Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2141

Not so much!

Unless it’s crazy, otherwise the judge would definitely not think that this kind of argument of kicking the stage that oneself has worked so hard to build and then sending the enemy out of oneself would be a good way.

Of course, he admitted on the surface impossible that oneself is such an idea. So after a little thought, he said seriously.

“Mr. Stark, this is a monopoly lawsuit initiated by the Los Angeles government to clarify whether the Stark Group is suspected of causing a monopoly in the United States. This is a domestic issue of the United States and cannot be tolerated. Anyone else intervenes. Let’s not say that the Nationality Court does not accept such commercial cases. Even if it accepts such types of cases, it is not qualified to kick the United States Government in charge of this matter. Do you understand what I mean?”

It means that the judges of the United States Government want to be reasonable. But obviously, his acting skills have not yet reached the point where he can fool Frank.

Frank is very clear, don’t look at what these people say nicely, in fact, he still doesn’t want to let the situation go beyond their control. And he himself came to tear down the stage, so naturally, he would not follow the wishes of these people.

“I don’t understand. I just feel that this is full of unfairness for me, for Stark’s family business. How do I know that you people are not biased? Just like you, Your Honor. How can you convince me that you will make a fair judgment?”

To ask a judge’s position in front of the court is fair. This is definitely an act of slapped face on the spot. . But because Frank is a little child, no matter how annoyed the judge is in his heart, he can’t yell at a brat in front of so many people. That would only confess the fact that his ass was crooked, making him even less trusted. So he can only hold back the anger in his heart and said solemnly.

“Mr. Stark, you have to know that I have been a judge for more than 30 years. I have never been here since the day I swore allegiance to the United States law and pledged judicial justice. I have been slack in my seat. Life can last for a few 30 years. Just looking at this point, you should have trust in me.”

“Come on, Mr. Judge. You still Have you ever sworn to support each other with your ex-wife and never give up? As a result, you have been married three times now. You can’t even hold to the vows you swore to the person sleeping next to oneself, you still expect me to believe you can hold on Judicial justice? Unless I am a fool.”

As a carefully selected figure by the United States Government, the resume of this judge is indeed very dazzling. In the past 30 years, there have been no mistakes in the work record. Although the decoration and cover-up are indispensable, it can be called commendable.

This is also the experience that today’s restoration government has learned from past events. They can’t bear the blow that oneself pushed to the front of the stage again, but other forces infiltrated oneself’s internal spies.

The price of playing this way last time was that Hydra surfaced, and the entire US Federation almost collapsed. If not, if a Stark was born and took over the power, then maybe the United States ceased to exist at that time.

This is a basic problem. On this issue, even their opponents of Stark have to admit that Stark has done a beautiful job in this matter. They did not deny that Stark saved the United States, they were just Abomination, Stark’s later method.

The act of suppressing capital forces, consolidating the power of Congress, and strengthening the federal government and weakening local power is the key to making them stand on the opposite side of Stark.

If it weren’t for this, they were crazy and wanted to create Stark’s opposition. I really thought they didn’t know about Stark’s ability and greatness, but they couldn’t match it even with a horse? If not, it was their own interests that were infringed, and they wished that the boss on oneself was a ruthless character like Stark. Because the discerning people know that in today’s world of great controversy, only a strong boss can stabilize the interests of all of them.

Otherwise, replace you, do you really think you can stabilize a country on the verge of collapse? It is good not to be eaten away by the surrounding forces like wolves and tigers, and to be kept in the dark for fun.

In the restoration government, there are many dirty politicians from the past. It is good, but this does not mean that they are stupid. After experiencing great ups and downs, and finally seizing this opportunity after Stark’s death, they naturally took their caution to the extreme.

Like this judge’s choice, they did not aiming to achieve the best possible result but rather trying to avoid making mistakes. It’s just that it’s impossible for anyone to think that Stark’s angle is so strange, and he caught a blind spot that all of them hadn’t noticed.

