Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2142

Suddenly used such a trick to draw salaries from the bottom of the pan, Frank made all the people who had misbehaviour flashed. Then I couldn’t help but cursed my mother in my heart.

Stopping so much effort and arranging the drama of the three-counseling trial is not to stop Stark’s energy business completely in United States.

It is true that this can indeed make way for the capitalists behind them, but this way is dead. While the world is popularizing the cleanest and cheapest nuclear fusion energy, the United States is still playing the old style of the past because of the capital market. This is simply bring about one’s own destruction.

Needless to say, cost alone is a big issue. Now that nuclear fusion energy is popular, almost all industries have completed their own transformation to adapt to this new energy.

For example, that is the complete suspension of production of fuel vehicles and the widespread use of electric vehicles. Unless it’s the kind of customization that costs tens of millions of dollars, the automakers don’t bother to start work for you. They have changed their production lines in order to adapt to the times. How can they do those thankless things for petty gains?

Furthermore, even if you can buy a fuel car at a big price, fuel will become a headache for you. You know, the so-called World Stone oil production area is not happy now.

Petroleum has become a raw material for light industry, and the scale of production must be reduced. Under the premise that the original oil producing areas are forced to transform in order to survive, it will only become increasingly difficult for normal people to obtain fuel. It used to be gas stations all over the world, but now the entire world is estimated to be few still open.

Either it directly becomes a service area, or it becomes a power station for new energy vehicles. This is also impossible, for the sake of rice? And because of this, it is very difficult for normal people to obtain fuel. It’s not that it’s impossible, there is nothing wrong with money. However, the cost is definitely higher than before, and it is not a problem of doubling.

This is true for fuel, and it is true for all energy produced by backward technology in the past. With huge capital, it is also impossible to withstand the deficit of the times and suffer such a huge cost loss to maintain a so-called market. Unless it is said that they can block the entire United States from outside contact, they will not report on new energy information.

However, this obviously doesn’t work. For one thing, American has already tasted the sweetness of new energy. You at this time to isolate information is tantamount to cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell. The second is, even if you block the market, it does not mean that you can rely on this method to run the market stably.

Think of the original United States, which has a huge industrial base, holds the pricing power of the lifeblood of oil, and can cut leeks everywhere in the world. Has his market economy improved? Not at all, on the contrary, the fiscal deficit has been rising year by year.

Imagine that such a good deck of cards can produce such a ghost result. So now, with a bunch of bad cards in the hand, can it still play for a spring?

Are the capitalists stupid? Of course they know this is impossible. So they would never allow Frank to escape this trap in this way.

“You can’t do this, Frank. Mr. Stark. The law will not allow you to use this cunning method to escape sanctions.”

“Sanctions?” shrugged, Frank didn’t take this threat seriously. There was a contemptuous smile on his face, and his tone was full of mockery.

“This word is really good. If I just listen to this word, I would think Stark Industries is a criminal that needs to be severely punished by the law!”

“It’s a pity , Gentlemen. I clearly control everything about Stark Industries. Even if you have some scum and want to use their authority to create some evidence of crime, it is not true for me. Stark Industries’ management method You imagine more advanced, any evidence you come up, I can find more than ten times the evidence to push back against you. Therefore, no one can force me to act according to your ideas. And the same, When I decide what to do, you are also impossible to stop me! This is the private property of the Stark family, unless you are planning to overthrow the constitution, otherwise, don’t think about doing this kind of tricks that can’t get on the table!”

“shit!” There was no shortage of capital spokespersons in the audience, and upon hearing Frank’s remarks, they immediately couldn’t help cursing.

This is not a person’s voice, but a whole group of people. After all, now Frank is not targeting one or two people, but playing almost everyone. They were shocked by Frank’s cunning, sophisticated, and nothing like an underage child. At the same time, they were also angry at the frustration of oneself’s plan, which undoubtedly cut off the possibility of them seeking their best interests.

Up to now, they don’t need to continue to pretend to be gentle. So I didn’t bother to use the judge above as the own sounding tube, and one of the spokesperson had already directly interjected in.

“Stark, don’t think that we can’t help you. Tell you, obediently and honestly cooperate with us, the possibility that your Stark family also continues to exist. If you choose to refuse, then you can do whatever you want Preserving the wealth of your Stark family is simply a daydream. Leaving the normal way, we still have other ways. And at that time, don’t blame us for not giving you a child to show mercy!”

“For example, what can you do with me? Hostile takeover? Really sorry, I own more than 70% of Stark Industries’ shares, and you are instigating all other shareholders, and it has no effect on me. In fact, if you do this, I would also like to thank you. Because in this way I can once again grow the shares in my hands.”

Frank has a chance to win and let you What are you playing crafty plots and machinations? I stand still. The ridiculed eyes seemed to be looking at a group of clowns.

For this look, he doesn’t conceal anything. As the clown in his eyes, those capitalists naturally cannot tolerate this degree of underestimation.

Anyway, I’ve already torn my face, so I don’t care what is exposed or not. So at the moment, there are people who seem to show off one’s military strength, and smile at Frank.

“Mr. Stark, do you really think you have a chance to win this way? You are still too young!”

