. However, before he waited until the operation was over, his assistant came over.

“General, we found the target’s communication information. And we have learned of his target!”

The news immediately made General Ross unable to restrain. At this moment he paid no attention to Bronsky. Because after seeing the power of the Hulk, he already had this idea in his heart.

Hulk is the most perfect work he has ever seen.

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