Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2067

Steve takes Frank all the way to where oneself lives. This is a relatively private territory, even within Hydra, no one would be so uninterested to come to such a place to discover his personal privacy. So it’s still safe here, and after coming to such a safe place, Steve couldn’t help but breathe out.

“You will stay here for the time being, I will get you some food and water. Take a break, and when the time is right, I will send you out of here.”

For Frank, Steve was kind of showing off. It’s just that Frank is not so willing to accept such kindness. It is difficult for him to understand Steve’s behavior, even if he did have the guilt as Smith Zhou said, but it shouldn’t be enough to support his actions. Did he have another intention? Or what new crafty plots and machinations is this?

Frank always keeps this in mind, which makes him full of resistance to Steve.

“Don’t be hypocritical to me, Steve Rogers. Tell me the truth, why did you save me? Is it really out of guilt for my father, or is it yours again? Conspiracy?”

“Neither, child. I just think that our war of this generation should not involve your this generation, that’s all!”

Beards have been left The elder of Steve, who seemed to be more and more leader-like, stopped oneself’s hand movement. He could hear it. Frank was very defensive. If oneself didn’t give him a reasonable explanation, then I’m afraid he Will always fight against oneself like this. This is a waste of his own opportunity and own time. And there was no time to accompany him on such a fool, and Steve explained to him immediately.

“The first thing you need to be clear is that you are not at all to us what is actually worth. The only relationship between us is that you are Tony Stark’s son, and between me and Tony, There is a personal grievance that is not clear at all. I am a bit biased towards you for his sake. In fact, if you have known me and the things I have done, you should know , How rare it is for me to get you out of there alive.”

“Smith is not a person who likes to talk about forgiveness, and I… neither is it. You are a fluke to survive. , So why don’t you accept this fluke and live obediently and honestly?”

“Because I don’t want to be betrayed by others, and I don’t want you to stabbed my father behind me as well. Last cut!”

Frank quickly rebutted it, but this reply was not so much from his own perspective, as it was for his father.

The two biggest knots of his father’s life are betraying and being betrayed by friends. Especially the latter, the grievances between the two can even be traced back to the previous generation.

As a son, Frank was originally not qualified to speak up for his father’s personal grievances. But today when he thinks his oneself father is dead, he thinks he should give an explanation for this matter anyway.

Make Steve pay the price for own betrayal. This requirement may be a bit high, or it may be impossible for the time being. But he felt that, at the very least, he had to make Steve respond to his betrayal and explain why.

This is also the answer his father has always wanted to know, but he has never had the opportunity to ask. And now that oneself has been in contact with Steve, and had such an opportunity, then he should understand the answer.

“Why betrayal, is there anything I am sorry about you, father?”

“Does this have anything to do with you?” Steve can keenly detect that Frank is Want to explore some of the secrets in his heart. For such a secret, he obviously has no plans to make it public. So he asked rhetorically, and refused indifferently. “You don’t need to worry about betrayal. Trust me, you just need to rest for one night and leave here, so that you and I will no longer have any contact. Since there is no contact, then naturally there is no betrayal. Question.”

“This is your answer? I’m really curious. If my father is here and ask you, how would you answer him?”

Frank and Ignoring Steve’s refusal, he is still searching for the answer reluctantly. For this, he even moved out his own father, hoping to make Steve open his mouth. And the fact is true. If he only asked this topic, then it is estimated that Steve would not openly talk about this question. And if he asked this question again as his father, especially at this stage when his father had just died, it would be difficult for Steve to remain silent.

“Let’s eat something first, let’s also take some time, this kind of thing can be said slowly.”

Simply take out a quick-heating food from the refrigerator and stuff it into the microwave Steve thought for a while, and took out two cans of beer and a bottle of milk. The beer is for his own, and the milk is placed in front of Frank by him.

