Sun God Marvel

Chapter 203

“Where is he?” Pushing open the door of the combat command room, General Ross asked aloud the busy group of elites.

“General, the target just appeared at a highway gas station two hundred kilometers outside Philadelphia. Now we have lost his track. But we intercepted an email from him!” Someone immediately Reported the current situation to General Ross, and this was his focus.

“What about that email. Show me what it says!”

Under the order of General Ross, the content of the email was sent to him In front of. He took a look and immediately found out what was inside. That is Bruce Banner’s experimental data before the accident, or the reason for everything that happened to him.

“Why did he send this thing out?” Everything before made General Ross feel a weird abnormality. A guy who had been hiding for five years suddenly rushed out, no matter how strange it looked. And in order to get a copy of the information, he took such a big risk. This made him feel that there must be a hidden existence in it.

“Where is this email sent. Does anyone know?” He asked the group of elites who were deciphering the source, and he quickly got an answer.

“The recipient of this email is Mr. Lan. The address of the email is Columbia University.”

“What about his identity, who is this Mr. Lan?” General Ross continued to ask, he already had a bad feeling.

“We are investigating and there are already results. That Mr. Lan is called Samuel Stearns, a professor of cell biology at Columbia University!”

“Cell Biology Professor? What does he want to do?” General Ross went through all the recent events in his head. The sudden appearance of Bruce. Banner and the academic connection with the guy named Mr. Lan, also took risks for the experimental data. All this quickly gave him a rough guess. “Damn, he wants to cure oneself!”

As soon as this idea came out, General Ross could no longer calm down. For him, the Hulk is his work and his most perfect product so far. He absolutely does not allow Bruce Banner, a thief, to ruin his efforts in this way.

So he immediately gave the order.

“Everyone is ready. We will set off for New York within two hours. Contact me the National Guard also police in New York and let them watch Mr. Lan. Bruce. Banner will definitely To find him, we must stop him before he can do anything. Understand?”

Looking at General Ross’s agitated and a little angry look, his assistant hesitated and asked.

“General, what about the new guy?”

This is a problem, because General Ross hadn’t thought about the appearance of another giant before this. This is good news, which means that the Hulk’s accident can be replicated. It is also bad news because he is not ready to deal with a Hulk at all.

The destructive power of the Hulk is amazing. Even now, they are not completely sure that they can capture the Hulk. The reason for persisting is that General Ross and the US Military represented behind him are obsessed with the power displayed by the Hulk that’s all.

“Now we mainly consider Bruce.Banner, if he has an accident. Then consider the other one as the goal.”

After thinking about it, General Ross still regards Banner as own The primary goal is that they have done too much preparation for him, and it is unlikely that they will give up all the work done to him because of one variable.

“Yes, sir!”

With the order, the soldiers’ movements became unusually rapid. They transferred all the manpower and weapons that could be transferred, and within two hours they boarded the military plane to New York. And all this was seen by another group of people who had been staring at them.

“Sir, General Ross and they have started to act.” On SHIELD’s Helicarrier, the cyclops Nick Fury immediately received a report from his subordinates. Just as General Ross has been monitoring Bruce Banner’s whereabouts, he is also monitoring the movements of General Ross.

Of course, their purpose is the same. Just as General Ross coveted the Hulk’s power. Nick Fury also salivates to Hulk. This is a very powerful existence, as long as you can control him, Nick Fury even has the confidence to fight against any threat in this world. This even includes Dawn Knight.

Just like Zhou Yi has always been wary of SHIELD, he is also very wary of Zhou Yi. The forces that oneself can’t control are worthy of guarding. This is the criterion he has formed over the years as an agent. even more how Zhou Yi The power of unknown origin is obviously less reassuring than the Hulk that came out of an experimental accident.

If it wasn’t for Zhou Yi’s strength to be too strong, and the relationship between them is barely harmonious. He had already taken action against Zhou Yi. It won’t be like this, just let the owner touch him. The reason why he hasn’t been in contact with Zhou Yi until now is because he hasn’t made a thorough decision on Dawn Knight.

“What is their goal?” Nick Fury asked, and his men immediately gave him the answer.

