Sun God Marvel

Chapter 208

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Samuel is still shocked by what happened before. He didn’t seem to understand why the army suddenly appeared and why there would be another Hulk. He has a lot of questions to ask and a lot of things to think about.

But Bronsky is not going to give him time to ask questions and think. He walked straight up and held up Samuel. Although he is not a particularly tall person, Samuel is a bit shorter than him. This resulted in him being able to lift Samuel over his head with one hand, and he could only make Samuel kick in midair.

“What did you do to him, why is he missing. Why?”

“Who? Cough cough, who is missing?” Samuel was almost out of breath Angry. In order to make oneself more comfortable, he started trying his best to cooperate with Bronsky’s inquiry, although he didn’t know what Bronsky was asking.

“Hulk, that monster. Why is he missing?” Bronsky asked with a twisted face. “They came to you suffering untold hardships, and they must be asking you to do something for them. Now Hulk is gone, it must have something to do with you. What the hell did you do!”

“I didn’t What did I really not do?” Samuel is just a research hobbyist. He likes to make greater and more impressive achievements in scientific research. He doesn’t like being forced to face him and uses violence to discuss and solve problems with him. He is not a hard bone, so he quickly confided everything oneself knew.

After listening to his words, Bronsky slowly put Samuel down. Of course he was not going to let this guy go. In fact, he had other plans.

Samuel didn’t know what he was thinking, he just held his own neck and coughed desperately. He, who had never enjoyed this treatment before, now hates Bronsky, and at the same time hates the government organization behind him. However, this kind of hatred can only be hidden in the heart of Samuel. Because he understands that oneself is impossible against a country.

“You, you said you have mastered everything about Hulk.”

When Bronsky’s question was heard, Samuel gave him a strange look. But thinking of this guy’s violence, he answered obediently and honestly.

“strictly speaking, I just have information about him and also blood samples.”

“You can make something like Hulk, right?” Bronsky stubbornly Staring at him, Samuel saw a crazy personality in his eyes.

“I don’t know, I don’t know if I can do that kind of thing. Hulk is just a very rare accident. Even with a blood sample, I’m not sure if I can do that.”

He shook his head desperately, not daring to make any guarantees. Because once his guarantee fails to achieve the desired effect, he is sure that this crazy soldier will definitely kill the owner.

In the face of Samuel’s hesitation and fear, Bronsky used the most direct way to help him make a decision. He took out his pistol and pointed it straight at him. “Listen, I want you to get something out of Banner. I want you to inject that into my body, understand?”

Hearing this, Samuel finally felt something was wrong Up. Ordinary people would not make such a request, because this kind of request is fatal and has serious consequences. But there is one type of person who is exceptional.

“It looks like you already have something in your body, don’t you?” Samuel, ignoring the gun in front of oneself, stood up, looking directly at Bronsky and asking questions. As a cutting-edge scientific researcher, he naturally heard about Super Soldier Serum. But the current situation naturally reminds him of this.

“I want more. You should see his transformation. Isn’t it?” Bronsky didn’t care about Samuel’s lost self-control, because he himself was not in the state. He already remembered the appearance of Hulk, that powerful and terrifying power made him intoxicated.

“Yes, I’ve seen it. It’s very beautiful. It’s like God-like!” The aesthetics of scientists and normal people are obviously different, but this time he and Bronsky caught up It is clear that they have reached an agreement on the understanding of Hulk.

“Listen, I’m going to be like that. I’m going to be that way, turn me into that way.” At this time, Bronsky seemed a little sick, and this sickness came to Samuel. It couldn’t be better. Because in his eyes, Bronsky has become one of the best experiments. More suitable experimental objects than the dead guinea pigs and orangutans. But before the experiment, he still needs to make sure.

“I don’t know what exactly you injected, what exactly are the ingredients of those things within the body. If it is mixed with a Hulk blood sample, what is likely to happen, something worse! “He emphasized the word “bad”, and seemed to warn Bronsky to make a cautious choice.

But Bronsky, who is already crazy, doesn’t know what prudence is. He pulled the bolt directly and answered him with a loaded voice.

“I don’t care what happens, I just want you to do what I say.”

“Well, everything is as you wish.” Samuel gave a weird smile . For him, this is not what he wants.

