Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2053

Surprised by Stark’s bad news, Maria Hill’s first reaction was not to believe it, and then the whole person shuddered like falling in a ice hole.

Yes, she used to have suspicions about Stark and thought of replacing him. But this is always just an idea, not a real conspiracy.

She knows too much about the importance of Stark to this country. Today after the capital escape, the United States has at least one third economy supported by Stark’s family business. These are almost the help of free and debt-based operations, and other capital companies cannot do it and are impossible to do. And with this alone, Stark’s status is almost unshakable.

Of course, this is only an economic consideration. And even if you can’t consider these aspects, Stark is still the impeccable absolute leader.

Choose the one that is most beneficial to United States among countless wasted roads. This is not something who can do, nor can who can withstand this huge pressure. You know, United States was on the verge of falling apart for a while. Just like the original Soviet Union, when the prestige of the federal government almost collapsed, when the state governments were clamoring for independence, he stood up, prevented all of this from happening, and managed to maintain America’s difficult situation. .

Although many people criticize the government under his rule, they think that he made this once glorious country worse and worse. But people with a discerning eye can almost see that he is the root of this country’s maintenance, the pillar that this country barely supports not to fall.

He has a fault, but his credit is definitely greater than his fault. Without him, America would have become history. But now, someone has unilaterally told her that this country has lost him forever. If this is not a despicable April Fool’s Day joke, then this will definitely be the worst in this series of disasters.

It’s not about how many people died, but the country lost a true leader. After him, almost no one can take his place, because no matter who it is, it is difficult to have the courage and confidence to lead this country.

This is not good news, because it means that America has once again reached the point of life and death. In the face of this severe situation, Maria had to pick up her own feelings quickly, and then said to Natasha.

“Thank you for notifying me of this news, Natasha. But I am afraid I will disappoint you. I must mobilize the entire government to prepare for the events after Stark leaves. At this time, I can’t I can provide you with any help…”

“Has things gotten so bad?”

Natasha wanted to get some resources from Maria , But finally got such an answer, which really surprised her.

At any rate, it is a world-wide power, and it shouldn’t be so downhearted. And anyway, Stark’s death is directly related to Smith Zhou, so that equivalent to slap your face directly, if you don’t act at all, do you want to face the world?

Natasha considered this layer before trying to pull the government down. It’s just that she didn’t expect that Maria would react like this. Has the difficult situation really reached this point? It is still said that Maria herself will have some thoughts that she shouldn’t have at this time, really, she is very suspicious.

“The situation is a hundred times worse than the worst you can imagine…”

It seems to have heard Natasha’s doubts, Mary Adam explained immediately. She doesn’t want to make the relationship so bad, especially at this time, she wants to unite all the forces that can be united. Natasha may not be important, but the unknown husband behind her may be of great use. Out of this consideration, she had to emphasize it.

“Maybe you have the asylum of your husband and cannot intuitively understand the chaos in the world. If you go out of your house and take a look in the city, you will find that the entire world is simply It’s like hell.”

“Everyone, including the government, is undergoing the biggest test in history. Just half a day ago, General Ross killed half of the senior combatants around me because of his madness. Believe me, this will never be a separate case. Although I have not completed the statistics yet, I think that the government should be in a state of suspension for a long time. It’s not that I don’t want to. Help you, Natasha, but now, we can’t do anything at all…”

It’s a bitter bitter for Natasha to understand her difficulties. After understanding this, Natasha no longer has any hope for her and the United States Government.

This mess is enough for them to clean up, and expecting to borrow power from them in a short time is probably basically impossible. That being the case, she would not waste time here. After a brief talk with Maria, she hung up the phone.

“It doesn’t seem to be going well?”

Clarice is also in attendance, so even if she doesn’t know many of them, she can guess one from Natasha’s conversation Probably come. The situation will not be optimistic. This is normal. After all, it looks like what the hell looks like. She has seen it with her own eyes and knows it well. She was already prepared, but even so, after hearing a bad news, she still inevitably showed a little sadness.

This was seen by Natasha, and she also immediately walked up to Clarice and held her arm to her comforted.

“Don’t worry, this is just one of many options. Even without their help, we can still ask for help from other places, right?”

“Other help, This is impossible. I said that in this terrible world, no one can help us anymore.”

Clarice began to fall into pessimism, or she began to feel that oneself should not It’s good to have so much hope. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. She had eaten enough of the pain of disappointment, but she really didn’t have the will to pour that bitter medicine into her mouth.

“Then we will find the guys who are not human. You also know that this is a bad world, and what’s not so bad in this bad world is that besides humans, we can find other Ally. So, it’s not the time to be discouraged…”

Natasha’s comfort has played a role. At least, Clarice impossible imagined that Natasha, a spy , Can actually be connected with existence other than human beings. Is it an alien? Or what other species? She was inevitably curious in her heart, and in her curious eyes, Natasha dialed a phone that she would only use at work.

