Sun God Marvel

Chapter 206

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“I don’t understand what you mean, why is it dangerous?” Betty hooked the head, she really can’t accept oneself suffer untold hardships. Tell her that this is a very dangerous thing.

Compared with her, Bruce is much calmer. The probability of danger had already been in his guess, so he held Betty’s hand to stop her mischief. Asked Samuel.

“How dangerous it will be!”

Samuel is very uncomfortable with the eyes of these two people looking at the owner, the kind of eyes that look like a drowning man at the life-saving straw make him I feel something is wrong. But he still explained his own ideas to them as much as possible.

“You have to understand, this is not an easy task. Even if everything goes smoothly, even if we use the right dose for injection. There is no guarantee that this will cure you completely! “

Samuel started dancing as he spoke, and he looked as if he had no confidence at all.

“It is very possible that our efforts in the end were only temporarily suppressing your runaway. Sorry, I am not sure about this.”

He said that he did a coin toss Actions.

“I’m really not sure what will happen. But I can only tell you that if we use a little bit more. Even just a small dose, there will be high component toxicity.”

“You said he might be poisoned to death?” Betty heard this and suddenly increased her voice. The sound made Samuel shake his whole body, somewhat unnaturally replied.

“poison to death him? Yes, I should have said that. But you know, this is something that can’t be avoided. It’s the only way to succeed!”

Betty fell silent when she heard this. She hugged own arm anxiously and lowered her head deeply. She didn’t know whether to persuade Bruce to give up, because she knew that Bruce would never give up.

Bruce, as she expected, he didn’t care about the danger. For him, as long as Hulk can be eliminated, it is totally worth the risk.

But he is still a little worried, and it is not others who are worried. It’s the safety of Betty and Samuel.

“You should know that there is also a possibility. If you use too little dose and you make me transformed and unable to suppress me, then your situation will become very dangerous.”

Samuel laughed at this. He didn’t believe it was possible at all.

“You know, Buddy. My luck is always good. I have experienced a lot of things that seem dangerous, but there have never been accidents. So, if you are ready. We Can you start?”

Bruce nodded, he has no other choice. A gamble is inevitable. But Betty didn’t think so, she grabbed Bruce quickly.

“Bruce, this is too dangerous. We may be able to wait a while, maybe there will be other ways. Please, wait a minute!”

Bruce turns around Hugging Betty’s arm, he lowered his head and said seriously to her.

“Betty, we have no other solution. This is our only solution. Trust me, I will succeed.”

“But, Bruce. You will Dead!” Betty still didn’t want to let go, she was too worried. Worried about the extent that she might leave her forever if she let go of Bruce.

Bruce laughed, pointing to own’s head and said.

“He won’t let me die.”

Unexpectedly, the operating table in the laboratory was still activated. Samuel opened his experimental facilities one after another, and finally put a medicament bottle with a capacity calculated in liters in an experimental facility. That is the solution Venom he developed.

To some extent, this is the only method that can relieve the effects of the gamma radiation of Banner within the body and eliminate the Hulk, but whether it is effective or not will I know only after trying it.

“Come on, Buddy. This will be a very special experience.” Putting Bruce on the operating table, Samuel was a little excited to fasten him with a thick strap. While doing this, he explained. “This can be used to protect you and prevent your reaction from becoming too intense. Of course, if you transform, I mean you will really transform, then this thing can also protect us from your harm.”

“I don’t think this thing can protect you, but don’t worry. I will try not to beat you.” Bruce joked slightly, then turned his head to Betty.

Betty, who has accepted the facts, smiled and shook his hand, now that it has reached this point. She can only give him the greatest trust and support.

Samuel doesn’t understand the meaning of this kind of relationship between men and women, but he also knows that this situation is not suitable for oneself to intervene. So he started to debug other equipment obediently and honestly.

Soon, all equipment has been debugged. Samuel began to signal Betty to stand further. He turned on the switch and said to Bruce.

“Buddy, it’s already started. You may feel uncomfortable, just bear it.”

The liquid of light purple began to flow into Bruce’s within the infusion tube. body. Let his body begin to spasm slightly.

“The dialyzer will mix the solution Venom I made with your blood, but the solution Venom can only work after you transform. So, it will hurt later!”

Bruce laughed stiffly, now he feels a lot of pain. But seeing Betty looking at him worriedly, he could only forcefully make me look like I was okay.

