Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2060

Jarvis has spent a lot of effort, so tactics such as disposing of suspicion and attacking the west are almost exhausted, only to get rid of Ultron’s tracking. He repeatedly confirmed this point no less than a hundred times before he safely manipulated a completely independent psychiatric device into the uninhabited mountain area in the southern foot of the Himalayas.

This is something he and Strange agreed. On the premise that he thinks it is safe, he will meet Strange as soon as possible. On the one hand, he needs to make sure that Strange Whether Lanqi has fulfilled the agreement, it depends on Stark’s face to take care of the nominal same sect of oneself. On the other hand, he needs to make a specific arrangement for Frank’s future.

Although he didn’t expect Stark’s Death, in fact, to a certain extent, it was inevitable. Stark oneself probably also guessed the situation, so he entrusted his own wife and children to Jarvis and Strange as if he was entrusting his own affairs. In this respect, Jarvis’ loyalty is naturally beyond doubt, but whether Strange can do this, or whether he is worthy of Stark’s trust, is a matter of great question.

Jarvis has no other choice. He can only deliver Frank to Strange according to Stark’s orders, but at the same time, because there is no absolute trust, he and Strange agreed to this A meeting. He needs to see if Strange can take good care of Frank and whether he is devoted enough to the same sect Little Brother of own. Of course, a very important reason for also is that he needs to tell Frank the final result of Stark.

As a son, he has the right to know about oneself father. At the same time, as a member of the Stark family, he is also obligated to take on the responsibilities that oneself should bear. Jarvis believes so firmly, that’s why he broke up with Ultron. It was also for this reason that he came to this broken mountain temple not far away.

It’s just that what he saw and heard was a bit beyond his expectation. He thought he could see an ancient temple hidden in the deep mountains, not to mention splendorous and majestic, at least it should be simple and solemn. However, it was the ruined walls that welcomed him. He thought he could see his little master and the unfortunate Mistress, but there were only two monks waiting for him who seemed to be arguing with the truth.

Strange is a bright big bald head, he is half naked in a crimson robe, and the golden red dragon is wandering around like a living creature, nothing looks like Is a serious monk. Opposite him, Ancient One’s Avatar slumped, half suspended in the air. There is no joy or sorrow on the face, a peaceful manner, but a majestic appearance.

The two of you say something to me, simply didn’t take Jarvis seriously. But after looking all around and didn’t find the silhouette of his Young Lord, Jarvis directly questioned Strange.

“Doctor Strange, where did you get my young master?”

“Wait a moment.” Strange made a silent With a gesture, he bowed to the Ancient One Avatar in front of him. As a counselor, he must have the attitude that the counselor should have, and after his respectful response and permission from the Ancient One Avatar, he turned his head and asked the omnic in front of him.

“Jarvis, the smart steward from Stark? You seem to have come a lot earlier.”

“It’s me, I found oneself a body that can act in the real world. “Simply stated his own identity, Jarvis repeated the previous question again. “Where is my Young Lord? Dr. Strange, you promised that I will take good care of them…”

“An Xin, they are here. It’s hidden in a way you can’t detect. You can think of this as behind an invisible door. Of course, I can guarantee that it’s a very safe thing. If you don’t believe me, I can call him out now. “

“Please be sure to call Master Frank out. Doctor Strange, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but I do have very important things to tell him right now.”

“I understand, I understand.” Jarvis was just doing his job, and Strange obviously didn’t mean to care about an intelligent AI. He made a wait gesture to Jarvis, then paging Frank with magic. And shortly after he finished these actions, Frank’s silhouette appeared suddenly in front of them as if it had come out of the air.

“What happened?” Frank, who just came out of the cave sky, obviously didn’t figure out the situation, and when he looked around all around and found Jarvis’, he realized that The reason why Lanqi summoned own.

This makes him feel a little strange, because the timing of Jarvis’s appearance is obviously different from the agreed upon. They agreed that after three days, Jarvis will bring a batch of key medical supplies. By then, with his own ability and Strange’s help, not only many problems in life can be solved, but his mother’s condition can also be effectively controlled.

This is the reason why he rejected Strange’s opinion so simply, because he was prepared for it. And now, Jarvis’ appeared in advance, obviously not within the scope of the plan, and naturally, it is inevitable that he began to worry in his heart.

Jarvis, as an intelligent life, is different from human beings in a way of detachment. Step by step is one of his biggest characteristics, which means he will never do such a thing at this time unless it is said that the priority of something is above their plan. So, what makes him so extraordinary? He was waiting for Jarvis’ answer. On this issue, Jarvis not at all told him to wait more.

“There is one thing you must know, Master Frank. According to the information I got from Huiyao City, I am afraid Master Tony is already a bode ill rather than well.”

“This is impossible!” When Frank heard such news at first, Frank’s heart was shaken, but he also immediately questioned in silence. “He just went to Huiyao City. He just said to solve some minor problems, how could it be like you said, will…”

Frank didn’t know Stark. In order to save them, he did not even know that oneself was once a hostage in the hands of others. What Stark asked Jarvis to pass to him was to temporarily follow Strange to a safe place. At first he thought this was because the Stark family was unpopular, after all, his father had a lot of grudges with the owner of that city. But now it seems that this is obviously his idea of ​​believe oneself infallible.

