Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2109

“Mutual benefit?”

At first hearing the special agent’s remarks, Zhou Yi immediately showed an expression of interest. He doesn’t doubt whether the power represented by the other party can provide some help to oneself. What he doubts is whether the other party can provide help to oneself where oneself needs it, as they said.

Speaking and doing are always two different things, and under such a premise, Zhou Yi will certainly have doubts.

“I can’t think of anything we can mutually benefit. Maybe you can remind me and tell me how you can help me?”

“A lot In terms of. For example, if you have friction with any country, we can completely mediate and make this contradiction as invisible as possible. Please believe in the credibility of our country. In today’s era, I think most countries will Would be willing to sell us face.”

Of course, the special commissioner could not hear Zhou Yi’s meaning, and he immediately responded in this regard.

In terms of sincerity, the commissioner feels that oneself is quite sincere. After all, as a country whose motto is peaceful development, they have rarely done such things to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. . That is not in line with their usual course of action. And now that he can give such a promise, he is obviously ready to place a heavy bet on him.

It’s just that Zhou Yi was not satisfied with this answer, or the plan they proposed did not meet his expectations. Mediate? This kind of thing is simply unnecessary. Let alone whether he will conflict with this secular country, even if there is a conflict, with his strength, does he still need a third party to intervene to be a peacemaker?

This is the answer that I want and know, and Zhou Yi shook the head to the people around him.

“On duty, read!”

“Yes. Black Tortoise, the clerical god, sent people to report, and there were mortals in the northern Tianwei who countered and led troops to attack. People are white and look like barbarians. They have been subjected to Divine Punishment, which is equivalent to more than tens of thousands of soldiers and equipment, and they have all sunk under the ice sea.”

“The White Tiger Supervisor of the Soldiers reported that there are tens of thousands of blacks in the West Tianwei Skin Yiren draws troops to attack, to be killed by the beasts sent by him, and eat them.”

A heavenly official behind Zhou Yi’s chariot heard the news and pulled out. A pile of jade slips began to report. Hearing such a report, the commissioner’s face immediately became bitter, and he felt unable to speak.

The prerequisite for mediation in the middle is that the two sides are deadlocked and there is no determination to smash to the end. At this time, as long as someone mediates, how can they give each other a step down.

The special commissioner and the forces behind him think this way. If the so-called Celestial Court wants to integrate into this World and occupy a place in this World, then with the pillars they have set up now, It is inevitable that there will be conflicts with surrounding countries. Those small countries will not mention it for the time being, the countries with a little bit of strength will inevitably reject it. Once the two parties have a conflict, then a big take action is inevitable.

At that time, Divine Immortal and so on is certainly expert, but the strength of a country is not a joke. Especially now in the 21st century, human science and technology are changing with each passing day. Even the devil can be bombarded with missiles. What is Divine Immortal? If you can’t say you’re going to be in the quagmire, you can’t extricate yourself from it. At that time, oneself will take action to save one another, which is naturally the normal behavior of provide timely help.

It can be said that they came up with such a rhetoric based on this calculation, but what they did not expect is that the opponent’s strength is obviously higher than their estimation, so that the so-called stalemate cannot be lowered. , Simply is an unrealistic delusion.

Of course, this was raised by Shangfeng after all. As an intermediate conveyer, he is not at all qualified to veto it. So at the moment, he can only turn his eyes and say something else.

“I understand your strength, this little contradiction does not cause any trouble to Your Majesty. But you must know that the weapons of mankind are no longer what they used to be. All this is happening today. It’s just a small fight that’s all. If things continue to get bigger, then it’s impossible to say that some countries will use some weapons outside the specifications. And if that’s the case, I would like to treat Your Majesty to these forces That wouldn’t be a good thing either.”

It seems to be thinking about Zhou Yi, but in fact it is still turning around on the previous mediation issue. Zhou Yi was not satisfied with this point, so he simply straight to the point.

“Do you think I will be afraid of your so-called out-of-specification weapons? Or you have forgotten, who am I?”

“Don’t dare! Your Majesty What kind of existence we naturally keep in mind.”

When Zhou Yi said that, the special commissioner also quickly expressed his attitude while sweating coldly, for fear that oneself might provoke a wrong word. To the existence of this terrifying.

For humans, Zhou Yi is certainly Guardian God. But when Zhou Yi shows that kind of incalculable power and elusive character, the overwhelming majority of humans will inevitably have such a worry. That is, since he can protect them as if he put human beings on his palm, can he also smash an egg like a palm covering him, and bring mankind directly into destruction?

This is a question that any visionary human will consider. And the forces behind the special commissioners are naturally no exception. Including the commissioner himself, their attitude towards Zhou Yi has always been cautious. Like at this time, he was absolutely afraid to say anything that might disobey him.

He timid, lest he say something wrong. This makes it difficult for the so-called cooperation to make any progress. Zhou Yi is still somewhat interested in this cooperation, so he simply waved his hand and took the initiative to oneself.

“It’s good if you know. Listen, since you first proposed a cooperative alliance, then I am naturally indispensable. However, if the conditions are only like this, you can’t express your sincerity in the alliance. Think. To conclude an agreement with us, you must at least come up with some more weighty chips.”

“More weighty chips?” Hearing this, the commissioner looked sad. He felt that oneself didn’t have that much power, but at this moment, he couldn’t use such rhetoric to excuse him. After all, meeting Zhou Yi was only accidental. Judging from the character Zhou Yi has always shown and the power shown by Celestial Court, if he shirks this time, then next time he wants to meet Zhou Yi again, I’m afraid It will not be so easy.

