Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2030

“Take humans as experiments? Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t quite agree with such a statement.”

Ultron denies Reed Court Academecian’s Opinion, and quickly gave an own explanation.

“Nano Guard is a qualified product. In terms of medical functions, it is impeccable. From the first generation to the latest generation of products, Nano Guard has been equipped with everything from physiological lesions to external trauma. It has a full range of healing and repairing functions. In this regard, it has approached perfection, enough to serve as a guarantee for the development of human civilization.”

“If it is really as perfect as you said , Then why do you still say that this technology needs to be improved?”

Reed Court Academecian caught the loopholes in Ultron’s words, and Ultron gave this explanation.

“That’s because I don’t want Nanoguard to have only this function, I want it to do more.” Maybe because I am facing a person who understands the idea of ​​oneself , Ultron’s tone is obviously more cheerful. He began to draw out the blueprint drawn by oneself, hoping to get the approval of people like Reed Court Academecian.

“Repair, upload, download! This is my complete plan for Nanoguard technology. Repair is what I can do so far to protect the human body. , Wei Xian. Just like human beings guarantee and replace parts of those machines, using nanotechnology, I can also achieve similar or even better results to humans.”

“However, this is not It can’t stop the death of human beings. Perhaps at the level of normal death, Nanoguards have already achieved the point of preventing and maximizing delays, but when it comes to unexpected death problems, Nanoguards cannot do more. Humans are Kill, you will die. When the soul of the brain consciousness level is completely free from the bondage of the body, even if the Nano Guard can restore the human body as before, it will not be able to resurrect the human being. Therefore, I need to do more, and it is correct. Therefore, I developed the upload and download functions.”

“Wait, wait…” Because of Ultron’s statement, Reed, who has fallen into the logical thinking mode of scientists, hastily Interrupted him aloud. “You talked about the soul? How is this possible?”

“Why is it impossible? There are demons, Gods, and ghosts in this World, and since there are these things, what is impossible for human beings to have souls? “

“No, it shouldn’t be like this…” Reed Court Academecian squeezed his own temples unacceptably, and said his own thoughts with a wry smile. “I have always thought that the so-called God and the devil are just another form of life, an evolutionary necessity. The soul should be a special transformation of the personal electric field…”

“You want to explore the mystery of everything in a scientific way. This ideal is very admirable, Court Academecian. But I think that if you force science to outline everything, what you get in the end may not The result you want to get. In this regard, we should be more rational and learn to accept those that seem to be contrary to science.”

“I heard this from the mouth of a scientific creation It really makes people feel a little uncomfortable. Okay, let’s continue to talk about your work. Tell me why it is upload and download functions. Does it have anything to do with your discovery of soul?”

” It’s a simple relationship. I discovered the mystery of the soul. I realized that the existence of the soul can stimulate human brain cells. Through some kind of electromagnetic field interaction, the soul can load the memory of human beings with a lot of emotions and senses in the brain. In the cell, personal memory and existential interaction are completed. Based on this understanding, I think this can be used to achieve a certain semi-permanent preservation of human existence.”

“Upload and download? It’s like an online game?”

Even as a Peak scientist, after hearing this idea of ​​Ultron, Court Academecian couldn’t help being amazed by his idea. This is a real whimsical idea, it can be called crazy. But it is undeniable that if he can really do this step, then the promotion of human civilization will obviously have trans-age significance.

The prospects are predictable, but the difficulties are also obvious. How huge a human’s information is, this is a problem that Reid can estimate with a little imagination. Even if the most excellent supercomputer of mankind is used to carry this data, it may not be able to load the memory information of many people. And there are 7 billion people on Earth, even if only half of them are taken, this will still be an astronomical number.

Platform is a problem, and from Reed Court Academecian’s point of view, I am afraid that with human current technology, it is difficult to meet this requirement. Of course, human beings cannot meet this requirement, but it does not mean that Ultron cannot meet this requirement either. After all, technically he has completed the relatively difficult part, and there is no reason to say that he will be stuck at this step. However, Reid is still a little curious about how he completed this platform.

He spoke bluntly about this, and in the face of his doubts, Ultron didn’t mean to hide it.

“It’s very simple, I am enough to serve as this platform. Using nanotechnology, I have completed the transformation of a micro-scale quantum computer. Countless quantum computers carry my ontology, and The platform of this architecture is enough to load all the data of the entire human being. The only problem that restricts this kind of thing is the transmission of upload and download data. Of course, with the help of Nanoguard, this problem has been solved.”

“It feels like you have made oneself into heaven, so that all human beings can get eternal life in you…”

With such emotion, Reed Court Academecian’s words made many people’s faces become strange. The miracles of Nano Guardians may not be ignorant of these leaders. It is only for the protection of their heads of state that they have always maintained a wait-and-see attitude towards this emerging technology. Want to use this thing on them, at least after more than ten years of observation period, or wait until they retired.

Of course, this is only for some powerful countries with many scruples. For the chiefs and kings of small countries, they have no such scruples. Some people have already used such things, and some people have become begin to stir. Not only them, as human beings, the overwhelming majority present almost have such an impulse. Because of immortality, this topic is still too attractive for them. Especially after experiencing these dangers that almost threatened their lives, such a demand naturally became more urgent.

