Sun God Marvel

Chapter 210

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Why is it like this? Also Zhou Yi with this idea. Touching his conscience, he was really here to help Bruce. But I don’t know what the hell is going on with this guy who has been wanted all year round, since he said so many misleading words.

And the most important thing is that female Hulk. He actually went into a cramp with him, and threw him off without a word.

He cannot use violence or any means that might harm her, because now he really doesn’t want to deepen this misunderstanding. But Jennifer didn’t think so.

She gained power that she had never thought of before, and became a superhero-like existence. Look at what she is doing, and beat Dawn Knight. This is something several people can do. No, currently in this world, only oneself can greet him with a fist like this. This is an exciting and refreshing thing to think of. It even made her feel a little excited.

Holding Dawn Knight desperately without letting go, Jennifer continued his own violence. She took own head as a siege hammer and started to slam Zhou Yi’s helmet hard. Each impact is due to her powerful force, also terrifying hardness from both sides, which produces a violent collision sound and a visible shock wave from naked eye.

Zhou Yi has a headache for this kind of noise that occurs near the own ear. Although it is difficult to hurt him with this level of attack, the noise is still very annoying.

However, based on the basic attitude of solving the matter peacefully, he does not intend to use violence for the time being. Instead, he worked hard again in words.

“Madam, please stop and listen to me!”

“pèng!” It is another head of momentum is big, power is deep, and Zhou Yi’s entire There are scattered Nanominiums in front of me. For giants, this thing is too fragile.

“I really don’t have any bad intentions, please stop!” Zhou Yi decided to give her another chance. As a man, she should give her a little more modest way. But the answer to him was “pèng!”.

Being treated like this over and over again, even the most kind people will get angry. Zhou Yi is not the Mahatma Gandhi of India. He does not have the measure of being treated like this and can hold his breath, nor does he have a special abused hobby. So, when Jennifer was about to reward him with another hammer. Zhou Yi fought back.

He leaned back a little harder, and then returned the hammer again. The reaction of two forces colliding can be much greater than the reaction caused by one force. Not to mention the roar like an explosion, the shock wave that directly overturned the car on the side was shocking enough.

This shocked the two policemen who heard the movement and touched them. They didn’t expect to encounter this kind of sight in this inaccessible small alley. And when they just wanted to get closer and see what was going on inside. A green silhouette flew out. In other words, it was shot out like a cannonball. Forcibly crashed a van.

The green silhouette is an extremely tall woman with green skin. The moment she saw her. The two policemen thought of the order from above. Hunt for the green-skinned guy. The above did not say whether it was a male or a female, and they directly thought that this was the goal they were looking for.

“Raise your hand, hurry up. You green-skinned orc!” The two police officers immediately took out their pistols and aimed them at the female Hulk, but Jennifer, who had just risen from a pile of wreckage, did not How do you care about these two policemen. Although she only possessed this power not long ago, after a period of exploration and research by oneself, she did not think that oneself would still be afraid of guns in human hands.

“Go a little farther for me!” At the two police officers, he yelled like a female King-like, Jennifer walked directly to the edge of an electric lamp post, and reached out to hold the thick lamp post. Pulling, he immediately carried the lamp post in his hand like a clothes pole. Of course, for her, this may be a little lighter than a clothes rail.

The two policemen didn’t know who Jennifer pulled off the lamppost to deal with. They just saw a tall woman with green skin judged to be dangerous, like a monster. The lamppost was unscrewed, and even carried in his hand as a weapon.

There are really few police officers who can remain calm in this situation, and these two are obviously not among those special cases. So they felt that oneself was threatened and immediately started shooting at Jennifer.

The bullets began to fall on Jennifer’s body like raindrops, but not to mention the damage, even a little mark could not be left. One of the sharp-eyed police officers even saw the terrifying sight of Owner hitting her cheekbone with a bullet and then being directly squashed. This made the two people almost frightened into a sluggish state, and they didn’t even notice the own bullet.

Jennifer’s feeling about the shooting is like a drizzle in spring. This feeling is harmless to her. Although she didn’t like to be shot like this, but the temperament was normal, she hadn’t troubled these two police officers. She just held the lamppost in her hand and stared into the dark alleyway. Prepare to deal with the enemies who come out there.

