Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2104

The fleet is rushing to wherever they want to go at the fastest speed. In fact, how urgent their wishes are, they can’t do so in a short time Arrive at the location of Jianmu.

Although the power of the ship on the sea is much higher than that of airplanes and the like, its heavier weight and the more resistance of water navigation than air are enough to become Their biggest obstacle.

Such as those small ships, such as guided missile boats, torpedo boats, etc., may be able to exceed 40 knots per hour, which is about 80 kilometers per hour. And big guys like aircraft carriers or amphibious assault ships have a speed of about twenty knots at most.

A complete fleet organization, of course it is impossible to leave the crucial aircraft carrier behind, and let the other destroyers or frigates rush up first. That is the way of playing in the battleship world, not the rules of modern warfare. Modern warfare dare to play in this way, and within minutes, enemy missiles, bombers, and submarines can send your aircraft carrier back to your hometown.

The loss of an aircraft carrier is equivalent to the loss of air supremacy at sea. And with the sky full of planes throwing bombs at your head, even if you are the reincarnation of Divine Immortal, the incarnation of Solomon’s dog, you can’t stop oneself from failing.

Australians will have beautiful dreams again, Never use own family property to crack a joke. So all their actions are within standard procedures.

The strategic delivery ship acts as an aircraft carrier and becomes the core of the entire fleet. The patrol ship is responsible for clearing the way and patrolling the guard; the frigate serves the left and right, and is responsible for escort and anti-submarine work; the submarine is deployed underwater, and the supply ship follows the rear.

The entire fleet has a clear division of labor and a unified plan. It can be said that the safety of the entire fleet is guaranteed to the greatest extent. Even if the handover is suddenly short, when the patrol ship pulls the enemy’s process, the frigate can calmly escort the strategic delivery ship to a safe place, while using missiles and aircraft to attack the enemy by air.

If you want to stop them, you can only fight very close. The firepower of crossing over frigates is not a matter of cracking a joke. even more how underwater also the submarine is glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Of course, you can also choose to strike remotely. However, with the exception of the express delivery services of a few big gangsters, most of the long-range strikes may not have any effect on the dense air defense firepower network of the frigates. After all, the Aegis system is one of the treasures of the old and the United States. As a former little brother, the Australian Navy, who enjoys this kind of welfare, can’t use the long-range firepower.

It can be said that Australia at this moment is practicing its own ambitions with absolute caution. And just when they were so step by step and approaching the target a little bit, the sonar from the guard suddenly raised an alarm.

“The sonar monitored a huge reaction, and the location is…coming at us! The speed is too fast!”

The crew just heard the boom when they warned. The patrol ship they were up ahead seemed to have hit an iceberg, and the whole land soared from the water.

A clear white wave emerges from underneath the ship, and it is like a winding python. At the speed you can hardly follow with naked eye, turns left and right, just Overturned the surrounding patrol ship one after another.

The patrol ship simply has no time to evade. Although there is a congenital lack of speed in Armidale-class patrol boats, in any case, they are more than 50 meters long and two hundred and 70 tons in warships. Being overturned so easily is like overturning a paper boat, which is really incredible.

Of course, after the initial shock, the Australian Fleet Commander accepted the reality. He knows exactly what oneself is going to deal with. It is not surprising what happens to other opponents beyond Ordinary Level. The left and right are just a bunch of worthless patrol ships. Their sacrifices are exchanged for the advance acquisition of intelligence by the large forces. It’s worth it!

As a soldier, the fleet commander is not as ignorant and stupid as his own politician. He would not say anything stupid about winning with zero sacrifice, because unless it is a dream, even if the United States fights a crushing war like Iraq, there will be casualties. The only difference is whether this casualty is within your acceptance range.

At present, the sacrifice of a dozen patrol ships is obviously acceptable. And taking advantage of this effort, he still ordered the entire fleet to begin operation.

