Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2023

He can still distinguish how a truly intelligent creature thinks.

Just like the Turing test when artificial intelligence has just flourished, the Turing test itself refers to asking multiple groups of humans and the same machine to ask questions without knowing it. If more than 30% of the testers are not sure that the opponent is a machine or a human, then the machine is considered to have artificial intelligence.

To be honest, the method of this test is a bit less rigorous, because if there are real artificial intelligence, you may not be able to tell whether they really can’t pass this test or are unwilling to pass This test. However, the idea of ​​this test is correct anyway.

Victor can tell from their conversation that Ultron really has artificial intelligence, and the level of intelligence is not low. This level is not the simple intelligence level of a few years old, but is equivalent to an adult level with mature values ​​and worldviews. In other words, a completely self-existence. And having oneself is not good news for Victor.

He originally wanted to persuade the machine in front of him with own’s three-inch tongue. Even if he could not be transferred to the camp, at the very least, he must not be able to block own’s actions.

This is not impossible. It’s like saying that you use a lollipop to trick Little Luoli into watching a goldfish. If this Little Luoli’s mind is so young that he can’t even distinguish between good and bad, then the success rate for doing this is quite big. However, if the goal is changed to an adult with a sound three-view and full IQ online, then the only outcome of doing so may be to be sent to the police station.

The newborn artificial intelligence is not much better than Little Luoli. But at the moment this is obviously not a new-born artificial intelligence, he is more advanced, and this also means that it is difficult for him to be fooled by a few words. It must be impossible to use words as a weapon, and in this case, Victor can only be prepared to use force.

It is not easy to use force against such a robot with a Vibranium body. Because of the characteristics of Vibranium, the characteristic that all the kinetic energy and energy impact cannot be transmitted because of the abnormally stable atomic structure, even the hell monarchs like Victor are somewhat helpless.

Tear off Vibranium with bare hands? don’t crack a joke. To say that Satan may also have such an ability, but he, a Demon King half-transformed from human beings? He has no such ability even if you tear him up. And if we talk about giving up physical methods and relying on magic alone, this is actually not as easy as imagined.

The overwhelming majority method in magic is nothing more than the manipulation of energy. But the energy shock is almost impossible to get the stubborn atomic structure of Vibranium. Therefore, it is difficult to rely on general magical means to destroy Vibranium’s defenses. For Victor, instead of letting him use all magical means to break through Vibranium’s defense on the front, he would rather use some circuitous means.

The so-called roundabout means are nothing more than some secret magic tricks. If the other party is a human or other intelligent creature with flesh and blood, then he can really use not too many methods. Whether it is a spell of hypnosis or charm, or a mental attack, or even more cruel, directly pulling out the opponent’s soul is a simple and effective solution for him.

But the problem is that the other party is not an ordinary creature, and the methods he thought of may not have any effect on Ultron.

Hypnotic charm? This kind of magic can only work on the brains of creatures, and ghosts know that artificial intelligence processors will not accept this level of mercy. As for mental shock and soul extraction, are you sure that the artificial intelligence robot has this thing? I’m afraid it is to let this intelligent creator say that he dare not make any guarantees. But on Victor’s body, he naturally didn’t dare to say anything big.

In all fairness, he did not at all place too much hope on such means. Because from his point of view, the possibility that these methods can work is almost impossible. Instead of wasting more effort in this area, it is better to try some other methods. Of course, what should be tried is always a try.

With his thoughts flying around, he already did a lot of small actions in private. And just as he imagined, his little actions don’t at all play any role. The eyes that can control the human heart and the soul are completely clay ox entering the sea, and there is no sign. And the evil magic that used to be able to rip out the soul directly, now it still doesn’t even rip out a single piece of hair.

This road is obviously unworkable, and since it is unworkable, then it is inevitable to put on a new idea and try other methods.

Magic gave him many choices, and Victor soon thought of another way. He didn’t intend to delay any more time and immediately displayed this method to Ultron.

Exile magic is also a kind of space magic. For example, the magic spell cast by Ancient One sorcerer can also be classified as an exile spell in the Western magic system. Of course, it is more complicated.

Although Victor can be regarded as a leader in sorcerer, a pioneer in hell magic, but really, he can’t achieve the level of Ancient One sorcerer. Earth vein magic is Kamar-Taj’s unspread secret after all, and coupled with the typical Eastern method of moving mountains and mountains, he has the huge magic power of Demon King-like, and he can’t learn these things at all.

But that said, but it does not mean that he has no alternative. You must know that his identity is the hell lord, and every hell lord has such a set of similar spells in the hands of hell.

In ancient times, the lord of hell could throw any creature into the hell under his control at will. As long as no one intervenes, or the other party can’t come up with a way to counter this method, then there is no way to stop them from doing so.

Until later, God and Paragon sorcerer had difficulties one after another, which made the hell monarchs have to actively give up the power of own and change to achieve this goal by way of contract.

This is a waste, Victor has always thought so. So after he usurped Mephisto’s position, he immediately left the contract behind.

Anyway, he didn’t worry about God or Paragon sorcerer who jumped in front of him, and initiated a conquest for his violation of this contract. For one thing, neither the fallen gods nor the Paragon sorcerer have the ability to trouble him. Secondly, what does the contract he signed by Mephisto has to do with Victor?

