Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2061

“What do you mean?”

“It’s meaningless, I just explain how powerful he is. If he is the one I know, then he It’s not that you or whoever can be the enemy.”

It is Ancient One Avatar who said this. He who had been listening to him was in a silent state, but as they talked deeper and deeper, so that when they talked about the existence of the great conspirator Smith Zhou, she couldn’t help it.

Although she doesn’t know who Smith Zhou is, it is not difficult to tell from their narration that the person they are talking about is the enemy who has been entangled with her for a lifetime. She knew everything about that person, and because of this understanding, she chose to speak out at this time to mock their overestimate one’s capabilities.

This is not simply to fight them, but in this way she wants to warn them of the danger of being enemies with people like Smith Zhou. Of course, there is no proof, she still has to show more concrete evidence if she wants these people to be convinced. So immediately, he asked these people.

“Do you think this Smith Zhou is a tall, bright-eyed Asian, who is characterized by indifferent to the world, likes to take the initiative, and always gives you a way to control everything Feeling in the hand?”

“I’m not sure if we are talking about a person, sorcerer. But I have his image…”

Jarvis’ answered some Not sure, because after all, their contact with Smith Zhou is still too limited. What kind of person he is, what kind of attitude he has in the world, this is not clear without a long contact. So instead of being vague in this regard, Jarvis would rather use a more concise method, which is to take out the image to do the identification.

From the earliest images of Smith Zhou to his most recent appearance, he has all used projection to show it. Pointing to one of the photos of Smith Zhou wearing a United States Air Force uniform, Ancient One Avatar has already identified it with certainty.

“Yes, it is him. Smith Zhou in your mouth is the person I think. His real name is Chi Songzi, my Teacher and the earlier generation Paragon sorcerer. At the same time, he is also in this The biggest and most terrifying conspirator hidden in the world. If your enemy is him, then I advise you, for the sake of your life, it is better to stay away from him.”

The relationship between this is complicated, and the few people present never thought of it. As the Ancient One Avatar confided in such a fact, Frank immediately spoke in a harsh tone and questioned her.

“Why do you think that we are not his opponent? Could it be that you are also on the side with him?”

“Together? No, from hundreds of years ago We have already parted ways. We have huge differences in the views of this World itself and in personal beliefs, and the result of such differences is that even if he is my teacher, we will only be enemies. , Not a friend. As for why I think that it’s terrifying that you don’t understand this person at all.”

“From the oldest era to today, he has been behind the human civilization. Accumulate strength and nourish the body. Imagine early as 1000 years ago, he is already the most powerful sorcerer in the world, and a powerhouse that can stand shoulder to shoulder with God. Then in this thousand years, he will still stand still or even change Is it even weaker? I don’t say the answer, you should be able to guess it.”

The answer is of course impossible, because according to the simplest truth, the strength of a sponsorer is often equal to what he can The accumulated knowledge is proportional. Young sorcerers may not be able to fight, but older sorcerers are certainly not too weak. And like this kind of sorcerer who has been around for thousands of years, there are few in the entire sorcerer group. One of the most typical examples, Ancient One sorcerer, her strength is obvious to all.

Even if you tie them all together, they will not be the opponent of Ancient One sorcerer. And now, the person they have to face is the Teacher of Ancient One sorcerer, a more powerful existence, saying that they overestimate one’s capabilities, not to belittle them at all.

Ancient One Avatar is just seeking truth from facts. Although she can understand Frank’s irrationality under the pain of losing her father, as an Avatar who has no personality and is just a memory complex, she still has not left him What room to ease emotions.

“Be sober, child. Maybe your talent is smart enough to be considered the only thing I have ever seen in my life. But wanting to avenge your father, against such a guy as an enemy, is beyond The limit that your talent can reach. That guy is a monster. If you rush to him, you will only be swallowed up by him without any meat left on the belt. So if I were you, forget this Things, treat everything as an accident, and then protect your mother with peace of mind to live and pass on the family by the way. Isn’t it more meaningful?”

“Shut up!” Listen Frank, who had said this, was angry and threw away a big fireball against Ancient One’s Avatar. But before the fireball hit the Ancient One Avatar’s body, Strange was already in front of her.

With his current Asura golden body’s cultivation base, even if he burns him with that kind of purgatory flame, it may not be effective. Although Frank’s angry flame looks bluffing, he still takes him. There is no way.

Allow the flame to spread on own, and then be sucked up by the dragon soul walking around. In the meantime, he didn’t make any excessive actions, because he was afraid that oneself would stimulate Frank’s emotions at the moment.

A child who suddenly experiences the pain of losing his father, no matter how calm and sensible he is, as long as his feelings are not fake, his heart must be full of grief.

Even though Frank has covered up well, he can still tell through his words and deeds what kind of pain he is enduring. At this time, Strange didn’t want to do anything like making things worse. So he just took it silently, until Frank stopped making such an attack, he put his hands together and comforted him.

“You don’t need to care about her, Frank, she’s just an inhuman shell, she doesn’t know what oneself is saying? Besides, you don’t need to listen to his words. , What to do is your own thing, you only need to make a decision oneself.”

