Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2117

The unfavorable situation in the Burma war made Steve decisively give the order to retreat. He knows that when the other party reveals such a trump card, oneself is no longer suitable for lightly killing its edge. The best way right now is to temporarily avoid it. Fortunately, their Hydra has now occupied most of Southeast Asia, and the strategic depth is long enough.

Isn’t it just a tug of war? He didn’t believe it anyway, the Chinese side was willing to smash them on Southeast Asia without reservation. This is not their country, and it is not their citizens who are dead. They do not have to make such a big sacrifice, but it is cheaper for others.

Steve saw the battle clearly, and casually threw a bone out of the large plot that was pulled down. The intention is quite obvious, of course China will not be fooled. Anyway, as Steve thought, these lost land is not their land, and they can’t get a penny from it. It’s better to chase after Hydra and use their heads for some credit.

Of course, I think so, but they didn’t know how much mob can drop the chain. Just vomiting back the one third who lost the country, the whole of Myanmar seemed to have fought a big victory and completely annihilated Hydra, and began to revel uncontrollably.

When the Chinese army started urging the Burmese to take advantage of the situation and not give Hydra a chance to survive, they were stunned to discover that most of the entire Burmese army was already drunk, let alone chasing. Yes, even whether the gun is stable or not will be a problem.

“mob, really motherfucker is mob!” The people on the military side scolded my mother, and in desperation they had no choice but to deal with the Burmese government, hoping that they could mobilize the soldiers. The chain fell at a critical time. However, as soon as they contacted the government, they were really surprised to find that the Burmese government is doing more shit.

Has about half of this land also not recovered? The parties and several warlord forces within the Burmese government are already fighting against the reclaimed land. The Chinese military sent a representative here to take a look. The motherfucker was really dead after closing the door. Anything with high heels on the bench is not polite. That is to say, it is not allowed to bring guns in such national-level meetings, otherwise the representative really doubted whether one of them would take out an AK and give the surrounding political enemies to tú tú.

There was no end to the quarrel here, and the Chinese military can’t say to push them oneself to pursue Hydra. After all, this is taking the lives of the soldiers of oneself family for other people’s homes, not to mention the high morals and morals. Except for a fool, no one would do such a stupid thing. So naturally, under the premise that they are not willing to be such a fool, the military can only sit and wait, and a result came out from the Burmese side.

We quarreled for three days and staged a three-day martial arts trip. There was a result of a quarrel on the Myanmar side. When they finally united and planned to take back the remaining half of oneself’s land, the Chinese army said, sorry, we are no longer ready to press on.

It’s not that I don’t want to, but I cannot. Three days are enough time for Hydra’s large forces to make initial moves. And looking at the Hydra biochemical soldiers covering the mountains and the plains, also the tanks and artillery that were urgently deployed from India, the Chinese foreign aid army stopped obediently and honestly, how can I say will not One step further.

Now stop, that’s a confrontation, and one step further, that’s a standard battle of positions. For the Chinese army who just want to hold down their opponents, the fight now is to crack a joke with the lives of their own soldiers. Still the same sentence, the country belongs to others, and they don’t care about oneself, and they have missed the battle opportunity in vain, so they can’t be blamed for not talking about loyalty.

Do you drag? Everyone means the same thing. Seeing that the other party stopped advancing, Steve breathed a sigh of relief.

He has figured out what the other person thinks, and he is beginning to rejoice that oneself has made the right decision. Under the heavy military formation, even if it has mastered extremely sharp new weapons, the Chinese side would not dare to initiate a war of this scale. After all, this is different from before.

The previous situation can only be said to be assistance. The scale is there, and they can withdraw regardless of victory or defeat. But now this is a truly large-scale battle. He dropped two armored divisions in one breath, and later also various weapons and equipment were transported here. I just want to create a decisive battle atmosphere where once a war breaks out, it will involve a lot and directly determine the future direction of a region.

A battle of this scale is impossible to give participants the opportunity to withdraw from it. That is to say, once a war really breaks out, they must be involved regardless of whether China wants it or not. . Moreover, it is not in the form of today’s petty fights, but it is necessary to truly mobilize domestic military power, and even the country has entered a state of combat readiness.

Steve doesn’t believe that people in China have the courage to make such a big sacrifice for a Southeast Asia, but in fact, he is indeed betting right.

The Southeast Asia battlefield, which was likely to undergo major changes, has once again fallen into a standstill. The confrontation, contact, and tentative attack between the two sides just didn’t dare to fight a real fight. This is the result of no one being prepared, and the current situation in which no one dares to take a step beyond the thunder pool has just been stuck in the mindset acceptable to both parties.

Steve needs to use this method to stabilize Hydra’s front in Southeast Asia, and China also needs to use this situation to hold down most of Hydra’s active forces. This is considered to be what they need.

And just when they were pregnant with ghosts, in India, the advancement of Celestial Court had reached a point where Hydra’s forces felt precarious.

Divine Immortal fights, mortals are still suffering. even more how Divine Immortal took the initiative to find mortals to fight. Even if the strength of Hydra is really extraordinary, it can almost hang up and fight the armies of most countries in the world, but facing the army of Celestial Court and facing more than one hundred thousand real Divine Immortal, they are still ineffective. opponent.

Almost at an unimaginable speed, the Celestial Court army has already occupied the entire southern part of India. It is not that there has been no resistance in the middle, but these so-called resistances are almost all weak and abnormal. It’s not that Celestial Court’s army is too strong, it’s beyond what Hydra can handle. It’s that their performance is too weak, and the weak ones are not like the original Hydra.

Although I have never seen the style of Hydra, Celestial Court has also done a lot of information collection about Hydra. Judging from the current situation, the any cat or dog they encountered during the battle really didn’t quite match the fierce and vicious characters described in their intelligence.