The call got through quickly, and Natasha wanted to make a brew and then hook out the Boss behind the scenes, which is Ultron. But to her surprise, Ultron had already contacted her immediately. In the dialogue, Ultron’s expression is quite straightforward.

“I already know where you came, Ms. Romanoff.”

“Do you know what I want to say to you? Are you monitoring me?”

Natasha raised her brow, inevitably showing some anger. In her opinion, this is Ultron monitoring oneself, otherwise he shouldn’t know the own plan. According to the cooperation treaty between them, this monitoring has clearly exceeded the bottom line.

This is interfering with her and Havoc’s peaceful life, and is invading their privacy. And if Ultron can’t give a reasonable explanation, then she really doesn’t mind on behalf of the catastrophe, unilaterally suspending their cooperation.

Don’t doubt whether she has such power, in the heart of the catastrophe, her position is more important than any dispensable ally. For the catastrophe, Ultron is not necessary to exist, they can still enjoy their own peaceful life in a place.

For Ultron, catastrophe is too important. The power of catastrophe is what Ultron must rely on to build the future. When facing a huge threat like Dormammu, even Ultron can only rely on the power of catastrophe to continue the future envisioned by oneself.

This is an indispensable line of defense, you can’t even find other substitutes. So unless necessary, Ultron is absolutely unwilling to disconnect from Havoc and them, especially when this is just a misunderstanding.

“Ms. Romanoff, this is just a misunderstanding. I can guarantee that I have never monitored you and your family in any way. I just happened to hear you and Ma when I was listening to government information. Ms. Leah Hill’s conversation.”

This explanation is barely reasonable, of course, mainly because Natasha doesn’t think Ultron will really do such an unwise act. In her impression, the intelligent lifeform Ultron is probably the most sane creature she has come into contact with. For reasons of reason, it is almost impossible to do something that is not good for him.

This was a temporary exposure, and after knowing that he probably already knew the inside story, Natasha was also very straight to him straight to the point.

“Well, now that you have heard the conversation between Maria and me, then I should make it clear. Regarding Stark’s death, I want to know what you think, Ultron.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Romanoff. I stopped him once, because I knew that his behavior was like walking right into a trap. It’s just a pity that I failed. And this also caused this The birth of tragedy. 1”

Ultron’s answer calm and composed is like explaining a fundamentally unrelated fact. And this answer was not what Natasha wanted to hear, so she immediately increased her voice and asked.

“Shit, Ultron, I am not asking this question to hear you answer these nonsense. What I want to listen to is your inner feelings, which is the most real thing that you claim to be the real life. I want to know what you think about Tony Stark’s death!”

On this question, Ultron fell into a long silence. It wasn’t until Natasha urged him impatiently that he reluctantly replied.

“Is this important? Ms. Romanoff.”

“Of course, this is important. Didn’t you say that Stark is your creator? You said that in your eyes, Stark Is it equivalent to your father? In that case, you should express something, not like it is now, as if a completely unrelated person died in front of you!”

“Said? Like? Are humans weeping bitter tears like that?” Ultron’s voice was still calm, as if it had nothing to do with him. “Sorry, I can’t do it. For me, indulging in the past is an unnecessary thing. Although I respect Mr. Stark very much, I am afraid I cannot simply grieve for his death like you did. , Resentment, and swearing. It doesn’t make any sense, Ms. Romanoff. Even from the perspective of the enemy, it won’t cause them any damage. And if you say that your physical threshold is affected by these negative emotions. If you break it, I’m afraid that the enemy who is the enemy will wake up with a smile.”

“What does this mean? What are you trying to say?”

Natasha is also considered She is erudite and talented, but for Ultron’s description, she is still a little hard to understand. Ultron is also considerate, so he explained immediately.

“I refer to the endocrine disorders caused by human beings due to excessive emotional excitement. Once the heart rate is too fast and the blood pressure is too high, it may be life-threatening. In other words, in common Chinese, anger is good or bad. Meaning.”

“Damn, are you mocking me?”

Natasha asked a little angrily, but Ultron said about this question.

“No, I mean, instead of indulging in the meaningless past, it’s better to focus on the future. You are here to test my opinion on Mr. Stark Death not at all what actually Meaning, my thinking logic determines that I’m impossible to fall into that kind of regular negative emotion cycle. I will only think about countermeasures to find the root of the problem in the future. And I also believe that the way I do is The most correct one.”

Natasha’s probing was boring, but she finally learned what Ultron was thinking. There is no doubt that Ultron is on their side. She felt a little bit emboldened in her heart.

Ultron does not necessarily do anything else, but its power is absolutely powerful. She has a fair say in this. And with the participation of such forces, they finally got rid of the situation of two people fighting alone.

This is a good start, and with such a good start, then naturally it needs to be maintained. In this regard, Natasha has already unceremoniously used Ultron’s resources.

“Do you have any good ideas? Ultron.”

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