Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2025

“Ha, do you blame me for all this? Mr. Robot.”

Ultron’s voice, Victor, is of course impossible to hear, but he Even if he heard such words, he just fought back with a face doesn’t change.

“It’s not fair, don’t forget, it’s because you have been forcing me to make things the way it is. If you want to talk about responsibility, I have half of it, and you at least have it. The other half. Now you shirk all the responsibilities on me. Don’t talk about fairness and unfairness, don’t you have any guilt in your heart?”

Are you guilty? Of course Ultron has. It may be a little strange for some people to have such emotions about a robot, but only he himself knows that he really does not want to involve these innocent people.

His principle is to protect mankind, and now that Victor has caused so many deaths and injuries, it is completely inconsistent with his original intention. He felt that oneself did something wrong, but it was fundamentally impossible to let him stop and make up for the mistakes oneself made.

After all, he is very clear intellectually, since oneself has done this, the best result is to bring Victor to justice and make him pay for all this. And if you give up the plan of oneself at first at this time, then nothing will be done without fear.

No one wants to be a ridiculous loser, and Ultron will naturally not want to be oneself. For this reason, he could only grit his teeth in his heart, and at the same time said fiercely to Victor.

“A clever tongue! No matter how you excuse oneself, it is impossible to shirk your crime!”

“Have I shirk? No. And those on the surface Make a holy appearance. In fact, secretly, people who have done all dirty things are different. I am always very honest. I will not deny these things that I have done, let alone shirk them like you said. What responsibility. For example, what I did in the current earthquake, I admit, there is no water in the middle. But, with so many people dead, you can’t rely on me.”

sneer I clicked on oneself with the scepter. Those innocent people who suffered huge pain and are still facing death and injury at the foot, Victor’s words and words were all intriguing Victor’s mind. He could see that this robot seemed to care about the life and death of these ordinary persons. In that case, he really didn’t mind doing more fanfare on this.

And his fanfare really played a role, because obviously, when Ultron’s eyes began to patrol the humans, the red light in his eyes became more dazzling.

Victor doesn’t know what this means specifically, maybe it’s some kind of emotional outburst, maybe it’s just an increase in energy inside the robot. No matter which one it is, it means that his words have played a role, making the internal changes of this robot.

Anyway, it is better to have changes than this robot is rigid and oneself. If it is anger, then this can just go to his head and plunge him into a dead end indispensable for emotional existence. And if this is a certain method, then just let him see what kind of trump card this guy is still hiding in his hands.

This is a good opportunity. As the so-called don’t let slip an opportunity, Victor certainly does not intend to waste such an opportunity. So at the moment, in front of Victor, he is already manipulating oneself’s huge magic power, engulfing thousands of earth and rocks, swept away towards the innocent people in the capital of Latvinia.

His goal with a clear purpose is also very clear, that is, the Latovinia School District that was established through his hands.

Latovinia has been impoverished for half his life, and finally encountering Victor is the time to come. However, after all, it is a small and remote country, even if it is said that it has a great opportunity for a while, it is actually difficult to last. In the final analysis, it is still a hard truth to strike iron. And if you want to strike while the iron is hot and keep this opportunity for a long time, education is the most indispensable link.

Victor Oneself only relied on education to become Phoenix. Of course, he is impossible to forget this stubbornness. And since it has been decided to own the motherland, then this education is inevitable.

With large sums of money and high welfare, Victor forcibly set up such a huge school district at the foot of the own castle. From elementary school to running university, tens of thousands of students are enough to provide the country with the most abundant fresh blood. In his vision, in the next ten years, 20 years, the future of this country will be supported by these youngsters cultivated. But what he didn’t expect was that, before that day, everything that was originally built by him would be destroyed by his own hands.

To curse the impermanence of fate, fortune plays with people is essential. But even with such thoughts in his mind, Victor’s hand movements never slowed down.

The surging earth and rocks are like big waves rolling, and a flutter directly inundated most of the newly built campus. And the casualties caused by this were definitely not under the previous disasters.

If the previous disasters caused almost all the students in this school district to casualties, then in the current situation, even among the hundreds of people, there may not be a reason for surviving.

There is no doubt that there have been heavy casualties. For such a sudden change, Ultron, who was still brewing some emotions, immediately got some eye socket cracked and became furious.

“Fuck your mother, I want you to die so miserable!”

Angrily searching from the Internet, it is also the most suitable word for Ultron at the moment. He has Without any hesitation, he shot Victor in the past.

Save people? It’s not that he has thought about such things. I just want to know, in the face of such a disaster, how many people can he save by trying his best? The earth was overturned, and the mud and rocks buried countless people under 10,000 tons of soil and rock like a big wave. Even if these people each had the latest Nano Guardian to hang their lives, it would only be a life worse than death. There is nothing he can do.

Since there is nothing he can do, then do what oneself can do to seek justice for these innocents, which is the only thing he can do.

There is no longer any restriction on own energy, and the unprecedented explosion is almost self-destructive. Ultron’s action of this charge alone is already spilling thousands of thunderbolt lightning. With the posture of a storm sweeping, it was already in front of the shadow of Victor’s Demon King. After that, with a blow like a heavy cannon, the huge body of the Shadow of Demon King was instantly torn in half, and then fluttered out.

