Sun God Marvel

Chapter 205

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Weekend does not mean that there is no class. You should know that there are always some professors with strange characters who like to arrange classes on weekends. For these professors, seven days a week should come up with research topics and progress, rather than wasting a day unfathomable mystery. As for what all the students think, they don’t care about it.

Professor Samuel Stearns is such a person. He loves his own work, and he even wants to devote himself to it every minute. This has also led to his profound knowledge in this area, and he is unceremoniously saying that he is the Peak level of this country in cytology.

As usual, after solving the problems of the graduate students who bore him, were incompetent and always in trouble, he ended the courses mandatory for him by the school and walked out of the teaching building. Prepare to eat a dinner that can replenish your energy.

And just as he walked out of the gate of the teaching building, a woman walked up to him and said to him.

“Excuse me, are you Professor Samuel Stearns?”

Samuel gave this woman a strange look. As a research madman, he He is not liked by women, and of course he doesn’t like women very much. However, with basic courtesy, he still replied.

“Yes, I am. Are you?”

“Sorry to interrupt you, Professor. I am Betty Ross from the University of Virginia.”

“Ah, Ross Court Academecian. I remember! Ross Court Academecian of the Virginia Quantum Research Center, it’s nice to meet you, Court Academecian!” Hearing the name, Samuel was taken aback. And soon he found the name in his own memory. This is due to Betty’s hard work. Because people like Samuel, they rarely remember the insignificant guys. All they can remember are Peak figures in the same industry. And Betty is just one of the people in this Peak.

Seeing Samuel recognizes oneself, Betty also thinks things are much easier. She said quickly.

“Professor, I have a very important person who wants to see you, do you think it’s okay?”

If Betty came to him to talk about the research above , Samuel might be happy. But if it is just to introduce someone to oneself, he is not very happy. But since people have come to oneself and ask for oneself, even if he doesn’t want to, he can only nodded.

“Well, Ross Court Academecian. But my time is very tight. If your friends can…”

He hasn’t finished his words yet, Bruce. Banner had already walked over at Betty’s sign and asked him.

“Are you Mr. Lan? Are you?”

His questions are weird and thoughtless. But Samuel behaved even more strangely. He scanned Bruce. Banner back and forth for a few times before asking in a very uncertain tone.

“Are you? Mr. Green?”

“Finally see you, Mr. Blue. I think this should be our first official meeting. I am Mr. Green. You You can call me Bruce.” Bruce is very happy now, because he finally found the person who gave him hope.

What he didn’t know was that when he and Professor Samuel Stearns finished their meeting, the two groups of people also started owning the net at the same time. They had been planning for a long time, waiting for the arrival of the big fish Bruce Banner, and now, he finally entered the trap that had been set for him.

A military vehicle carried General Ross to a combat command vehicle outside Columbia University. As General Ross walked into this temporary operational command center, he gave orders to own’s men.

“Tell the policemen to block off the entire Broadway Street and all nearby main roads, and don’t let anything suspicious through. Also, snipers are placed on all high-rise buildings. I want them to master the target. His every move, and report to me at any time.”

His deputy recorded these orders while preparing to classify and arrange them to specific personnel. Asked.

“General, the combat team is ready. In addition, Bronsky has returned to the team and he is on standby in the tactical team. Do you have anything to tell them?”

Listen At Bronsky’s name, General Ross’s mouth trembled. He didn’t expect that this guy could really handle the danger of the second injection, in fact he gave oneself a big surprise. From this point of view alone, Bronsky’s value has surpassed the average soldier.

But for him, Bruce.Banner is the most important. So he was instructed without looking back.

“Let them stay on standby. They are not allowed to move without my order. Let the snipers be in place as soon as possible, and report to me as soon as they are in place!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Under the control of the military, the police and the National Guard began their own operations. They blocked all the main roads without disturbing the target, and all kinds of elite personnel began to settle in any checkpoint where something might happen.

The movement of the army is extremely efficient and very hidden. But for another force, their actions are too conspicuous. This force is SHIELD watching General Ross’ every move.

They also followed Bruce Banner, and when General Ross began to issue orders and act. They also started to start the back hand arranged by oneself. However, compared with General Ross’s big moves, their movements are very subtle, so subtle that apart from them oneself, almost no who notices it.