“Notify the frigate to monitor the movement of the other party at any time. The submarine enters pre-war preparations. Once the target is found, it will immediately launch an attack with a torpedo. Prepare the cluster bomb and prepare the fighter-bomber for launch. Once the target is found, Strike it in the air immediately. Also…Let the helicopter take off and rescue. The patrol ships do not matter, but if the crew on it can be rescued, I will rescue a few.”

Simply in response to the situation, Australia changed its strategic delivery ship into a light aircraft carrier ahead of time. Otherwise, the strategic delivery ship’s ability to only install tanks and take-off helicopters may not be able to cope with the current situation. Situation.

And like now, the 3rd-layer insurance is here. He really doesn’t believe that this unknown extraordinary adversary is capable of hitting them completely unprepared like before attacking patrol ships.

As a soldier, compared to opponents who can’t win, he is most afraid of encountering those who can’t see and can’t fight. Although the former said that he could not win, but at any rate you can fight him desperately. Even if he is really dead, it is considered a glorious sacrifice and the most decent end for a soldier.

And if you face those invisible and intangible, he beats you and you can only be next to opponents, that is another situation. Let’s not talk about it, just an indecent problem is a result that the overwhelming majority do not want to face.

The commander of the fleet wanted oneself to face a just and honorable battle, so he was full of vigilance, and even acted like he wanted to put the sonar directly in front of the owner. And one advantage of this is that all the sailors have also raised their spirits and dare not make any omissions.

“The sonar reaction is in front of us on the right, at three o’clock. The distance is 8 nautical miles, and the depth is seventy meters, 120 meters, and 100 meters underwater…Still diving! It has exceeded 1800 meters, We have lost accurate positioning of it!”

“So fast?” As an old navy, the fleet commander was undoubtedly surprised by the opponent’s dive speed. Because it is like this speed of diving several hundred meters in the blink of an eye, if it happened on a submarine, then a boat would be killed in an instant.

The submarine force has always been the most dangerous occupation in the Navy, because just carrying out the mission itself is a double torture on the psychological and physical. The perennial silence and isolation of the submarine force during the mission can easily lead to psychological illnesses. And every time you ascend or descend, there may be a sudden change in water pressure, which will affect the body of every crew member.

Humans, or any kind of creatures in the world, cannot ignore the marine environment and dive indiscriminately. Because of the water pressure, each time the creature dives ten meters, the creature within the body will endure an extra atmosphere of pressure. And it’s like suddenly doubling the air in oneself’s lungs. The more you go down, the more difficult it is for the creature to breathe.

In this regard, whales such as sperm whales are probably the most resistant. But for them, they can only dive one hundred seventy meters per minute at most. And if it were replaced by a human, it would have been suffocated and died by this time.

Of course, humans have human methods. Using technology, humans can also offset the external water pressure and dive to the greatest extent. But this takes time, and there is a limit. The submarine needs to adjust the air pressure inside the ship to a normal value. This value will change with the speed at which the ship dives, so the process itself cannot be called fast. Such as the occurrence of deep-sea adjustment problems, even if it is just a sudden drop of several dozen meters deep, the result is likely to be catastrophic.

In addition, the maximum depth of the submarine is also limited. Limited by materials and technology, conventional submarines can only dive to several hundred meters of water depth. Once this limit is exceeded, the water pressure will immediately destroy the integrity of the ship, leaking water in the deep sea, and the result is self-evident.

Of course, this does not rule out some cases where nuclear submarines can dive to a depth of 1,000 meters and deep-sea submarines can dive to a depth of more than 10,000 meters. But that is not a conventional submarine, and the two do not have comparability.

So as it is now, facing such an opponent who can suddenly dive 1000 meters and dive fast beyond imagination, the commander of the fleet immediately began to sweat his palms.

The same sentence, the invisible opponent is the most troublesome. Fortunately, he now knew the angle from which the opponent might attack, so he immediately ordered it again.

