Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2140

At first hearing the question asked by the reporter who didn’t know where it came from, the colleagues around him rubbed their teeth and sucked in cold.

This is no longer a problem of fighting against the wind. It is completely not giving the government face to be restored, and treating their words as in one ear and out the other standard performance.

It may be said that journalists have a nickname called Truth Fighter, but this does not mean that they can really fight against those in power for the truth.

That’s all bluffing. What they are doing is the work of this public opinion mouth. Why can’t they make oneself so tall? Unless they are stupid, they will really think that they can fight desperately for the truth. Because even if you think with your ass, you know that the so-called journalists are just the vanguard of public opinion reporting, and public opinion is the mouth and tongue of those in power. Have you ever seen anyone who’s lip and tongue can catch oneself and bite it to death, that only means that the government has gotten a mad dog disease and is completely out of treatment.

Although the current United States Government is restored, it is the original capital group after all, and the relationship with the public opinion is naturally not comparable to the Stark government. This is why they can convey to the scene with a single sentence, so that the reporters on the scene will be silent.

However, despite the United States Government’s immediate control of speech, something unexpected happened to them. This reporter who is not afraid of death has everyone present startled, including Frank.

He was able to receive notices from government bureaucrats, so he was also surprised that some reporters dared to commit crimes at this time. But he was happy to see it happen, so he answered immediately.

“Of course. I don’t think the Stark Group’s energy business has formed a monopoly in this area. Because at present, apart from the Stark Group, there is no second company in America that can produce it. Relatively mature nuclear fusion technology. If you insist on talking about the energy industry, then probably the original nuclear power plants and power companies. For this, I can only say that I did not force who must choose my company’s products.”

“So you think this is the current United States Government’s deliberate targeting of you, right?”

This reporter who dared to go against the trend obviously has a word that is not surprising The endless awakening, what he asked, made all the colleagues around me admire with emotion. They also want to ask similar things, but they dare not. Because this question is asked, it is not just a question of being invited to drink coffee. To be more serious, it is estimated that we will say goodbye to this industry from now on.

This guy is not going to have an antagonism with the boss of oneself, so if you plan to die, you have to cheat him.

As reporters, they have never been afraid of using the most malicious intent to speculate on other people’s intentions, so in their eyes, this buddy is most likely to be unhappy.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Flac, in fact, he would like more people like this to come.

“Of course. If it’s not aimed at, I really can’t think of any reason to get a government to file a lawsuit against a minor child. Maybe you still don’t understand the situation, in fact I have I have sought the help of many law firms with a lot of money, but they have all been rejected. I don’t understand what kind of people are preventing an innocent child like me from going to ordinary legal help. Perhaps through you, I can get some answers. Maybe?”

Frank not at all, as he said, go to the lawyers for some legal help. After all, he still couldn’t trust these guys who worked for money. Of course, this does not prevent him from taking this kind of thing, because no one has the ability to pick up law firms from all over the world, one after another, check which companies rejected his request. .

He said yes, then yes. He did not believe that the audience in front of the TV would doubt him as a child in this matter. To put it bluntly, this is the act of looking for an opportunity to buckle the United States Government. And he also believes that the United States Government has absolutely no ability to wash oneself clean.

People will sympathize with the weak, especially after heroes like him.

Although Tony Stark’s reputation is now mixed, after the news of his death gradually surfaced, the people would naturally put aside those hatred emotions and reminisce about him instead. This is like Saddam, who can guess that the one who opposed him most fiercely at the beginning is the one who missed him the most now.

This shows from the side that people’s minds are most easily manipulated and coerced. What Frank is doing now is to take advantage of the weakness of the people and the special identity of oneself to bring the position of the overwhelming majority to oneself.

This is very simple. In fact, by virtue of his identity and that delicate little face, even if he does nothing, half of the people are willing to shout for him. And now he has put up the United States Government again, which naturally makes his supporters become even bigger.

Of course, he also understands the truth that too much is too late. This kind of thing is nothing but a mere mention, but it is best to leave room for others to imagine. Oneself talks too much, but there is more possibility of revealing things. So after he said this, he stopped talking too much, but walked straight into the courtroom along the channel lined by several bad-eyed bailiffs.

The reporter who has touched the big news doesn’t plan to let it go. After finishing the notes, he wants to follow directly. But before he took two steps, the two bailiffs had already blocked him.

“Sir, we suspect you have not been allowed to interview, so please leave here!”

“Hey, Buddy. Keep your eyes open, don’t you see me With the name badge you issued?”

The reporter was so angry that he was talking nonsense with his eyes open. He had just fought hard for a while, and the bailiff had already torn off his badge, and then said to him with a cold face.

“Now you are gone. Also, if I were you, what I am worried about now is not whether oneself can enter the interview, but how to explain to the boss behind oneself. You can tell Take a look at your boss, if he is not mad right now… then the person above is very dissatisfied with you, so prepare for bad luck.”

“Okay, I will tell him . I hope that the superiors you mentioned have this ability, it really makes us bad luck.”

The reporter who can continue to be hard-mouthed until this time really makes the colleagues around me admire the mind’s eye in. Someone couldn’t restrain the admiration in his heart like the surging river, so he went up and started talking with him.

“Buddy, you are so fucking cool. As expected of our Texas man! Introduce myself, I’m Tom, from Fort Worth.”

