Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2116

The feeling of Officer Hydra is not at all wrong.

When soldiers in a queue, equipped with full-covered outer skeleton armor, stood there waiting for them, the Hydra Guards who attacked the past fragmentally simply could not cause any effective impact on them.

Some small Hydra Guards were directly seized by the Armored Soldier soldiers and smashed their vitals with their fists. Those guys who were huge and looked like skin is rough and flesh is thick were also blasted to pieces by these soldiers using a kind of low-temperature bomb that can freeze instantly and a huge might shotgun by the tacit understanding.

Obviously, these soldiers have come prepared, and they are already prepared for the various characteristics of Hydra. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, under such circumstances, Hydra’s officers hardly felt that oneself’s operation had any probability of success.

Fighting for casualties? There are only less than one thousand people in total. It is really unwise for them to rush to the opponent’s position with about two thousand special operations brigade. And it’s not just these outer skeleton soldiers. The orange beams that attacked them before have yet to show up.

As the situation changes, the test is still a question of reason. Under the current situation, the officer really can’t imagine that oneself’s current actions also have any probability of success. So he made a decisive decision and immediately issued the order to escape from the tail dock.

“Everyone immediately retreat and gather at the scheduled retreat location!”

Such words are not only his thoughts, but also the thoughts of the overwhelming majority Hydra guards present.

For them, when they saw the local position, they swallowed their own charge like a meat grinder. Those colleagues in the past could not even splash a splash of water, they were already falling on each other. Under the Iron Fist’s sharp weapon, this naturally makes them afraid.

Life and death fighting is one thing, they are Hydra in the end, life is full of this kind of plot against and struggle of life and death, so if they are just fighting life and death, they will not be too much care. However, death is another matter.

In order to get the power they have today, they risked almost losing their lives. And to say that their fundamental purpose is not to act as cannon fodder in such a mortal charge. To live, to be a master, to enjoy the great high position and great wealth, this is their most essential idea. In the final analysis, all of this is based on living. If you can live, who would be willing to die.

So, the command of the officer is in their arms, almost without any urging, they have already started to disperse the birds and beasts.

Of course, since the fire has already been exchanged, and it has been in full force for so many days. This kind of army responsible for defensive firepower positions is naturally impossible for them to leave so easily.

Soldiers equipped with outer skeleton armor placed three or three arrays and directly launched the pursuit of these Hydra guards. And as they acted, other movements began to ring in the dense forest.

That is the sound of the big tree shaking. Of course, this is not very accurate. More precisely, something disguised as a dense forest of big trees, and it was these disguised things that made a noise at this moment.

The truth will soon be revealed. In a change of light and shadow that looked like an optical camouflage, the form of the big tree gradually disappeared, replaced by a dozen tanks with some strange shapes.

The once standard five-pair road wheel design has now become a two-group segmented tracked chassis. The extra pair of road wheels is replaced by a robotic arm-like structure, giving this special chassis design a very direct and weird feeling. And the weirdest thing is not here, but the position of the traditional barrel.

The traditional gun barrel is of course the straight hollow tube. In this regard, although China started late, its progress in tank artillery is obvious to all. For example, the latest foreign trade type VT5 tank, although the 105mm rifled gun equipped with it sounds small in caliber, the formidable power is really not small. Penetrate the front armor of Indian T90s or United States foreign trade version M1A2 within 2 kilometers without pressure. It is not an exaggeration to say that the 105-caliber gun formidable power is the most.

But at the moment, the barrel of this gun really has no connection with the artillery that China has reached its peak. Because this is simply not a barrel, but an octagonal prism that is equally divided in half.

Short and sturdy, it does not seem to have the beauty of an artillery barrel. And the inside seems to be hollow, and if you look closely, you can even see the metal coil winding inside the prism.

This thing looks more like a high-power electrical appliance than a tank. But the next scene that happened deliberately told you clearly that this weird tank was pulled here for a reason.

The twisting of the four-piece segmented road wheel, coupled with the grabbing force of the robotic arm, easily pulled the tank out of the fortifications dug in advance. After stepping out of the fortifications, the tank’s robotic arm immediately became like a pillar, firmly dead on the ground with palladium, as if to completely fix the tank there.

There was a sound of loading in the tank, and a square brick-like projectile visible by naked eye was suspended in two weird barrels. Then the electric light surged, as if lightning was brewing. In an instant, the orange red beam burst out, and then with a sharp whistling sound, it penetrated the entire battlefield.

It’s more than that. The loading sound of the shells doesn’t stop at all. Almost an average of three to five beams burst out in one second. The recoil of the continuous and rapid launch made the ground under the tank start to tremble, and the result of a dozen tanks attacking at the same time was like the rain of orange red, covering the entire battlefield.

The deadly destructive power, no matter what is in front of it as a barrier, it seems that it cannot stop the penetration of these beams. Whether it was a forest or a boulder, all of them were pierced out like a piece of paper in an instant. Those locked Hydras have nowhere to escape, even if it is to evade, they are also impossible to have any fluke under this orange beam that traverses tens of kilometers in less than a second.

This is a more terrifying killing than before. The officers who survived because they were not targeted are even more shocked at this moment. Electromagnetic gun, he really did not expect that the enemy would actually come up with such an ultimate weapon. Although it was said that a few years ago, China’s experimental electromagnetic gun was produced, but isn’t that a big guy on a warship? How come they have come up with miniaturized products that can be mounted on tanks in just a few years? Also, how can their technology be able to achieve such precise blows and wanton squandering?

The officer didn’t dare to think too much, he could only flee desperately, and prayed that those electromagnetic tanks chose the target on other people instead of oneself. Even if it means that there are not many other people, the odds are already much higher, but he still a little eager to have a fluke opportunity.

