Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2021

As Hamlet said, survival or destruction is a problem.

Victor also faces such a problem, and his problem is, Should he let the current Latovinia survive, or should he let it be destroyed?

As a formidable person, a villain who would rather I be responsible for others than others, Victor should choose to destroy Latovinia and destroy this country that he has made possible. But because of his personal compassion and his own unbearable heart, he couldn’t easily get down and destroy his former hometown.

Although such kindness, or excessive tendency to clemency appears strange to him, it has to be said that as a human being, such hesitation is the most normal thing.

This kind of extinction is normal for cold-blooded animals like snakes and insects, but it is very difficult to do on humans.

Because human beings have enjoyed the care of humanity and ethics from the day they were born. Even if it is a bastard guy, as long as he lives in this world, there will inevitably be someone who cares about him, or someone or something he cares about. This is like a person who kills and sets fire, commiting any imaginable misdeed, and turns out to be a filial son and gentle husband when he returns home. He may be cruel, but can he still use this cruelty on his own family and lover? This is obviously impossible.

It can be said that, except for a few cases, almost all human beings have the softness of own in their hearts. For Victor, the softness in his heart is the not rich but happy childhood that he and his mother spent in Latvinia.

This land named hometown carries his most precious memory, and it is precisely because of this that he will spare no effort to help this country. Otherwise, why should he play an inspiring role. It is more practical to be a faint king without a weak spot than to be a wise master. Would he not understand such a simple thing? So in the final analysis, it’s human nature that’s all in it.

The time left for Victor is running out, and Victor Oneself also knows this. So he didn’t hesitate for too long, he was already laughing disdainfully at the town under his feet.

This is a contempt for weak humans and a mockery of his own weakness. Obviously, he is already a recognized villain. As long as a country will not recognize his legal status, he still fantasizes. It is too ridiculous to be able to maintain a trace of human bottom line, no matter from which angle you think about it.

He has already thought very clearly. In many respects, he has an insurmountable gap with ordinary humans. If this is the case, then it is better to simply abandon this bottom line that belongs to mankind and completely degenerate into the so-called evil party.

Forgetting the past, he can achieve the future. In this way, he has been entangled by the memories of the past, and he will never be able to wander in this size. For him, who is determined to seek a place in the future, this is not the result he wants. Therefore, at this moment, he can only say sorry to the entire human race in Latovinia.

“I’m really sorry? If I can, I actually don’t want to do such a thing to you. After all, there was a time when this land left me with beautiful memories. But it’s a pity, Who made them push me too hard? So, if you want to blame, blame those guys and…you don’t have the power of oneself destiny.”

It’s like comforting As oneself muttered to himself, Victor already had a raised high scepter in his hand. The dark magic power from hell is condensed on the scepter, and the dark Evil Power gathers into a sphere, which is filled with mist in the not bright night.

Obviously, he intends to use this orb of dark magic to destroy the entire Latovinia. But in any case, a trifling dark magic ball wants to destroy a country, even if the country is only 200,000 square kilometers with a population of less than one million, it seems a bit unrealistic.

Victor is not a blind fool, he knows this very well. The most important reason why he chose to do this is because he has the confidence to do this step.

The target of the magical orb is nothing else, but the economic core of Latovinia, the nuclear fusion power station he painstakingly built. Of course, nuclear fusion is a very clean energy source. It is fundamentally impossible to destroy it to cause Chernobyl-like incidents. However, it is another matter if it is said that the nuclear materials stored in it are scattered through explosions.

Originally, Victor’s idea was to make Latovinia a big energy exporter. Among them, nuclear fusion power generation is the top priority, but it is also the core of not allowing anyone to covet it. He can install the nuclear fusion power station in Latvinia, because in this country, he has full confidence to ensure that no related technology will flow out. But out of Latovinia, it’s hard to say.

No matter how conceited he is, he can’t say for sure that oneself will be able to ensure that others will not steal any technology from it. Unless it is said that he does not intend to carry out any cooperation in this area, otherwise, as long as he needs to do this kind of energy business with other countries, it will inevitably happen.

It’s definitely impossible to not do business. Finally, taking advantage of the changes in the international situation to win the European energy order, he is impossible to miss such development opportunities. Therefore, it is imperative to cooperate with other countries to open new nuclear fission energy stations on the premise that they do not want to disclose such core secrets and their own nuclear fusion energy stations cannot meet the energy needs of the entire Europe. .

Be aware that when it was just an ordinary person, his own company had already developed the fifth-generation nuclear fission technology. This technology of two generations higher than the world average is the key to his dream. However, it is a pity that the sudden transformation of Stark Industries has completely reduced his plan.

Compared with Arc Reactor, a controlled nuclear fusion reactor, no matter how many generations of nuclear fission technology is developed, it is an outdated technology that can be discarded. The capitals know this very well, so they chose to abandon him ruthlessly at that time. Of course, these all are the things of Old Huang. For Victor, who has undergone the Heaven and Earth turning upside down in his life, these old adult things are as vain as yesterday’s drunken dream, and there is no need to remember.

