Sun God Marvel

Chapter 207

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“God, God. My God.” Samuel shouted excitedly. “This is a miracle. He is fine. He is really fine. It’s amazing. It’s amazing.”

Looking at him dancing and dancing, he can barely control himself. Betty also laughed at the same time Bruce who had just spirally recovered from the collapsed state.

“Samuel, you are too exaggerated.”

“Exaggeration, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen in my life. Exaggeration is normal, what you have experienced Everything is a miracle, Buddy!” Samuel supported the table with his hands and leaned forward. So that oneself looks more oppression force. “Everything that just happened was very dangerous, but he actually succeeded. What is the probability of a new situation like this? No one knows, I can’t even think about it!”

“OK, OK !” To prevent Samuel from going crazy, Betty asked uneasyly. She needed an academic explanation. Only in this way could he be more assured. “Please come down, Samuel. We need to look back. I want to know what happened to Bruce?”

“Ok, okay. Let’s review it.” Samuel stands Got up, waved his hands and began to explain. “The gamma pulse radiated from the depths of his cells. I think what you just did allowed Bruce to subconsciously control the changes in the cells under this radioactive energy, which relieved my antidote to his body. Side effect. This is why he was able to survive just now.”

“It is precisely because the fine gamma energy of his body within the body is hidden deep in the cell, and it is not at all before it is released. It will be revealed. That’s why he was able to be like a normal person over the years without dying of radiation disease. You know, everything that happened to him is a mutation, and becoming that appearance is a mutation. From that appearance to It is also a mutation on the cell. This mutation is completely reversible, oh my god. This is simply Gods Vestige!”

“Now, maybe we have neutralized the radiation deep in his cell The infection may only temporarily suppress his transformation. I believe it is the latter, but it is difficult to prove my conjecture, because no experimental product has survived! Of course this may be because they have not been injected with the previous muscle growth The reason for the inhibin.”

“Wait, wait!” When Bruce heard this, he suddenly questioned. “You mean experiment, what experiment!”

His expression is very strange, because in his memory, there is only one case like him in this world, and at most one Jennifer will be added. That’s it.

Hearing Bruce’s question, Samuel showed a more excited expression on his face.

“Come with me, Buddy. Let you see my work!”

He took Bruce and the two to a freezer storage room. And as soon as he entered here, Bruce stared wide-eyed, asking in a somewhat unbelievable manner.

“Damn it, what are these!”

“Bruce, take a look. These all are your blood. The ones you sent me are not enough for experimentation. I will use them. I condensed it and cloned more samples. As long as we repeatedly try the experiment, we can get anything we want from it. Bruce, this is Gods Vestige.”

Arm, Samuel showed a triumphant expression. He seems to have seen his glorious future from these things, and even the Nobel Prize has begun to wave to him.

“no no no, Samuel, you can’t do this. You don’t understand how dangerous it is.” Bruce began to stop Samuel’s delusion, and began to express his own meaning clearly. “We are going to destroy these things, now!”

“Are you crazy, Buddy. Do you know what we can do with these? Countless diseases will be restrained by us, and we will become the gospel , We will benefit this world!”

Samuel certainly would not agree with Bruce’s ideas, in his opinion Bruce is simply crazy. In Bruce’s eyes, he was not much worse. This conflict of consciousness caused them to immediately fall into a dispute.

And all this was discovered by a sniper assigned by the military.

“Sir, they are arguing. The target’s heartbeat reaction is speeding up! Requesting approval for shooting!”

He reported the situation and immediately attracted the attention of General Ross.

“The shooting is approved, you must give me a critical strike. Give me a sleep before the target transforms, understand!” General Ross started the own action, and he turned to oneself’s Everyone gave orders.

“Peripheral personnel block all intersections and the tactical team prepares. Once the sniper succeeds, immediately rush to me. Your first goal is to rescue the hostages!”

” Hand, you can start to act.”

After a series of commands, the army began to operate like a huge machine. But some of them are always unhappy.

Bronsky is that man, he now only wants to fight Hulk, not to rescue the hostages. However, the superior’s order is absolute, he can only obey the order from General Ross.

At this time, the quarrel between Bruce and Samuel has entered a fever pitch.

