Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2144

The root cause of death is the shutdown of modern industry.

At the moment when the energy that is called the lifeblood is cut off in an instant, any modern technological product that works based on energy can only be turned into a dead thing and can no longer make any noise. For a city that has become noisy due to industrial development, this is naturally like cutting off its life, letting it stop.

The same is true in the courtroom. The lights went out instantly, and the sudden change in the darkness of the courtroom because of being in the deep court caused shocks everywhere. Many people had the idea of ​​escaping, because they guessed it was some kind of self-rescue action by Stark. And if there is any conflict that broke out here because of his self-help, then their lives are not guaranteed.

Just like the old saying in the East, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. With their status today, no one wants to put oneself Jingui’s life on some unpredictable threat. So although it was just an expectation and not sure that things would happen, they still chose to leave wisely and as soon as possible.

Of course, noble rich and politicians can do this, but as a nominal bailiff, they are actually soldiers transferred from elite troops, but they can’t do it at this time. The same choice comes.

It can only be said that in accordance with the order, they surrounded Frank in groups. At the same time, he flashed a flashlight, so that all his movements were invisible.

This is a move for fear of Frank slipping away. It is also a flustered and exasperated move of politicians. Even if he was a fool, he knew at this time that if such a huge change had happened suddenly, it must have been Stark’s trick. And what kind of method can cause such an impact, so that almost all the cities in the entire United States are in a shutdown, they actually have an idea in their minds.

It’s just that this idea is still a bit too frightening, and they really can’t believe it. That’s why someone rushed to Frank with the luck of a three-pointer, and faced his grimly roar.

“What did you do, what the hell did you do?”

“What did you do? It just did what I was supposed to do.”

With his finger, he wiped the traces left by drinking milk on oneself’s lips. Frank sneered at him while throwing the water stain on the politician’s face.

“You are fighting for the idea of ​​Arc Reactor technology. Even if I am stuck now that you can steal the Ark technology through this method, in the future, you will definitely use various methods. , I want to steal this technology into the hands of the owner. I don’t have that many time and effort to accompany you in this waste. So, in order to prevent your continued entanglement. Then it is better to simply let you think about it. Don’t forget it!”

“From this moment on…”

He opened his arms greatly, and made a pair of Range of poses. Frank used this method as a substitute for the entire United States, but also said to the people present.

“The entire United States, all the Ark nuclear fusion energy plants, have completed self-destruction from the core under my order. From the innermost core to the outer The operation and output procedures have been successively paralyzed and destroyed. Except for a ruin, what I will not leave you. If you really have the ability, then from this ruin , Let’s restore the technology of our Stark family. If you can do it, then what does it matter if this technology is given to you?”

This sentence is nice, listen generous . But the core of the inner core is enough to make a few knowledgeable politicians hate gnashing teeth, and can’t wait to just eat Frank in front of them.

Using a bunch of tatters to reversely restore a cross-age energy technology, and is it the third-generation nuclear fusion technology that Stark has improved? You really treat them as fools.

It is true that the level of human science and technology has been advancing, and the more complete technical and theoretical foundations have also made the birth of technology deduction easier. However, those who truly understand science will understand that the cutting-edge areas of scientific research are always held by a handful of geniuses. Such as Tesla, such as Stark.

Today since Stark became famous, it is almost universally recognized in the world. Stark is a genius who can compare with Tesla.

This is not a fame, but a real reputation. Although Stark is more like Edison, the capitalist to have no shame, in terms of origin and style, he is much better than Edison, the so-called inventor, in terms of true ability.

He is a leader in cross-age technology. It is as if in the era when electric power was just commercialized, the genius of Tesla had already proposed alternating current, which is better than direct current, and envisaged Wireless Electronics power transmission that has not been truly realized until today. Stark has also perfected the mature cold nuclear fusion technology across the ages, and created Ultron, an existence that most scientists in the world can’t believe.

They will always be one step ahead of others. The gap of this step is often the result of those ordinary people who can’t see their backs no matter how hard they work. The so-called standing at the top of the world is not something that can be touted. It is the final result of the entire human race, through hundreds of billions of exchanges for centuries.

There will not be more than ten such people in the same era.

If the elite scientists in the space defense system are still alive, then maybe the American government also has a little hope to find something useful out of this ruin. However, today when all the true elites have been lost, no one is chosen by them, and they can keep up with Stark’s footsteps.

This is despair. It is Frank who has determined that you people will get nothing. But also knowing what kind of embarrassing situation he was facing, the politician who spoke immediately screamed out of form.

“How dare you, how dare you do this!”

His screams were not just because Frank played with them, and let them completely cut off this aspect. Of thinking. Even more because of the huge consequences of Frank’s actions.

In modern society, even if a large-scale blackout occurs suddenly in a large city, it will cause huge social chaos. For the time being, the paralysis of urban functions, such as transportation, is simply an economic loss, which is often a huge number.