A large can of purified Hulk’s blood was put into the instrument that had been used to solve Venom. Bronsky lay down on the operating table that had been almost scrapped by Hulk, and began to let Samuel do the trick.

At this time, Samuel is fully capable of subduing or killing Bronsky. It only takes a certain dose of tranquilizers or lethal medicine. But he didn’t do it, he chose to do it as Bronsky imagined. Because he also wanted to know whether oneself could create another miracle like Hulk.

The operation soon began. A large concentration of Hulk blood was injected into Bronsky’s body within the body. In order to create the same conditions as when Hulk was born, Samuel also activated a The gamma ray meter irradiates Bronsky’s body with powerful gamma rays.

The consequences of what he did so quickly became apparent. Bronsky’s body began to undergo tremendous changes, but it was not what Samuel had imagined.

He shrank behind the instrument in horror, Cowering said.

“I don’t know exactly what you have ingested, but apparently these things worked. And it’s the worst effect I said. But if you lie back obediently and honestly , I promise I can still change you back.”

However, Bronsky didn’t answer him. What he answered was a low growl like a monster. Bronsky is already not in, just like Hulk replaced Bruce, a new monster replaced Bronsky.

His figure is very tall. In comparison, this monstrous from Bronsky is almost a bit higher than Hulk. But compared to him, Hulk is definitely a handsome man among giants. Because this monster is so ugly.

The earth-green skin makes him look very disgusting, and layers of fine scales are distributed on any corner of his body, making him look more like a reptile than a giant. But he is still a giant after all, and a very strong giant.

Almost every scale is made up of muscles. Layers of muscles wrap his body like tree roots or vines, making him look thick and bloated. At the same time, his bone plate was abnormally protruding, and his breastbone was prominently prominent like a layer of armor. Adding that layer of green scales on top, it was as if a layer of scale armor was on his body.

In his joints, there are several unusually large bone spurs. These bone spurs are not sharp, but they look very rough. As expected, they are bone spurs, rather than bones. Blunt gun. Only a very powerful force can make this thing a weapon of battle, and obviously, this monster does not lack this thing.

In addition to these bone spurs, the foreign object’s back also has a layer of things that look like bone plates, which cover the entire spine of the monster, making him look a bit prehistoric Sword Dragon Style.

The scales, bone spurs, Bone Armor also have weird shapes, no matter what. This Bronsky mutation cannot be said to be a success. But as the client, Bronsky doesn’t think so, in fact he thinks this is a perfect success.

Because it has already felt the power erupting from oneself within the body. He tried to move the operating table next to him. The operating table weighing several tons seemed to have completely lost its weight in his hands. He lifted it gently, and the entire operating table was lifted straight out like a wooden board.

The operating table smashed through the thick wall, dropping from the sky like a meteorite, and into the distant street. Smash a car directly into a discus.

Looking at all this, Bronsky looked at own hands in disbelief. After a long time, he began to laugh terribly. When he became a monster, his laughter became strange, like the wind blowing into the furnace from a bellows, messy and harsh, even slightly explosive.

But Bronsky doesn’t care about this, now he is very satisfied. And as he said, it’s time to start making this game fair.

With a leap, he soared up into the sky like a rocket, and what he didn’t expect was the counter-shock force he caused when he took off, causing the entire floor to shake.

Samuel’s already devastated laboratory could no longer withstand such a toss. Pieces of floor covering bricks and steel bars began to collapse and fall. And Samuel was shocked by the shock force of the monster’s jump and plunged backwards to the ground.

He slammed his head on an instrument, and the hard skull hit the most vulnerable part of the instrument. When Samuel’s head was broken, the liquid in the instrument was also allowed to flow down. These body fluids are concentrated blood of Hulk.

Now the blood has dripped onto Samuel’s head, and flowed into his brain along the wound on his head.

Another mutation has also begun to happen. Samuel also began to undergo mutation, his entire head began to grow bigger. Whether it’s the skull or something in the cranial cavity. However, this mutation seems to be limited to his head, except here, his body not at all other changes.

Soon, these changes stopped. Samuel now looks as strange as a big head doll. But he himself doesn’t think so, because at this time he feels a very strange world. And because he saw this World, his face began to show a strange smile.

Tonight is destined to be different.

(The prototype of Abomination is mainly based on the comic version, plus a little movie setting.)

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