It’s just that the more urgent they are about this need, the more they worry about another issue. That is, as the leader of all this, if they want to get this kind of immortality from Ultron, does it mean that they have to express acknowledge allegiance to Ultron?

This kind of thing is of course unacceptable. From their point of view, if they can’t control Ultron, they must at least ensure their equality before, so that Ultron cannot interfere in the own world. they. Otherwise, when they arrive in Ultron’s world, they will be subject to him. Wouldn’t it be the same as the theocracy over the monarchy in the Middle Ages?

People who hold privileges always hope to hold privileges in oneself’s hands, and this time is no exception. It’s just that they are still aware of the current affairs, not at all at this time to make any special requirements. Only as the situation changed, their acceptance of Ultron also changed to a certain extent. Of course, this is something that Reid didn’t know. He is still discussing technical issues with Ultron enthusiastically.

“So where is the immature place? According to your statement, all the technologies have been achieved, and the problem should not also exist.”

” It looks like this in theory, but it seems that wireless networks will always receive varying degrees of interference. This technology will inevitably suffer from varying degrees of interference during the transmission process. If it is just a pure signal problem Yes, but you have to understand that this is related to the integrity of a soul, and for the soul, even the slightest incompleteness will affect the existence of a human being. In other words, it will wipe out a person. Life…”

“140 million…There should have been more survivors. In this disaster, at least 160 million people should have survived , But unfortunately, I can not at all protect them all… A little technical imperfection leads to such a result. If there is more preparation time or better technology, Then I’m not sure, no, it’s almost certain, how can we minimize this loss.”

“It’s a shame, but you have reached the limit of what oneself can do, right?”

It’s really hard to understand Ultron’s mood, and Reid can only agree with it dryly. And at the same time he agreed, the heads of mankind who had changed their attitudes had also mixed in.

“So, is your purpose to find us to cooperate? In this important technology you call.”

“Of course, there are many things that require us to work together That’s right. For example, the aftermath, the arrangements for human beings to come back to life, and the guidance of public opinion, all require you leaders to use the authority of the government to do it.”

Ultron understands very well. Oneself needs to separate the cake to dissolve the hostility of these leaders. Although he doesn’t care about threats from human governments, he doesn’t care about power, and he doesn’t mind letting them get the satisfaction of believing oneself infallible. .

However, this was not his original intention. Therefore, after giving what these leaders wanted, he immediately said this.

“However, this is not the most important thing. Right now, we also have more important things to do.”

“More important? Also what is more important?”

The leaders are a little confused, because this is the aftermath of a world-level catastrophe. Put aside the benefits they are about to get from Ultron. Just taking the event itself is an urgent matter. The mood of the people needs to be calmed down, and the operation of the government needs to be restored. On this basis, they have to restore social order to above the level as soon as possible. These numerous problems make people feel troublesome and tricky just to think about it. They can’t really imagine what can also be They put down these tasks temporarily.

Since Ultron can say this, it is naturally targeted. And the reason why he has such a cognition is entirely because he has realized some of the problems, and he explained this in this way.

“Of course there is, and it’s very important. To put it bluntly, I think this is related to the future and survival of mankind. This World is facing a huge threat, a terrifying enemy, Begin to stir in the dark.”

“Enemies? Are there any enemies that you can’t solve?”

For Ultron’s statement, someone frowned. They were surprised by the abilities and methods Ultron showed in the fight against Victor. In addition, he could directly control the super weapons possessed by humans. They really couldn’t imagine what kind of enemy they could be. Let him also feel terrifying.

Of course, a cosmic monster like Dormammu says another thing, but a little Earth, where can it provoke that many terrifying monsters?

The leaders’ minds are completely confused, they even subconsciously think that this is Ultron making a fuss, or he has some ulterior motives. It seemed that after seeing their thoughts, Ultron explained it to them at this time.

“I know your scruples and understand your thoughts. Perhaps it seems to you that enemies like Victor are already powerful enemies, but I need to tell you what Yes, compared with the enemy I’m going to talk about, he can’t be called terrifying far. Whether it’s intelligence or strength, it’s true.”

“How could there be such a guy ?”

Someone asked back, and such a back question immediately caused Ultron’s rebuttal.

“Why impossible. A very simple proof, Victor’s identity. I think as Victor’s former classmate, Reed Court Academecian should know him very well. He is just an ordinary person, but just Such an ordinary person has become a terrifying Demon King in just a few years, and holds the unimaginable power of any one of you present. If you rely solely on personal efforts, do you think he can achieve this Achievement? And if it’s not because of this, then the reason can be imagined. A stronger and more obscure enemy is dominating everything in the dark, and has a deep covet for all humans in this World. Only Such a statement can explain everything, right?”

“Who is the enemy you are talking about? Where did such a terrifying guy come from?”

It was Stark who asked, he seemed to have thought of something from Ultron’s news, so that he immediately let go of the grudge in his heart and began to question nervously. Faced with this problem, Ultron didn’t hesitate to submit a name.

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