Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2062

tone barely fell, the sudden explosion strikes like heavy artillery on the dome of the temple, and in just an instant, the already dilapidated temple collapsed.

Faced with the broken stones and bricks that fell, Strange immediately summoned the magic dragon lingering by the magic fire, protecting the others present. While the broken bricks and tiles covering the sky and covering the earth were all burned to ashes by the magic fire, Strange’s dragon had already turned its head and pointed it in a certain direction, and then boldly issued a threat Growl.

Obviously, the instinct from the animal has made it aware of the enemy’s position. And with a guarded posture facing this position, Strange immediately asked again.

“Come out, since you have the courage to attack us, don’t you have the courage to just and honorable stand up?”

“Don’t be boring, sponsorer, this time I The purpose of coming is not for you!”

while speaking, a woman’s silhouette has already emerged from the shadows. The cold and beautiful face reveals the indifference that rejects beyond a thousand li. A beautiful golden long hair is tied into a ponytail and combed behind his head. He is wearing a white coat that only doctors and scientific researchers can wear. At first glance, who is Alexia?

Alexia faced the dragon that was constantly roaring and roaring at Strange, not at all showed some special expression, but he just picked his nails as if he were ordinary, and he directly confronted him. They said.

“Frank.Stark also Maria.Stark, I came for them, hand them over and I will treat you as if you don’t exist. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you. Little sorcerer!”

Alexia showed that the owner came, and while showing this, she also unabashedly showed disdain for them. Among the people present, there is only one Strange who can really be regarded by her, and with Strange’s current ability, she really does not have the qualifications to threaten her.

If it weren’t for Smith Zhou to confess her and try to make a good impression on Frank, she really wouldn’t mind using a murderous way to achieve her own goal. Although there is a little more scrupulousness now, she is just not good at doing it directly. And if Strange was ignorant, she didn’t mind making him suffer.

Of course, Strange is impossible, because he is impossible to do nothing and let the Stark family be taken away by this unfathomable mystery woman in front of him. Although he had already felt a strong threat from Alexia, this could not be a reason for him to give in.

If this is succumbed, how can oneself have the face to claim to be Paragon sorcerer in the future? With such a thought of cheering up, Strange made five fingers, already attacking Alexia. But it also seems to be to make oneself seem not to lose points, after all, he doesn’t know that Alexia is who are you. So he even gave Alexia a word before the official start.

“Listen, madam. I don’t know who you are and for whom you serve. But this is my place, and you want to take away the person I want to protect in my place. Don’t put me in your eyes? For the sake of you as a woman, I give you a chance. Before I do anything, disappear from my eyes, I can be as if you haven’t appeared before. Otherwise, wait until the fight starts, Don’t say I don’t give women face.”

“Do you look down on women?”

“It sounds like he really looks down on women.”

Ah Lexia asked, the Ancient One Avatar answered. The only two women present turned the topic to sexism in an instant. Strange, who was worried that own words might cause misunderstandings and caused oneself to get into politically incorrect troubles, just thoughtfully defended that Alexia was already in the lead and launched a thunderbolt-like offensive.

I don’t know how she did it. Suddenly, it seemed as if an invisible force swept across the gap between the two and slammed straight into Strange. Strange hardly had time to react, he just instinctively made a parry with crossed arms. And just after he finished this protective action, he just felt as if he was hit by a train head. While the skeleton muscles all over his body were groaning and painful, the whole person flew directly upside down and plunged into the layer. Layers of masonry.

This is the first loss of a hand, and the situation is obviously a bit disadvantageous. But compared with such a bad situation, Strange couldn’t understand how she did it.

At any rate, his Asura golden body practice is successful, even if he can’t achieve the level of non-invasiveness described in the highest realm, but at the very least, it is like regular magic elements, or Some tricks like Telekinesis shock are to give him a big discount.

The problem now is that, obviously Alexia didn’t do anything, but the method she used was like a strong punch on oneself. The key point is that it is not like a small, affectionate fist, but a heavy steel punch the size of a truck. This is really unreasonable.

Sorcerer is a profession that pays attention to the use of brains. It is different from those muscle sticks who only know to bulge up their muscles and fight hard. What a real sorcerer should do is to examine the situation on the spot, and Try to keep the situation in favor of oneself.

What he is most confused now is the source of the power that attacked him, and relying on oneself’s analysis and conjecture of the power of attacking own, he immediately made a bold assumption and directly Just tried it.

“Dragon Fire!” Upon giving the order, the Dragon Soul immediately roared, then swayed his head, spitting out deadly magic fire at all around. Strange didn’t ask for any continuous high temperature killing, all he wanted was that the flame could spread to all corners of the temple. And under his actions, the scattered dragon fire evaporates the surrounding icy air, allowing the water vapor to rise, while also allowing a huge silhouette to faintly emerge from the in midair.

Six stomach feet, two big claws, ferocious six eyes, plus a huge tail with sharp stings. Although the apparent silhouette is almost completely translucent, there is no doubt that it is the image of a scorpion.

Scorpion? Everyone has seen it before, and there is nothing surprising. It’s just that the scorpion in front of me is a little different, because it’s too huge.

Stranger’s dragon soul is already huge enough, with a body length of 100 meters and a giant beast. It can be said that as the top predator in hell, only this size is worthy of its force. However, the faint illusory shadow of the scorpion in front of me is not bad.

Only the body part has the size of seventy-eighty meters, plus the one-third-sized double claws and the scorpion tail behind the body that is even more different from the body length. At first glance, its body size looks bigger than a dragon.

