Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2068

“You are crazy!”

Frank can be considered to have a certain knowledge and understanding of human society, after all, among the people he often contacts are Ultron . Ultron is a typical utopian social conception. But it’s not completely utopian, because he always adjusts the owner to adapt to the innate complexity of human beings.

By comparison, Steve’s thoughts are much more intense than Ultron’s. Because it can be seen from his words that he is the kind of person who wants to overthrow everything and then rebuild everything in the ruins. Let’s not say whether this is feasible or not. This idea alone is enough to shock Frank.

This is not a petty act. According to Steve, his spearhead is directed at humans. All state powers and ethnic civilizations. Smashing the boundaries that demarcated each other in the past, condensing all human beings under one title. This kind of thing is probably not at the worst if you just think about it, but if you think about it carefully, you can understand how to achieve such a goal, how much blood will be shed, and how many people will die.

I’m not a lunatic, I’m afraid I won’t have such an idea. But if he is really a lunatic, he is terrifying rationally. In a daze, Frank seemed to have seen what kind of fire sea the world under his dominance had fallen into, and looking up at Steve, he was unavoidably more worried.

This kind of person is by no means kind, no matter what you think, it is better to stay away from him. The main enemy of own is Smith Zhou. Steve is now unknown about his friends or enemies. He has no need to add such a troublesome opponent to oneself socialism. As for what he wants to do, what kind of influence he will have on this World. Sorry, this is not in Frank’s consideration.

Vengeance is always the first choice. And how to get revenge, this is his biggest concern. He has roughly figured out the truth of Steve’s betrayal, and if it is a disagreement in personal position as he said, then this is a mess that is not clear. He is not necessary, and it is basically impossible to make any changes in this regard. Therefore, he did not continue to bother in this regard, but pulled his thoughts back to the issue of revenge.

And revenge? Recalling the mighty power that Smith Zhou showed, he instantly lost his confidence. How can he defeat such an opponent, or in other words, can he defeat such an enemy? He didn’t dare to think about this question carefully, because no matter how he thought about it, he could only get a disappointing answer.

The disappointment in his heart is fed back to his face, that is, his face is slightly darkened. And with Steve’s subtle observation, he can naturally see this change in expression. A child, no matter how worried he is, will not worry about this kind of innate worry and worry, so it is not difficult to guess that his mind has already shifted to another place.

“Still thinking about revenge? Don’t you realize that this is almost impossible thing?”

“Impossible also do it, it is mine in the end Father, I’m impossible to watch that the murderer who killed him is so free.”

Perhaps it was because of a lot of talk, or maybe it was the reason Steve saved his life, but he didn’t hide it. This kind of hatred towards Smith Zhou, but bluntly tells oneself’s determination to avenge.

“Courage is commendable. But…” After drinking the beer in one breath, Steve gave a very straightforward conclusion. “Lack of reason.”

“What I want to tell you is that I can save you once, but I can’t save you a second time. For one thing, you won’t be so lucky every time you can meet Smith’s The guy is kind, and secondly, I’m also impossible to look after you all day, and get you out of the desperate situation time and time again. The relationship between Stark and me is not enough for me to take such a big risk. So if you fall into his hands again, you should imagine the ending.”

“Don’t worry about it, since I dare to say that, I will naturally not be afraid of death.”


“Stupid.” Faced with the words Frank said bitterly, Steve directly gave such an evaluation.

“Death is a very simple matter. This World everyday all has thousands of people dying. One more you don’t have more, one less you’re a lot. The problem is that most of these people die All are forced and involuntary. And you, you are bringing about one’s own destruction. If you say that your death has its value, it’s fine, but the point is, your death is worthless, because you don’t have to think about me. I also know that you can’t hurt Smith a vellus hair. In that case, why do you want to do such a meaningless thing. Is it just because your emotional impulse can’t be restrained?”

Frank this I didn’t speak anymore. He admits that what Steve said makes sense, but obviously, he will not change his mind just because his words make sense. There are some differences between doing and not doing some things. He had already firmed his conviction in his heart, so no matter what Steve said, he just expressed his attitude in silence.

Steve has never seen this kind of behavior. Stubbornness, or paranoia, is an attitude that overwhelming majority geniuses will have. Some people can rely on this attitude to reach a height that is unattainable by ordinary people, but also some people will cause their own destruction because of this attitude.

He didn’t want to see such a young Stark ushering in the end of himself, so after sighed, he said straight to him.

“Well, I know what kind of virtue your Stark family members are. I guess it’s useless no matter how I persuade you. In that case, I’ll give you a little suggestion if If you really want revenge, then why not wait until you have the strength to take revenge? There is a saying in the East called for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long. Now you are definitely not Smith’s opponent, But if you work hard and try every means to make oneself stronger, then in the future, you may not have such a chance!”

“Do you have a way?” Hearing Steve said that, An eager radiance suddenly appeared in Frank’s eyes. And seeing him suddenly become so eager, Steve in the heart is funny and shakes his head decisively.

“No, I don’t. My power is given by Smith. You want to get from me the ability to fight against him and defeat him. Simply dreaming that’s all. It’s not just that I don’t have it here. The way, I think the overwhelming majority in the world will not have this way for you. I am afraid that you have not really realized the power of Smith. If you have really experienced it, you will be able to understand why I am like this I advise you, let you give up this thought of revenge. Because that is simply something that humans cannot do…”

“No, there must be a way, there must be a way It’s right.”