“It is milk for feeding stray cats, but don’t worry, apart from the expiration date, what other problems does It shouldn’t be have. Wait a minute, it’s okay… .”

With a ding sound, the microwave turned on automatically, and Steve put a paste-looking food in front of Frank, and then, as expected, he saw the disgust on his face expression.

“Sorry, but there is only this kind of food here. You should know that this is India, and it should be the least human place in the world. All humans, animals, and crops have suffered disease. Countless people are hungry, and only a small number of people can eat this kind of food. So don’t waste it. If you bear with it a little bit, you will actually find that it tastes acceptable.”

“What’s all this?” Taking a spoon, Frank pulled out a few plump sticks from it. This made him nauseous, and even retched unabashedly. For him since he was young, the most unpalatable thing he has ever eaten is cheeseburger. Such a thing can be called food, which is simply an insult to food. Naturally, he began to ask angrily.

“Earthworms, dug out from deep under the surface, are still clean, or they are one of the few species on this land that are not contaminated by radiation. It is just one of the ingredients, trust me, Don’t look at it so ugly, it’s actually the best-selling one.”

“Damn, can this thing be eaten?”

Frank just dropped the spoon, if not Frank then estimated that he could throw out all the bowls. After Haoxuan didn’t turn the so-called food into rubbish, Steve gave Frank a reproachful look, and then solemnly put it back in front of Frank.

“If you don’t want to eat it, please don’t waste it. Didn’t I tell you clearly enough? It’s such a thing, even in this city, not many people can eat it “

“Where is this?”

“Kolkata. Have you heard of this city?”

“Of course!” Frank began to sneer. “India’s third largest city, during the colonization of the United Kingdom, this was the former capital of British India. What surprised me was here, a city with a long history and a huge scale, but now it even has a decent amount. I can’t get the food. Is Hydra’s rule really miserable to this point?”

“I know what you want to say, you think that in my capacity, you shouldn’t eat such things, Isn’t it?”

“Isn’t that what it should be? Human betrayal can only be due to a higher price tag, and if your betrayal is only exchanged for this kind of treatment, I’m really surprised , What was the reason you chose to betray in the first place!”

“There are many price tags, and the so-called treatment is actually only the most insignificant one. It’s just that most people choose it, so there is That many people take this as a measure. For me, it’s not.”

shook the head, Steve picked up the spoon and took a spoon from the sticky food , Put it in your mouth. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the taste, even if he is used to eating now, he still can’t help being frowned when eating this kind of food. It is conceivable how terrifying the taste of this thing is, and even with the terrifying taste, Steve still persisted and swallowed it into his stomach.

“As the leader of Hydra, I can indeed enjoy things that other people can’t enjoy. For example, when others swallow this kind of food, I can eat with red wine, even if the whole world is right now India is blocked, I can still eat cream of the crop steak, the most authentic French meal. But I didn’t choose to live a life like this because it didn’t make sense to me. In comparison, I would rather eat this This is something that all ordinary persons will eat, because it tells me more.”

“Kolkata is the sixth city that Hydra has rebuilt on the land of India. As the original nuclear bomb attack One of the key cities in the city, it is not so easy to complete the reconstruction work on the ruins of this city. I have worked hard for a long time before barely achieving this step. Even if it is rebuilt, I want to restore it It will not be so easy to follow a normal track.”

“Food, water, daily necessities, everything is scarce. Everyday all there are people who are starved to death, and In the least lack of manpower, we set this as a working meal in Kolkata, so that everyone who works for Hydra in this city can get enough to fill their stomachs.”

” I know this is not enough, so I voluntarily eat the same things with them. It’s not a show, and no show, I just want to use this way to remind oneself that I need to do better, and I must Do better.”

After saying this, Steve quickly stuffed the rest of the food into his mouth, and after he fiercely poured a few sips of beer, he reluctantly It swallowed in.

This made Frank frown, but soon he sneered again.

