Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2063

This kind of close combat, the most taboo is a disadvantage. Because the distance itself is too close, once a move is unfavorable, there is often no room for defense, and as long as the enemy is not stupid, the ultimate move will inevitably follow.

The divine giant scorpion has the instinctive response of a scorpion, and as the most original predator, it is certainly impossible to miss such an opportunity. Almost at the moment when the Dragon Soul failed its claw probing flight, it stretched its own giant tail and launched a surprise attack on the back heart with scarlet crystal-like sting needles.

As a western dragon, its lizard-like shape determines that it is difficult for the hell dragon to take into account the threats from oneself when its power is exhausted. In the past, it is also body protection at any rate, a dragon scales sharp armor, enough to deal with sudden attacks by overwhelming majority. But this blow of the divine giant scorpion obviously cannot be regarded as waiting.

The scorpion tail venom needle itself is regarded as a general means by the divine giant scorpion as its own killing move, and as a giant beast derived from God’s divinity, this method says that it can kill the gods. Not exaggerated. Not to mention that the current magic dragon is just a dragon soul, its body in the past has become a vain. Even if it was physically healthy, it could not stop the blow of the slaughter god.

It was a deadly threat, Strange felt it. He could guess that once the dragon soul’s heart is hit by this poisonous needle, even if it is not a real creature, but is just a magical creation created by the dragon soul mixed with oneself mana, there must be only body dies soul extinguished. A result.

This is not a trivial matter, after all, the existence of the dragon is the key to the balance of the polarities within the body. Once something goes wrong, it will almost affect his life. Of course he is impossible to sit and watch this happen, but at such a juncture, there is really not much he can do.

Indeed, he can actively control the dragon soul, allowing the dragon to move according to its mind. But this kind of activity also has to observe certain basic common sense. For example, you are impossible to let the magic dragon perform standard yoga movements, because its physiological structure is determined, and it is impossible to achieve such a point.

Similarly, at this moment, the magic dragon is exhausted and the empty door is wide open. You want to make it do dodge movements, and you must also consider whether its body can slow down. . Strange has tried his best, and the limit he can do is to make the dragon’s wings sway, provide a little deflection force, and make its body tilt slightly.

This side tilt allowed the dragon’s heart to escape the giant scorpion’s poisonous needle, but it couldn’t completely prevent this from happening. After all, the poison needle pierced the roots of the dragon’s wings, causing the dragon to utter a terrible roar due to the extremely poisonous divine nature.

The animal nature belonging to the wild beast is almost unstoppable, and the magic dragon itself is bound by spells. Strange, who is forcibly controlling him, clearly feels it, and the dragon soul begins to lose control.

Normally, he should strengthen his control at this time so that the dragon soul will not get out of his constraints. But now at this time, he already has other ideas.

Fight hard, the Dragon Soul obviously can’t fight this divine giant scorpion. And in that case, if you want to reverse the situation and turn defeat into victory, the only feasible way is to directly point to the opponent’s vitals and come to catch brigands, first catch their king.

Alexia is undoubtedly the key point, and at the moment when the dragon is mad and the dragon flame is pouring out almost without reservation, Strange has already lowered his body and turned into a sweeping The storm was like a storm, and he charged towards Alexia.

Dawei Heavenly Dragon secret technique formidable power is great, but in the final analysis it is only the magic of external power protects the way, and the real foundation, Asura’s secret technique formidable power is Strange’s biggest rely.

This cultivation technique is successful in his practice, and he has already achieved Asura’s golden body. There is a golden body in front of it, waiting for an Indestructible Diamond. Just like the sudden blow of the divine giant scorpion just now, it only made him feel a little embarrassed without any substantial damage. This is the magical effect of Asura’s golden body. At the same time, he has a divine force, nothing difficult to overcome the dragon and the tiger. So he thought very clearly, as long as oneself can break into Alexia’s edge, relying on the tyranny of Asura’s golden body, he can completely capture one of them.