The red neck of Texas is still It’s quite indicative, so it’s not a mistake to use this fellow to strike up a conversation. At the very least, this awesome reporter gave him a face, and didn’t count him as a courageous bandit with the others around him.

“I’m Jerry, from Houston.”

The two shook hands, which was a preliminary form of making friends. And because of the intention to make friends, Tom would naturally not be stingy.

“Buddy, when the things here are over, I must invite you to have a drink. It’s a hell, what the government is now, we know that in the heads of those of us who have no great abilities Show your majesty. If you don’t have to rely on this work, I really want to be like Buddy and give these bastards some color together. Drink it, son of a bitch, what!”

The second largest hobby of Texans, scolds the federal government. This is not wrong, because the Lone Star State itself is incorporated into the United States as the Republic of Texas, and has the sole right to withdraw from the United States. Most Texans will not treat the United States. How much to see the government.

Find a curse from the beginning. If you are not sure, you will be able to get to the point of the other person’s heart and bring the relationship closer. For example, this buddy has just been threatened by the bailiff, and now he is helping him with a few curses, which is correct.

Whether there is any effect can be seen from Jerry’s face. After closing the relationship between the two in this unique way, Tom also bluntly asked oneself’s concerns.

“Speaking of Buddy, do you really have to worry about them making trouble for you? I mean, which TV station do you work for? Will they help you withstand the pressure from those politicians? “

“Don’t worry, I work for HKTV. They can’t control me!”

Jerry is confident, but Tom has a question mark on his face. He still doesn’t know when United States will have a TV station called HKTV, and the backstage can be so hard that it doesn’t give the government face.

Looking at him with a bewildered look, Jerry didn’t play any dumb puzzle with him. Instead, he said directly.

“I mean Xiangjiang TV. I am a citizen of the East. I am now a reporter from Xiangjiang. Only recently I heard that there was a monopoly case against the Stark Group. Come here. The United States politicians are quite to have no shame now, but no matter how to have no shame, they can’t control the other side of the ocean. So they can’t do anything with me.”

Jerry’s words made Tom feel like eating lemon, pantothenic. As a reporter, big news is in front of you but you can’t report it. This is simply torture.

It’s not just professionalism that makes him unable to accept such things. More importantly, the reality that others can make money by, but they can only watch, is the real blow. If he changed to normal times, he would roll his eyes, slap the fellow savagely, and call him a traitor. But now, he just wanted to ask such a sentence.

“Buddy, are you still hiring?”

The reporters are very realistic. Not just Tom at the moment, but also reporters who were invited to enter the courtroom and broadcast the entire process.

Don’t look at it now, there is no shortage of reporters, audiences, and juries. But in fact, Frank already knew it well, all of them were nothing more than a cover drawn by the current coalition government.

Take reporters as an example. Their rebroadcasting is not about rebroadcasting what there is, but what the government tells them to rebroadcast, they will broadcast what.

Public opinion guidance is destined to be biased towards the government, even if there is something that the government cannot control. The actors and video installations already prepared will also ensure that the audience in front of the TV will only see the script arranged by the federal government.

Even if Frank didn’t show up, they didn’t care, because they also prepared actors and played the role of Frank. It’s just that he appears now, so there is no need for such a guy.

The current situation is just right for people on the government side. Because Frank showed up on time, it meant that he seemed to compromise with them.

Although they hate Stark so much, they can’t wait to devour the Stark family one by one. But looking at the huge wealth and capital owned by the Stark family, they are not unwilling to accept Frank’s compromise.

As long as he is honest and willing to accept their arrangement, then it is not impossible to let him go. The key is whether he wins this way.

Seriously, this is something that overwhelming majority politicians will doubt. Because he can tell from his words before, the habit of this kid is almost the same as that of his dead Old Ghost dad. He has eyes high above the top and has a harsh habit.

They have endured Tony for several decades, and they have already reached a point where they can’t bear it. So if Frank really has a temper with his father, then they really may not be able to guarantee that oneself will continue to endure this.

In short, it is just one sentence, it depends on how this kid is doing today. Facing this kind of three-counseling situation, Frank grinned and took the lead in threw away.

“I would like to explain to you in advance that if what you are plotting is my family’s wealth, then I’m sorry, today you are afraid that you are going to take advantage of your excitement and return. Because I can assure you, From me, even if it’s a penny, you don’t even want to move. I just throw all the money in the Pacific Ocean, and it won’t make things like yours cheaper.”

Frank’s inflated tone, which was exactly like his father, immediately angered a few elderly politicians.

Before they were still thinking that Little Brat came here so honestly, probably because he was scared in his heart, and wanted to come to negotiate terms. Only now did they really realize that they simply didn’t have such an idea, but came here specifically to smash the place.

This is in line with the Stark in their impression. Of course, they have always hated such a Stark.

“Pay attention to the way you speak, Mr. Stark. Don’t speculate about the purpose of this court. This is a blasphemy of the law and a shameful denigration of judicial justice!”

” Okay, if you have to advertise yourself like that.”

Shrugged, Frank has an expression that doesn’t believe in your bad old fogey. Then, he blocked it again.

“Since I want to speak of justice, I suggest changing to another court. In view of the current conflict between the federal government and my father, I hope this case can be accepted by the International Court of Justice. At the same time, I also hope that People from all over the world are monitoring and reviewing this case. What do you think of my idea, Your Honor?”

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