Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2108

“Impudent! Paragon’s name, can you ask if you want to ask a criminal prisoner?”

Azure Dragon growled low, like a thunderbolt. In the face of his sudden rage, Torch Dragon, who was still a tit-for-tat appearance, consciously lowered his momentum a bit.

“That is, that is. I don’t know if I can recommend it. I am entrusted with discussing important matters with Celestial Emperor Your Majesty.”

This is not the other time, He knows the truth very well. If he hadn’t paid attention to the forces behind Azure Dragon before, now he obviously has a keep quiet out of fear.

It is so realistic for a simple reason. At the very beginning, he thought that the Celestial Court behind Azure Dragon was a fake created by the latecomers. It’s as if he got out of trouble and came out of the myths he learned during this period of time, what Jade Emperor, Supreme Taoist…that is a character that has never heard of it. Obviously, if these myths are correct, then they are undoubtedly the latecomers who usurped the power of the Ancient Celestial Court, and he does not have any optimistic ideas that these latecomers can restore the power of the Celestial Court at the beginning. .

If they are strong, since the Qin and Han dynasties, the theory of Divine Immortal will not be so uncertain. Those Buddhism from Tianzhu of the Western Regions will also be impossible to such a degree. Imagine that even if he wants to usurp power, he will be suppressed by eternal life. This will require a monk who calls the Buddha and Daozu to stand side by side with them. Are you really thinking that an existence like the eight masters is not a vegetarian?

It must be due to lack of strength, only to make Xiao Xiao’s younger generation bigger. And if even such Xiaoxiao is unable to subdue, Torch Dragon certainly doesn’t think it is necessary for oneself to be in awe of such a Celestial Court.

At any rate, he can be regarded as a well-known figure in Ancient Celestial Court, otherwise he would not be forced to suppress him personally. Although he is now showing a little old attitude because he has been wiped out for half of the time, this does not mean that he is weak to be deceived. A trifling, he doesn’t take seriously at all. He even said if there is an opportunity, he really didn’t mind thinking of the Tathagata in the story, it would be cool to give oneself the name of Buddha and Emperor.

Of course, this is the previous plan. And after hearing these news about the Celestial Emperor of the Eight Lords, his previous aspirations had been completely eliminated by him.

It is one thing to offend a pseudo-court, and it is another thing to offend the Celestial Emperor of the Eight Lords. Torch Dragon, no matter how big it is, it will definitely not dare to fight against a character like the Eight Lords. Therefore, his attitude has changed extremely quickly, and the contrast is huge, which is understandable.

“Do you want to see Paragon?”

Azure Dragon’s eyes narrowed slightly, seemingly hesitant. But soon, he made up his mind.

“Although you are a prisoner of crime, you are also an old man at Celestial Court. Your Majesty has recently taken the throne, and it is also in a big battle. With an old man like you, you can also share your worries for Your Majesty if you want to. Yes. You come with me!”

After he said that, he was soar into the clouds and mount the mists immediately and flew away. And Torch Dragon also followed closely from behind after a moment. One after the other, Erlong soon came to Jianmu. And climbing up the Jianmu, after 8,000 miles, he has already come to Heaven Realm.

The branches of the big branches are covered with flowers, and before this big tree, tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers stand in great numbers, a scene of killing. The Torch Dragon, who had just climbed up, couldn’t help but shrank its scales, thinking that oneself had entered a trap.

But he was also a bit sensible anyway, and he didn’t make any radical moves. After a closer look, he pretended to say to Azure Dragon.

“Celestial Court is now more prosperous, even more so.”

“Eat a ditch to grow a wise, when it was attacked by Chi Songzi’s lead, what was eaten was soldiers. It’s a big loss for the lack of A. Now if we make this mistake again, wouldn’t it appear that we old people are incompetent?”

Azure Dragon now responds, but it has changed, becoming a middle dressed in a green jade robe -aged man image. He raised his head and glanced at Torch Dragon. Although he was silent, it was clear. In desperation, Torch Dragon could only change with him, turning into a red robe old man with a pair of longevity eyebrows leaning on a cane.

Not only him, after he changed into a man, a somewhat surprised man also appeared next to him.