The most important reason is to explain the origin of these nuclear materials. He hoarded thousands of tons of nuclear materials in order to expand his own energy industry by trading with other countries. He had already signed the orders, and he was waiting for the cooperation of various countries to start work, but he didn’t expect that he hadn’t waited for his plan to be implemented smoothly, and everything had become this ghost.

Obviously, the business is impossible to continue. And that being the case, making use of these nuclear material wastes naturally became his first choice.

As long as his nuclear power plant is detonated, the energy index of nuclear fusion is definitely a grand fireworks. Under such fireworks, thousands of tons of nuclear materials spread out by the explosion are enough to drag most of Europe into the Chernobyl-like situation.

This can be regarded as a gift he prepared for Europe, as well as a business card for him to declare oneself to the world. As the first show to throw off the bottom line of the own person category, Victor felt that there might be no more suitable means. After all, Death, destruction and endless calamities, this is the most suitable symbol of his evil party status. And under the premise that his original plan had failed, such an act might not be a remedy for oneself’s failure.

Smith Zhou always needs an explanation. And such an explanation can probably get rid of own failure.

Victor thought so in his heart that he had already launched the Dark Orb in his hand. At this time, he contributed a lot, so the forecast is quite optimistic. However, something he did not expect was that it seemed like a leak in the house happened to rain at night, and the accident happened again at this time.

The dark magic orb has just been launched, before it hit the own target, it was blocked in midair. The mist in the hazy night seemed to be driven by something, and it became a bit dense invisibly. At the same time, a layer of shinning shield with electric charge has already appeared in the fog, and it has firmly blocked the dark magic orb from own.

The powerful magical power of the dark magic orb has no existence that can penetrate this protective shield. Moreover, in the constant blinking light of the protective cover, Victor can clearly perceive that the power given to the magic ball by oneself is continuously being cancelled and obliterated. He knew exactly what it meant. What he didn’t want to understand was, where did this shield come from?

This is Latovinia, his place. Even though he has lost power now, he hasn’t reached the point where he is still cold. And in every corner of this land, he can confidently say that under the premise of oneself’s grasp, there has actually been such a defense measure whose origin and strength are mysterious. He, as it should be by rights, would feel that this was slapped in the face in public, and it was the kind of crackling.

Shame, this is for sure. But besides this feeling of shame, he was more jealous and frightened.

Where did this protective shield come from? He could roughly guess a result. And because of guessing this result, he felt even more incredible. Everyone has put their own tentacles under his eyelids, but he doesn’t feel it at all. This kind of hindsight is what worries him the most.

He doesn’t know what purpose this hidden secret mastermind is carrying, but he can understand that this guy is probably not in the same camp as oneself. In this world, the faction of camp is actually totally different. Under the black and white situation, since he chose to help these humans, he would definitely have a hostile relationship with him. No matter from which point of view, there is such an enemy of top secret, will not be a comfortable thing. So in an instant, he already had a retreat in his heart.

This is not a retreat, but a strategic shift. It’s obviously a disadvantage to be an enemy of someone who doesn’t know the details. That being the case, why not redo your plans after finding out his details?

Victor gave oneself such an excuse in his heart. However, this excuse was not enough to support him, so he just withdrew away at this time.

Compared with facing the threat of this unknown enemy, Penalty from Smith Zhou is probably the thing that scares him the most. He didn’t want to and did not dare to face Smith Zhou’s anger on the premise that nothing was done, so at the moment this plan called harming others without benefiting oneself, the one-shot plan became the only straw he could grasp.

When he wanted to understand this, he suddenly cast a gloomy look. Driven by his inner determination, he also raised the scepter high again and waved it in the direction of the protective cover.

It was as if a gap had been opened in the dam, and the dark magical power suddenly burst out like a flood, speeding along the direction of the scepter.

This time, Victor is not a Small Scale Chopper anymore, but really shows his ability as the master of hell. And that is, under his sparing no effort, the protective cover that could have prevented him from moving was immediately pierced through the entire hole like a torn paper curtain.

However, this does not mean the end. Because while Victor made such a move, the opponent on the other side also reacted at the same time.

The mist under the hazy moonlight was tumbling and transpiring violently. Under the circumstances that anyone would find something wrong with seeing it, large swaths of mist had already gathered in front of Victor, and a layer Then a new line of defense was built in front of him.

Victor’s power penetrated the 1st floor, 2nd floor, and even the 3rd floor and 4th floor. It seems that the momentum is unabated, but it is almost inevitable that he will enter the kind of an arrow at the end of In the embarrassing situation of its flight. And just after his attack was once again blocked outside the barrier, he himself immediately sneered in anger.

“Want to stop me? Can you stop it?”

Waving both hands, as if endless dark magic rushes out from all directions, like a tsunami is approaching Oppressed the entire nuclear power plant. In his opinion, one point of breakthrough is not enough, so the breakthrough should be carried out from all directions. He didn’t believe it anymore, he would be blocked in front of such a small barrier with infinite magic power! Why!

Victor, who secretly made a ruthlessness, is indeed not something that can be resisted by such means alone. In other words, just defending the attacks before it has exhausted all the energy in these mists. If you want to resist this way, that is already impossible. So, in an instant, the dazzling radiance flashed out of thin air like a sword that cuts through the night, and it pierced in the direction of Victor directly.

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