“It sounds so touching, as if you are really thinking about them. Then the question is, Mr. Steve Rogers, what caused them to be like this, what made them even like this A portion of the garbage is regarded as a delicacy? Don’t tell me that there is no responsibility for you. If it weren’t for your troubles, Indian cuisine, no matter how bad it is, would not be worse than what they are going to eat today. “

“I admit that they are my fault today. I never thought I was innocent, let alone defended my own behavior. I know what I did, I know I and Hydra All of you can go to hell. But if I were to choose again, I would still do it. Because this is just the beginning, child. It’s like surgery, don’t cut off the damn meat, Don’t let the human as a whole experience the bone pain, they are impossible to get better. These are all necessary measures, and someone always needs to do it!”

“So, this is you Is the reason for this right? About the betrayal?”

Frank was keenly aware of Steve’s attitude, and he immediately asked about it.

“Betrayal? This is actually just a label your father put on me unilaterally. Perhaps for him and my former partner, what I did was indeed betrayal. But for myself, This is not. You have to know that I am a person who has come from war. And my biggest dream is to build a world with no war, no fighting, and some just a bright future. But unfortunately, this is your father They will never get results. So, I chose another path. The one that I think is feasible and the only feasible path.”

“Do you call this feasible?” Frank felt Steve It should be crazy. Because it’s not a lunatic who would never have such an idea. No matter who sees this gaze, whoever sees this doomsday scene. will not think that this has any connection with the bright future of mankind.

War chaos, madness, deformity and alien species. The horror created by Hydra in just a few years even surpassed any terrifying war in human history. And if they let them continue to do this, then the demise of mankind is just around the corner. If Steve is pursuing destruction, the collapse and disintegration of the entire human race, then it is understandable for him to do so. But he pursues the opposite, and this is impossible to justify.

He couldn’t imagine that the betrayal of oneself father was just for such a crazy reason. And he just wanted to fight for the father, he even more unceremoniously refuted it.

“If you are not crazy, then I am crazy. Look at all this you do, sir, how can you connect them with the so-called bright future? Is it to whitewash own behavior, can you tamper with the facts so arbitrarily?”

“This is just a process, and what I expect is the result. You have not experienced war, you are impossible to know how terrible the process of war is This is just the norm, even if it is not for us to do it, in the future, as long as humans are not unified, such things will happen sooner or later. And this is the key to my consideration, child.”

“Do you know? ? In the 70 years of freezing, I was not completely asleep. Smith has done tricks on me, allowing me to think clearly about everything about this World. Although these thoughts will be sealed in the future, but As time goes by, they will emerge sooner or later.”

“And in this, I want to understand a lot of things. Among them, the most important thing is about humans. Do you know what is the biggest difference between humans? It is a race, a country, and everything in this world that is opposed and inconsistent. As long as these things exist for one day, humans will never stop this internal struggle. Technology is constantly moving forward, hundreds of years ago People are still fighting with knives and guns. A battle will only kill tens of thousands of people. During World War II, humans have learned to kill millions of people with guns. Now, we can do more with biochemistry and nuclear bombs. Many, and in the future, do you know that humans will use weapons that can destroy everything in an instant?”

“That is where there is no future, child. For me, I can The only thing to do is now, use all means to prevent such a future, and try my best to eliminate these opposing existences. And your father, Stark. Unfortunately, he is one of these oppositions. Even though In your eyes, he is a hero, but just imagine, if there is no Hydra, there is no such behavior of us. As a strong figure, once he takes command of the government of United States, what do you think he would be for other countries in this World? What?”

“Hero, or villain, or evil dictator? Don’t rush to deny it, I know your father, I think you know him, you should be able to guess, he will What kind of things do I do for United States. He once hoped that I would stand with him from the standpoint of United States, but in fact, as a veteran who is tired of war, I no longer want to do something for a certain country. Fight. But I have no choice, I can only fight. So, I can only choose to destroy everything!”

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