This man is obviously not ready to deal with this situation. This man was exposed to Azure Dragon and tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers. He immediately swallowed some guilty saliva, and then asked for help. Said Torch Dragon.

“Lao Zhu, this…”

“Don’t panic! This is Heaven Realm, not Netherworld. You trifling a mortal, they won’t take you How about it.”

As soon as Torch Dragon soothed twice, Azure Dragon Meng Zhang had already intervened.

“It’s really not what you do, but this is Heaven Realm after all. Torch Dragon, why did you bring such a mortal to Heaven Realm in private?”

“Don’t think he is just a mortal, but he is also a messenger sent from the Imperial Court in the homeland of the earth. The old man is entrusted by others and is responsible for matching and connecting. The previous so-called important matters are probably for this matter.”

“Imperial Court? I remember that I just let you go before?”

Azure Dragon, which just destroyed a navy, didn’t care much about the power of this mortal. . But he knows more or less that Your Majesty attaches great importance to mortals. The ability to issue laws prohibiting gods and demons from oppressing mortals is enough to explain many problems. As for the Imperial Court, the homeland where he controls the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, even he can’t face it.

“The previous thing is indeed thanks to the gods’ exalting hands. But it is precisely because of the gods’ actions that we realize that our relationship is friends and not enemies. Frankly, our government.. Um, the Imperial Court. I still have a lot of goodwill towards the gods and the Celestial Court behind the gods. Therefore, the Imperial Court sent me over this time just to get a deeper understanding and see if we can make a relationship with each other. The possibility of a covenant. After all, everyone is born from the same root, can’t you say that you can kill each other?”

Although the deceased’s special commissioner has a very low attitude, it means nothing in the words. It is an equal plan. This made Azure Dragon frowned, but he didn’t say much. After all, the matter was too big to allow him to make decisions.

He chose indifferent expression, but headed and led the two along with the army. And just at the end of the army, in front of a car driven by six dragons, Azure Dragon gave a bow and said to the inside of the car.

“Your Majesty, the former prisoner Torch Dragon has returned and brought the messenger from the Imperial Court in his native land. I wonder if Your Majesty would like to call for a meeting?”

“Let them come here. “Amidst the faint voice of commands, the guards on the left and right of the bodyguard have already lifted the bead curtains on the carriage, revealing the figure sitting in the middle.

This scene is quite different from what the commissioner had imagined. In his imagination, as the Celestial Emperor in the legend, the Paragon of the Heaven Realm, the king of countless Divine Immortal, there should be a scene that is enough to pull the wind. Don’t talk about Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness, the sky is falling into chaos. At the very least, you want Divine Immortal to guard, sit on the throne that doesn’t know how high it is.

It turned out to be just a car wheel with a few small dragons ten meters long and two guards. Dragons are a bit strange, but after seeing the ancestors of dragons like Azure Dragon and Torch Dragon, such a rateless Dragon Beast can’t really be seen by the commissioner who has broadened his horizons.

The car wheel, carved with gold and jade, is simple and generous. It seems to have a bit of antique meaning, but no matter how you look at it, it is probably the same as Qin Shihuang unearthed in the Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Yujia one level.

As for the remaining guards, don’t even need to look at them. Although they are the capital of Divine Immortal, they are definitely a crane in a flock of chickens, outstanding among humans. But among the tens of thousands of celestial troops and generals around here, it can only be said to be ordinary. At the very least, the commissioner didn’t see from the two guards what was clearly different from the others. It was precisely because of this that he really felt that the Celestial Emperor, who sounded majestic and incredible, was too shabby.

Of course, if you are not shabby, you have to compare it with who. If you compare it with the current Celestial Court standards, it must be shabby. But if it is placed in the human world, doing so will definitely not match up with shabby. And besides, the commissioner doesn’t believe that the people sitting on the entire Heaven Realm will support even a bigger scene does not raise. He doesn’t support the scene, only that he doesn’t care about it. And if you look at it from this point, then it is estimated that pragmatism is probably the behavior of the other party.

Psychological analysis is still useful for Divine Immortal. In fact, as long as it is social and self-conscious, it cannot be separated from the category of psychology. As a special commissioner, he can be regarded as an expert in this area. And it was precisely because he realized the character of this Celestial Emperor that he became even more nervous.

