Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2031

“This is impossible! There must be something wrong!”

Hearing this name, the reaction of others may not be so excited, but Stark’s The emotions have become intense in an instant. He strongly denied it, and seemed to treat it as a lie, a hoax. In the face of his special emotions, Ultron was very calm.

“Why do you think this is impossible? Mr. Stark, or, you are so confident, the person I am talking about must be worthy of your trust? Because of his identity , Or because of what he did?”

Shaking his own head, Ultron said to Stark in a regretful tone.

“You don’t seem to find the problem, Mr. Stark. You seem to have extra trust in the person I mentioned. Search your thinking and logic and you will find, There is no reason for this trust.”

“What the hell do you want to say?” Stark immediately realized what, but he wasn’t sure what Ultron meant. So he could only ask Ultron, and when faced with this problem, Ultron pointed out without the slightest hesitation.

“I mean, your brain and mental state have been disturbed by some kind of elusive external interference. Think carefully, Mr. Stark, you have never had a long relationship with that person Contact, let alone fight with him. All you know about him is just a few words from him, and just like this, you believe him so surely. Doesn’t this make you feel suspicious? “

Stark has never been the kind of simple person who can trust other people casually. He is suspicious by nature and has an instinctive scrutiny of anyone. So when Ultron pointed out the problem with him so clearly, he immediately faced the abnormality of own.

So, when was oneself affected by such inexplicable influence? Stark in the heart recalled, and soon, he fixed the memory on the last meeting with that person. Apart from this, it is impossible. However, just a meeting can affect the consciousness of own in such a silent manner. How is this done? also, what is his motivation for doing this?

Stark couldn’t draw a specific conclusion in his mind. He wasn’t even sure whether this was a masterpiece of that person, or that it was a ghost trick made by other who.

Recovering his suspicious nature, Stark no longer believes anyone’s words, even Ultron. Therefore, even if Ultron revealed a certain probability, he still said to him suspiciously.

“You said that the person is the secret mastermind hidden behind everything, what is your judgment? Prove it to me. Only if your evidence is sufficient to support your statement, I will choose to believe you. Otherwise, all your remarks are nothing but nonsense. At the very least, I will not provoke someone who shouldn’t be provoke because of your nonsense.”

“Of course, I have my reasons for saying this. Everyone, please pay attention…this is some evidence I have collected.” As a smart lifeform, Ultron speaks very clearly. There was no reason, so after Stark made such a statement, he duly produced the evidence he wanted.

First of all, there are some surveillance videos. Most of them are places like old streets. If it is the kind of person who is familiar enough, it is probably easy to tell that it is the scene of London once. And through the magnification and comparison of these scenes, two human figures that can be marked out soon appeared.

“The two men, the woman pushing the wheelchair is Alexia Asifford, a genius scientist who has been marked as Death. The man in the wheelchair is the one we suspect , Smith. Mr. Zhou.”

“This is a video cut from many different stores and personal videos. It is a comparison and analysis made from tens of thousands of data. I know, The person in front of you may be very different from the guy in your mind, but I can tell you for sure that they are essentially the same person.”

“Unbelievable, really unbelievable… .”

Faced with such a statement, it is not just one person who expresses such an accident. Because the comparison between this fact and the impression is really too big.

The Smith Zhou in their impression is who, and the guy they call the Earth Watcher almost has the strength to top the entire Superhero. Although his rebelliousness and Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail are really headaches, and he can’t be found in the critical moment, his strength is beyond doubt.

This kind of strength is not only reflected in the energy he possesses, but also in the kind of physical strength. A tall, robust adult male, just standing there is enough to make people feel the existence of power. And like the thin guy in front of you who can see even the bones, it is not a conceptual existence with the person in their impression.

What can make a person change so much? From a sick guy who seemed to have a problem with standing to an extremely powerful Superhuman, what did he experience in the process? Everyone who yearns for power can’t help but have this kind of question, but they know the occasion, no one will ask the question at this time.

This can be regarded as an expression of interest, and in the face of this attitude of interest, Ultron continued his inference.

“Of course, it’s nothing like this. The problem is not just him, but also this person, he also appeared in London at about the same time…”

The picture turned into a gloomy alleyway, and in this alleyway, the figure in the cloak and iron mask was clear. Victor von Dum, the person who was still threatening them just now, for many people present, even if this guy turned to ashes, they would not know him. So naturally, someone made a sound at this time.

“Damn, this guy, why is he here?”

“It’s not surprising, remember his self-title? Destroy Court Academecian. This is called if you If you think about it, it will not be too unfamiliar. I can remind you that in the great turmoil that affected the United States Government structure, this titled Owner was mixed with Hydra.”

Ultron’s explanation made the complexion slightly changed, especially the French Prime Minister who has British relatives, and cursed angrily.

“Damn Hydra, it is because of them that United Kingdom has become that ghost!”

“Human wars have always been like this by fair means or foul.” lightly After commenting, Ultron turned the topic back. “This is not the crux of the problem. The crux of the problem is the changes before and after the destruction of Court Academecian.”

