Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2024

The full magical power flowed through Victor’s within the body, and under his deliberate urge, a huge phantom began to appear on his body.

That is the shadow of the Demon King, a spell he specially developed to make up for oneself as a human being and deal with all kinds of monsters in hell.

The conceptual flesh and blood skeleton is constructed by magic, so that it can form a real existence as if it were a substance. Although such a method does not conform to his usual style, it has a huge momentum and is full of attention. After all, the magic of the magic king level is not cracking a joke. Use this level of magic to shape this thing, and what it represents is the destructive power of the cream of the crop.

It can be said that unless it is a demon of the same level with a strong physical body, waiting for a casual person to face his shadow of the Demon King, there is simply no ability to resist. And to use this move to deal with Ultron, in addition to Ultron’s own difficulties, more often, Victor has begun to take this opponent seriously.

Not who can have this way with him, especially if this person uses technological means. It’s not that Victor looks down on science and technology, on the contrary, he is probably the guy who values ​​the power of science the most compared to the old hats in hell. However, because he values ​​it and has a deep understanding of it, he has a better understanding of the level of human science and technology.

Counting those weapons of destruction, he is definitely not an opponent. After all, even the Void monster can’t withstand that kind of blow. He asks himself that oneself has no ability to match it. But if these devastating weapons are removed, he doesn’t think what the science and technology of humans can do to him.

Conventional weapons can’t deal with him, and those unconventional weapons, he is not a second fool like Satan, just stand there and let oneself be bombarded wildly. If the weight is too small, it can’t help him. If the weight is too large and the legs are on himself, can’t he still run?

Unless someone can hold him, but hold him, a Great Demon King in hell, is this so easy?

The answer is of course no. And it is precisely because of knowing such an answer that Victor dares to look down on the power of human science and technology. But right now, he didn’t have the confidence to say anything like this, because he knew very well that the guy who called himself Ultron in front of him was the one who could hold the own.

Sufficiently enough to make people’s attention ability coupled with a few trump cards that he must still hold in his hand, not to mention oneself, at the very least, dragging oneself should still be no problem. And as long as oneself is dragged, oneself may be hit by a hammer of dawn on oneself’s head. Although this guy named Ultron is definitely not good, but no matter how you think about it, perish together with a robot is a loss.

So do it quickly, get rid of the robot’s entanglement as quickly as possible. This is Victor’s current thinking. And on this basis, whether he can do the thing he had planned before, he now doesn’t insist too much. It is good to be successful, at the very least, this gave him an explanation to Smith Zhou. But if he can’t succeed, then he won’t force it, because for him, nothing can be more important than his life.

The use of the Shadow of Demon King is his last attempt, trying to get rid of Ultron as soon as possible and give oneself enough time to try.

Vibranium’s defensive power is powerful, but it is not omnipotent. The simple truth is that you can’t hold the blade tightly with your hands, but you can hold the back of the blade. Vibranium can only do physical attacks in the final analysis, and physical attacks, as long as the kinetic energy it can generate, can be said to control the damage it can cause.

This is the case right now, the huge shadow of the Demon King slapped both hands, as if slapped a mosquito, pressing down on the arrow incarnate in Ultron. The destructive power produced by the high-speed movement and the hardness of Vibranium continuously consumes the palm of the shadow of the Demon King, but all of this is still within Victor’s control.

While left and right are just some magical powers, and the magical powers, Victor is so much, he is not worried that oneself will be dragged down. In comparison, Ultron, on the contrary, was clearly in a decline.

Using oneself as a means of attack is itself a means of destruction that wants to use the characteristics of Vibranium to achieve the best efficiency, low energy consumption, high damage, this itself is the most correct choice. But what Ultron didn’t expect was that Victor would actually use such a method to target him. It can be said that he made the same mistake as Victor at first, that is, underestimating his opponent.

This is a predictive error. After all, he knew too little about magic or Victor himself. Based on the little information that oneself has, it is normal to get an inaccurate answer and thus get oneself into a predicament. Fortunately, he also had the opportunity to adjust all of this.

The kinetic energy to tell the flight has been exhausted, but as a technological product, his body itself also possesses powerful energy. With reference to Stark’s situation, Ultron also added sufficient radioactive elements to the body of own. Under normal conditions, the Vibranium molecule restricts the operation of these radioactive elements, but as long as it is needed, it can immediately create a miniature fusion reaction oneself within the body.

How much energy is produced by the fusion reaction, needless to say. In this situation right now, it is no different from a rocket shooting flame hair suddenly in a tight space. Conventionally, this would allow the rocket to fall apart directly under the push of kinetic energy and the pressure of space, but who made Ultron’s body be caused by Vibranium.

So there is only one situation left, that is, Ultron successfully broke through, and Victor’s Demon King’s shadow was suddenly torn apart by his wrists.

Of course, this was just a waste of magic power for Victor, not a loss. But letting Ultron go, this is a big loss.

Ultron’s target is still him, and he is coming faster and more powerful. After all, it is a firecracker squeezed out of a small space. The reason is the same as that of a popping chamber. Formidable power is not impossible. But Victor had prepared enough, and he didn’t expect that Ultron’s counterattack would come so quickly.

The speed has almost reached ten times the speed of sound, and he can hardly respond adequately when it gets too fast. Relying on the perception ability brought to him by the magic talent, he subconsciously used the spell of Form Displacement Shadow, which allowed oneself to avoid a dangerous blow.

There was a loud noise, and Ultron’s body pierced through layers of soil and rock like a sharp sword. For such formidable power, Victor no longer dared to ask for a big one, and directly hid his own body in the shadow of the Demon King.

This is a kind of protection. Although he is not absolutely sure that the shadow of the Demon King can withstand Ultron’s piercing attack, at the very least, it is better than letting him be a physical body. The target is strong.

