Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2091

“dong, dong, dong ……” There was a knock on the door, and after hearing this sound, it seemed like an old lady had already He rushed to the door and opened the door.

She thought that oneself was hearing hallucinations again, or it was another disappointing answer. But what she didn’t expect was that the child she thought about day and night appeared in front of her now, and showed her a long-lost smile.

“Long time no see, Aunt May.”

“Peter? Oh, my God, where did you go?”

Aunt May exclaimed, and immediately hugged his nephew with tearful eyes. Although it is said that they are not at all affected by Dormammu in the city of Huiyao, this does not mean that they will not worry about oneself’s nephew who is far away in Canada.

It is still unclear what Peter really does. The old couple, Ben and May, really thought he was a teacher in a Canadian university. In the face of the global catastrophic reports of hiding the sky and covering the earth in the news, they are naturally worried about the safety of oneself this nephew.

If it were not because of the disaster that caused the traffic paralysis and the global airport shutdown, the old couple would have gone all the way to Canada. And it was precisely because of the insurmountable obstacles in the middle and Gwen’s constant persuasion that they finally let go of their thoughts and chose to wait anxiously.

This kind of hope is placed on unreliable luck, which is really a painful thing. The two old people do not think about tea, do not want to eat, and they have almost become the norm. But today, Peter’s sudden return finally made the two of them completely let go of their hearts, so that even a stable person like this could not help tears.

Of course, in front of Peter, he still wants to keep oneself’s dignity as an elder. So he quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes by wiping his glasses, and then said to Peter pretending to be calm.

“It’s good if you come back. I’ve said that the country in Canada is too unreliable. If you want to teach at a university, wouldn’t it be good in the United States? The universities in Huiyao City are doing very well now. Stay here and you can get closer to home.”

He talked a lot of nonsense, and the only thing in the whole sentence The core of is only the last sentence. He hopes Peter can stay and stay a little closer to home.

This kind of ardent hope is probably only felt by someone like him who is 10,000,000 li away from home and has little time to go home. For his expectation, Peter grinned and gave an affirmative answer.

“I know. I came back this time to find a job near my home and start again.”

“Yes, you should do this.” Hearing this Oneself’s overjoyed answer, Mei immediately responded happily. She mixed Peter’s arm and dragged him into the house. As he walked, he started talking about him. “Now that the world is so chaotic, you shouldn’t have run to such a place too far away from home. Let us worry about it, the most important thing is insecurity. Don’t look at Canada’s great territory, they are actually a group of weak Chicken. Counting on the police there to protect your safety, you might as well count on me carrying your uncle’s shotgun to protect you!”

Mei is almost 70, and he actually paid Being able to speak such wild and unruly rhetoric made Peter inevitably move while smiling bitterly on his face. Although saying this is a bit of cracking a joke, but after a careful experience, you can still feel the inevitable family affection.

“You can still play shotguns? I remember you are not a member of the Gun Ban Organization?”

He teased about this. After all, Aunt Mei suddenly retreated as a member of the gun ban, which is really big news in this family. Faced with his ridicule, Aunt Mei slapped him badly and threw the pot on his uncle.

“This Old Guy must be blamed. I was fine at home, he had to pull me to go hunting in the wild. He also taught me to use his newly bought 486 shotgun. I didn’t want to play that way. It’s a rough game, but I didn’t expect that I seem to have a talent in this area. You know what, Peter. The first time I played this shotgun, I successfully shot two wild ducks. Only three shots! “

Putting up two fingers in front of Peter’s face, Aunt May expressed the oneself mentality of asking for credit in the most direct way. Of course, Peter wouldn’t let her down. He hugged Aunt May’s shoulder and put on a surprised expression.

“Wow, this is amazing. I remember my uncle took me to the amusement park to play shooting games when he was young. He shot ten shots and only hit two. Compared with him, you It’s our Sharpshooter.”

“That’s because the bastard in the amusement park saw his heart. If he doesn’t use his hands and feet, that day I will be able to give you a Thai Hug Di Xiong back.”

My uncle, who had a stinky face and never thought that Peter would reveal such old things, could only defend oneself in this way. Of course, his excuse is not valid for Aunt May. She simply ignored his defense. After realizing the problem, he could only sigh and change the subject.

“Can we not talk about this problem? Tell me about you Peter, how did you come back, also did you encounter any danger there?”

“I Is it? I came back on a motorcycle.” Of course Peter was afraid to tell them his own experience. Things like breaking the wrist with Satan and doing life and death battle with the monster inside the Void, he dare not mention a word. For this, he had to make up lies. According to his previous rhetoric, he could only respond like this. “I tried my best to avoid the traffic arteries in the city also. Although it took a lot of hardship, at the very least, there was no danger. Of course, the road was really bad. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes. , I would not believe that such terrifying things would happen in the world.”

“Yes, I read the news, this is too terrifying.”

Speaking of before Of the disaster, Aunt May obviously also has some lingering fears. As an Old Lady who has not at all received too much education and has difficulty keeping up with the times, she could not imagine such a horror. And when all this was placed in front of her, she naturally resisted subconsciously.

“If there are such monsters in the universe, then why do we develop spaceflight so vigorously? Are these monsters brought to Earth? If this is the case, I would rather put These taxes are moved to other more useful places. I think civilians in war-torn areas need them.”