“When we first faced the destruction of Court Academecian, he was far from what he is today. Level. Whether it is from Hulk’s reaction or Hydra’s intelligence, he can only be regarded as a strong sorcerer. And from this time after he appeared in London, when he appeared again, he was already a demon. The existence of King level. So, I think we can totally think that this is the beginning of his change.”

“That’s right. Ancient One sorcerer also said that the master of Evil Spirit hell is from Demon King Mephisto’s hands have changed hands. It now appears that the crown of Demon King fell on him, and the time when he got the authority of Demon King should be here.”

Stark with first-hand information also accompanied him, confirming Ultron’s rhetoric. After that, Ultron continued.

“One of the interesting things is that before the disaster, these two people appeared on the land of United Kingdom. Smith Zhou is a skinny patient, and Victor von Dom is just A high-level sorcerer. And just after the disaster, the two of them have changed. One became the most powerful Superhuman, and the other became the Demon King. Regardless of whether there is any connection between them, then it is certain , There must be a special cause in this disaster that caused this kind of change in a certain of them. And if we simply make an assumption, then why can’t we think like that?”

“Mephisto is undoubtedly one of the root causes. I think the Demon King in hell would not be so kind enough to surrender the power that belongs to him. Therefore, someone must kill him here to get it from him. That belongs to the authority of the Demon King. From this point of view, although Victor is the final result, he is not the most likely person. Because a very important reason is that I don’t think a trifling sorcerer Can fight the Demon King of hell. After all, even the existence called Paragon sorcerer can hardly do this. No matter how powerful Victor is, it is impossible to compare with Paragon sorcerer.”

“So, There is only one answer, and that is that Smith Zhou is the one who killed Demon King and took away his authority.”

This reasoning is not that absolutely does not have basis, but in In some people’s minds, this statement is still a little untenable. “You mean Smith Zhou killed the Demon King and gained the power that belongs to the Demon King? Then why did Victor the guy who became the Demon King in the end. I mean, Smith Zhou got this power, why did he oneself? Shouldn’t he be the Demon King?”

“Yes, why didn’t he be the Demon King himself? This is a very well-answered question, just like everyone here, if you Put down oneself’s position and act as the mayor of a city in your country. Would you like it?”

Until these people answered, Ultron said to himself.

“You won’t want to. Because the so-called self-esteem of human beings is more or more determined by the desire for power. People in high positions will never want to be reduced to those lower than they are now. Position. For the same reason, Smith Zhou is also a human being. Of course he will not play a role that does not match the identity of oneself.”

“Of course, if you still need a more reasonable explanation, I am here I also prepared a statement. Regarding his identity, do you really simply think that he will be an ordinary human? Even from a biological point of view, I don’t think that an ordinary human can have a God As a descendant. You should be very clear about who his son is. With such a special descendant, he shouldn’t be able to get along with ordinary people no matter how you say it.”

” It’s too absolute. Couldn’t an ordinary person have any special accomplishments?”

Someone refuted it, and Ultron explained it gently.

“No, I don’t mean that. Ordinary person can of course change something through own efforts. But forgive me to speak bluntly, this change is usually only due to social resources. And want To achieve a certain degree of qualitative change, let a guy whose body and intelligence are only within the human category evolve to a deeper level. It is useless to accumulate social resources from a personal standpoint. This requires a little incentive. , Special knowledge or encounter. And if it is not a natural inheritance, then I am afraid that it takes amazing luck, that is, a little bit higher than the combined value of several 1 billion people in the world, to do it.”

“Let’s not talk about how you came to this statement, how do you know that this man would not be such a lucky guy?”

“It’s very simple. First, if it’s only because of luck, how can a son who has not met him from birth to adulthood have the same luck? Second, the above inferences were not made randomly by me. It has been accurately calculated. I have investigated this gentleman’s information and found that he is not an ordinary person.”

“Data, what can the old information from several decades ago tell?”

“It can explain a lot of questions, sir. The simplest example is Reed Court Academecian and Mr. Stark with the highest IQs. Then I would like to ask you two people, between 16 years old and 24 years old How long does it take for the two to finish reading a book? Of course, I mean academic works, whether it’s scientific literature, or classics such as religious philosophy. You can compare statistics and give an approximate The answer.”

“Academic works? I remember that at that time I read Feynman’s physics lectures, which took me about a week. Of course, philosophy books are longer It took me about a month after I finished reading Marx’s Capital.”

Everyone understands that what Reed Court Academecian said after reading refers to the true understanding and complete understanding. Basically it is no different from memorizing it. And if you read it through, it’s probably a matter of a few hours.

“It took me three days to read the General Theory of Electromagnetism. As for the philosophical works, apart from the recent two weeks reading the generals, I have not been exposed to other philosophical works.”

Stark explained to everyone present what genius is in a different way. As for this surprisingly enviable performance of genius, Ultron gave another example.

“Then, what I want to tell you is that Smith. Mr. Zhou’s reading speed is an average of one sociology book or a book on logic psychology a day. Read it thoroughly, even now he His alma mater, Stanford University, can still find the research notes he left behind.”

“If you say genius, his performance may indeed be. But it’s not just this time. From all the records he has studied, he seems to have maintained such an amazing level of genius. It seems that he is born to know a lot of knowledge, but I am afraid that not all geniuses can achieve such a level of knowledge. !”

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