As a spy organization, penetration, infiltration and control are their most familiar tasks. Especially for those who have no defense against them, they are more familiar with this kind of thing, and they won’t let them notice it a little bit.

One by one, the backhands that were inserted inside the opponent were activated, and these people received orders from the SHIELD high-level. With a single order, they can immediately control all the characters present, and completely control all of General Ross’s men.

This is something General Ross never thought of, so he was unprepared for it, and was confused and ignorant. This appearance made Cole who was watching him feel sad for him. Seriously, there is nothing more hateful than someone who suddenly appears when you have put in countless efforts for a goal and is about to succeed and usurped everything about you. And now, SHIELD plays this disgraceful role.

Think of the own identity, and then the resentment of General Ross after this. Coulson is very sorry, but he has his principles. Work is work, personal feelings are personal feelings. He will not affect the mission due to personal problems.

Seeing everything goes according to plan, just waiting for a hit. Coulson began the final arrangement. At this time, it is time to activate the most critical insurance measures.

“Buddy, it’s time for you to move.” When he sent this message to Zhou Yi with an address, Zhou Yi just ate with two Little Princess and two women from oneself After dinner, go home.

According to the requirements of the two little girls, they also had some family entertainment after dinner. But this news from Coulson interrupted his plan.

Although he really wanted to spend a good night with his two daughters and also two beautiful and delicious beauties, after reading Hulk’s information, he knew that this was nothing. The most likely thing. If he did not come forward to stop, if there is an accident. Hulk, also the female giant mentioned by Coulson began to run rampant, and there will be huge casualties in New York City.

As an existence of the same level in power, Zhou Yi understands Hulk’s destructive power better than SHIELD. How many thousands of people do you have without controlling own? One or two blocks? It is not enough for one or two hours to dismantle. Therefore, it is time for him to dispatch.

“Ada, take the children to rest. I have something to go out!” Like never telling Clarice and Zhou Lan own another identity, Zhou Yi never tells own The identity of the two daughters oneself hero. He has always used work to cover up his behavior, and the two children have always been very sensible and did not get to the bottom.

This time is no exception. The two children walked upstairs with Ada without asking why. Ada’s blaming eyes when she left and also the faint “careful” sentence made Zhou Yi think that the choice of own might be a mistake. But he knew that this was only viewed as Zhou Yi. If you look at it as Dawn Knight, the only choice he should make is this choice.

I put on a sharp black armor, wrapped in a dark cloak. Dawn Knight disappeared in place. After he disappeared, Natasha didn’t leave at all.

She received a mission, a mission passed to her by Nick Fury. Search for information and secrets of Dawn Knight as much as possible, or find ways to control the people around him. This is a very difficult mission, but Natasha feels that oneself is capable of completing it.

But the key to the problem is not here, but whether she wants to complete it. As a special agent, she should complete the orders of her superiors. But as Natasha Romanoff, she didn’t want to do that. She was thinking and hesitating.

However, in the end she made up her mind. She did not leave Zhou Yi’s home, but walked upstairs.

“I must tell you one thing clearly, that is, I have been suspicious of you before, doubt whether you really exist.” In Samuel’s private laboratory, Samuel was extremely excited He said to Bruce and Betty.

“God, I have been thinking if you really existed. What would you look like? Know how powerful the energy in you is. A person with such a powerful, like, like He is a powerful God-like guy, what should he look like? I really didn’t expect to be like you, unobtrusive like an ordinary person. This is just a miracle.”

Samuel understood Bruce’s problems very well. And because of understanding, he felt incredible. He couldn’t even find a word to describe Bruce’s existence. He thought a lot before he felt that a vocabulary was more appropriate. That is God.

Only existence like God-like can be so magical and incredible, it can be said in his eyes. Bruce Banner is a god, a god made by science. “Samuel, I just want to know, can you help me and get rid of him!” Interrupting Samuel’s chatter, Bruce went straight to the point of the problem, which was his only concern.

“I think I should be able to do it. But, it’s dangerous!” Faced with Bruce’s question, Samuel gave an answer. But this answer caused the two seekers present to fall into silence.

They found what they wanted, but they were faced with a difficult choice.

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