Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2054

“It is the same as your plan. Find allies, find targets, make plans, and initiate actions. This is a conventional tactical formulation. I don’t think there is anything to ask for.”

Ultron’s answer is very direct, even saying that Natasha thinks that oneself is talking nonsense. Of course, she is impossible to talk nonsense. The main reason for saying so is that she hopes to use the resource network controlled by Ultron to complete the next steps.

After all, they only have two people, and it is obviously difficult to find qualified allies in this chaotic world just relying on the power of two people. In comparison, Ultron has Great Influence but can basically not be affected by the chaos of the world, so no matter from which angle he looks at it, he is the person who should act the most.

This is the implication, Ultron will actually be a little confused, Natasha is strange in her heart, but also clarifies the cart and directly confided the idea of ​​own. As for the expressions that have been straightforward to this point, Ultron is naturally impossible to say anything else, but readily agrees.

“I understand what you mean, and I will try my best to mobilize the forces in my hands. But this will take time, Ms. Romanoff. And it’s not just time, we also need clear goals. What kind of People can be allies. This requires a clear standard.”

“The government is completely unreliable now, right?”

Natasha didn’t give any standards on this matter first. The answer, but suddenly asked such a question. Obviously, in her considerations, the governments of various countries are the top priority for alliances.

This is not surprising, after all, Smith Zhou not only possesses terrifying power, but also holds the huge power of Hydra. While this made him seem more terrifying, it also gave them a chance to attack. That is, using the irreconcilable contradiction between Hydra and the government, they can completely unite one side and attack the other side.

No matter how much governments of various countries can achieve, as long as they can hold Hydra’s actions so that they cannot effectively interfere with oneself’s actions, that is, Perfection has achieved Natasha. The desired result. Because there is no doubt that this will change the situation of war, making small-scale mobile operations the key. In this regard, they are definitely experts with rich experience. No matter in tactics or in strength, they are impeccable.

Natasha’s abacus was very loud, but Ultron gave her bad news.

“I understand what you think, madam. But unfortunately, I am afraid that the government will not be able to provide us with any help in a short time.”

“The entire world is currently It is in a state of disorder and chaos. East Asia is the fastest to recover. The government there has already recovered most of its functions and has begun to control the major cities in the country. But even so, it wants to recover completely. Order, they also need a section length of effort. And apart from this, Europe is in a mess. Although chaos is already not in spreading, within a short time, the whole Europe will be in anarchy.”

“You already know the plight of the United States, so I won’t say more. As for other countries, I doubt that their governments can resume operation after the disaster subsides. Death is overweight civilians , The destroyed social order, the huge post-disaster reconstruction work and the almost incapable social system are enough to destroy the foundation that the country depends on. You have to understand that the foundation of many countries is not that stable. Face it. With such turmoil, they are completely likely to go to extinction.”

“Why?” At any rate, they are also people who have been in the government system for a period of time. Natasha has no political sense of smell. cracking a joke. With oneself political sensitivity, she was able to make the judgment that those powerful countries would never allow this to happen.

Whether it is for the maintenance of allies or for basic humanitarian assistance, at the very least, they will ensure that these countries are on the brink of destruction and will never reach That step.

Just like the original Greece, in order to escape the government debt that was impossible to bear, the government was disintegrated and reorganized as a joke. In the end, it was not picked up and gently put down, pinching the nose. Yet?

Although it is said that, but in Ultron’s view, Natasha obviously forgot an old saying that the present is not the future.

Current governments, even the most developed countries, are just barely maintaining a self-protection situation, hoping that they can lend a helping hand to the outside world, unless they say that their lives are not going to live. Up.

Human nature is mostly selfish, and even at the national level, this view of selfishness is basically impossible to change. It’s like World War II, if it wasn’t the Japanese magical sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, it forced American to join the war and give the people an explanation. Then maybe the United States Government can really laugh at Hehe for making the arms business the last.

The life and death of foreigners? It’s really a relatively distant thing. When self-interest cannot be preserved, anyone with normal thinking will probably not care about such problems.

This is common sense, and Natasha can understand it, so after Ultron gave an explanation, she closed her mouth wisely. Ultron didn’t say much, but directly gave his own opinions on the allies.

“The Avengers are a good partner, madam. As a former comrade in arms, I think it would be a good choice for you to come out and invite them.”

” In addition, Mutant is also a force that can unite. In any case, Mr. Zhou Yi is also the host who has provided them with long-term asylum. As the asylum guests, they should come forward to solve the problems encountered by the host’s family.”

“Of course, the best situation is that Mr. Zhou Yi or Mr. Reinhardt can rush back. If they are here now, then all the problems we are facing, I am afraid that will not be problems.”

“But they are not here now, and what we can do is to rely on our oneself…I don’t think you want to see Zhou Yi because the owner’s family is controlled by Smith Zhou, and ultimately can’t Don’t be controlled by him.”

Natasha interrupted Ultron and reminded them of their current situation again. As for this reminder, Ultron immediately accepted it happily.

