Sun God Marvel

Chapter 211

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Bruce is running away, with Betty who has begun to wake up from a coma. He had just walked around a corner and saw police officers searching from room to room. Each of these policemen was armed with live ammunition, making him turn his head and leave as soon as he saw it.

Unable to transform into a Hulk, he hardly has any power to resist. With his half-hearted Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I am afraid that these two policemen will fall to the ground in a single encounter. So he chose to avoid wisely. And the result of this is that he just avoided this group of police. Turning to another corner, only to find another group of soldiers approaching.

General Ross deployed a lot of manpower. When they started searching the theater in blocks, it meant that the theater had become an inescapable net. Bruce again avoided not at all any effect, because he found other searchers again. And these people have begun to push him into the desperate situation little by little. The turtle in the urn is exactly what he is now.

Unwilling to be so stubborn, he began to look for more places to hide, but there were too few places for him to hide. This is not a maze, but a big opera house. People coming, people going One of the most places, there is no secret place at all.

And Bruce doesn’t think so, he is still doing his best. He ducked left and right, trying his best to avoid the sight of the police and searchers. Then, taking advantage of these people not paying attention, they immediately broke into a room.

This room looks like an actor’s dressing room, but in fact it is an actor’s dressing room. But here, there is not only one actor.

A half-dressed woman was talking with a man, and Bruce’s sudden intrusion obviously disturbed their yaxing.

“What the hell, who are you?” The woman screamed as soon as she saw Bruce them, and the black-haired Asian man yelled at them immediately Up.

“Please, please don’t bark. Someone is chasing us, please let us hide!” Bruce quickly began to plead, but the man didn’t want to listen to his explanation at all.

“Do you think you can just make up a reason to fool you, ha!” He let the dancer in his arms behind him, and started walking towards Bruce step by step. Only then did Bruce discover that this was an extremely strong man. His whole body was covered with streamlined muscles, and his face was fierce, he didn’t look like a good talker at all.

As a civilian, what Bruce is most bad at is dealing with such people. He quickly raised his hand, indicating that oneself did not have any malice. But the man still charged up reluctantly. Obviously for him, doing things and so on is the most preferred option.

He lifted Bruce to the point where his feet were off the ground and pressed directly to the wall. The hard walls made Bruce’s entire back hurt. But what he cared more about was Betty who fell soft to the ground.

She has not yet recovered from the medicine efficacy of tranquilizers, so once she loses the help of others, she herself cannot stand up at all.

“Buddy, my girlfriend is sick. Can you be a little sympathetic and let us go.” Bruce was still begging, but what greeted him was the saliva and sneer of the Asian man.

“It’s really sorry. I Li Gonggong has been playing black punches for so many years. The most learned thing is compassion.” After he finished speaking, he had already fiercely punched Bruce in the stomach.

This fist is as fast as lightning, and the muscles start to do explosive work almost in an instant. This guy named Li Gonggong is just like what he said, a professional black boxer. And people like this never leave room for hands-on. The result of this is that Bruce was hit hard immediately.

The severe pain from the abdomen made him move forward in an instant, and even his eyes burst out of his eye sockets.

“Is it pretty resistant?” Seeing Bruce got a oneself punch, there was no big problem. This man named Li Gonggong pressed him against the wall fiercely a few times . He didn’t stop until Bruce couldn’t help vomiting blood anymore.

At this time, Bruce no longer had the strength to stand, and he fell softly to the ground. The man named Li Gonggong began to walk towards Betty who fell on the ground.

“Don’t shrink there! Come and help and see if there is anything valuable on these two guys!” He rushed towards that, while shouting the dancer, he stretched his hand to Betty.

“Gonggong, are we really going to do this?” The dancer seemed also a little scared. She hadn’t thought about doing this kind of thing. But Li Gonggong doesn’t care if she is afraid of harm. He has reached out to Betty’s arms.

“It’s a hell, don’t you even bring money when you go out? But, Buddy. Your girlfriend feels very predictable.” Under Betty’s shameful eyes, Li Gonggong has no scruples. He made all kinds of wretched movements. And his movements were naturally seen by Bruce.

Bruce’s mind was filled with extreme anger. He struggled to get up and let out a threatening growl at Li Gonggong.

“Remove your dirty hands!”