Frank doesn’t understand what Strange said, he just looked at the Ancient One Avatar who has the ability to do you He inevitably got angry when he beat me to death. However, he also understood that there was no solution in comparison with Buddy like this, so he simply turned his attention to Jarvis’ without seeing the heart.

“Jarvis, whether you agree or not, I must be in order to my father’s revenge. At this point, I just ask you again, are you willing to stay with me or stop me, let I don’t want to do this?”

“After Master Tony leaves, you are the only master of the Stark family. And my mission is to serve the Stark family, so no matter what your orders are, just If you give the order, then I will complete it at all costs.”

“Even if my order may cause destruction, the Stark family will be cut off?”

” If this is your intention, Master Frank. I will choose to stay with you until the moment when the Stark family dies.”

“Very well!” Jarvis did not hesitate to make Frank finally satisfied. Once, and until this time, he was completely determined. “I have decided that no matter which guy is who, no matter what power he has, he is the murderer who killed my father. The vengeance of killing my father is absolutely irreconcilable, and this vengeance will not be a vow! As for whether the ending is destroyed , Wait till that time to talk about it!”

As soon as these words came out, Strange sighed in his heart. Obviously, he felt that Frank made a wrong decision. But even if he knew it was a mistake, he didn’t have the right to stop him. After all, he is just an outsider, and as an outsider to question others’ desire for revenge, it is not appropriate to reason in every circumstance.

He can only watch and hope that Jarvis, who plays the role of retainer, can play a role. But unfortunately, as Jarvis oneself said, if Frank really made up his mind to do so, he would only obey it without any rejection.

To count on him is equivalent to no hope, and in such a situation, Strange can only do his best to win the way.

“About revenge, I think it needs to be carefully considered. Frank, you need to understand that if the guy named Smith Zhou is really terrifying as we say, then you are like this Rushing up, I’m afraid it won’t make any difference. You are still young, and there is also a lot of room for growth. You can wait for your practice to become a reality before considering revenge. Even more how, your mother still needs your care, doesn’t it? Are you not going to think about her?”

This can be regarded as knowing with affection and moving with reason. If this doesn’t work anymore, he really won’t do anything. Can this work?

The key is still Frank’s reaction. And now Frank is no longer a reasonable person. Although his most critical family member is involved, it is clear that father’s death will take more weight in his heart, so that this matter has become a knot in his heart that cannot be removed.

He won’t consider other issues until his heart is not resolved. Even if it is a oneself mother’s matter, he can only put it behind his head temporarily.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you don’t care about it. It’s just that the current situation does not allow him to be distracted. He couldn’t do it by himself when it came to mother’s affairs. However, with the presence of Strange, he does not need to do it himself.

“Doctor Strange, can I ask you something?”

“Don’t tell me, you want me to help take care of your mother…me and yours The relationship shouldn’t be as good as that.”

Strange wiped a cold sweat that didn’t exist on his head, and immediately smiled bitterly. He had guessed what Frank wanted to say, but in his personal sense, he didn’t want to get in such a big trouble.

However, since Frank thought of using him, he naturally thought of a reason for him to surrender. So immediately, he showed a sad expression and said to Strange in a very helpless tone.

“Sorry, I know my request may be excessive, but at this time, the only person I can trust is you, doctor.”

” Apart from you, I can’t think of anyone else I can rely on. In the same way, besides you, I don’t know whom I should confess to to ensure her safety. I know I made a stupid decision, but because of this The decision is so stupid that I can’t take her to take this risk even more. And if I must put her somewhere, then only with you, I can rest assured.”

“Maybe I don’t deserve your trust. I mean, can’t you find anyone besides me? For example, your father’s friends, his subordinates?”

“It may not matter in normal times. After all, as long as my father is there, they will absolutely not dare to make small actions. But the problem is, now that my father passed away, then no matter it is the mother of I am still me, I cannot appear as usual. In their eyes. Because I’m not sure whether they want to protect us or use us to get everything that belongs to my family. For money, the Stark family is so much that it can fill the biggest appetite. But if they It’s not just money. If they want more, then Stark now can’t withstand that kind of loss.”

“The grievances of the rich? Political struggle? Okay, I think I understand it.”

Although it is just an own conjecture, Stark can also use this method to roughly understand why Frank has such concerns. There is nothing clean in the rich family, even more how this is still contaminated with political struggles. It’s not surprising that Frank has such a worry, but he is a little too naive.

“Although I still think your request is a bit sloppy, but I can understand your difficulty. No way, because my Teacher really owes you father, I can help you. . But it can’t be too long. After all, I’m not a full-time nanny. You need to promise me that after you get revenge, you will come back to pick her up immediately.”

“many thanks, doctor. I will do this kindness Remember. When I get revenge, I will come back to repay you. I can assure you that no matter what you ask, the Stark family will spare no effort.”

“Vengeance? Who do you want to avenge?”

The voice that came in suddenly changed the complexion of everyone present. No one has discovered when this uninvited guest came, and this is enough to show that he is the one who is not good and the one who is not good does not come.

The first to react was Strange. As the highest military force among the people present at this time, he has that responsibility to protect the safety of the rest. So when he flashed, he guarded Frank in front of him, and then yelled in the direction of the voice with the sound of Heavenly Dragon.

“Who is here? Come and announce your name!”

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