Frank of course is impossible to accept Steve’s statement, but he can only comfort oneself in this way without any clue. And didn’t want to hit him too much, Steve was also nodded at this time and agreed.

“There is definitely a way, but it’s more difficult to find. After all, the world is so big, even if it’s not on this planet, there will definitely be someone who can help you get revenge outside of Earth in the depths of the universe. The way. The question is, would you like to find it, and can you find it.”

“Are you sure there is such a way?”

“Of course. In fact, if not If the person named Paragon sorcerer died, she is actually a pretty good choice. Because as far as I know, she caused a lot of trouble to Smith at one time.”

“Paragon sorcerer? She is dead…”

“I know that she is dead, and I also know that she died very heroically. But does this have anything to do with what I said? There is not only one in the world. People like Paragon sorcerer, as long as you look for them, you can still find them. Go out and take a look, ask questions, and learn more. As long as your accumulation is deep enough, you may not be unable to get revenge.”

patted Frank’s shoulder, Steve comforted him so. He stood up and walked outside.

“You have a good night’s rest, I also have business, I will send you out of here tomorrow.”

Frank did not answer, he did not even put his eyes on Steve . It wasn’t until Steve really left and there was no sign of him returning for a long time that Frank moved quickly.

Space gate, this method is a must for sorcerer, and he naturally knows it. Although not so proficient, it is not a problem to use it to escape.

Drawing a circle in midair, Frank is using the space gate method while thinking about where oneself should escape. Go back to Kamar-Taj? This idea just missed a head, and it was already actively pinched out by him. Now is not a good time to return there, because a very important factor is that he is not sure whether his whereabouts will be locked by Hydra again. Once they followed oneself and went to the door, at that time, whether they could conceal the existence of her mother in the form of bluffing as before was something no one could tell.

Before it was a fluke, but he couldn’t always put his hopes on fluke. So he would rather go to other places in exile, and never hope to bring danger to oneself mother’s side. So after thinking about it a little bit, he changed his destination to another location.

Huiyao City. That city belongs to Zhou Yi. Although in a way, the city has fallen, but I have to admit that if we are looking for a force that can rival Smith Zhou, then this city is the only hope.

Because this is where the most clues about Zhou Yi can be found, and Zhou Yi is only missing, not at all evidence can prove his death. From a common sense point of view, a powerful person like him will not die easily, so as long as he can be found back, then he is the best choice against Smith Zhou.

Frank is not worried that Zhou Yi will reject the request of own. As a result, his own family was also caught in the hands of Smith Zhou, which made him almost inevitably opposed to him while being controlled by others. On the other hand, his father’s relationship lies there. After all, it is an old friend for many years. Even if it is said that there is such an entanglement in the middle, it does not mean that the own father is dead, but he does not even show it.

Don’t ask him to come forward, desperate to avenge his own father. As long as he can accept oneself and help oneself gain strong power, this is enough to make Frank feel satisfied.

No matter what, Steve is right. That’s because he wants revenge, and it doesn’t work just now. He must make oneself stronger, strong enough to challenge Smith Zhou. And if he wants to be so powerful, he can’t miss all the possibilities of gaining power.

Huiyao City here is his 1st Step attempt, and after determining such a goal, he immediately opened the Teleportation Portal non-stop and walked towards the other side of the door. As soon as he walked with his front foot and his back foot was on Smith Zhou’s side, he had already received relevant information.

Smith Zhou seldom uses it, but he doesn’t mind using it on oneself’s people. It is not to say that there is no trust, but to see if there is such a demand. For Steve and Frank, he obviously has such a need. This allowed him to observe the conversation between the two of them almost all the way, and he was quite satisfied with the final result, especially the part where Frank left.

youngster, there is nothing wrong with impulse, what is problematic is impulse without reason. What he arranged for Frank was a scene of revenge on Prince, and this scene determined that he must have sufficient sense. Know what oneself needs and how to get what oneself needs. This is where he maintains the role of oneself.

He now knows what oneself needs, which is great. But whether he can achieve by fair means or foul when gaining the power needed by oneself, this is what Smith Zhou needs to consider next.

Step by step to train Frank into the appearance he planned, this is what Smith Zhou is enjoying now. In order to facilitate this change, he did not mind using as many means as possible.

With his current power, some methods are just a matter of mouth. When he started to lay out for Frank, Frank had already come to the edge of Huiyao City.

He was stunned when he set foot on this land again, or could not help being stunned. Because he was still in this city before, he knew very well some of the basic structure of this city. What he can be sure of is that there will never be a palace-like building in the sky of this city.

Like a palace built on the clouds, splendorous and majestic, simple and solemn. For ordinary people, just looking at the past, there is an illusion as if they are staring at Divine Kingdom.

Frank knows that this is not an illusion, because he relies on the mysterious knowledge he has memorized, and the plaque he clearly sees marking South Heaven Gate. He has already determined the origin of the other party.

The Celestial Court in the East, as Paragon sorcerer expected, really returned. But the question is, why does it appear here?

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