Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2090

Two flames, one red and one blue, are chasing each other, colliding with each other. Red is in the front and blue is in the back, like two dazzling meteors, galloping fast above the wasteland, and Clearly leave one after another scorched mark on the wasteland.

I don’t know how long I have been chasing like this, but the blue flame is better. In the process of overtaking in a curve, his sudden acceleration hit the red flame, and then he was shocked, and the two entangled figures had already separated from it.

The Ghost Rider, incarnate by Peter Parker, firmly locks the neck of oneself of the same kind. Of course, it is not so much the same kind, but rather a different kind. Because the Ghost Rider with scarlet red flame burning all over it is not what an average Knight should have.

The body was full of bone spurs, and there were two more bone arms, one long and one short, on the back, and even a second skull head was born on the shoulder. This is not the image that a normal Ghost Rider should have at all. In other words, just seeing such an image can connect it with the previous void and chaos.

This is not the first time Peter Parker has encountered such a kind. In fact, in the previous fight against Chaos Giant Beast, such clues have already appeared.

The Ghost Rider, whose attributes are biased towards evil and chaos, is difficult to resist the influence of the void and chaos. Once their will can’t stop the spirit of revenge in oneself’s heart from approaching this twisting force, it is almost Inevitably, they will change towards this weird form.

This change is not external, but from the outside to the inside. Just like staring at Bottomless Abyss in a quiet and secluded place, when you realize that there is and so on in the abyss, you are already swallowed by the abyss.

Ghost Rider is like this. They were already infected when they were fighting the twisted monster, and the moment Dormammu was born, their void seeds within the body immediately took root and grew arrogantly. Generally, they are completely twisted into terrifying monsters.

Peter Parker had devoted himself to the great cause of fighting the void before, so even if he had already encountered similar problems, he didn’t really think about it. It was not until the arrival of the Lord Void Lord, who was also affected, that he suddenly realized.

Of course, it was too late at that time.

He just has the power of Zatanos, and he may be lucky to recover the lost part from Randekiel, because the influence of the void does exist, but For him, it’s not impossible to get rid of it. However, for other Ghost Riders, things are completely different.

Even the mighty Knight is distracting and fighting against the void. It is also unsustainable when it corrupts and prevents the spirit of own revenge from falling into the void. So there is each one, almost all Ghost Riders have undergone a terrifying transformation at that time.

This will be a disaster. Peter Parker, who broke free from the void distortion, immediately realized this.

The power of Ghost Rider itself is very powerful. If it hadn’t been for their constant restraint on the spirit of vengeance, and the solitary life of retreat, then I’m afraid they have already set off in the human society. After foul wind and bloody rain.

Of course, this situation is only for those who have committed crimes. Although the behavior is horrible, it does not mean that it is unacceptable. However, if it were such a monster that was distorted by the void, then things might not be so simple.

After the spirit of vengeance is distorted by the void, whether it will stick to the principle of oneself, which is only aimed at evildoers, is a matter of no guarantee. But Peter Parker, who has personally experienced the terrifying of the void, and understood their hatred and greed for all creatures, but he dare not put his hopes on fluke.

As the leader, he felt that it was necessary for oneself to stop all Ghost Riders before they caused those tragedies. And when he first tried to stop his own kind, he found sadly that there was no room for change.

The distortion of Ghost Rider cannot be reversed. Even if he temporarily controlled these Ghost Riders, he couldn’t restore them to the original state. They have become monsters and will only exist in the form of monsters in the future.

Maybe you may see some of the shadows of the past from them, and realize that they still have some of their sanity, but it is clear that the part of their hearts that belongs to people has been completely lost Up.

Without the human element, whether they can still stick to the principles is something Peter doesn’t dare to bet on. He doesn’t dare to give these monster Knights any chance to contact those ordinary persons. Although they are similar and comrades-in-arms, they were still fighting side by side before, but at this time, when he realized that it was impossible to save them anyway, there was only one choice he could make.

He must learn about the Knights who followed him to hell one by one. As the leader of Ghost Rider, he couldn’t bear to see these Knights finally become such a monster. And he also believed that those Knights who had followed him would not be willing to survive as such a monster anyway.

In a way, they are dead, from the moment they became monsters. And what he is doing now is to erect a tomb for them, so that they can bring the last dignity of Knight and usher in the end safely.

So, since the battle in the sky in which he couldn’t get in at all ended, he has been busy with this matter. In the meantime, he will certainly see countless tragedies brewed because of disasters, but at this juncture, he has no way at all, and there is no time to prevent these tragedies from happening.

With all his strength alone, how many such tragedies can he prevent, one hundred or one thousand? And if the monster Knights are left alone and allowed to act recklessly in the human world, how many new tragedies can be created?

This is a problem that can be distinguished without counting, and in the face of this heavy reality, Peter Parker can only endure his inner suffering and make a choice.

He started hunting, the first, the second, the third… Until now, there is only one Knight he knows. That is the one he is hunting now.

Of all the Knights, this only Knight is perhaps the most sober and sensible one. Although he was also distorted and lost his human nature. But he was clearly aware of Peter’s departure, and always tried his best to escape Peter’s pursuit.

Of course, he will not succeed. Because Peter has already made up his mind, unless he dies, he will never stop own hunting. And if he doesn’t stop, then this last Knight will always be impossible to escape.

He has such beliefs, and the reality is indeed as he imagined. That’s why there is this very beginning, the chase on wasteland.