“Notice the ships to immediately drop mines into the two hundred meters area under the water. Submarines are forbidden to float up to prevent accidental injury. Also, the submarine turns on the active sonar and does everything possible to search for underwater targets. In addition. , What is our goal, hasn’t the sonar monitoring just been drawn yet?”

“Not yet, sir. The other party’s movement speed is too fast and the noise is too loud, so we can’t accurately map its size !”

“Damn it, where did this monster come from!”

Fiercely smashed the table, the commander of the fleet had to use this method to appease oneself’s heart disturbed. Seriously, he had never seen any creature that could move at such a speed in the sea. Even the advanced sonar system could not capture his full picture, which immediately cast a shadow over his heart.

He only thinks now that this monster can launch an attack obediently and honestly according to his vision, so that they may be able to achieve the expected result. And if it’s cunning simply doesn’t follow common sense, then this battle might be really difficult to fight.

Murphy’s law, the more you worry about something, the more likely something will happen. All defense lines of the Fleet Commander are constructed with the Canberra Strategic Projection Ship where he is located. Centralized defense, multi-network transfer. As long as the opponent is directed at oneself, once he falls into the snare, his long-prepared attacks will instantly hit it in the face.

What he didn’t expect was that the other party seemed to have seen his attempt and didn’t mean to act as he expected.

The Canberra at the core of the attack, no. The other party didn’t think so. The first target it chose was the group of submarines that were diving deep below the fleet.

Like the Great White Shark hunting seals, it suddenly attacked from directly below. Perhaps someone thought of this possibility, but absolutely no one could imagine that this kind of suddenness would be so sudden.

Almost the sonar has just detected the reaction, and the attack has already followed. The Sean with the ship number SSG77 did not even have time to make any response. A violent shock already made the entire submarine bump up from the inside out.

The alarm device was crazy. There was a sound, countless number of shell cracks. The Sean was about to capsize, and compared with these problems, the officers as the captain desperately discovered that they also had a more serious problem.

The hull is floating up, which is not under their control. But under the influence of some external force, their ships were forced to start moving toward the sea. The speed was beyond imagination, and it floated more than a hundred ten meters in an instant. The result of this is that there is no time to adjust. The sudden decrease in atmospheric pressure is like blowing bubbles, causing every crew member’s lungs to explode.

Their lungs are over-expanded due to the expansion of air, and a large amount of air escapes into the blood vessels to form bubbles. This is a symptom called gas embolism. Accompanied by this symptom, a large number of bubbles will flow into the various organs of the body with the blood flow, and in a short time, it will cause fatal effects on humans. Under normal circumstances, it may be possible to use a hyperbaric chamber for emergency rescue. But that is when the upward movement is not large and the symptoms are not serious. And like this situation, it is basically hopeless.

So that was the time spent Q being cursed, the captain of the submarine had already bulged his eyes, and fell to the ground while holding his chest while vomiting blood. He was not the first to fall to the ground, nor was he the last. In short, everything is a very short process. More than 40 people on the entire submarine have been killed in their posts one after another.

In this regard, everyone including the fleet commander has not yet realized the situation. They can only use Wireless Electronics continuously to send inquiries to the Sean.

“The Sean, Sean! We found that you seem to have been attacked, please report, please report!”

The Sean can no longer report the situation Up. Not only because all its crew members have fallen on their posts, but also because the enemies who attacked him not at all planned to stop there.

Under the action of some external force, the Sean continued to be dragged and moved, and soon entered the mine deployment area. Subsequently, the external force applied to the Sean increased sharply, as if the pitcher had thrown a baseball, and the Sean was thrown out all at once.

Sensitive mines can’t withstand this level of impact. So when the sonars of all the ships clearly find violent fluctuations underwater, the countless number of mines is already indiscriminate. It exploded.

The fluctuation of the explosion affected the detection of sonar, causing almost all sonars to be disordered to varying degrees. This is equivalent to blinding the fleet, and just taking advantage of this opportunity, their enemy has already stretched out his magic claws again.

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