“Madam, let me reiterate and put down what you have in your hand. Let’s talk about it, otherwise. I can only say that I will use more violent means.”

A dark shadow appeared in the lane, accompanied by such words. And Jennifer’s answer was that she rushed past the lamppost like a green comet.

The lamppost seemed to touch something, and it began to rub bright sparks, and then it began to shorten quickly in Jennifer’s hands as if it had been swallowed by something, and when she put a four-five meter When the lamppost completely changed to only a base to hold in her arms, a pair of hands wrapped in black armor pressed her arm and prevented her from charging.

“Since you don’t want to talk, let’s change the way!” Zhou Yi after saying this suddenly began to exert force, he threw Jennifer up forcefully. And this throw directly threw her into the clouds. Then, he leaped slightly and chased up like a cannonball.

The two policemen who saw everything here couldn’t help but swallowed their saliva and patted their faces vigorously. The pain on the face told them that everything that happened before their eyes was real. When they realized this, they immediately looked at each other. Then quickly started reporting everything oneself saw.

“We found the target. She is next to the Broadway Theater. Dawn Knight also appeared, and they started fighting.”

This news was heard by different people, naturally There were different reactions.

“Damn it, why did such a guy pop up?” General Ross heard the news and immediately dropped the microphone in his hand. The appearance of Dawn Knight is definitely bad news for him. Because he doesn’t even know if this guy is here to do and so on. No matter from which point of view, no matter what he does, it seems that General Ross will not produce any benefits. And this is what he hates most. This is a spoiler, and General Ross has defined Dawn Knight.

“Order to go down and let the soldiers surround it. All the planes will be pushed up by me, no matter what Dawn Knight or any other damned thing. I want Hulk, anyone dare to stop us After completing the mission, start the attack immediately. Understand!”

Hearing this, the soldier controlling the plane swallowed.

“Sir, are we really going to do this? That’s Dawn Knight.”

“I don’t care who he is, soldier!” General Ross replied coldly. “I only know that your mission is to obey orders. And my order is to attack everything that stops us. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir!” The pilot replied loudly, but his His face was already pale.

On the other side, Bronsky, who held a soldier’s head with one hand and carried him in midair, quietly listened to the sound of the walkie-talkie on the soldier’s shoulder. He didn’t rub his fingers slightly until he heard General Ross’s order, which immediately turned the contents of his hand into a paste. And what he said about own behavior not at all was just staring in the direction of Broadway and let out a low laugh.

“Banner, you are there. Also Dawn Knight, it’s time to witness who is the strongest fighter.”

Speaking, he started to run faster. The huge body rushed directly into the street with a rumbling running sound. And his appearance immediately caused great chaos on the street.

The originally orderly traffic flow suddenly became chaotic, and many cars had more serious collisions. And Bronsky wasn’t interested in helping at this time. He stepped forward and ran into the street like a Mercedes-Benz tank.

Anything that stood in front of him was hit without ignorance, and the car that was a little bit off was just overturned to the ground. And the one that happened to be blocked in front of him would only be kicked away by him forcefully, or directly slapped flying.

In this form, he is already as powerful as Hulk, so these cars are not heavier than toys for him. Naturally, under his violence, those bad luck cars flew extremely far.

Some whirled and landed on the other side of the highway, while others were thrown directly into the surrounding buildings. Perhaps it was the cause of some equipment that ignited, and a fire burst out of the building immediately. And this caused even greater confusion.

People looked at this extremely fierce monster, wantonly destroying everything in front of oneself, and began to flee frantically. They don’t care about owning cars or other things. It’s just a constant escape, and this can only make the scene more chaotic, and it also makes Bronsky even more powerful.

Think about the feeling that countless people covered head and sneaked away like a rat because you are alone. Bronsky will tell you that this is a very refreshing feeling. What’s even cooler is that after you defeat a strong opponent.

Thinking of this, he rammed into a building. He ran through the walls one after another, and the whole building was wailing. Bronsky doesn’t care, he just wants to go straight, just want to win a fight as soon as possible.


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