Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2105

The submarine formation was at a loss. Faced with the attack on the Sean just now, none of them even had time to react.

They only knew about the Sean. She was killed, but she did not expect that the Sean was used as a medium for detonating mines, and became a tool in the hands of the enemy.

In the huge explosion, they have already become headless flies. I don’t know how oneself should act well, and I can’t help but feel fear of the opponent who is deep in the deep sea. They are very worried, worried that oneself will be the next one, which is to follow in the footsteps of the Sean. They can only do a completely meaningless communication in Wireless Electronics.

“The Sean is over, what should we do now?”

“Damn, how did he find the Sean? This is below two hundred meters in the deep sea , He should not see anything.”

“Commanding tower, what should we do next? Just squat here and wait for him to find the door?”

people were alarmed, there is nothing wrong with saying that. In the face of the chaotic formation of submarines under the water, the commander of the fleet had not come up with a good countermeasure, he had already heard the screams.

“Damn, we are attacked. Help, help! Anyway, come and save us!”

The booming explosion sounded, and the sailor who was in charge of receiving the signal immediately He raised his head and yelled.

“Sir. Waller lost contact…Farncomb also lost contact…”

It was obvious that more than one submarine was attacked. One, almost the front foot is next to the back foot, the communication of the two submarines has fallen into silence one after the other.

As before, their enemies have learned to use submarines to trigger mines. And when this method one after another was displayed, the psychological defense of the submarine officers and soldiers had already been stretched to a very dangerous edge.

This is not a fight, it is a simple death. No one wants to die, and it is still so unclear. So immediately, they made a request to the command tower.

“Sir, we must retreat. If we don’t retreat, then we might all die here! We don’t want to die yet, especially if we don’t want to die so unclear! This is simply It’s just cracking a joke with our lives!”

“Are you going to go to a military court? This is war, soldiers. In this case, you have only one choice, and that is to obey all your superiors. Command!”

It was obvious that the submarine officers and soldiers were in a panic, and the fleet commander could understand their mood at the moment. But what he knows more clearly is that oneself absolutely cannot make any indulgences at this time.

Once oneself is first served soft here, then he will immediately lose his prestige in front of the entire fleet. In war, it is completely predictable what terrifying consequences will be caused by a commander without prestige. So whether it is for he himself or for the safety of the entire fleet, he must make strong enough feedback.

Putting out the military court may not be able to frighten the soldiers who have been horrified, but it can restore their sense to some extent. Of course, at this time, he was already impossible to let the submarine dive so deep. Because the fact that half of the submarines were destroyed has proved that this is simply a gift to the enemy.

Even if he is not considering the safety of submarine officers and soldiers, he must also consider the interests of the entire fleet and the morale of the soldiers. Taking into account these issues, after he pondered a little, he quickly issued new orders.

“All the submarines, immediately begin to float to the surface! You must oneself find a way to avoid those mines, and during the ascent, I ask you to release all the mines carried by your ship.”

“Float? Are all the mines you laid down above our heads?”

Hearing this command, the submarine officers and soldiers immediately began to question. They couldn’t imagine that the order issued by Shangfeng was such an order to make them float in the mine deployment area. Isn’t this the same as wading through the minefield with the flesh? This is for them to save themselves, this is simply for them to die. They obviously couldn’t accept such an order, and they seemed to understand what they were worrying about. The fleet commander immediately pointed out the problem.

“The density of the mine layout is not as big as you think. As long as you are lucky enough, you can safely emerge from the minefield. Of course, you can choose not to do this. Anyway, there are only two. Choose, or stay under the water and wait for death, and pray that the monster under the water will let you go. Or just float up like this, and let the monster chase you to take a chance to ambush.”

“Don’t think about escaping, let’s not talk about what it is like to be a deserter on the battlefield. Just talk about speed, you think that with the speed of the submarine, you can really escape from the hands of the monster under the water Is it? Leaving the big army, you only have a dead end. On the contrary, listen to me and lead the monster to the circle of fire. This may be your way to survive.”

“Command I gave it to you anyway. If you don’t listen, it’s up to you to choose.”

The commander of the fleet seems to have given them a lot of choice, but if you think about it carefully, you can understand that they think There is actually only one choice to survive. This is something that can’t be helped, so even if it’s a mess, the officers and soldiers of the submarine can only grit their teeth and say.

“Understood, sir. We are ready to go up!”

“Start now, you will have a little more chance of survival earlier, don’t care about diving sickness. Just don’t care about diving sickness. If you don’t want to die, please do it as soon as possible. In addition, the torpedoes are also ready to launch. Once the mines you have deployed are triggered, don’t worry about the others, and launch them immediately in the torpedo explosion zone, understand?”

“Yes, sir, we understand.”

At first glance, I feel that there is so little hope of survival from the parental officer’s arrangement. The officers and soldiers immediately felt refreshed, and even the previous resentment was much less. Of course, they also know that this is not the time to talk nonsense, so while making a standard response, they are already starting to control the submarine and start to float.

The speed of ascent is too fast, so many people feel tinnitus and heart discomfort. However, they managed to overcome this problem, and in accordance with Shangfeng’s order, they began to throw mines along the way as they ascended.

And it seems that I don’t want to see these ducks that reach the mouth just like this. Something is surging in the deep sea, sprinting towards the floating submarine.

This is of course a trap, so the mines splattered along the way were immediately inspired by this reckless action. The rumbling explosion sounded from under the submarine’s feet, and feeling the impact of this explosion, the submarine officers and soldiers acted quickly while being nervous and excited.

“Hurry up, launch the torpedo, count down to 3, 2, and 1, launch!”