For American, whose divorce rate is greater than 50%, the number of divorces and marriages does not really matter. This is private privacy, personal freedom, even if it is attacked by political opponents, they will not talk about it.

Who called the United States divorced in society, watching my wife live in the own house with a new love, forcing oneself child to call someone else father, and the result is too much hardship to pay the mortgage by oneself It. If you really hold a talk, you might be verbally abused.

The problem now is that you are not an ordinary politician. You are a judge who represents the justice of the law and takes the oneself oath to speak out. The general public no longer cares whether these two oaths are the same thing, they only think that Frank’s statement makes sense. You even lie to oneself’s wife, do you know if you lie to a broken book?

Whether the people who preside over the law are fair, the people at the bottom and the top society look at it from a different perspective. Even the upper class has already made a fuss about it, saying that this judge of mine has reached the limit of being selfless and acting completely in accordance with laws and regulations. The people at the bottom will still roll their eyes with suspicion to look at you, and then dig out and search for several points that they feel are unfair.

I don’t want you to think, I want me to think. This is the relevant knowledge of the overwhelming majority of civilians in the world. After all, even if you have read books and received higher education. But can you memorize all the laws and regulations? So overwhelming majority ordinary person’s judgment on the so-called law is what I think.

I think you have a problem, you just have a problem. The more the upper class explains, the more they doubt it. This is a problem that no regime needs to hide from. And now Frank is taking advantage of this kind of natural hostility of the civilians at the bottom to the superstructure, forcibly dragging the rhythm in a wrong direction.

The politicians realized this, and they immediately scolded their mothers. This is an ordinary brat, this is simply a cunning hooligan. Worthy of being the kind of Stark!

Fortunately, they did not have no plans for this. Under an order, all channels have been switched to the pre-prepared performance scene. And roles such as jurors are also wandering outside the world, pretending to be blind. He doesn’t focus on the current lawsuit at all.

As for a character like a judge, his old face changed, and he instantly became ugly.

“Mr. Stark, no matter where I know my privacy. But now, no matter what you say will not change your current situation. The government wants to investigate your company’s monopoly matters, you can only cooperate You want to mess around here, you found the wrong place!”

If you change to an ordinary person, you probably can’t guess what these politicians did. But Frank is not an ordinary person after all, and all changes that occur on the Internet are impossible to escape his eyes.

A bad performance, he commented on it in his heart. But on the surface, he didn’t mean to expose all of this. Instead, he pretended not to know, and sang a drama with these politicians.

“It seems that I have no choice, right? Then let us both speed up a little bit and end this farce sooner. After all, our time is precious, right?”


Frank’s words make people feel that he is confident, and what exactly he relies on, these politicians can’t figure out for a while.

In this well-arranged play, no matter what Frank prepared, even if he tied the lawyers of the world to his camp. He is absolutely impossible to change the fate of Stark Industries.

Because this is not a fair contest, but a cheating that draws all the referees to the oneself camp.

Even a football team like South Korea can get fourth place in the World Cup by cheating. There is no reason to say that they can even use this kind of cheating, but they can’t suppress a child.

Politicians think that oneself is the winner, but they don’t care what Frank is playing at this time. Therefore, they were also seeking to do it quickly, and they immediately ordered to push the farce forward.

“Then Mr. Stark, do you admit that your company’s energy business has a monopoly in the United States energy market?”

“I don’t admit it, I just think my company Energy business has given the general public a cheaper choice.”

“I have several power company lawsuits. They believe that your company’s cheap energy has greatly disrupted the United States’ electricity market and caused Their company’s interests have been seriously hurt. NERC’s data also shows that Stark Industries’ involvement in the power sector has already monopolized 90% of the power supply in the market, which has constituted a monopoly. In fact, it has caused serious interference to competition in the electricity market. Do you have anything to say about this?”