“You are an excessive tendency to clemency. Space is an inevitable way to explore the future. One day human beings will leave Earth and go deeper in the universe. If we don’t develop these technologies, then we will always be a group of monkeys in the universe, locked in cages and thrown bananas to play. What? Do you want this kind of life?”

As The head of the family, of course my uncle has to win back for the face that oneself just lost. And standing on the human standpoint of Guangwei, his reasoning is indeed impossible to refute.

However, Aunt Mei does not need to refute this kind of shining topic. As an old couple who have lived together for nearly 50 years, she has some ways to deal with this stubborn old man in oneself family. So she didn’t even answer the conversation, turned her head and said to Peter.

“Go and call Gwen, tell him that you are back, and invite their family to come over for dinner. I will go out to buy ingredients, and I will make you your favorite lemon sea bass in the evening.”

After that, she didn’t give Peter a chance to refuse or shirk at all, and walked out with her own handbag. And watching oneself’s wife for many years walked out of the house so happily, Uncle Ben was deeply sighed, but also silently lit a cigarette.

“It’s not too easy to fool her, is it?”

Peter thought he was talking about oneself. He just wanted to talk, but he heard his uncle like this Words.

“Don’t try to sloppy with me, Peter. You lie at the same level as your father. I can see if you father and son are talking to me when I close my eyes. Just like you Like what I said before, are you really a teacher in a Canadian university?”


“Sometimes you secretly I ran back thinking that I didn’t know. Sometimes you’re covered in cuts and bruised and you pretend to be okay with me, and I just don’t talk in my eyes. Peter, I am not your father after all, I cannot and do not have the right to be as meticulous as a father Take care of you. I thought you are already an adult and you have the right to choose your own life. But this does not mean that you should keep everything in your heart…”

“Anyway, we are family. If you have something that you can’t bear, I would be happy to listen to you and share the burden with you. Of course, if it is too heavy, then we still have a tacit understanding, don’t let it You Aunt May know. Although she loves you as much as I do, you also know that she is not such a stimulating person.”

Speaking of which, Uncle Ben quietly winked at Peter . In the face of the old man’s concern, Peter felt mixed for a while.

He didn’t expect that his uncle would have discovered the little secret of own long ago, and what he didn’t expect was that he had been watching oneself silently from behind from then on. Although he may not know exactly what oneself is doing, judging from his tone and attitude, he clearly believes in oneself and believes that oneself is walking on the right path.

Peter has always believed that oneself is walking on the right path, and it can be said that he is extremely convinced. For this reason, he even did not hesitate to fight against Stark, against the world. However, even though he has not changed the view of own until today, the suffering on this road has already made him exhausted physically and mentally.

He is not sure if oneself should continue walking, he doesn’t even know if oneself can continue on the road. Returning to the family, returning to the most important person of oneself, apart from saying that he has a concern for their safety, the most important thing is that he needs a safe haven, a place where he can settle down, let him His heart gets a chance to breathe.

Originally, he had no intention of revealing the true identity of the owner, but now that my uncle has noticed his little secret, he has no need to hide it anymore. He is willing to pour out, and hope to get the guidance of his uncle, from his life experience and teachings to get some power that can inspire him to move on. However, just after he told his own experience and told the truth over the years, Uncle Ben’s performance was a bit exaggerated.

“What the hell? You said you are Spider-Man? That guy who looks weird and likes to fall on the eaves and fly around?”

“In fact, that kind of dress It’s not too weird. You know, at the beginning, I was oneself sewing clothes for oneself. My craftsmanship alone can do that, I think it’s already very good. Besides, I It’s not like flying around on the eaves, but in the city, that’s the fastest way to move. This is the most effective choice. I have no reason to choose another, right?”

“Okay, okay. That’s your taste, I won’t comment on it.”

To calm down oneself’s excitement, Uncle Ben stared at his nephew, his eyes still It is full of incredible expressions.

“So, the boss of the Queens dry cleaner once told me that those weird clothes that look like sex toys are yours?”

“Uncle Ben, can we stop talking about this topic?”

“Of course, I’m just a little curious. It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it.” Some regretfully smacked, uncle still gave up and continued Develop ideas on this topic.

He originally wanted to collect some jokes about Peter. After all, as an adult, Peter is not like he was when he was a child. There are that many jokes that can be provided to them. For some special needs, he still hopes to dig out more, in case of emergency. But now, it’s a pity…

“So, what are you distressed now. Because you are starting to doubt the choice oneself made, or because you can’t accept this Sacrificed?”

“I…” Peter was speechless for a while, as if he had a thousand words in his heart, but he couldn’t utter a word at all. Looking at his performance, my uncle took a slow puff of cigarette before speaking to him.

“Since I can’t say it for a while, just think about it and answer this question again. Rest at home for a few days and have a good time with Gwen. Seriously, compared to us , You seem to owe Gwen a little bit more. She is a good girl, so I don’t want you to let her down, understand?”

“Of course, I won’t let her down.” On this issue , Peter answered decisively. And just as he answered this way, the knock on the door was already ringing.

“It looks like Gwen is here, and you Aunt May won’t knock on the door so politely. Go and meet them. Compared to Gwen, I think Mr. Stacy’s anger is what you should worry about the most. “

When my uncle said this, Blink had an inexplicable expression in his eyes. And if you look closely, you will find that this expression is called…take pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

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