No matter when it is, it is the most precious opportunity to communicate directly with this kind of figure sitting at the top. It’s easier to explain some things to him face to face than to wrangling with the people under him.

If you want to understand this, the commissioner will not be able to control the possibility of permission. Immediately he felt his mind and asked directly.

“I don’t know Your Majesty what you mean by this more weighty bargaining chip? If you say that your offer is something that our country can afford, we will definitely do our best.”


This is empty talk, you can hear it at first. Regarding this, Zhou Yi just haha ​​smiled and put on a profound mystery expression directly.

“If you say, I want you to help me conquer the world?”

“Then…it must be helpless.” Although I guessed that Zhou Yi said so cracking a joke, but he dare not follow him to make this joke on this kind of thing. After all, if the joke is to be real, it will be a big deal. So even if he knew that what oneself said next might offend Zhou Yi, he still had to take the risk and clarify what should be said.

“The Chinese government has always believed in a political strategy of peaceful development, and has never engaged in any hegemony. If Your Majesty wants to conquer the world, then we can only say sorry, and then prepare to The peace of this World has done my best.”

“Are you going to be my enemy?”

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes, and when he did so, The two guards next to him were also coldly snorted immediately, glaring at him.

This caused tremendous psychological pressure on the special commissioner. He was even a little worried about whether oneself next moment would be torn alive by these two big men who are about one zhang tall.

However, as a diplomatic messenger of a country, he still has to persist. So even if it was said that waiting for own would be the worst result, he still resolutely gave such an answer.

“Even if this may lead to hostility between us. But sorry, I am afraid I still have to give such an answer. We are impossible to watch ambitious do something like this to conquer the world, because This often means that countless innocent lives have suffered misfortune.”

“Then have you ever thought about what will be waiting for you? Have you seen these two powerful men next to me, they said Uncertainly, the next moment will take out a golden hammer and blow your head!”

“I thought about it!” When I said this, the special agent was crying, and his legs began to shake. . But he still suppressed the instinctive reaction of own, and shouted with his eyes closed. “The interests of the country are above all else, and personal life and death are not to be feared!”

“Speaking well, but this is meaningless! Come on…” Hearing this, Zhou Yi sneered, then shouted loudly. “Seat this gentleman and serve tea!”

The one hundred and eighty-degree turn made the special commissioner’s mind almost never turn. And after he was obediently and honestly arranged a set while he was still in a daze, he seemed to have avoided a catastrophe, and broke out in a cold sweat.

“Your Majesty, what are you……”

“It’s just a joke, I don’t think you should mind if I make such a joke.”

“This is nature, this is nature…”

While wiping the sweat from oneself’s forehead, the commissioner frantically scolded his mother for selling criticism in his heart. Don’t look at it as a joke, it was his life that was used to crack a joke. According to he himself’s previous answer, he put his own life aside. To be honest, he himself doesn’t really believe that oneself is so brave. And if he was asked to do it again, he would really choose to die suddenly and happily.

Of course, these all are the complaints in his heart. On the surface, he still can’t say what he wants to say as quickly as he wants to, which represents the beauty of a country. He could only press down on the complaint in oneself’s stomach, and while deciding whether he could apply for a little spiritual subsidy after returning home, he faced Zhou Yi with a smile.

“I think it’s also a joke. After all, Your Majesty, you are not like those wild ambition and profit-driven guys.”

“Very good, then the business. Although it is conquered The world is a matter of cracking a joke, but this does not mean that what I said before is also cracking a joke. Bargaining chips, in the end, is still not enough. If you really want to cooperate, then you must take a little more weight Things come.”

“So what do you mean…”

At this time, the commissioner also understood that the initiative is in the hands of the other party , He also stopped making more speculations, but directly asked him questions.

“I am not mobilizing so many troops for honors. To put it bluntly, I summoned them to start war. But rest assured, it’s not for you. I have no interest in you yet. . My goal is to have only one person from beginning to end, that is Smith Zhou. I think you should be familiar with this person.”

Zhou Yi revealed in a sentence The answer to the mystery, while listening to his this remark, while the special commissioner was taken aback for a while, he also answered obediently and honestly.

“If you say that Smith Zhou is the one we know, we are indeed not unfamiliar.”

“Then about the relationship between him and Hydra , Do you guys know it too?”

“I just understood, because he pretended to be too good before and kept a low profile. We only recently learned that he also has that identity. “

Slightly hesitated about the identities of Smith Zhou and Zhou Yi, the commissioner did not directly say that Smith Zhou was the culprit in this World. But what he meant was also very clear, that is, Smith Zhou is already a blacklisted figure by their government.

For such a person, the national government is almost impossible. And if Zhou Yi intends to let them sit down and talk with Smith Zhou, then he can only make empty calculations.

However, to his surprise, Zhou Yi’s ideas are not in this regard. On the contrary, his idea is another completely different meaning.

“It’s good if you know his identity, then the rest is easy to say. My request is simple, that is, I need you to use all possible forces to hold Hydra’s vitality. Such as As you can see, I will start a war against them soon. And at this time if someone can make them impossible to attend to other things, then I should still be happy to see it.”

“Are you going to wage war against them?”

When he heard this, the commissioner was taken aback. After all, the drama of father and son fratricide was not what he could foresee. However, Zhou Yi was very determined in this regard. He even made such a statement in front of the special commissioner.

“Of course, and this time I want to pull them up by the roots, to completely smash all the dreams of this bastard. In short, I will not give up unless he is completely knocked out of the dust. If you want to join in, I naturally welcome it. How, what do you plan to do?”

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