His father must have to transfer them for other reasons, and the ridiculous thing is that he didn’t even think of this level. This made him both guilt and resentment. Guilt is because he is not aware of it at all. But the resentment is that he didn’t understand at all, why did he leave them like this without saying a word?

From birth to now, Frank’s mood has never been so complicated. Emotionally speaking, the emotions in his heart are already overflowing, almost saying that if he does not restrain, he will collapse completely next moment.

Of course, he can refrain from oneself emotional impulse. After all, in terms of age, his crying, roaring, and even hysteria are all forgivable things. However, even though part of the emotional impulse of being a person is so strong, the mechanical part of him within the body firmly holds the bottom line of his psychological tolerance, allowing him to always maintain a rational state.

This is not good, because emotional vent is the release of self-pressure. And without this release, it is hard to say that people will be suppressed into what the hell look like.

Frank knows this is not a long-term solution, but he cannot control oneself. In the current situation, staying sane is the only way for him to figure out the truth as soon as possible. He didn’t want oneself to lose time because of venting his emotions, because there was still such a trace of fantasy in his heart.

If his father is only in danger, if there is still a chance of redemption, then this little bit of time may be able to completely change everything. He didn’t dare to waste any more time, so he immediately asked Jarvis.

“What happened? Tell me everything, Jarvis, I want to know the truth!”

“The truth is, we have encountered the most terrifying enemy. Smith Zhou, At one time we thought it was in the same camp, but the evidence shows that he is the master behind everything. Hydra, hell, all the great turmoil that shakes the world, you can see his shadow behind. We follow the clues little. By little, he uncovered his true identity, and at the moment when his identity was revealed, he took the lead in attacking us.”

“The space defense station was completely destroyed and we lost This is the greatest means to check and balance the enemy. For Master Tony, the worst thing is not this. The worst thing is that he sent you to Huiyao City, and Smith Zhou was also in Huiyao City at that time.”

Speaking of this, Jarvis paid attention to Frank’s emotions, and when he was sure he could accept it, he continued.

“Smith Zhou is a terrifying enemy. Not only is his strength so powerful that he can hardly be confronted, but more importantly, he possesses terrifying wisdom and knows how to use all conspiracies and methods to achieve his own goals. He knew about your existence and used you to threaten Master Tony. To ensure your safety, Master Tony had to rush to Huiyao City to have a meeting with him.”

“Tony It was at that time that the master gave me an order to transfer you to Dr. Strange when he attracted Smith Zhou’s attention. Fortunately, the transfer work went well, and I was very successful. I sent you to Dr. Strange. But Master Tony, in that case, no one can guarantee his safety.”

“I don’t believe it.” Although the truth I heard Frank’s whole body began to tremble uncontrollably, but he still forcibly suppressed his own emotions, allowing oneself to face this special bad news with a sensible attitude.

He still took a trace of luck, and hoped that Stark would also survive. So after clearly expressing oneself’s disbelief attitude, he immediately racked his brains to find a basis for own.

“Doesn’t Smith Zhou want to use me to threaten my father? Since it is so, then he must have tried my father. No matter what he wants, he gets oneself Before the things I wanted, my father should be safe. But I haven’t heard such news yet. Does it mean that he may be alive, maybe we can have a chance to rescue him?”

“He didn’t want something in the conventional sense, Master Frank.” Interrupting his delusion, Jarvis directly told him the cruelest part of the truth. “What he wants is Master Tony’s allegiance to him. And Master Tony’s temper, you should know it. He will never give up to anyone, let alone bend his knees to such a guy. . It would make him feel more painful than killing him, and the most likely thing is that he would rather die than accept such a humiliation.”

“So he would rather die than Would you like to survive for my mother and me?”

Frank couldn’t help but ask, he really couldn’t accept such a result. Regarding this question, Jarvis could only say this to him after a long silence.

“Master Frank, you must understand that for Master Tony, you and his wife are the most important things in his life. However, his ideals are equally important. You and his wife represent His personal perfection, without you, his life is incomplete and meaningless. And all his actions as the president of this country and Iron Man mean the maximization of his value. Without these, his life Existence will obliterate everyone, and his value will not be truly reflected.”

“These are all important to him, so important that they override his life. So, when someone When threatening you, when someone tramples on his ideals, he will make the same choice, which is to put his own life out of the picture. He always does this, you should know it.”

“Yes Yes, I know… I just can’t accept it. No, he must be alive. I don’t believe he is dead. I haven’t seen his body yet. Since there is no body, he has the hope of being alive. He must still The one who lives is right.”

The truth will only be a bigger blow, and Frank’s solid reason will be destroyed and torn apart. And watching Frank muttering to himself, he didn’t want to believe that Stark was dead. Jarvis hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and hugged him into his arms.

He doesn’t dare to say that such an enemy has ten thousand ways to make Stark skeleton doesn’t exist. He can only use this silent comfort to make Frank accept such a cruel reality.

In reality, how can it be so easy to accept. Frank may have realized that the death of oneself father is an unchangeable fact, but because of the difficulty of accepting this fact, he will inevitably have other emotions. For example, hatred, such as anger. Just like now, he pushed Jarvis away, and then questioned him like that.

“What about the so-called god? My father and him are not friends? Isn’t that his place? Why, why can he watch my father go to death without doing anything?”

“Because he can’t do it. The guy named Smith Zhou can’t be handled by who.”

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