“New York, Columbia University. We just intercepted news from the military. They asked the police and the guards to cooperate with their actions to control everything around Columbia University. And they also searched for one Human identity. Samuel Sterns Court Academecian, a professor at Columbia University.”

“It looks like he finally found his goal. General Ross finally did not disappoint me, I thought He will lose him for another five years! Coulson, how are your preparations?”

Coulson, who walked from behind him, heard his question and smiled lightly.

“As long as we receive the order, we can immediately take over all the power in his hand. In addition, I have called the foreign aid, and he can enter at any time!”

“Foreign aid I’m in charge of you, in fact, it’s true. The person I’m most worried about is him!” Nick Fury waved his hand and explained the mission.

“I always think it’s you, sir. That guy is actually quite good at talking.”

“It’s not hesitancy, but alertness. Phil, Things are not as simple as you can see. For this kind of person, I never mind seeing him in the most guarded way. Because I don’t believe that someone will just be like this and help others without a little return. There won’t be in the past. There won’t be any in the future.”

Nick.Fury gloomy face, began to warn his capable subordinates. He has noticed the change in the mentality of this subordinate, and his mentality has become less and less like an agent.

“What about Captain America, isn’t he?” Coulson didn’t pay attention to Nick Fury’s warning. If he was able to reach his position, he naturally knew what oneself should insist on. As a subordinate, he couldn’t refute Nick Fury. However, it is fine to add a little block.

“He is an exception.” Fiercely glared at Coulson, Nick Fury shook his own windbreaker, turned and left. “The only exception!”

Looking at the back of Nick Fury leaving, Coulson laughed and muttered to himself.

“I know that Captain America is an exception, but it is not the only one. That’s not easy to say!”

Two huge organizations operate around one person, and For this surrounded person, in fact, he is still in a state of ignorance.

At this moment, Bruce Banner doesn’t know that his own purpose has been exposed. He is still trying his best to enter the big city of New York.

And all this is just to find the guy he called Mr. Blue, and with his help restore the body of the owner to its original appearance. Of course, it’s not just him now. also his cousin Jennifer did the same.

But Jennifer, as one of the parties involved, doesn’t think so. She has never experienced Bruce. Banner is wanted by the military. She doesn’t think this powerful ability is a burden, it’s a kind of like Bruce. The disease that needs to be relieved as said.

In this superhero doctrine prevailing today, she even thinks this is a great fortune. An opportunity to exist as Superhero.

But obviously, her idea was not shared by Bruce Banner, who has been tortured by this problem for several years. Although the consciousness after the transformation was replaced by Hulk, Bruce still has memories of the time. He remembered all the damage Hulk caused, and because of this he firmly believed in the idea of ​​destroying Hulk.

He firmly believes that Hulk’s power is too dangerous for this World. Especially when he is out of control. As Jennifer of common origins, although she has preserved almost complete sanity after her transformation, Bruce still disagrees with her idea of ​​retaining power. He wants to eliminate all traces of Hulk in this world, and naturally also includes the female Hulk born because of Hulk.

Bruce is very determined on this matter, but Jennifer is the same. One of the things that most women yearn for something even in dreams is focal point of ten thousands, and Superhero is obviously such a profession. Given this opportunity, Jennifer did not want to give up this ability.

She and Bruce had their own opinions, after experiencing several quarrels, she made a choice. That is to run away from Bruce. With her current ability, it was no pressure to escape from Bruce who was only an ordinary person. And after she surreptitiously left, Bruce didn’t even know what happened.

He thought she was in the bathroom of the gas station, but time passed too long. It grew to the point where he felt wrong. And when Betty came back alone, he realized that the matter was serious.

Jennifer is missing, and he doesn’t even know where to find him. He can’t call the police, or even just and honorable looking for her everywhere. Because he is still a wanted criminal until now.

Being lost is not enough to reflect his mood at the moment. Confusion, worry and fear, this messy mood even made him a little uncontrollable of his own temper.

Only Betty can understand him, and Betty can’t help him much in this matter. Helpless, this became his only portrayal of Jennifer.

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