“I have nothing to say. Anyone who knows a little about technology should Clearly, after the emergence of new energy, if you don’t adapt to the times and make changes, you can only be completely crushed into powder by the wheels of the times and become the outcasts of the times. This is their fault for not keeping up with the times, if It would be ridiculous that even the Stark family had to pay for this kind of mistake.”

This is the reason, but it is obviously impossible to say. After all, they are now opposites. If they agree with this truth, then how can they pry into Stark’s hands to get what they want. So after a dry cough, the judge said so.

“I understand what you mean, Mr. Stark. But you have to know that a healthy market must have a healthy competitive relationship in order to last for a long time. Regardless of Stark Industries’ Is the monopoly created by your intentions? Your actions have caused established facts. From the perspective of maintaining the stability of society and the energy market, we need you to make certain changes. Mr. Stark, I hope you Can understand our difficulties.”

“Of course, I can understand. I also think it’s time to make a change.”

For this kind of bitch, I still want to stand The behavior of the archway was chuckled, and Frank spoke out his own idea very unreasonably.

“I have a suggestion, gentlemen. If you feel that Stark Industries’ cheap products are disrupting the normal market order, then we can change it. Starting tomorrow, Stark Industries will increase the price of electricity supply , It will be upgraded to the level similar to other power companies. I believe that if this is the case, no one should say that we are disrupting the market order and eliminating industry competitors.”

This is indeed a solution. The Stark Group’s natural monopoly problem is solved, but if it does, the United States Government that initiated this lawsuit will definitely be torn to pieces by angry people.

No one wants to see oneself’s electricity bills increase dozens of times every quarter, even if their original electricity bills are at this level. This is the same as those who are accustomed to eating free lunches are not willing to pay for lunch anymore. If this happens, then those who are forced to pay must find trouble with someone.

It is Stark Industries that collects the money, but Stark can easily throw the pot over the government. For the newly restored government, if there is any turmoil in public opinion at this time, it is simply a fatal threat. Therefore, they cannot agree with Frank’s proposal anyway.

“This will not solve the problem, Mr. Stark. The people will not agree that this kind of thing happens…”

“Then another way, let the electricity The company lowered its own electricity price to the same level as Stark Industries. Wouldn’t the problem be solved?”

This is also a matter of cracking a joke. Although the energy giants of the past are not working anymore, they are at least the food and clothing parents of these politicians. It is better to expect these politicians to smash the jobs of the capitalists than to expect them to let Frank go. This is something impossible to think and know with your ass. So the judge can only say with a stiff face.

“Mr. Stark. This is a monopoly lawsuit against Stark Industries, not against others. The law does not allow us to harm the interests of innocent people because of a criminal. This is not a good way to solve the problem! “

“A good way to solve the problem? Ha…”

Haha laughed and mocked the judge’s shameless remarks. Frank looked at his face because The anger gradually became a pig liver color, and then he slowly said to him.

“So tell me, what do you think is a good way to solve the problem?”

“Our solution is…”

Although I know that own is very shameless, it must be laughed at by others. But thinking of the interests and rights represented by the group behind oneself, the judge still licked his face and said something like this.

“The solution to the problem is that if Mr. Stark admits that Stark Industries has formed a commercial monopoly, then according to the laws of this country, we have the right to require Stark Industries to split the energy under the name of oneself. Business. This technology should not be in the hands of a company, it should belong to the general public. Only in this way can we ensure fair competition in the market.”

“It’s a good way!”

Hearing this, Frank showed an unexpected expression, and then immediately clapped his hands enthusiastically. Of course, he is impossible to be so submissive, betraying belongs to his own interests, just to find a compromise with a group of despicable guys. So he said so immediately.

“But I have a better idea, gentlemen. From now on, Stark Industries will stop all energy business in the United States. You are not saying that I have caused the United States market competition Is it a very bad influence? So, Stark will withdraw from the United States market and give this market to you. This is the head office.”

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