It may be too early to say a word of rounding and flattening, but it is also a matter of course to say that the situation will not deteriorate.

Long Yan blocked the sight of the overwhelming majority who were present. In other words, their attention was already attracted by this giant beast battle. No one would have thought that Strange would be at this time. Suddenly attacked. Therefore, Strange’s penetration was exceptionally smooth, and it could be said that he was almost unobstructed, and he had already been in front of Alexia.

By this time, Strange already had a feeling that the overall situation was settled. After all, she is so delicate and weak, she looks like a lady who is engaged in clerical work, she is impossible to escape from a big man like oneself anyway.

That’s what he thought about. Even at this moment, he had already begun to think about how to force the woman in front of him to give in.

The means of torture? For the sake of the other’s beautiful face, it is really hard for him to make this move. After all, unless it is a deep hatred or the other party is the kind of unscrupulous goods, under normal circumstances, men are willing to be so tolerant to beautiful women. And if it is to use euphemistic means, then we must consider what kind of means is the most euphemistic and most suitable.

What Strange wanted was to grab Alexia by the neck and lock her throat to force her into submission. He had already extended his own sinful hand to Alexia, and before he put his hand on Alexia, Alexia was already in front of him, showing a disdainful sneer.

This sneer made Strange’s heart throbbed, and suddenly felt a sense of badness. And before he could figure out what this was for and so on, Alexia was already on his side and fought back against him.

Strange didn’t know how he launched a counterattack at all, even with his current Superman version’s physical fitness, he just vaguely saw Alexia attacking him. Remember the reversal kick, and then a hazy golden illusory shadow flashed past.

Kick him back up into the air, which is nothing at worst. Although it may be a little embarrassing, he is at most the same as before, with a little embarrassment. However, the illusory shadow that passed by afterwards is not something that can be ignored.

After Strange fell to the ground, a sudden pain came from his body within the body. This kind of severe pain not only caused him torment, but also eroded his strength, making him feel like collapsed all over his body.

This is not a normal situation, and when he looked down at the source of Oneself’s pain, he immediately noticed the big wound on Oneself’s chest.

The wound had an abscess, and the fluid that came out was not even blood, but something dirty and thick. Even a fool can tell this situation, he is poisoned. As for when it was poisoned, Strange could only think of the golden illusory shadow that just passed by.

What exactly is it? Strange endured the severe pain and stared in Alexia’s direction with wide eyes. But at this moment, Alexia smiled at him, and unabashedly revealed a giant tail that looked exactly like a giant scorpion.

“Are you an idiot? Little sorcerer. Didn’t you hear how that woman told you? That is a giant beast derived from the outflow of divine nature, and as its source, I Is it so hard to guess who is?”

“God?” Strange clutched his own wound and began to think wildly in his head. God, the scorpion, this involves the most original Totem belief of mankind, and there is only one god that conforms to this belief, that is, the ancient Egyptian scorpion Goddess Sel Kate. And the Egyptian gods, haven’t Oblivion already fallen asleep?

“Impossible, your impossible is Ser Kate. After the death of Cleopatra VII, the Egyptian gods are already dead. They are impossible to revive, and even more impossible to appear here, you in the end Who is it?”

“As a sorcerer, you didn’t think of other possibilities, such as plundering God’s power from them?”

Alexia mocked In one sentence, he stepped forward and kicked Strange to the ground. Then she stepped on Strange’s chest and started threatening him.

“Listen, little sorcerer. You have been poisoned by me. The venomous scorpion Goddess is so venomous, you should understand it. For your sake, I advise You are honest, obediently and honestly hand over Stark’s family. Maybe I can save you a little life because of my kindness?”

“Don’t think about it!” Strange thought It took a bit of struggle and resistance, but Alexia used a little bit of strength, and his resistance turned into futile.

Under the poisonous erosion, he is the fish on the chopping board, not just him, his dragon is the same.