“You don’t know how much energy there is. It’s too dangerous, and it’s impossible to be controlled by you!”

“The three of us can do it, this is Prometheus’ sacred fire! And, we have found the antidote. Those who hunt you no longer have the need to hunt you down.”

“What they want is not an antidote, they want to use it. These make weapons. Weapons for killing!” An angry Bruce started to increase the volume, which made Betty jump down. She was always on the sidelines and shuddered suddenly, but she found the red light on the distant building in the corner of her perspective.

At this time, the sniper standing there just pulled the trigger.

“Bruce, be careful!” Betty immediately rushed forward and pushed Bruce away, and the result of this was that she was hit. Was hit by a powerful tranquilizer.

“Missed a hostage, repeat! Missed a hostage!” The sniper immediately reported the situation, and Ross heard this voice immediately yelled. “Tactical team, rush up. Control the scene!” This is the news that Bronsky hopes to hear most. He can do it in an instant. Charge, jump, and move coherently and swiftly, which makes his speed look amazing. It took him less than five seconds to penetrate the three-story building from the bottom to the top.

This made him almost leave all his teammates behind, but for him it was not important at all. He doesn’t care if this group of teammates keep up.

Kicked open the door of Professor Samuel’s laboratory, and he rushed in immediately. Then he saw Bruce holding Betty.

Full of resentment and hope, he rushed forward. He pulled Bruce up, and lifted him up in midair with his collar. Yelled at him.

“Where is he, where is he? Let him come out, do you hear? Let him come out!”

Bruce looked at him coldly, even though his heartbeat detection watch It was too loud, but he still didn’t look like Hulk. Like their experimental results, he will not transform.

“You won’t get him!”

Listening to Bruce saying this, the expression on Bronsky’s entire face became distorted. He slapped Bruce fiercely twice, but the humiliating gesture was useless. This caused him to directly take out the pistol and aim it at his stomach.

“Hurry up and call him out!”

Listening to his excited shout, the soldiers who just caught up all lost one’s head out of fear, they don’t look like watching Hulk to what. So they started shouting to stop his madness.

“Bronsky, stop. Stop!”

At this time, a violent whistling sound sounded. It was the exaggerated sound of a freezer being thrown over. Seeing the medical freezer weighing several tons suddenly flew toward oneself, Bronsky immediately changed his face. He jumped quickly and dodge the freezer dangerously. The freezer slammed on the door of the storage room, completely blocking the soldiers outside.

Bronsky avoided such flying giants and quickly looked all around. As an elite soldier, at least he needs to know what attacked oneself. However, just as he glanced, a green silhouette rushed over like a wind.

She threw an arm directly on Bronsky’s body, causing him to fall into the middle of a pile of bottles and cans like a kite. And then, the green silhouette picked up Bruce and Betty on the ground, and kicked the thick wall. From the huge gap, it shot out like a green lightning. A few jumps disappeared into the night.

However, despite her quick movements. But the sniper who had been watching here still discovered her identity. A female green giant.

“Sir, the second target appeared. She attacked the tactical team, took the target and the hostages and fled towards Broadway from the third floor.”

“Damn!” heard This news was cursed by General Ross. Then immediately ordered the other men.

“All the blockade personnel pay attention to the situation, and the helicopters are all activated. Give me a full search of the target area. They can’t escape very far.”

With that, he left. Command car. Walk towards the helicopter parked outside the car. It is no longer suitable for him to grasp the situation. He must keep up with his goals in order to make the right choices for them at any time.

And after General Ross left in the airplane, the soldiers also started own operation. At this time, mission has become the most important thing. So no one cares about Bronsky’s situation. There were not even medics, they just let Bronsky stay here.

And this is exactly what he needs.

Suddenly broke free from the mess. Bronsky, who has been detached from the ordinary person, does not seem to suffer at all. But he was very dissatisfied, very dissatisfied with oneself. Because he found that oneself is not an opponent at all.

Whether it is for Hulk or for the second goal. This made him start to have another idea, one that can become stronger. General Ross’s Super Soldier Serum can no longer satisfy him. He needs more power, like the Hulk.

At this moment, he saw Samuel.

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