This is unreasonable, and you can understand it with your ass. And in order not to change things suddenly, or to say that they are caught in the trap of the enemy. Celestial Court’s army was very wise, and sent the news to the back of the scene, which is Zhou Yi’s hands.

As soon as Zhou Yi got this information, he already vaguely guessed Smith Zhou’s plot against.

“Thinking that oneself holds my vitals in his hand, and he will surely make me surrender. So at this time, it doesn’t matter how many such cannon fodder I die, right? Smith Zhou, this is really you Style.”

Although he said this kind of understatement, but only by his tone, also the horrible fluctuations that unconsciously exude, can make people realize that Zhou Yi’s right now How sullen is in my heart.

The Celestial Court all around were sitting silently at this time, afraid to make even the slightest noise, for fear that at this time they would attract the Celestial Emperor’s anger.

And Zhou Yi is not so irritable to others, so even though he is sullen, he just quietly suppresses this mood, and then in a tone that sounds peaceful, just The officials facing all around commanded.

“Send the letter to the soldiers on the front line, let them not worry about it, everything should be done according to the original instructions.”

The heaven soldier who sent the letter promised and retreated on the spot. In response to this arrangement, Zhou Yi, who still felt inadequate, hesitated for a while, and then uttered again.

“Where is the four blasphemy monarch?”

“The four blasphemy gods are here!” Four ancient ancient dragon gods appeared one after another and promised. Looking at these four ancient dragon gods, Zhou Yi thought for a while and said so.

“Si Blasphemy Lord, if I let you drive the water veins south and control the large and small water veins on this Indian land in one fell swoop, you might do it?”

“Replying to his Majesty, my Yellow River Dragon God and Yangtze River Dragon God water veins are connected to this Tianzhu land. If Your Majesty wants me to control the water veins here, it is not difficult.”

“Good, immediately Let’s go down the earth if you two. First hold the water veins in your hands. Once the time comes, you will cooperate with the army and drown the enemy’s castle in one fell swoop!”

“As you bid!”


“Twenty-eight stars?”

“This small official is here.”

The twenty-eight stars under the constellation of Sifang Gods have appeared. Now that even the Sifang gods have to show up and take care of Tianwei, their subordinates are naturally impossible to be idle.

“We ordered that you and others each led three hundred soldiers, immediately went deep into the enemy’s soil and patrolled on the enemy’s soil. If you encounter those enemy elites, you will be annihilated. If you encounter a mortal resistance organization , I think of a way to rescue them. I don’t have any other requirements for you, there is only one. I want to see the whole Tianzhu catching fire everywhere, and all the enemies are hard to reach, understand?”

” !”

“The rest of the gods perform their duties, remember, this battle promises victory but not defeat. If someone personally makes my big plan impossible, the army is defeated. On the day of merit, tell them What a crime.”

Perhaps it was something that had already been foreseen, Zhou Yi also rarely showed a stern expression at this time. When you hear his words, you don’t need to look at his color. He has been waiting by the side and Gong Cao has already opened the jade slip in his hand, pulling a loud voice shouted loudly.

“Bad the fighter, damage success, serious sin, unforgivable. When thunder is 300 years, the fire is 500 years. If it has not been reduced to ashes, then go to the Behead Immortal stage, the corpse is separated, and suppressed in the sky Under the Nine Nether, it will never be overborn!”

This penalty is much more enjoyable than just walking on the stage of Behead Immortal. Don’t look at the old Celestial Court decayed, but such a severe punishment has not been used several times. But now the Celestial Emperor even moved out such torture that he did not use easily in order to confront the enemy, which shows that he attaches great importance to this battle in his heart. Realizing this, all the Celestial Court officials present at the scene shouted their heads and said they were afraid to rise.

Cracking a joke for life, presumably they would not dare. Zhou Yi originally meant this. So after they agreed in unison, he waved his sleeves and waved back the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court.

On the huge Yunxiao Palace, there are only a few people left with him and his attendants. With only the owner person around, Zhou Yi didn’t hesitate anymore, and changed his body into a golden streamer, and in an instant he went down the world along the sky.

His goal is not elsewhere, it is Bangalore where Smith Zhou is. It seemed as if he didn’t want to avoid Zhou Yi’s sight at all. Smith Zhou has always stayed in this place, and there has been no change in the past few days.

Now it seems that he is not unaware, but fundamentally confident, waiting for Zhou Yi to come to him. So now, Zhou Yi just did what he wanted and came directly to him.

The bright light of golden across the sky, instantly dispelling the long-lasting cloud over Bangalore. On the Tower of Babel that was built as if straight into the clouds, a big day quietly bloomed, instantly dispelling all the haze under this huge building. At the same time, Zhou Yi’s voice came from the immediate sun, resounding through the entire land like a storm.

“Smith Zhou, aren’t you waiting for me? Now I’m here, why don’t you dare to come out and see me!”

“Come on, my child. I’ll just Waiting for you on the top of this tower. Now that you have already come here, do you still care about climbing up to the Tower of Babel?”

Smith Zhou’s voice came at the right time, and listened When it came to him, Zhou Yi’s brows suddenly frowned. This may be a trap, but at this moment he has no choice. So in an instant, the big day in the sky was like a falling meteorite, it smashed open the wall of the Tower of Babel, and flew into the top of the tower.

In the empty floor, Smith Zhou Duan was sitting at a dining table, shaking a glass of red wine in his hand, looking at Zhou Yi who appeared in front of him with a faint smile.

“After all, you are back, Zhou Yi. And as I imagined, you still appeared in front of me impatiently. I thought that after the last time, you should have grown somewhat Now it seems that your mind is so easy to guess.”

“Don’t tell me this nonsense, where are my family? Where did you hide them!”

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