What the officer didn’t know was that his worry was a little redundant. Because at this time, almost all the tanks stopped to move, and the distance between the two barrels was widened, allowing bursts of steaming heat to escape from the barrels.

Obviously, this means that the gun barrel has overheated and is unable to continue fighting. And just when all the tanks were in this awkward situation, the top compartment of one tank was directly opened, and the foul-mouthed Chu Yunlong got out of it.

“Motherfucker, the fun of playing this new tank is fun. It’s the problem of overheating. Motherfucker is too frustrated.”

“Old Chu, you have enough. I will take it. It’s fun enough for you to play with Lao Tzu’s baby. You dare to bury Lao Tzu’s baby, you are believing or not, I will put it in the gun tube for you now, let you try what it’s like to roast human flesh!”

The person who followed is obviously the commander of this armored regiment. Otherwise, in terms of the rank of the superior and inferior, no one can really talk to this guilty Chu Yunlong like this. And when he spoke, he wouldn’t be polite with Chu Yunlong.

This is also normal. As one of the few and the first units in the entire army to install this new tank, there is no one in the entire regiment that does not use this new tank as a treasure. of. Normally I wiped out a burr and I wanted to find sandpaper to polish it a little bit. Naturally, it is impossible to hear others say that their baby is not good.

While looking at the tank leader’s eyes that seemed to be cannibalistic, even if Chu Yunlong was messing up again, it was impossible to say anything at this time. It’s just that he has never been a person who can hold back words, and he can’t speak sorrows anymore, but he will not give up in a more euphemistic way of expression.

“No, Lao Zhao. I just praise your baby for being great. This baby tank is powerful, with large formidable power, fierce firepower, and can also open a stealth camouflage. There is just one point, the lasting power is not long enough . If you can improve this point, it would be perfect.”

“Crap, you say it has poor staying power, but would you find me a tank with a better staying power? Before? In the last ten seconds, a total of 86 shells were fired. In the end, it was not that there were no shells, but because of the high temperature and overload, the firing had to be postponed to wait for the barrel to cool down. With the previous shots, almost 90 shots were fired. Total amount. This amount is a top-notch ammunition even on all other tanks in active service in the world, how do you want to drop it. How many hundreds of tú tú, like the tú tú large machine gun, are sent out?”

“Good, good. Your old Zhao makes sense, and my old Chu doesn’t fight with you.” Seeing that the head of the tank regiment Zhao was getting excited again, Chu Yunlong quickly waved his hand. Come. But after all, he still admires this new type of equipment with huge formidable power. So touching the tank under his hand, he asked quietly.

“Old Zhao, how long do you think it will take for this kind of electromagnetic gun to be popularized by all troops. Do you think our Rocket Army has a chance to get one and install it on our rocket launcher?”

“Your Rocket Army?” He glanced at this object that made them envious and jealous in the past, but at this moment, the head of Zhao was full of disdain. “Wait. Lao Tzu’s more than ninety tanks have just been replaced with a dozen of them. This is the result of Lao Tzu being an independent tank regiment and the first few new tanks in the entire army. The entire army now has 17 tanks. The tank division is so anxious, you yourself count it, how long will you have to wait if you have all the outfits changed before it’s your turn.”

Speaking of this, Commander Zhao seems to have thought of something else. , So that he immediately smirked.

“Yes, I heard. The people in the logistics said that your Rocket Army’s plan for the next ten years is to use up all the missiles, rockets and so on in stock as soon as possible. Aiya, it was originally for deterrence. Those unruly forces, our logistics seems to have made too many missiles, rockets and so on. It is said that even if they are sent here as trains and trains, they will be impossible to fight for a while. Aiya, you guys But it’s good luck. If you can finish those rockets, you won’t wait to fly!”

“When will this motherfucker be hit?”

From the very beginning, I heard that there are ammunition squandered like train skins, and now it may be necessary to completely squander these ammunition before considering their replacement issue. Chu Yunlong’s mood can definitely be called the change of Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven.

Of course, it doesn’t matter what his mood is now. The important thing is how Hydra’s mood is now.

Steve is still at the base in the rear, waiting for the good news in his hopes, but unfortunately, all he waited for was a bad result.

The artillery fire continued, as if the typhoon had just begun to ravage it, getting more and more intense. The feedback from Hydra’s frontline positions is also getting smaller and smaller. If someone has sent me distress messages from time to time before, now they have been waiting for an hour without seeing any news from the frontline.

Many people are already aware that their frontline army is probably wiped out. But looking at Steve’s cold face, almost dripping with water, no one dared to uncover the lid first.

This situation didn’t change until the battered and exhausted Guard officer rushed in, and as soon as he rushed in, he was already yelling at Steve.

“Sir, we were in an ambush, and the guards suffered heavy losses.”

“Ambush? Where did the ambush come from? Are you all a bunch of rice buckets? The enemy just set a trap Will I be able to put you to death?”

“It’s a Chinese.”

Seeing Steve’s eyes burning with anger, the officer’s heart suddenly stopped, but at the same time Had to report the truth.

“The opponent is not an ordinary army. I saw full-covered outer skeleton armor and tanks equipped with electromagnetic guns. In front of this type of army, the guards do not have the advantage at all. Plus they There are far more people than we want, and we are simply impossible to be their opponents. Sir, we really have done our best!”

It’s hard to say if we don’t try our best, but if we say that the other party is true Equipped with such advanced weapons, it would definitely not be a good thing for the Southeast Asia front under Steve’s command.

He needs to make certain trade-offs. After hesitating for a while, he still made up his mind.

“Notify the whole army, we retreat. We let this position!”

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