The situation will almost certainly change in the direction of the giant beast battle. In the contest between the two giant beasts, the Ancient One Avatar, who had been on the sidelines, unceremoniously took the stage to Strange.

“You are in trouble, Strange. Judging from the current situation, your little lizard will not be the opponent of the big scorpion opposite.”

“Damn it , Why do you say that. It’s just a scorpion, which is a little bigger at most. And I am a dragon here, the highest predator. Even if you want to bet, you should bet me here. .”

The dust on Strange’s patted oneself body stood up from the mess. He first carefully controlled the dragon to deal with the sudden runaway of the giant scorpion probability in midair. Afterwards, he complained directly to the Ancient One Avatar.

Ancient One Avatar is not emotional, she just seeks truth from facts. And at this level, she also unceremoniously pointed out the problems of the two.

“If this is just an ordinary scorpion, I might vote for you. But it is not an ordinary scorpion. Looking at its posture, it is obvious that it has the ability to wander through the void. With this kind of ability, your dragon soul’s greatest air superiority is gone.”

“Once there is no air superiority, your dragon can only fight hand-to-hand with it. And in this kind of frontal fight I don’t think you have twice as many hands and feet as you. A scorpion with a pair of big claws and stingers will lose. Of course, if you need comfort, I can also say a little bit about the advantages of your magic dragon. Can breathe fire, skin is rough, flesh is thick There are scales and armours, does this count?”

“Forget it, why not. Scorpions should belong to arthropods like crabs and lobsters. Arthropods are not very high temperature resistant. , The chitin carapace cannot stop the heat from roasting the protein within the body. So as long as my dragon can breathe flames, the victory of this battle will only belong to me.”

“It’s now…” The mouth seemed to be talking gossip, but suddenly, Strange had launched a surprise attack on the scorpion in midair.

The devil dragon roar towards the sky, flapping its wings and soaring into the sky, then from above the sky, it is unceremoniously turning the devil into a monstrous stream of flames, facing the giant scorpion straight Spit out in the direction.

The dragon fire at this time is not the kind of sprinkling of water before. Because at this time, the Devil Dragon has used enough strength, and under the premise of his full strength, the stream of flame it spit already has the formidable power of melting gold and iron.

The purpose of Strange is very simple, that is, to roast the big scorpion into a big meal in a spurt of energy, before the enemy has time to guard. The plan is very simple, but the highlight is a quick word. And its speed is indeed very fast, the so-called lightning is too fast to cover the ears.

It’s just that, even though he did have a sudden attack, no one thought he would have a sudden attack when he opened his mouth. However, what is even more unexpected is the subsequent changes.

The dragon fire fell on the giant scorpion, and instantly it was like a huge wave hitting the rock, splashing out a full sky of molten current. And under the continuous scorching of this molten current, the giant scorpion’s bubble-like film seemed to be punctured. After a bang, the form of the giant scorpion was completely revealed in the dragon fire. under.

Like a body made of pure gold, the carapace above and below the giant scorpion’s body seems to be wrapped in a layer of gold, showing a dazzling brilliance under the glare of the mountains. The huge double claws, the sturdy tail, the mouthparts that are not disconnected, are all like this, if it is also not made of gold. Then there are only the ruby-like Blink eyes, and the turquoise-like ornament on its back.

This is not so much a creature, it is better to say that it is a movable machine. However, it is not a machine, because it can be easily seen from its movements and demeanor that it is a living being, a self-conscious existence.

Some are similar to intelligent life like Ultron and Jarvis, but completely different. As for the difference, Strange was a little confused.

Limited by his knowledge, he could not identify what the damned thing was. However, his inability to recognize it does not mean that others cannot recognize it either. The Ancient One Avatar just glanced at it, and she probably understood the origin of this thing, and she immediately reminded Strange.

“Be careful, Strange, your dragon fire has no effect on it. This is a divine object, an existence evolved from God with his own divinity. The fire of hell can’t hurt it. , To some extent, it is the nemesis of your dragon!”


Strange is still surprised, next moment, God Sex giant scorpion is already like thunderbolt lightning, launching an own counterattack. It wandered in the void, its huge body seemed to have no weight, and it instantly came to the front of the dragon soul. And before the devil dragon turned its head, it already slammed its body with a wave of two claws, fiercely.

The powerful force caused the dragon to whine, and the body could not stop soaring out. Instead of waiting for it to wave its wings and let oneself regain its balance in midair, the divine giant scorpion was already chasing after it, and it grabbed it with its cheeks and pliers on its neck.

The huge chelated feet can easily clamp the slender neck of the dragon, and judging from the terrifying power of the giant scorpion, if it is clamped, even if it is not clamped by the neck, less Said to take off a layer of skin.

Neither Strange nor the instinct of the dragon, would not like this to happen. Therefore, under the effect of Strange’s intentional cooperation and the magic dragon’s fighting instinct, the magic dragon turned over with a bow belly, protruding sharp claws with sharp feet, and greeted the divine giant scorpion.

There are many prey in hell, but none of them can escape its deadly claw. The formidable power of dragon claw is enough to penetrate the armor of the overwhelming majority, and the instinct of the dragon soul also feels that the claw of oneself is enough to cause fatal damage to the scorpion in front of him.

It has no doubt, but the reality is always unexpected. Just when Strange thought it would be able to make merit with one blow, the dragon soul’s sharp claw just slashed away awkwardly as if it had slashed on an iron wall.

dragon claw couldn’t penetrate the armor of the giant scorpion at all, but left a few unclear scratches on it. Seeing that the attack couldn’t work, Strange immediately screamed in his heart.

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