“We admit that you inherited father’s ingenuity , Is indeed a difficult character. This is especially rare at your age now. However, this does not mean that you are qualified to be our enemy. You still have not figured out who you are fighting against. . Not a certain individual, but a whole, a cluster, or even a country.”

“If you obediently and honestly choose to cooperate, then we can’t accept you again. In the cluster. Unfortunately, you are too arrogant, just like your annoying father. This is also the reason why you brought about one’s own destruction!”

“I am very happy that I and my father I made the same choice because it means we are right. Join a group of losers? Such a low thing is really not suitable for us Stark!”

Frank still has a contemptuous smile on his face, that The demeanor is like these people are just wailing a group of defeated dogs, there is simply no need to be taken seriously by him. This as it should be by rights stimulates the emotions of these people, because it is really difficult for them to deny that they are a group of losers in front of Stark.

A coalition of losers who only dared to bully his orphan and widow after Stark disappeared.

The reputation is not good, and they don’t want such a name. Therefore, defeating Stark is not only a choice that has huge practical benefits for them, but also has an extraordinary special significance.

On this point, their ideas are absolutely the same. So at this time, some of them immediately showed their ferocious fangs.

“You can barely be proud of yourself at this time, Stark. To tell you the truth, all this on the scene is just a display, and the cameras behind these are carefully arranged by us. Another play. Do you think your performance is outstanding? Let everyone see that we can’t do anything about you? Let the Stark family pass the current stage safely? I tell you, this is a pipe dream!”

“What you put in front of everyone in this world is just that you are timid, obediently and honestly accepting the government’s arrangement. With the testimony of people from all over the world, you can’t stop the government from treating your company. Dismantling. Not only the energy business of Stark Industries, but with the government’s in-depth separation, all high-quality industries belonging to the Stark Group will be placed in front of us like a feast. When that time comes, you can see It’s that your grandfather and father have accumulated a lifetime of hard work, and they have all been swallowed up a little bit by us. And you…you can only watch, but you can’t do anything!”

“Oh? It sounds like a long-term plan? I don’t know if I choose to surrender at this time, is it still too late?”

Maybe I’m talking soft words, but no matter it is From which angle to look at Frank, some people will not think he really wants to compromise and give up.

It was as if he was the winner, and there was just Luther on the other side. And he is now showing compassionate charity to them. This kind of inexplicable attitude not only reminds many of you about bad things, but also makes people who stand up more and more speak without careful diction.

“Stark, don’t continue to pretend. Faced with all the rights and capital of this country, you have already lost. Is it so difficult for you Stark to admit that own failure is so difficult? Or, Can you, Stark, just can’t afford to lose?”

“Can’t afford to lose? No, of course not. The Stark family may be arrogant, but they are definitely not the ones who can’t afford to lose. At this point, Lasway The casino in Gass can be a testimony to Stark.”

It can be regarded as revealing the shortness of the oneself father’s money in Las Vegas. Frank used this method to prove that Stark It’s not someone who can’t afford to lose, but it is also a fact that oneself has not lost yet.

“If you really lose, then Stark if you agree to bet you must accept to lose. After all, with Stark’s family property, if you lose, you will lose. It’s good to win back. But the problem is , I obviously didn’t lose, but you have been insisting on the idea that I have lost. This makes me very helpless. I can’t say that I leave the facts and the truth alone, and accompany you fools to play this kind of self-entertainment here. Let’s play a game.”

“What are you talking about damned thing?”

Frank’s words made the scene suddenly abusive.

On the one hand, they really don’t understand what Frank said. On the other hand, they suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts, and this bad feeling made them have to get vent through such abuse.

The Stark family has never been difficult to deal with, and they have a consensus on this. It’s just that, now that they have already set up inescapable net, they really can’t imagine how Stark might come back under such circumstances.

Public opinion, law, power of the country, everything is in their hands. Logically speaking, Frank definitely has no chance of a comeback. But why is he so confident that he mocks them like a winner?

They don’t understand, and what Frank has to do now is to let them know where they lost.

“I admit that your move is quite new. If I don’t come here, maybe I also have a little chance to defend myself. But once I walked into this court, I didn’t even have a chance. Everyone will think that what they see is the truth, not a performance at your mercy.”

I don’t know where to get a can of milk. Frank tore open the package, after taking a gulp as if tasting a good wine, he licked his lips and spoke to the people present.

“Unfortunately, you overlooked a very serious problem. That is, since you can play with such methods, so can I. And don’t forget, Stark is the first artificial intelligence player in the world Enterprises, you play such tricks on the Internet, I can also follow the same methods. Moreover, I can play better than you, and more convincing than you! Because what I bring to them is the truth!”

Frank’s words shocked everyone present, and then immediately a great horror came out of my heart.

They have indeed overlooked this crucial point, and what this brings to them may be a devastating blow.

This is not an answer that they can accept. You know, how hard they are waiting for, and they have to wait until the day of the turnaround. And if they capsized the boat in such a small gutter, then they are oneself and cannot forgive the stupidity of own.

“I don’t believe it. You are alone, and you didn’t bring anything. Where can you get evidence to prove that what you said is the truth!”

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