Of course, this lightness must be due to Viktor’s deliberate actions. On the one hand, he is unwilling to meet force with Ultron. On the other hand, he can borrow Do more with this.

The shadow of the torn in half of the Demon King changed into two giant claws, and the five fingers were like a sharp axe to open a mountain, deeply embedded in the rock underfoot. And with Ultron’s burst of power, it was like a sacred bull plowing the ground at the moment, and it immediately divided the earth into pieces.

This is mountains bursting and ground splitting. In this situation, it is naturally worse, and the situation is so bad that it can’t be suppressed. As for this, Ultron hated him, but he could only insist on oneself’s previous thoughts and pursue Victor without stopping for half a step. And Victor, who just laughed, gathered the shadow of the Demon King to protect Oneself, while destroying everything in front of Oneself non-stop.

Let go of all the baggage and burden in oneself’s heart, Victor really did not hesitate to do this evil thing. For him, he doesn’t care what the country was destroyed by him and how many innocent compatriots died in his hands. And the less he cares, the more Ultron cares.

He is determined not to allow Victor to do so recklessly, so he can only attack Victor continuously one after another. And this kind of behavior in Victor’s eyes is nothing more than the vain struggle of the wild beast trapped in that’s all.

His idea is very simple, that is to use this increasingly bad situation to suppress the other party’s psychological bottom line. If he really cares about the life and death of these humans as oneself said, then in order to stop oneself, he can only fight oneself with more full strength. Judging from the current situation, as long as oneself hangs him so consistently, then the confrontation between the two of them can be like a rampant natural disaster, brewing a disaster of scorched earth for thousands of miles on this European land.

A Latovinia is okay, life and death may not be placed in the eyes of those self-serving superiors. But if this disaster is about to run rampant to other places, then I am afraid those people above will not be able to sit still.

Judging by the methods those people currently have, in order to prevent the two of them from continuing to do so, then the use of super weapons is an indispensable thing. And unlike the Void Monster, which has a huge body and a clear goal, if you want to deal with these two small goals, it is inevitable that one will be innocent.

He is not afraid of hurting the innocent. He is doing the same thing anyway. But the robot in front of me might not be able to accept such a result. After all, compared with super weapons, this kind of fight between them can only be regarded as a small fight, and if the situation that he expected really happens, he may have to make a choice.

Should we continue to stalk oneself, or should we focus on the innocent people he values ​​and do mantis trying to stop a chariot? Seriously, he was also quite curious about this answer. So at this time, he naturally spared no effort.

As if walking a dog, he took Ultron’s nose all the way from the capital of Latovinia to the border. Seeing the neighboring country’s land in front of him, he stopped slowly. Come.

At this time, Ultron’s fierce attack came again, and after re-using the old trick to block his attack, Victor immediately laughed at him.

“At this time, are you still not willing to give up? Mr. Robot.”

“You can’t pinch your neck like a chicken and ask for yours Dog life, how can I give up!” With a cold response, Ultron once again squeezed his fist that was glowing with energy. And looking at him as if he didn’t care, he was about to smash to the bottom like oneself. Victor could only smile awkwardly, and hurriedly interrupted.

“Wait, wait. Are you so sure that you will eat me? Or are you so sure that I don’t have a trump card that I can take out?”

“Trump card? Do you think I will be afraid of your trump card?”

Ultron still sneered, but for this question, Victor used one hand and pointed directly at the sky, and then felt confident Replied completely to him.

“I think you should be afraid. Because the trump card is not elsewhere, it’s there!”

“The place where we are now is the border of Latvinia .Go one step further, it’s Poland. If I fight you all the way with my heart. Then it’s probably not a problem to hit Germany and France. And the casualties along the way, you should be able to see clearly. It’s right to be clear. And now what I want to ask you is, even if you can ignore these casualties and continue to fight against me. Do you think the heads of government above can just watch us continue like this? “

“If they don’t have the ability to stop us, then forget it. But you and I should know it, they still have an ultimate weapon in their hands.”

“Standing here, on the land of Latovinia, they might still be willing to wait and watch the changes because of me. But if I step out and run When they reach their land, do you think they can bear it without using super weapons to stop us?”

“Why, are you scared?”

Victor means Ultron never tasted I don’t understand, but in the face of his words, he still couldn’t help but ridicule. This kind of performance has the meaning of breathing, and Victor apparently took this as Ultron deliberately breathing with oneself. Although I was a little surprised at the level of humanoid robot in front of him, it was time, and Victor was naturally unwilling to let him lose his rationality.

“Naturally, I am not afraid. After all, although super weapons are powerful, I am not a dead target. I want to kill me with a single blow, which is also impossible. But. , I’m not afraid, it doesn’t mean that ordinary persons are not afraid. You said, if there are really super weapons to launch an attack, then how many people will die around here and on the border between the two countries?”

“Of course, the most important thing is, can you really watch them die?”

Speaking of which, Victor has already craned his neck and made a listening appearance. Come. Looking at his poor performance, the moonlight that seemed hazy under the gloomy mist, Ultron was silent for a long time before uttering such a sentence.

“Victor von Dum. Do you really think that you are the only one holding the trump card and not typing it?”

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