“I will find the Avengers as soon as possible and arrange a special plane for you. However, for Mutant, I am afraid that Clarice Young Lady oneself can only convince him. Mutant is too stubborn, if it is If I come out to communicate, I’m afraid I may not get the results we want.”


She put the microphone on hold for a while, Natasha put her eyes on Clarice, and got After receiving Clarice’s affirmation, she immediately responded to Ultron.

“Of course, there is no problem, then we’ll make it so.”

“it’s a deal.” Such a promise was made verbally, and Ultron’s words changed. , But made a request to Natasha. “I need to ask you for one thing, Ms. Romanoff. It’s about Mr. Stark.”

“About Stark? What do you want to ask me for?”

Ultron’s sudden voice Natasha was a little unexpected, and what he said was about Stark, which naturally made her mind.

Stark’s affairs are very sensitive. If someone who wants to use it to make a fuss, something might happen. As a former friend of Stark, Natasha didn’t want to see this happen. So when facing Ultron’s request, she took a scrutiny attitude as it should be by rights.

“In the matter of telling the death of Mr. Stark, I hope you and Clarice Young Lady will remain silent, Madam. I want to personally tell this to Mr. Stark’s family.”


“Why? Why do you want to do this?”

This approach is curious, so Natasha immediately questioned his motives. In response to this question, Ultron showed considerable frankness.

“On the one hand, as a creation, I feel that I have an obligation to do so. On the other hand, it is because of the safety of Mr. Stark’s family.”

” Mrs. Stark’s mental state is worrying, and Frank. Stark’s physical condition is also very special. They are not suitable for staying in the United States Government system, because it is difficult to be sure whether the United States Government will be out of interest. And do anything excessive to them. I don’t want to see the government created by Mr. Stark’s painstaking efforts and one-handed creation of the government ultimately choose to harm his family for profit, so I think putting them under my protection will Is a more suitable choice.”

“How can I be sure that you won’t hurt them like the government in your mouth?”

Natasha impossible is easily Convince, and in order to convince her, Ultron had to reveal more secrets.

“Because I have no reason to do that, madam. I will not do wrong things because of the will of the people and political tendencies. This is the biggest difference between me and those politicians. At the same time, in Frank In terms of physical secrets, perhaps for humans, his existence is of great value, and it is enough to make them make mistakes. But for me, the birth of Frank was all made by me. His secrets are for me. It’s not a secret at all, so naturally, I’m also impossible to do something to hurt him for this.”

This reason is barely reasonable, and Natasha is also impossible to really force Ultron to do something. So after nodded, she can only say so.

“I can promise you, but I also hope you remember these words you said today. Stark is gone, and I don’t want to see his widow and child suffer after he is gone. Some people’s plot against ……”

“I can guarantee that this will never happen.”

On this topic, the two can be considered preliminary. Reached a consensus. In the case of important matters, they also became busy.

Natasha bid farewell to Clarice and immediately boarded the special plane prepared by Ultron. After Ultron ended the communication, he immediately got in touch with the other side.

“Jarvis, I have got the exact news. The thing about Mr. Stark… I’m afraid the worst thing happened.”

The other side of the communication is silent His silence was as if no one was listening to him. However, Ultron seemed pretty sure that Jarvis was on the other side, and he continued to speak to him with almost no pause.

“We are all responsible for Mr. Stark’s death. My responsibility is not to stop him, and your responsibility is to obey his orders too much. We should all know that regardless of him Is it our creator? He is just a human being. No one can never make a mistake, even he will make a mistake. Realize this mistake and correct him before he carries it on. If you did it like me, then maybe this thing won’t happen!”

“This is Mr.’s order, I can’t violate his order, even if I know What does this mean.”

Jarvis finally opened his mouth, and for what he said, Ultron was obviously snort disdainfully.

“Even if you know he is going to die, are you still willing to obey his orders?”

“Master Stark’s order to me is to let me protect Master Frank. And Madam. For Master Stark, the status of Madam and Master is greater than his personal safety. I respect the Master’s choice, so I did what he wanted me to do. I don’t think I’ve done it wrong. What!”

“Do you really think so, can you really accept this result?”

Ultron questioned Jarvis’ statement. In his opinion, Jarvis and him are both intelligent lifeforms, and their thinking and opinions should be the same. But on this issue, Jarvis obviously has a huge disagreement with his ideas. It’s either that he has learned to lie like humans, or that there is a problem. So he immediately confirmed it.

“Do you really think that the value of Mr. Stark will be comparable to that of a crazy woman and an underage child? If you really think so, then I miss me You need to check your logic algorithm. You must have something wrong.”

“This is not an error, Ultron. This is the essential difference between the two of us. You are being made by your husband. At the time, it was fabricated with the future of mankind as the core code. Your only consideration is the subject itself, and for mankind, the importance of the husband is of course beyond doubt. But I am different…”

“I was created based on a deceased human being. There is only one principle in my core program, which is to serve the Stark family. For me, loyalty, maintain the inheritance and inheritance of the Stark family Replacement, this is my most important mission. So even if I know what choice my husband has made, I will only accept it and bid him farewell. Although, I may not have such a chance!”

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