Pragmatists are generally very difficult to deal with, because this kind of person is not a good guy who can just give the head a lot of money. It is not necessary for real interests, and it is difficult to impress him. And what kind of people would be interested in, this is what makes him hesitate the most.

He didn’t dare to think too much, he could only take one step and count one step. But after he raised his head anxiously and looked inside the car, he immediately showed an expression of consternation.

“How could it be him?”

Seeing Zhou Yi, the commissioner’s mind was a mess. As the deputy secretary next to the senior chief, he knew a lot about the secrets of the world, and the existence of Zhou Yi was really not a secret to him.

True God in the world is still of Chinese descent, so people like them can’t tolerate it. And if it was not for Zhou Yi’s style to always despise the world, and at the same time to establish a country in the United States, they were afraid that they had tried everything they could to get in touch with him.

It can be said that the special commissioner had imagined meeting Zhou Yi more than once, but he had never imagined that the meeting between them would be under such a situation. Zhou Yi is the Celestial Emperor? Celestial Court Lord of the gods? If this news is reported back, wouldn’t it be a blow up.

When? why? This will definitely be the most concerned issue. And based on what oneself had heard from the Torch Dragon and their previous conversations, the commissioner had already boldly estimated it.

It won’t be long to come. Because if it takes too long, Azure Dragon will not say these two words. In connection with Zhou Yi’s disappearance in the past few years, it is not difficult to guess that he became the owner of Celestial Court during this time. As for how he could obtain this qualification, the special commissioner felt that there was not much doubt at this point.

Based on the information they have learned and the expert team’s long-term evaluation of Zhou Yi, they can say with certainty that Zhou Yi himself may be the most powerful god in since ancient times. .

Especially after they secretly established diplomatic relations with the Shandals behind their backs, they learned from the Shandals that there had been battles in the depths of the universe that smashed stars and galaxies. One of the protagonists was Zhou Yi. At the time, their experts boldly predicted that Zhou Yi’s own strength has reached the level of Pangu in the legend, and even worse.

This kind of strength, no matter where it is placed, will probably be the most terrifying existence. As for Celestial Court, even though he would take a high look because of the same roots, he really didn’t think that the Divine Immortal in Celestial Court alone would be able to disobey Zhou Yi’s meaning.

Unless they want to perish, otherwise they have only acknowledge allegiance. In addition, Azure Dragon also gave Zhou Yi the title of “Eight Masters into One”. This special agent really wouldn’t think it would be strange if the Celestial Emperor was Zhou Yi.

Thinking of this, his surprised expression immediately gathered up. However, Zhou Yi still noticed, and asked him directly.

“Do you know me?”

“Of course, Celestial Emperor. You are the only True God in our world. There is no reason for any government to ignore your existence, right? “

Faced with Zhou Yi’s question, the commissioner was very frank. He is not stupid enough to tell a lie in front of Zhou Yi at this time. It was not that he would not say, but he knew exactly what to say and what not to say. For such trivial issues, there is really no need for him to take this risk.

“That’s right.”

nodded, Zhou Yi appreciates this candid attitude. This provides a good foundation for communication between them. And on the premise that the first impression was pretty good, he also asked the commissioner straight to the point.

“You are here on behalf of your government? Come on, what do you want to do with me?”

“Our purpose is actually very simple, sir…”

“Call Your Majesty!” Azure Dragon reminded it aloud from the side that this is related to the common sense of the Celestial Court’s etiquette, and he can’t make people wrong the second time.

“Yes, Celestial Emperor Your Majesty. I came here mainly to spy and see if there is any possibility of reaching an agreement with you. After all, we are all compatriots, of People from common origins. In this case, meeting each other is definitely not what we all hope for. Peaceful coexistence is the best choice, don’t you think?”

“Peaceful coexistence? You plan to What is a peaceful coexistence method?”

Although I am a little surprised by the quick movement of this government, considering their consistent efficiency, this is not surprising. The central government is not comparable to the Saga government. In comparison, Zhou Yi is more curious about what they will propose.

“Our idea is that the own person will not be the own person. Of course, if necessary, mutual benefit and mutual assistance can also be achieved.”

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