Knight’s neck was locked, Peter unceremoniously waved his fist, and fiercely hit the deformed second head on his neck.

This is just a rudimentary form. At best, the head is only the size of a teenage child and obviously has own consciousness. When Peter’s fist was slammed at it, it had already begun to dodge as hard as possible, and it screamed harshly. But unfortunately, no matter how it dodges, it is impossible to jump straight down from the neck, so the end result is that Peter hits its face directly with a heavy punch, and the following heavy punches are sent in bursts. It was also directly beaten into a pile of pulp.

This is experience. After dealing with hundreds of monster Knights, Peter has mastered the fastest way to solve them.

Those twisted limbs, those tissues infected by the void, generally speaking are the vital points of these monster Knight’s bodies. Prioritizing these parts can not only cause the greatest damage to them as quickly as possible, but also avoid the possibility of them using these damned things to launch any counterattack. No matter from which point of view, he would abandon the truth of seeking further. In addition, he was extremely disgusted by seeing this head, so it was only natural for him to take such a cruel hand.

Ordinary people don’t have two heads, so they probably don’t have the opportunity to experience what it feels like to be suddenly broken by someone. But I want to know what kind of pain this will be. It can be said that for an instant, monster Knight went mad, and in the flames of hell that he ignited violently, he waved his four arms and launched a counterattack against Peter, while he seemed to be reluctant to give up and began to reshape oneself. The head that was shattered.

He still possesses the ability of Ghost Rider, which Peter oneself also knows, so at the moment when he ignited the flames, he was already driving the own hellfire, turning it like a wave , Facing the monster Knight swept away.

The regeneration function of Ghost Rider itself is completed under the action of hellfire. Naturally, when Peter uses this method to dissolve the opponent’s control of his own hellfire, the regeneration he wants is naturally impossible.

Not only is it impossible now, it will not be possible in the future. Because this erosion between hellfires itself also means a kind of power plunder. With the power of Zatanos, Peter is already able to control the hellfire to do such a difficult thing, and when he extends his power to the monster Knight’s within the body, he draws the opponent’s hellfire like a long whale sucking water. At that time, the action on Monster Knight’s hand was a stop, and then roaring became more and more violent.

“No, you can’t take my power and return my power to me!”

“Be sober, you don’t need them anymore.”

Returning to complied almost indifferently, Peter smashed his backhand and planted the monster Knight on the ground. Then, with a vertical palm split, he had already cut off the two deformed arms behind Monster Knight.

Such cruel actions made monster Knight roar even more powerful, but he had lost the power of Hellfire and was cut off with two arms. He had no ability to resist.

For him, Death is already within easy reach. After all, the opponent’s coldness and strength can be clearly seen even if he has fallen into a monster. As an outlier, his instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is very serious. Unlike those who don’t even want to be named, they dare to be different from Peter’s face-to-death. When he realizes that oneself has no way to fight against Peter, his first reaction subconsciously is to escape. And like this situation where he can’t escape, begging for mercy is the only thing he can do.

“Spare me, let me die. Peter, I haven’t done anything yet, you don’t have to hurt me…”

The memory made him remember Peter’s identity and the relationship between them, and using this special identity, he began to play an emotional card with Peter.

“I know, but I can’t let you go. I’m sorry, Buddy, it’s for your own good. I know you, in order not to hurt others, you can tie oneself with a chain and seal it in a cave. Here. You like this, you definitely don’t want oneself to become like this. So don’t worry, I will personally send you the last ride to preserve your last dignity!”

The tone is heavy! Peter’s fist clenched, and his statement made Monster Knight scream in surprise.

“No, no, no…I don’t think so, don’t talk nonsense! I just don’t want to die. Peter, let me go, please let me go, I really I don’t want to die.”

“This is not your true thought, I know, Buddy, I will come to liberate you soon.”

The raging flames enveloped Peter’s body, and just from the momentum, you can see how determined he has been. At this time, monster Knight had already realized that simply begging for mercy would not have any effect, so he simply changed the conversation and yelled at Peter.

“Peter Parker, you damn bastard! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be what I am today.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have experienced all of this. We can survive, even if it doesn’t help, we can survive more or less. But now, it’s all over. Ghost Rider is already Nope, it’s all because of you, it’s all your fault!”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

“I curse you, Peter Parker, I curse You. Not just me, all of us will curse you…”

“I know!”

Said the same thing for the third time, between Peter’s hands With a sudden force, a blazing blue flame spewed out. Under his flame, the monster Knight, who had lost most of his power, instantly burned like dry wood. No matter what he was twisting and resisting, he couldn’t change this burned-out fate at all.

This is the last one. Seeing everything in front of him, Peter fell to his knees weakly. It seems that all of the mental energy has been exhausted in this difficult pursuit. And at this moment, in the sky is already falling the golden rain. The fire was gradually extinguished, and the monster Knight under the light and rain slowly returned to his human appearance.

However, he is impossible to have any hope of survival. Because his soul has already been burned, he is already equal to ashes, trifling is just a body, which will not last long. However, this time is enough.

“Thank you, Buddy! Also, stay alive…”

He left his last words, and then went wild on the wasteland While blowing, it turns into dust and goes with the wind. Listening to his last words, Peter, who had regained his strength under the washing of light and rain, already raised his head and silently looked up at the sky.

Ghost Rider will not shed tears, because his tears have already been burned by the flames…

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