“Ha, didn’t expect you don’t look so tough, but you are a tough guy.” But Bruce didn’t expect his strong support actually made Samuel wrong. He patted Bruce on the shoulder and exclaimed. “I thought you would feel unbearable. Doesn’t it seem to be useful to you not at all?”

How could Bruce at this time admit counsel, in order to hold on to his girlfriend, He gritted his teeth and stretched his own expression.

“Come on, this is just a small problem. I have tried something that hurts more than this.”

“That’s very good, I originally found some painkillers for you Yes, it seems unnecessary. All you need is this! Betty Court Academecian, let go. Let’s start!” Samuel said as he threw it into the medicine bottle in his hand, and only put a brace into Bruce’s mouth. .

“Huh?” Samuel gave a weird smile just as Bruce uttered a puzzled particle. He took a high-energy electric shock device into his hand. The poles of the electric shock device collided, and immediately made a harsh noise. Obviously this is an absolutely delicious thing.

I heard the thing that exploded beside the own ear gradually approaching oneself. Bruce suddenly became nervous, he wanted to say something, but Samuel did not give him the opportunity and time to speak.

The electrodes were immediately pressed on the temples on both sides of him. As the electric current was opposed, an unimaginable pain began to hit his brain, anger began to grow, and Hulk began to appear.

Bruce’s body convulsed and struggled. Vessels clearly emerged from his body, and the deep green began to surge in these vessels. Perhaps it was the reason why Samuel’s antidote worked. Hulk’s this time was unusually slow, and it was this slowness that allowed people to see each step of Hulk’s appearance clearly.

His muscles first began to stretch little by little. At the same time as the muscles stretched, his skeleton grew wildly. They were happening almost at the same time, which caused his body to expand explosively in the same proportion. However, this growth is still shocking and disturbing in the eyes of outsiders.

Because his muscles are too strong, the skeleton is too strong. This makes him look more like an ominous beast than a person. But the fact is, this feeling becomes more obvious when Hulk’s will emerges.

As soon as Hulk’s will appeared, he began to roar. The pain of piercing into the body made him very uncomfortable. When he looked around all around like a restless beast-like, then he found After the infusion tubes that constantly draw green blood from oneself within the body, this anxiety is even more intense.

Hulk’s temperament like that of a little child makes it easy for him to turn anxiety into anger, and when he gets angry. It is almost unstoppable. His body is still getting bigger and his muscles are still swelling. At the same time, he also began to struggle.

The so-called safety measures Samuel did before did not work at all. The thick cowhide leather belt even burst when Hulk’s body expanded. As the Hulk became larger and its weight increased, the operating table made of this alloy could not bear his weight. The operating table is deformed and twisted with Hulk’s twisting. Therefore, the instrument that detected him also made crazy noises under the influence of radioactive gamma radiation.

At this time, Samuel was stupid. He had imagined Hulk’s transformation, but he had never thought that his transformation would be so shocking. This made him forget what oneself should do next.

However, the awakened Hulk will no longer allow people to toss about themselves. He began to straighten up, wanting to walk off the operating table. But maybe it was the antidote that had been injected. He didn’t move quickly enough that Betty stopped him before he walked down.

This time has come. Naturally, Betty can’t watch Bruce’s efforts being wasted in vain. She jumped on Hulk’s body abruptly, pressing his chest yelled.

“Bruce, look at me. Look at my eyes. Please, Bruce. Look at my eyes.”

Hulk struggled, but he never wanted to It hurts Betty. This made him temporarily trapped on the operating table. And when he looked at Betty with a look of fear, pain and sadness, Betty’s heart was even more tormented. She applied this evil flame hair to Samuel’s body.

“Why are you still stunned! Quickly inject the antidote, quick!”

Her words awakened Samuel, who was in a daze, and he quickly started on the instrument. Operate. A large dose of antidote was injected into Hulk’s within the body. These medicaments began to neutralize his blood within the body, and the most intuitive effect was that the blood flowing out of Hulk became bright red. .

He is changing, shrinking a little bit. With a weak growl from Hulk, Green began to fade from his eyes. This means one thing, that is Hulk finally disappeared, with the help of Samuel.

Looking at all this incredible, Betty held back the excitement in her heart and began to call Bruce’s consciousness. “Bruce, Bruce. Can you hear me?”

Soon, Bruce woke up. He looked at Betty who was lying on oneself, and asked weakly.

“Did we succeed?”

“Yes, we succeeded.” A smile finally appeared on Betty’s face, which made Bruce very happy. The nightmare of the past five years is finally over.

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