Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2022

“What the hell?”

What suddenly appeared was an attack that Victor had never expected. Out of the keen perception of a spellcaster, he can clearly feel that this sudden appearance of silver white radiance can threaten the special existence of own. So he subconsciously resorted to spells such as transposition and avoided oneself’s original position.

Obviously, this is a wise decision. Because it can be seen from the appearance of sky-splitting sound and subsequent radiance breaking through the ground, its formidable power is really out of the ordinary. And even if Victor has such an identity, but in essence, he is actually a weak spellcaster, a relatively fragile individual.

Physical resistance to blasting and so on is not his specialty, and he himself does not plan to develop this ability. So no matter from which angle, he will not suffer from a little bit of dodge talent. s Choice. Of course, he still understands the truth that he must lose for a long time. And he himself did not want to experience the feeling of being passively beaten. Compared to being beaten, he prefers the hands-on one. Therefore, in the moment he dodges the attack, he is already ready to fight back.

First of all, what he needs to find is a clear goal. For this, he set his sights on the previous silver light as it should be by rights.

From some special intuition, he believes that the silver radiance is a kind of existence with life. And the fact is indeed the case. In his vigilant gaze, the silver object deeply embedded in the surface began to flow like mercury. While taking oneself out of the surface, it quickly converged on the ground into a form, a human form.

Seeing that the silver fluid converged in front of the owner into a metal man who was more than two meters tall. Even with Victor’s experience, he would inevitably stared wide-eyed, and asked in a low voice.

“What the hell are you damned thing? The Terminator?”

As the first science fiction movie in the life of an owner person, the Terminator left Victor a very profound impression. From some perspectives, from the backward Eastern Europe, the developed capitalist United States, Victor did not choose the most profitable financial industry but instead devoted himself to science. Science fiction movies such as Terminator can be described as the goal of realizing the value of own person. It is indispensable. But he didn’t study the talent in this aspect, so the terminator and so on naturally became nonsense. Coupled with the fact that Stark had created a terminator-like omnic, he naturally didn’t even think about it.

He thought that oneself probably had no hope of seeing the real Terminator in this life. Didn’t expect here. At the moment, a standard Terminator T-1000 appeared in his Right now. It is difficult to say what kind of mood he should have, but it is certain that it will definitely not be the same excitement as seeing the treasure figure.

Think rationally, even if the thing in front of you looks like a terminator, it will never exist like that. Firstly, there is no Savior like John Connor in their world, and secondly, they don’t have an intelligent life called Skynet.

Of course, Ultron is definitely more powerful than Skynet. It’s just a pity that Victor didn’t know the existence of Ultron. Before he became the lord of hell, Ultron, as America’s core secret, certainly did not have the right to know. And after he finally got into the Allies and got a place in it, Ultron’s affairs were sealed again. The authority of the small Eastern European countries allows him to participate in the major events of the Allies, which is already a great thing. Hoping that this sort of secret incident could be picked up by this, he still had a more realistic dream of unifying Europe.

Although he does not know the existence of Ultron, he can also see that this thing in front of him is inseparable from the omnic. Only Stark is the only one developing similar technology among humans, so this He can neither recite the scapegoat. When he thought that this might be Stark’s hand, Victor naturally burned in anger.

Stark has played the same trick before. If it wasn’t for his own strength to be superhuman, I am afraid that he has already become their prisoner. The same trick was performed on him again and again. This is not just Stark’s own arrogance, but also a kind of contempt for him. Of course Victor couldn’t tolerate this attitude, so he immediately waved his scepter, manipulating the magic of hell and rushed towards the Terminator.

He wants to destroy this Stark’s killing move, using the fastest and sharpest way. To warn Stark that being as strong as him is not something who can flatten and round if he wants to flatten it. If you want to deal with him, you have to pay a price. He is a Terminator now, and he will probably be the person next to him in the future. The hunter and the prey, he was in the wrong direction…

Victor, who was so determined in his heart, didn’t have any expectations for the Terminator in front of him, because in his opinion, the fate of this thing It is already doomed. Robots that can withstand the invasion of dark magic, in this world, do not exist at all. Unless someone can be extravagant to use tons of Vibranium or Adamantium to make this Terminator, otherwise, any robot of other materials will only be clay chickens and pottery dogs that are unable to withstand a single blow.

This is correct, but he has overlooked a very critical issue. That is that this thing he envisioned is not impossible, but just not worth it. Ordinary people or forces can’t afford this price. After all, to shape a whole Vibranium or Adamantium body for a robot, the price/performance ratio is really touching. Imagine that Wakanda, which is the origin of Africa Vibranium, can only give their previous kings, Black Panther, prepare such a Vibranium armor, then only make a mechanical body of several times or even dozens of times the quality. What price should it pay? What?

This is definitely an astronomical figure, and in order to build a robot such an astronomical figure, as long as it is a force with a little brain will not do such a thing. Of course, there are always exceptions to everything. For example, Ultron, who has almost half of the wealth of the capital world, would not care about such a small amount of money.

A body assembled from a full Vibranium is much more meaningful to him than other forces have such a robot. For other forces, this thing at best means a tougher beater and tool, but for himself, it means an indestructible body.

Although he is free from the Internet world, he can replace any omnic at any time and use it as his temporary body. But what I have to say is that the bodies that came down the assembly line are really too fragile. Not only can’t resist those powerful opponents well, even loading some powerful energy becomes a problem.

For Ultron, who has a lot of means and huge energy, these all are the shackles that limit his play. And want to break such a shackle, come up with a brand-new, and strong enough body is his easiest choice.

Of course, whether such a choice is useful or not, it still needs to be practiced before a concrete conclusion can be drawn. And right now, there is no doubt that it is the best practice opportunity.