Although it was only pierced on the wing roots, there was no real injury. But at least it is the poison that can make God die, even if the dragon is just a fake body at the moment, it still cannot withstand the poison of this poison. The previous eruption was just an action under his beastly instinct, and after this Final Struggle, the magic dragon immediately fell into a decline.

There is no need for the giant scorpion to do any extra actions. It turned into a stream of flames with a whine, and then got back into Strange’s body with a swish. And while it turned into a tattoo, continuously wandering around Strange, the poison it carried undoubtedly aggravated Strange’s injury and made him more painful.

He can’t wait to roll all over, but he can only grit his teeth and hold on. And seeing his face getting worse and worse, the whole person turned black under the poisonous erosion. Frank, who had been watching from the sidelines, couldn’t help it now.

“Wait, let him go, I’ll go with you!”

“Master Frank, you can’t do this!” Jarvis just wanted to stop Frank, but was immediately The divine giant scorpion that was culled was clamped in half in one fell swoop. His strength is meager, and it’s not enough. And want to act as Frank’s umbrella at this time, he simply does not have the qualification.

It can be said that I didn’t even bother to look at him, and Alexia walked straight to Frank’s face. When she lifted Frank’s small face in one hand and looked at him with a playful look, she obviously showed a malicious mockery.

“Frank. Stark, is Tony Stark’s son right? I have heard of your father. He is so bold that he dares to play such tricks in front of that person. I have to say, As a father, he is really incompetent. If it weren’t for him, I would not even have any interest in a Little Brat like you.”

“You have already won, it is necessary to be there Do I insult my father in the face of a child?”

Frank not at all was too angry because Alexia insulted his own father, because he knew very well that this anger was what the other party wanted the result of. The more oneself reacts in this way, the more the opponent will get worse. Instead of falling into the rhythm of the other party, it is better to be rational and use another disguised method to stop her behavior.

This method is effective, because even if there are some evil factors, Alexia is a highly educated person. She can by fair means or foul for purpose, but she will not pull down the own code of conduct because of simple evil taste. So after feeling that oneself was making herself uninterested, she grinned and squeezed Frank’s small face.

“You’re right, I don’t have to do this. So let’s get to the point, where is your mother? Don’t forget, I will take you with you.”

“My mother is not here, and I don’t think you need to find her at all.” It was uncomfortable to be pinched, but Frank still struggled to explain. “You should know what happened before. My mother is just an ordinary person. She has no power to stop those deceptive powers. In addition, her mental state is not very good, so unfortunately, she is now mentally Question.”

“I can only place her in a safe place for recuperation, and I don’t even dare to expect her to get better as soon as possible. They are all women. Under such circumstances, can you still bear it? Did you hurt such a poor woman?”

“She is crazy, are you sure? Is it because you heard the news of Stark’s death?”

Alexia’s eyes rolled, just like that Inquired. For this problem, Frank just shook the head.

“It was before that. If I tell her about my father’s death, I only worry that she will get worse!”

“She really isn’t here ?”

“I can swear, in the name of my father, she is really not here.”

“What do you mean? That bald woman, her mother is really just like him Say that, isn’t it here?”

Just Frank swearing is not enough. Alexia threw the question to Ancient One’s Avatar. From her insight, she could see that this was just a phantom of someone. Like a computer program, she doesn’t cheat much.

“It’s true, she is not here. Also, what do you ask me to do? I haven’t even seen what his mother looks like, you just ask me blindly.”

“Be honest!” With Patted Frank’s small face, Alexia grabbed his arm and walked straight out of the temple, and watching her want to leave like this, Frank quickly pulled.

“Wait, you can’t just leave like this. You promised me a way to survive.”

“A way to survive? When did I promise this.” Looking at Strange struggling on the ground, Alexia only sneered. “There is no cure for my poison. He only has the option of waiting for death. Of course, if you are kind, you can give him a good time. I don’t mind seeing you do this!”

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