“What, what did you say?” Li Gonggong put his palm on the edge of his ear and made a The look of the deputy listening. And then he drew a kick fiercely on Bruce’s face, kicking him out. “What do you think you are, soft-footed shrimp! You are just a waste that even a oneself woman can’t protect.”

This sentence slammed into his heart like a saber. , Causing him to lose his sanity instantly. A man cannot protect an own woman. This is simply ridiculous things in the world. And now, Bruce Banner has become such a ridiculous existence.

The heart began to beat frantically, and endless anger began to burst in his heart. In the past, such crazy anger was enough to make Hulk appear, but now, it just gave him a little more strength out of thin air.

“Let go of her, you scumbag!” Bruce stood up. Although he is now battered, he still walks stubbornly towards Li Gonggong.

“Ha, what do you want to do?” Seeing Bruce whose entire face began to appear blue and purple, Li Gonggong showed a disdainful smile. Lashing forward, a shoulder forcibly drove him out, causing him to fall to the ground like a piece of wood.

Bruce, who has become accustomed to the pain, has not got up before Li Gonggong stepped on him. Both arms opened the bow from side to side, and began to greet him with raindrops.

The muffled sound of fists reverberated in this room, causing Betty’s eyes to start to flow with tears. She still doesn’t have the ability to act, and she can’t even call for help. This makes her watch Bruce be beaten like a sandbag.

The beating finally stopped, and Betty felt that Own was going crazy inside. She began to worry about Bruce, afraid that he would have an accident in the hands of this lunatic. This made her try to move oneself like a maggot, trying to get closer to Bruce.

But Li Gonggong stepped on her with his foot, making all her efforts useless. Looking at the desperate woman in his eyes, Li Gonggong rubbed his own coat vigorously, wiped the blood on his hands, and then let out a strange laugh.

“Don’t be afraid, madam. We can have a good chat tonight, and I will try my best to comfort you.”

At this moment, it seems to be intense A heartbeat sounded like a drum. Accompanying this dull drum sound is the sound of hua hua flowing like a river, that is the sound of blood flowing. When the drum sound becomes more and more rapid, the flowing sound becomes more and more harsh. Bruce’s body, which had been limp on the ground, suddenly sat up.

A little green light appeared in his eyes, and when he started to stand up slowly, his body began to change. The giant appeared again, and with a heavy black shadow oppressing the entire small room. A low growl suddenly erupted from his throat, like a thunderbolt, full of anger that needed to be vented.

Hulk finally broke through all the containment, and got out of Bruce Banner again. His huge body made everyone present feel tremendous pressure. However, it was different from those who had seen Hulk before. Li Gonggong actually sneered.

“Ha, you are Mutant. But do you think you can do anything if you grow bigger? Let me tell you, even if you grow bigger, you are still a waste to me !”

After saying this, he rushed up. Hulk gritted his teeth and greeted him with a huge fist.

In an instant, Li Gonggong became a tuft of meat bombs and was knocked out by him. The reason why it is a meat bullet is because the bones on his body were almost broken when Hulk attacked him. What flew out was not so much a person, as it was a pool of fleshy meat, wrapped in countless bones.

The dancer who had been hesitating on the side went crazy instantly. She opened the door and rushed out, shouting for help.

Hulk ignored her presence, he just squatted down. Silently picked up Betty.

At this moment, Betty could not speak, but her eyes were full of excitement. It seemed to her that they were finally saved. But in Hulk’s view, this is just the beginning.

A group of soldiers rushed in suddenly, apparently they were attracted by the dancing girl. And the moment they saw Hulk, they pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

The bullet spurted out, and Hulk turned his back quickly, blocking Betty in his arms. A shuttle bullet quickly ran out, and Hulk took advantage of this moment and hit the floor with a punch.

Suddenly, various rumbling and collision sounds came continuously. The soldiers only felt that the feet of own were shaking, and everything in front of them was shaking. And they simply can’t control the own balance.

They hurriedly lie on the ground to prevent oneself from falling. But found that oneself seems to be losing the power to carry them. The floor began to collapse, not one floor but a large area. In just an instant, they were involved in countless collapsed bricks and turbid currents, and completely disappeared before Hulk’s eyes.

While Hulk did not turn around and escape this time, he looked at the ruins created by oneself. Stepped out, towards the direction the soldiers rushed over. He wants to fight and let people see how terrifying the angry Hulk is.

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