Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2089

The huge palm of the hand continuously digs the bricks and soil on the ruins, like an excavator, General Ross has to dig a ruin through with just his hands.

He didn’t do this to show the superior performance of own, but he simply wanted to save people. Under the ruins, he remembered clearly, not to mention that three or five people were buried. If his movements are not fast, then the oppression of these layers of masonry will be enough to kill the people below.

He doesn’t want to see someone die anymore, so saving lives with full strength at this time is the only thing he can do.

The progress of digging gradually deepened, and his movements began to gradually soften. It seems that for fear that oneself’s reckless actions will accidentally kill the people below, General Ross can now be said to be a big man playing with embroidery needles, cautiously to the extreme.

And just after he cautiously removed a broken wall and opened a large enough angle with his own body as a pillar, he discovered the few survivors who cringed together. They.

Thanks to the blessings of Gods Vestige before, they did not die under this rubble. But if oneself doesn’t save them, they can’t escape death. General Ross was grateful that oneself made such an act of saving people, and just as he slammed the wall on his hand to completely open the way for these survivors, one of the survivors with a shotgun, but She was already shouting, and frantically pulled the trigger in his hand at him.

The gunfire sounded, and countless scattered bullets fell on General Ross, making him slightly frowned. He understood why these people did this, so he also not at all condemned this behavior. On the contrary, he meant to be quiet, pointing to the way out that was opened behind oneself, and said to these survivors.

“Get out of here, if you still want to survive, don’t do such a useless act…”

“Shut up, you devil, don’t It’s hypocritical. You’ve killed that many people in front of me before, and I can see them all. You’ve even said that you’ve killed me again! At this point, do you still want to pretend to be one? Are you okay?”

The survivor with the gun roared and attacked frantically. He himself also knows that this kind of offense is just a futile move, but as a sober person who has just witnessed everything, only in this way can he vent the fear and restlessness in oneself.

Facing the Red Hulk in madness, this is really not an experience that a normal person should have. Even if everything that happened before can be classified as a nightmare, there is no doubt Yes, the part about Red Hulk is the scariest. If it weren’t for the psychology aspect of his career, he would have lost his mind in the previous desperate rush. And even if he stayed awake from beginning to end, he still couldn’t face the monster in front of him safely after experiencing the weird thing of resurrection from the dead.

“You damn monster…” The bullets were shot out, and the survivors could only pick up the stones from the ground and smash them at General Ross. And under his instigation, those people who had also suffered from the Red Hulk’s pursuit before also recalled their previous fears. They followed suit one after another, picking up hard objects such as rocks and glass and smashing them at General Ross.

This kind of hostile action immediately made him irritable, but as he glared and wanted to spit the evil fire in his heart, his eyes suddenly saw Blood stains all around.

It seems to be the bloodstain of a slaughterhouse, almost everywhere in the ruins. Not only on the ground, on the walls, in the corners, but even on his hands, there are the same marks.

This blood stain made him calm down in an instant, and he finally realized at this time that the mistakes made by oneself are no longer simply regrettable, and can be made up.

He is the general of this country and the Guardian of the people of this country. He who should have done everything to protect these people, turned out to be the Bushwacker who slaughtered the people. How can he accept this reality?

Pain and self-blame suddenly rushed to his heart. And under his conscious control, the appearance of Red Hulk also began to fade from his body.

Naked, strong old men appeared on these angry survivors. It is obviously not helpful to face the debris thrown over because of anger and fear in this form.

A brick hit General Ross’s forehead and dropped him easily to the ground. Seeing that he was just as tough as a mountain, he was so easily brought down now. The subconsciously reaction of these survivors was not to stop, but to throw more vigorously.

All the things that can be picked up, all the things that are fatal in their opinion, were thrown on General Ross without reservation. And General Ross just endured their attacks silently, and didn’t even do basic protective actions. This naturally quickly made him become bruised.

If this continues, he might die here. And maybe his mind at the moment is, maybe just die here. Treat it as an atonement and pay off the debt, perhaps doing so will make him feel more relaxed. With such an idea, General Ross quickly fell to the ground.

This is obviously the injury that can be easily cured by transforming into Red Hulk, but he restrained it and did not do so. He regarded this as a trial, and the trial has proceeded until now, obviously not yet the time to end.

An old man just lay in a pool of blood, and facing this scene that should have been sympathetic, the people present seemed to be cultists and uttered fanatical roars. Without stopping, he attacked more and more vigorously.

It seems that they will not give up if they don’t kill this old man. In fact, they do have such an idea.

However, this idea is destined to be difficult to achieve. Because just when they were about to give General Ross a fatal blow, in the sky suddenly revealed a Kun-style fighter.

The fighter plane lowered its height and hovered over everyone’s heads. Then, as soon as the onboard weapons lighted up, they aimed at the people holding weapons below.

“This is US Military. Listen, everyone below, put down your weapons, squat in the corner with your hands on your head. I count three. If you don’t do it, we will count You shot it on the spot…”

“Shit stuff, what were you doing before?”