Not all who have the qualifications to put a hell master right. Not who can face the luck of the evil power of hell’s magic. Ultron had caught up with the time, and in order to verify some of own’s ideas, he simply made a move that Victor hadn’t expected.

He opened the five fingers of one hand and pointed it in the direction of the magic attack like a hammer to welcome a reckless child. And seeing him make such a move, Victor immediately became annoyed.

This is to show that he didn’t take his attack seriously, and wanted to use Iron Body to resist his attack. For such an arrogant move, of course, Victor can do is to increase his own strength and completely submerge him with own magic.

Hell magic has always been known for its shadow damage and destructive power. Although what he has is not the most extreme anxious hell magic, the power of Evil Spirit hell is also enough to make him corrode everything blocking him. He wanted to give Stark a good look, so that the robot in front of him would completely turn into a pile of rotten iron. However, things went beyond his expectation, because even if it was facing the erosion of the dark magic, the situation of this robot did not at all at all obvious changes.

At most, only a layer of paint on the surface was washed away, but even a little metal material could not be destroyed. This situation is enough to make Victor feel surprised when he hit mind’s eye. Because ordinary metals can’t do this.

Special alloy or super metal? There was already suspicion in his heart. And just in his careful observation, he had already discovered that the magical energy emitted by oneself was being absorbed by the opponent’s body.

This is a very obvious feature. Only Vibranium, which is called sound-absorbing steel, can have this feature. And for such a robot made of sound-absorbing steel, I am afraid that even Stark would not have such a lavish.

A lot of thoughts flashed in his mind for an instant, and with so much suspicion, Victor began to have a deeper doubt about the identity of the robot in front of him.

He doesn’t think Stark has such a large financial capacity to create such a useless robot. Although Stark Industries is still one of the very best multinational companies in this world, it has to be said that it has lost the cooperative support of the capital consortium, and in addition, it has to contribute to the broken house of United States. This old Hegemon is already There is a sense of being stretched.

It took out tens of billions of funds, but if it is used to build such a robot, even if it is the Stark family’s usual rich and imposing temperament, I am afraid that it will not be willing to accept such a price.

This thing impossible is Stark’s toy. So the question is, where does it come from?

Through the previous series of events, Victor can easily connect the robot in front of him with the unknown force that undermined his plan. After all, with such technological strength and financial resources at the same time, it is difficult for the entire world to find a second example. Although it is hard to imagine that this organization can be so rich, it seems that it is not unimaginable to think about its technological strength that can cover the entire Europe and destroy a million demons in an instant.

Being able to achieve this level of technology, then money is really not a problem for them. Regardless of the damage to the financial system, the easiest way is to use the Internet to launder money. Directly intervene in a few national banks, and then dig out a few pennies like dung. No matter how large a funding gap is, it is not a problem.

Of course, this force must have not done so. Stupid things that are too compelling, they won’t do it even if they want to. Perhaps he did something more subtle, such as the one that steals a few cents from each account. In short, money is not a problem for this power. The question is, why did they spend so much money to make this toy?

killing move? Or is there anything special about this robot that can target him? At this time, Victor couldn’t tolerate his thoughts. At first, he was cranky, and his decisive desire to attack immediately faded.

This is normal. In the bones, most of them are conspirators, a small part are Scholars, and only a few are considered fighters. He has never had that kind of cutting off one’s means of retreat, burn both jade and stone spirit. When he is sure, he looks on the sidelines when he is not sure. This is his consistent style.

At this moment, when seeing this robot built by Vibranium with no difficulty blocked the own attack, of course he would not be so hard to smash the opponent. . Knowing the other party’s intentions and determining whether oneself is necessary to continue is the wise choice for him in mind. And under such a premise, he began to cautiously question the robot in front of him.

“You are not the creation of Stark? What are you? What do you and the forces behind you want to do to stop me?”

For the first question, Ultron kept silence. He is unwilling to tell lies on this issue, but he also knows that oneself cannot casually expose his relationship with Stark. So he could only be silent for such a period of time before speaking to Victor.

“I am an intelligent lifeform——Ultron. My purpose is only one, and that is to prevent you from harming any innocent human beings!”

“Stop me? Harming innocent humans? You? ……”

From under the mask, he made a voice of in a low, muffled voice, and Victor looked at the mechanical creature in front of oneself and sneered in disdain.

“It’s ridiculous to say this from a robot claiming to be an intelligent life. Listen, canned food. I don’t care what your maker inputs to you. Instructions, no matter what kind of stuff is loaded in your program. I only know that if you are really an intelligent lifeform as you said, then there is no relationship between you and human beings. You want Be strong for humans? I have to ask them if they want to. And based on my understanding of humans, I am afraid that your behavior will not be welcomed by them…”

This is a mockery , Is also a temptation. Although Victor doubted how such a strong Great Influence created the so-called intelligent lifeform not at all, he still couldn’t help but want to give it a try to see if the robot could give a reasonable explanation to the own words.

A machine that only knows logical thinking can’t answer such questions without standard answers. Even if he has made a pre-set in his program, then the set answer will definitely make people feel problematic.

The difference between a machine and a living life is so great, which Victor knew clearly. It is precisely because he knows the difference that he wants to know the machine’s answer even more. This allows him to judge the strength of the opponent. For his curiosity, Ultron answered like this.

“I want to save mankind. It has nothing to do with how human beings think about me. I don’t care what they think. I also know that the roots of humanity’s inferiority will make them in many cases Make a wrong choice. I’m used to setting aside them to do what I think is the right thing, so your interference has no effect on me, Mr. Dum.”

“Really? It’s still It’s not a happy news.”

Viktor’s face suddenly became gloomy after hearing this answer.

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