He doesn’t care about the existence of contracts or contracts. The reason why I didn’t use this privilege much before was entirely because this spell was a tasteless one, and there was almost no place to use it. And now although hell no longer exists, that dimension will not disappear, and the use of waste takes it as a destination for exile, just right. So without any hesitation, Victor cast this spell on Ultron.

Just like pulling a zipper directly in the air, the space is directly torn, a mirror surface appears, and the dimension of hell is also exposed on the other side of the mirror surface. Then a huge suction force came, pulling Ultron’s body to suck him into the other side of the mirror.

No matter how powerful the body of Vibranium is, it is impossible to ignore this kind of suction due to the dimensional gap. So in the immediately appearance of the mirror, his body was inevitably pulled and moved towards the other side of the mirror.

The situation is obvious, and Ultron does not want Victor to do so. But no matter how he stood on his own body, even if his legs had been deformed into the appearance of tree roots, layers of Vibranium plunged into the ground like roots, and could not stop oneself’s body displacement.

This is not simply a movement on an individual, but a whole movement within a spatial range caused by magic. As long as the target has not been banished, then no matter what he seizes as a dependence, it will only make him connect those things together and be banished to hell. Whether it’s trees or earth or rocks. Even if it means you hug a whole mountain, this magic can gnaw a hole in the mountain. So unless there are specific countermeasures, there is really no way to use this kind of magic.

Ultron certainly has no such countermeasures. After all, he is a product of technology, not a magical creation. So he can only let this magic continue. After one of his Avatar bodies entered the mirror, he already felt the true intention of this magic.

Expelling him to a completely empty world is not what he wants to see. You must know that as an intelligent lifeform, the premise of all his abilities is based on the premise that the world he lives in is a developed civilized world.

The information network under the civilized system is the scope of his activities. The industrial power under the civilized system is the foundation of his development and production. Losing these is almost equivalent to losing everything. And if he was really thrown into a world of nothingness, then it would be no different from turning a normal person into a vegetable.

He is here to save the world, not to turn oneself into something vegetative. So, when he realized the situation facing oneself, he immediately began to find a way to crack it.

Solving this problem by magic means is almost impossible. Let’s not talk about whether Ultron knows what to crack counter-type magic, just to show the magic level that can crack the Demon King spell is an insoluble problem for him.

Imitation belongs to imitation, and cognition belongs to cognition. Even if he has the ability to imitate the power of the Ancient One sorcerer through scientific observations, it does not mean that he has an insight into the true meaning of magic. He lacks theoretical support, and this lack of knowledge makes him fundamentally impossible at this time to solve oneself’s current predicament by magical means. After all, there is no second person here for him to observe and imitate.

The road of magic is definitely unworkable, but the inability to solve the problem by magic means does not mean that Ultron cannot use other means to fight Victor’s spells. Science, this is the foundation of Ultron, and his idea at the moment is also to use science to open up this situation.

If it were an ordinary sorcerer standing in his current position, he might feel that such an idea is a fantasy story and unrealistic. After all, in their eyes, magic is not an existence that can be deciphered by a half-hearted thing like science. However, this statement does not hold true for Ultron.

Magic and science, in Ultron’s view, are nothing more than means of detecting this World itself. There is no distinction between the pros and cons of the two, even if there are, then it is just that the user oneself will not work. What he doesn’t think magic can do, science can’t do. And now, he already had an idea for this exile spell.

The devouring of the mirror surface continues, and the other side of the darkness is devouring everything crazily, whether it is soil or stone or anything else, as long as it is in contact with Ultron, it is swallowing it in. And just when it was about to swallow Ultron in, Ultron suddenly changed, and the silver white body immediately dissipated into the air like countless flying ash.

With his ability, he can manipulate Vibranium to change the molecular shape, and then use powerful computing power to control the operation of each Vibranium molecule. This is not a problem. For Victor’s exile magic, this is a very troublesome thing.

The so-called exile magic, the first and most important thing is to have a definite goal. And this goal is undoubtedly Ultron himself. So the question is, can Ultron, which is fully embodied as a molecule, still be recognized as a target by exile magic?

The answer is no. Just like when we see a hair, we can only say that it is a hair, but not a person. Obviously, Ultron that has changed into this form cannot be recognized as a target by exile magic. From a magical point of view, his whole person is equivalent to being wiped out and no longer exists, and naturally, it becomes impossible to exile him.

Magic is about conceptualization. Conceptually banishing a non-existent person is not a valid thing, so this magic naturally cannot continue. Victor has not yet reached the point where he can do as one pleases to manipulate the concept of magic, so at this time he can only give up this futile effort and stop oneself, which has already failed.

He takes There was no way for oneself. Ultron realized this and immediately regrouped from its molecular state. As soon as he changed back to his own humanoid form, he almost didn’t stop at any time, and he charged Victor.

Victor saw his difficulty, how could he not see the weirdness of Victor’s methods. As an existence who is very good at summing up experience and lessons, he is very clear that in the face of such an enemy, he should never be given the opportunity to reorganize the attack. No one can guarantee that there is no trump card that can make you rollover among the methods at his disposal. And to prevent him from playing such a trump card, the best way is to completely defeat him before he plays the card.

For this, his imposing manner is like a rainbow. The swift offensive coupled with strong kinetic energy made him seem to have turned into a silver light arrow. In the face of such an opponent who could not help but rush up, Victor fought back against him because of the complexion turned cold.

He is not the kind of surrender who can only be obediently surrender when he is touched. You know, he is also the King of Hell anyway.

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