For example, the U.S.-Canada power outage occurred in 2003. Its economic loss exceeded 30,000,000,000, and indirectly led to the death of several people. This is only the power outage that occurred in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. The time is only a few hours.

The current situation is that the entire United States is facing this serious problem of power shutdown. There are very few places where electricity can be supplied, and most of them are small and remote places that have not had time to optimize the line. Hundreds of millions of people are affected at the same time, and all cities in the country have fallen into a state of functional paralysis.

This can almost be said to have brought America back to the pre-industrial era, and the direct or indirect losses caused by such a huge accident are simply incalculable.

This is killing these politicians. Just thinking about it, you can imagine what a huge turmoil it will cause when people learn that oneself’s immediate loss is caused by the government they just restored.

The anger of the people is also graded. It’s just a momentary indignation. For example, seeing them bullying Frank this child just now will certainly make them rush to the streets to demonstrate and protest. But in fact it is a blind move with no root and no source. As long as it is left alone or guided a little, it is enough to easily suppress them.

However, once things involve their fundamental interests and have an irreparable impact on their lives, then the seriousness of the situation will have to be discussed.

The angry people will rush to the streets like a herd of madly rushing bulls at the Bullfighting Festival, and they will even directly attack everything they think is the culprit when they lose their minds.

In this incident, the federal government had a chance to throw the pot on Stark Industries. But because of the previous series of accidents, they had to swallow this bitter fruit into the owner’s mouth.

The Stark Building was blown into two pieces by them. The Stark Building, which is still in ruins, undoubtedly represents the image of the former Hegemon Enterprise as a victim now. And even if they don’t even have iconic buildings, even if politicians want to use them out of the tank, they will not have any obvious effect.

Frank also put them together before. The shooting, which was obviously a cost, pushed the innocence of the Stark family to the top. No one would believe that this is an insidious trick that a little child can come up with, and no one would believe that a child who has just experienced a shooting and whose life or death is unknown can still have the skill to plan such a big one. The event comes.

They will only buckle the pot on the head of the federal government, and imagine that this is the retribution of the government for stealing the chicken and eroding the rice. Without the guidance and suppression of public opinion, the people have ways to make up for the stupid mistakes made by the federal government in this series of incidents. Those with a bigger brain might even associate the federal government with the people of Hydra and give them the title of human traitor.

This is definitely not the slander that today’s federal government can afford. If things are really allowed to develop like this and public opinion is so fermented, then they are absolutely impossible to sit on the throne that has just been restored. So they must stop all of this before it reaches this point, and at present, the only way to stop all of this is to let Frank oneself publish the truth.

Even if I say that I can’t wait to swallow this brat alive, in the face of threats from the outside world, politicians still have to make a compromise with Frank.

“Stop your revenge, Stark. We can promise not to continue targeting you also Stark’s property. As long as you are willing to confess what happened today, we are willing to share peace with you… .”

“Share peace? Sorry, I don’t seem to see what I need to share with you for this so-called reason for peace.”

One sentence shows the attitude of oneself’s rejection. Frank said completely just adding fuel to the fire.

“Your trouble now is enough for you to drink a pot. And don’t forget, under these huge troubles, also Nick. Fury gang lurking in the dark. They will not let go I have had such a good opportunity to deal with you usurpers. And when they start, I don’t believe what your ability to do to me and to Stark Industries!”

Frank’s words make These politicians held breath cold air, and some of them screamed out of rage.

“They are the usurpers. It is these guys and your father who conspired to usurp the country. All we have done is just disrupting chaos anyway. You damn brat, you really and Those bastards are in the same group!”

“Hey! Stop it. I am me, they are them, don’t just put us in front of a group, this will happen!”

Frank stretched out his hand and made a holding motion to signal that his relationship with those people was not what they had imagined. Only now, these people no longer believe even a word of his words.

In their eyes, Frank’s intelligence is terrifying. They have been played with their hands almost from the end to the end, and now they have to learn to be cautious and deal with it most carefully.

“Since you are unwilling to cooperate with us, then we can only be rude to you. Don’t think that we won’t do anything to a child. In the face of national interests, we don’t care about sacrificing you. Or more children like you!”

The last resort is rough. Use violence to make Frank succumb to their will. This is a method that can only be used as a last resort, but it is also the only method they can use now.

Under the sign of the politicians, the soldiers have already stepped forward to hold this terrifying brat. However, they had just stepped forward two steps, and a silhouette was already accompanied by a loud bang, which directly penetrated the thick dome inlaid with alloy steel plates, and landed right in front of Frank.

Several soldiers were too late to fire, they were already thrown out one by one, as if they were throwing garbage. And before the politicians called for more power to fight this sudden intruder, he was already pulling Frank, a jumper, and flew out directly following the big hole created when he came.

Everything is in a flash, and the federal government has completely lost the trump card that can improve oneself’s situation. Faced with this situation, they could only shout in anger and incompetence.

“Catch this brat back to me!”

But where to catch it and how to catch it, this has become a thing that everyone no longer wants to think about. Problem.

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