He is just physical body and mortal flesh, fleshy body strength is not comparable to those with skin is rough, flesh is thick, and if you touch it like this, undying will have to die. He does not intend to be planted in the hands of such a robot, so he must ensure his own safety.

Of course, the best way to ensure oneself’s safety is not to do the protection work blindly. After all, only Thousand Days is a thief, there is no Thousand Days to guard against thieves. The best way is to defeat this difficult opponent, and to defeat him, Victor can only say that oneself is working hard.

Driven by magic to fill the vacancy of the shadow of the Demon King, Victor directly let the shadow of the Demon King slap at the position where Ultron plunged into the surface. The huge force smashed the ground that had already produced cracks, and the layers of earth and rocks sank like a landslide in a loud noise.

This is the inspiration from Paragon sorcerer. Using the power of the earth to seal a difficult opponent is indeed an optimal choice from a certain perspective. Although he cannot create an abyss and a mountain range out of thin air to bury Ultron directly in the depths of Earth like Paragon sorcerer, he uses his own strength and environmental advantages to bury Ultron in the depths of several hundred meters underground. That is not a problem.

several hundred meters The deep rock formations and heavy pressure are enough to limit the robot for a period of time, even if it is made by Vibranium.

Victor thought so, but suddenly felt a violent vibration from oneself’s feet. Buzzzz~ High frequency sound, like a big electric drill piercing under oneself’s feet.

It’s not like, it’s. The ground under his feet has begun to tear, and almost all the ultra-high speed vibrations are transmitted to his in the bones. The earth and rocks are gushing, it seems that something is about to squeeze out from the ground, and this time something will be in this way Squeeze it out, that’s something you can think of with your ass.

“Damn robot!” Cursed inwardly, Victor immediately controlled the shadow of Demon King, causing him to punch at the feet of oneself with a powerful punch. He doesn’t know how this robot can escape from deep underground in such a short period of time, but he knows one thing, that is, if you really get him out of trouble, then oneself There is going to be a big trouble.

To stop him, this is something that must be done. In order to do this, he began to provide magic power at all costs, with the hands of Demon King’s shadow, shaking the ground under oneself’s feet.

The same sentence, he is not Kamar-Taj sorcerer, and he cannot easily manipulate the earth through the magic of earth veins. However, this does not mean that he cannot do anything to the land under oneself.

The Continental Oscillator is a super weapon of either the fish dies or the net splits developed by the Reed Court Academecian and a group of scientists in response to alien invaders occupying the surface. The principle is It’s not complicated. As a classmate, Victor can get a rough idea in his mind if he touches a little bit of basic information.

In terms of scientific and technological strength, it is difficult for him to restore this kind of technology. After all, this is not something that you can come up with. Without the support of a complementary industrial system, this idea is just a It’s just unrealistic fantasy. But if the goal is to use magic to achieve the same effect, then the situation is different.

The power of magic is not inferior to technology, especially when Victor can squander much more capital in this respect than technology. With the almost endless magic of hell, it penetrates into every node under the mountainous area where Latovinia is, causing it to oscillate at high frequency. Almost in that instant, the whole earth seemed to wake up and began to shake violently.

The earthquake happened. Although it is not as good as using a continental oscillator to make the entire land plate fall apart, it is easy to make this small country a Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

This is an instant the ten thousand zhang waves are rolled up on the flat ground. Under The earth shook and the mountain quivered, almost every inch of the country’s land is no longer safe.

In normal times, at this time, the ordinary person is afraid that the wolf has already rushed and ran away desperately. But because of the influence of Dormammu before, this situation did not happen at all. The people who fell into madness were submerged in the frenzy by the earth, stone and bricks, and the guys who were robbed of their consciousness as if walking corpse even had no sense at all, had already been killed in this great earthquake.

There were heavy casualties, that’s for sure. After all, people can always try their best to seize all vitality in order to live. Even in such an earthquake, they will not easily choose to give up, instead of giving up, it will always bring them more hope of survival. . It’s not like now, not even a bit of struggle, all lives are like sand castles on the beach, directly shot to pieces by the big waves.

This is a massacre. Ultron, which is connected to almost all surveillance networks in the world and has been following Victor’s every move, can clearly recognize this. He saw it, but couldn’t do anything about it.

The awakened earth is like an unrivaled giant, using a large floor block as his own hands, pressing him between his palms. Rao is that Ultron has endless energy and countless changes. In the face of such power, it is impossible to resist. He could only watch all of this happen to the owner, and his mind was immediately filled with an emotion that humans call anger.

This is the first time in his life that he has had such a strong emotion. Accompanying this emotion is his deep killing intent for Victor von Doum.

For the first time in memory, he wanted to kill someone so desperately. In order to achieve this goal, he also spared no expense.

Energy stacks endlessly. If his previous nuclear fusion reaction within the body was only taking efficiency as the first priority, and the energy index was always controlled within a controllable range, then his reaction within the body has already intensified endlessly. , And far beyond this controllable range.

This feeling is like an extinct volcano, with a few nuclear bombs artificially thrown into it. It is impossible to want silence. And with the surge of energy and Ultron’s conscious control, endless energy also spurted out of his body immediately.

The big floor blocks were blasted up, the thick rock formations began to melt, and a path of life was cut through. However, there was a repercussions in doing so, that is, he had an even worse impact on Latvinia, who had already suffered misfortune.

The disintegrated rock rose into the sky with Ultron’s body, and the melted lava was flying all over the sky like a rain of fire. The city underneath began to burn, and the spark of a spark became an elephant of a prairie fire in the blink of an eye. These are not what Ultron wanted to see, and for this, he could only stare at Victor with red light, and shouted at him.

“Victor von Doum, you have to pay for what the owner does!”

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