It is a matter of own life, and the sailors dare not slack off. All the actions were in one go, and in the blink of an eye, seven or eight torpedoes had already been launched towards the exploded area.

The torpedo seems to have hit the target, and it seems that it did not. The submarine officers and soldiers were unsure. They had already speeded up desperately after firing the torpedo and fled towards the surface.

This process did not last long, and the total time was less than one minute. They finally surfaced safely. Such a smooth progress made them thankful that they avoided a catastrophe, but it also made them wonder whether oneself’s previous torpedo attacks worked. Otherwise, there is no reason that monster would let them go so easily.

“Report the situation, the Collins? Did you launch a torpedo? Did it hit the target?”

An inquiry came from the summit, and the captain of the submarine could only give Make a general guess.

“I think we should have hit it, otherwise it should have caught up with us now.”

“Did it kill it with a few torpedoes? “The commander of the fleet stroked his own beard, some not convinced of this possibility. There is a reason for his judgment. For one thing, the monster’s strength can easily destroy more than a dozen patrol ships. Although those patrol ships are just small sampans, they are not warships. In addition, the three submarines are also at the bottom, and this record is a monster of Godzilla. A trifling mine array and a few torpedoes can kill Godzilla, he obviously doesn’t believe it.

Secondly, even if it is not at the level of Godzilla, it can still make the eastern expulsion team powerless. And you must know that Eastern destroyers have always been super-specification ships. A ten thousand ton destroyer, unheard-of. In terms of displacement alone, their Australian Adelaide-class frigate is just like a younger brother. It is such a fleet, but it has failed in front of such a monster. It’s really hard to believe that they can get their opponents down with just a few submarines.

Of course, he can also comfort oneself, this is the stupidity of the Easterners and their Australian tactics. But this kind of self-comforting words can be used to deceive their own citizens. They are used to deceive oneself, especially those who stand at the top of the military, they are simply fooling oneself like a fool.

This is the 21st century, and today is the post-modernization of military warfare. Against this background, the so-called tactics have long been less important than a hundred years ago, and now the most important factor that determines the war situation is science and technology, that is, the advanced level of military equipment.

A simple analogy is to give you an aircraft carrier formation of World War II timing, the kind with battleships. And the latest type 055 guided missile destroyer I use here. As long as the supply of ammunition is sufficient, I can beat you as a idiot a hundred kilometers away, but you can’t even touch a shadow of me.

In this case, no matter what tactics are used, it is not good. Even if you put all the ships and the carrier-based aircraft into the divine wind commando team, it is impossible to reach me. This is the absolute crush on scientific and technological power, and now the situation is that although the Oriental destroyer fleet is not enough to crush the Australian Navy, the advantage is already there.

Leave aside the details, just talk about production and development. Dongfang has a complete industrial production system, and all ships can be independently developed and built. On the basis of more and more abundant capital and technological strength, their speed of bringing forth the new through the old is almost the same as making dumplings.

Look at their Australia, almost all the ships can only be bought with money. If this is placed in the past, it’s nothing. After all, it is a member of NATO. It only means if you want to buy the ultimate weapon of the F22 or the Ford, there are almost no weapons that they can’t buy. But in recent years, especially now, the situation is quite different.

American powerless to defend himself, a large number of established companies have left and there is nowhere to buy it. Of course, if you don’t buy United States products, you can buy European products. Australia has always preferred the European side. But here is the problem. The European economy has been declining all year round, and the development of technological strength has simply not kept up. The four and five generations have been updated like dumplings. You have only two generations. The third generation is just a concept, which is really hurtful.

The key is that things are still selling expensively, the service attitude is poor, the delivery will be delayed at every turn, and the request for additional payment, etc., that is, there is really no suitable other supplier, otherwise The army, represented by the fleet commander, had already raised the table.

It’s just that there is no choice, so I can only submit to humiliation all the time. The situation at the moment is that you are killing the commander of the fleet, and he will never believe that just a few submarines have done things that the 10,000-ton large drive detachment did not.

There must be something strange in this!

As soon as he reached a conclusion in his heart, the crew had already issued an alarm to him.

“Sir, the sonar has detected huge response fluctuations and is coming from below us! The goal is… the submarine formation.”

“I knew it!” This is what is normal. The fleet commander who received the report was not surprised and rejoiced, and at the same time immediately issued a new order. “Notify the submarine troops and let them abandon the ship to escape. Let the nearby ship immediately dispatch a helicopter to rescue, and save the people on the submarine first.”

“The bomber lifted off and prepared for an air strike. All The frigate is ready for battle. Once the target is found, it is allowed to fire immediately!”

With a series of orders, all the ships began to operate. With the monitoring of the sonar system, a huge object has already emerged from the deep sea, appearing in a position close to the submarine force.

With a sound of “hong long”, a huge tentacle burst out of the water, and the thunderbolt slapped on the submarine that surfaced. The submarine squeaked loudly, and the naked eye was clearly damaged. The tentacles were still unsatisfied, so they got entangled on the submarine and tied the hoops one after another. The huge force caused the surface of the submarine to deform, and it seemed that the submarine was used as a kind of fulcrum. While the tentacles were entangled, they also dragged the huge body of the main body and floated it little by little on the water. .

A huge octopus, or a giant beast similar to an octopus. With a huge body of several hundred meters, each tentacle is as long as a frigate. Even if it is far away, the commander of the fleet can clearly see its dark green body and the terrifying, abyss-like turbo-toothed mouth.

This is the monster they are going to deal with, like a Norwegian sea monster in the myth. There is no doubt about this, because it can be seen from the scars on this monster that it was this guy who fought with them before. Although it is a bit strange why this sea monster is so fast, this does not prevent the fleet commander from giving the most correct order.

“Notify all troops, fire!”

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