The angry survivors immediately screamed. And one of the most radical is to directly turn the spearhead and throw the guy in his hand at the fighter plane.

People in the military are not used to these guys. The moment someone made such a provocative action, the cannon on the fighter plane was already buzzing, and it swept a shuttle directly in front of that person’s feet. And just as the provocateurs jumped because of this attack, the fighter’s broadcast rang again.

“We are US Military. We are currently executing military orders. We have no obligation and will not explain to civilians like you. This is just a warning. If I were you, I would cherish your second Second life. Because you have to understand that Gods Vestige this thing is impossible for the second time. Now, step back… I count the first time! One…”

“He is a murderer, do you even want to shelter such a murderer?”

There are still people fighting for reasons, obviously they are not willing to let General Ross go. Faced with such an argument, the people in the fighter plane showed some disdain.

“You said he killed someone? So, who did he kill?”

“We, everyone in it, died because of him! If not Speaking of Gods Vestige, now it’s just a bunch of corpses talking to you here!”

“But you are not corpses now!” Coldly interrupted these people’s arguments, fighters The people here directly refuted it in a very cold and mocking tone. “God gave you a second life, not for you to use it to squander it. And since you are still alive and living well, then don’t use this kind of fundamentally untenable thing to talk about things. The last chance, I The second count, two…”

Resurrection after experiencing death does not mean that you can not fear Death. In fact, it is precisely because you have experienced the terrifying of Death personally that it will increase the awe of Death itself. As they had heard before, they finally got the chance of being reborn, but there is really no need to waste this moment of righteous indignation.

Under the majesty of modern weapons, almost everyone has recovered calm. After calming down, they suddenly realized the power of it.

Be aware that the United States army is not a soldier of who militia. They had always only regarded mission as their first goal, and they would not be polite to them when they encountered such civilians who dared to stop them. Imagine that even the police can shoot at civilians at a critical juncture. These civilians on the scene would not confidently think that the planes above would take so many of them and let them go.

Someone was the first to drop the weapon in his hand, and with this first one, the subsequent coming one after another is a logical thing.

The situation was quickly brought under control, and after taking control of the situation, two ziplines were immediately hung on the plane, and several fully armed soldiers quickly descended down the ziplines.

“Hurry up, medics? Hurry up and take a look at the general’s situation…”

The soldier holding the rifle guarded the vital position and started directly Alert, and the medical soldiers carrying first aid equipment immediately stepped forward to observe the situation of General Ross.

“The physical signs are good, but I fainted. We need to send the general to a safe place immediately!”

As the medical soldier said, he signaled the fighter. After the fighter plane descended further and the stretcher was dropped, they immediately escorted General Ross, boarded the fighter plane and left.

This efficiency is really worthy of the prestigious name they made in Iraq. But when I thought of the previous disaster, I couldn’t see the shadows of these soldiers. The survivors who felt bullied immediately jumped into thunder.

“Damn army, damn government. These moths who only drink taxpayer blood, why doesn’t God kick them all into hell?”

“divine ability It would be nice to save our lives. Instead of expecting God to intervene to solve these assholes, not equal to me, oneself to solve them!”

In two words, American’s temper drew up. . They almost vented all their dissatisfaction on the government, and they wished to shoot into the parliament immediately and give all those worms to tú tú.

Of course, not everyone is so irrational. Someone will inevitably begin to worry about whether this will cause any special troubles. Compared with doing things, they prefer to keep things quiet. So a different voice followed.

“What can we do, we are just a group of civilians, and they are the army…”

“We Texans are not afraid of the army. If these damn henchman dare Use force against us Texans, we Texans will tell them who is the father when it comes to playing guns!”

The classic red-necked Texas big man began to speak out. Of course, everyone who is a bit sane knows that fighting the government army with such a real thing is definitely an act of courting death. Mental retardation is not such a mental retardation method, so people who have some ideas and ideas have already put forward own suggestions.

“We can join forces and go to the White House to file a complaint. Isn’t the Stark government a new government that has always claimed to be fair and just? Let us see if they can do what they say and do. How, we must unite and ask the government to give us a due account. If the government does not respond to us, then we should let the government know who the United States belongs to! Is it the bureaucrats or us American Yes!”

“Yes, we want the government to give us an account!”

“God is on our side. He must be unable to stand the stupidity of the government. It will give us a second chance.”

“Go to White House and find Stark. We want Stark to stand up and talk to us, we want the murderer a debt of blood must be paid in blood! “

“Go to White House and find Stark. Let the murderer a debt of blood must be paid in blood!…”

The slogans began to come and go one after another. After the second life, these survivors have already found a new goal. They consciously have grand goals and lofty ambitions. So it is full of mission and responsibility, and when they are so full of ideals and noble sentiments, when they move in the direction of Washington, D.C., I am afraid that they oneself did not realize what they brought to this country.

“The world is changing drastically.” As Nick Fury said to General Ross on the plane, “We must change for this…”

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