Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2145

“Where are we going?”

I took Frank out of the siege easily. Zhou Shang was inevitable when he accepted Frank as planned. Be interested in their next move.

As a bystander, he watched Frank’s performance throughout. And even a picky person like him has to admit that Frank’s performance is so wonderful that he almost treats those cunning politicians as monkeys.

There is certainly a kind of to pull a snake from its hole, beating somebody at their own game, but it is undeniable that his own calculation is the key to making everything this way. Sexual factors. Most people can’t play with this kind of method, and even say that even such a strong man will not have the determination to break his arm.

The current situation is that Frank has dealt a fatal blow to the newly restored federal government at the expense of the basic industry of the Stark Group in United States. If the current federal government cannot quell the grievances of the people as soon as possible and open up new sources of financial resources, then they will become the government with the shortest reign in history.

Not much time is left for them, but it cannot be said that they will not be able to pursue Frank. Reason is a good thing, you can’t expect everyone to have it, and you can take it out anytime, anywhere.

Faced with the situation that Frank created with one hand, no one dared to pat their chests and said that they would definitely not pursue it. It would be embarrassing if there is an idiot who is going to play the drama of perish together when I am dead. Therefore, for safety’s sake, avoiding this place of right and wrong is the best choice.

Zhou Shang can think of this layer, and Frank naturally also impossible to ignore it. So as soon as he heard Zhou Shang’s question, he answered immediately.

“Let’s go to Europe. In addition, I have arranged a plane, and also some overseas reporters. I believe that with this layer of protection, It shouldn’t be someone doubts me anymore.”

“Reporter? What do you want to do?”

Zhou Shang does not believe that you, Frank, will need a backward transportation like airplane. So since he arranged in this way, it must also be said that this is another part of his plan. As for whom this plan was used for, he couldn’t guess. But what is certain is that no matter what it is, once it falls into his plan, it is absolutely unattractive.

Facts have proved that Zhou Shang was right. This is another big hole that Frank dug.

“I thought, if this time I provoke some people, then it’s definitely impossible for them to give up. In that case, I will let them pour a bucket of dirty water on them and let them never There is no time to trouble me!”

“I used nanotechnology to create an Avatar with a gunshot wound. Then I also hired a bunch of mercenaries to protect me. Avatar got on the plane and flew east. A little wind leaked in the middle to provoke the foreign reporters. In this way, the eyes of the overseas public opinion and also those caring people will temporarily focus on my Avatar. And if anyone dares to be there If you mess up, then the pressure of public opinion will surely make those stupid politicians scratch their heads.”

“tsk tsk tsk, Frank, you are really sinister!”

Zhou Shang The emotion is not without reason. Because this move will buckle the shit bowl to the federal government no matter what.

If someone in the federal government has lost this brain and moved the Avatar of Stark under the supervision of international public opinion, then Zhou Shang would also respect them as a guy. But the problem is that they are most likely to dare not do this, and apart from them, some people are willing to plant the blame on the federal government at this time.

Even Zhou Shang doubted that Frank beside oneself had already arranged a back hand, ready to make a little movement when there was no movement. He had a good reason to do such a thing. After all, it would be too embarrassing if there is no prey in the trap arranged by oneself.

“Can this be called insidious?”

Rolled the eyes, Frank’s face is completely disgusting if you can’t speak. Obviously, it is a brilliant method that is full of wisdom and countless strategies, but it has become simple and insidious when you put it in your mouth. Can you still be friends?

“I ask you, what would you do if you encounter this kind of people who plan to encroach on the wealth left to you by your ancestors?”

” How to do it, it still needs to be asked, of course it is to twist their heads off and kick the ball. Uncle dare to grab things, he is afraid that he does not know how the word death is spelled.”

” Savage!” took out a look of contempt, and regained a round with his human body and the way to cure him. Frank also used this method to argue for oneself.

“But the truth is the same. Your fist is big enough, of course you will choose to use this brutal way to solve the problem. And although my fist is not big enough, but my brain is good enough. So I used tricks Is there any problem with this way to twist the heads of those idiots and kick the ball?”

“It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.” Nodded, Zhou Shang was also wise to stop this complacency Killing, no good and stupid move can be sought by each other. As soon as the conversation turned, he asked about other things.

“Then why is it in Europe. According to Stark’s current industrial layout, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to go to the East?”

Because Stark has worked on consortiums, Now it has almost become a mortal enemy of consortium. It’s okay in the East. After all, the order of the East will not allow you, capital forces, to play any radical tactics there. But Europe, Europe is the big chassis of capital power.

Don’t talk about the consortiums in Europe, just the part of the consortium transferred from the United States is enough to make Stark’s power impossible to move a single step in Europe. Isn’t it the same as a lamb in a tiger’s den?

Zhou Shang didn’t know the existence of Ultron, just said that. And Frank also impossible on the pole and said that now Europe is almost half in the hands of Ultron. With his relationship with Ultron, there is no difference between going to Europe and going home.

He still wants to be a little surprised, so when facing Zhou Shang’s question, he just smiled and said like this.

“You will know when you go. In Europe, it is much more convenient than in the East. And by the way, I can also let you see the history of the Stark family.”

Ultron was assigned Kind of for the Stark family background, this is not wrong. It’s just that Frank is not very clear about what kind of pressure Ultron is under.

Just like the United States, which was persecuted by chaos and directly usurped by the restoration government, the turmoil on the European side, even if Ultron is supporting it, will inevitably be a situation that is getting worse.

Citizens of various countries are making troubles to varying degrees, complaining that their governments have not taken their lives seriously.

Look at what they did in the face of disaster? Not only did he fail to protect the own citizens, but he almost raised a butcher knife against his own citizens. Although this is only a decision made by a few heads of state, the nationals of European countries who have always had a thin strip of water are not so clearly divided.

This is trampling on human rights, do you know human rights? In this kind of protection of human rights, the boundaries of the country are fuzzy. Even if you are a damn United Kingdom guy, you are qualified to stand for the Gallic chicken!

As a result, the voices of the people are connected into pieces, as if the gurgling streams finally converged into a torrential river. In the face of this kind of turbulence, which almost spans several countries and is increasingly large in scale, the senior government officials are unable to do what they can do. At the same time, they have also scolded in their hearts more than once. Which bastard has revealed the news.

Using super weapons to prevent the expansion of evil forces should be extremely secretive in itself. Because only the heads of the participating countries participated in it. However, even if the degree of confidentiality has been reduced to such a small degree, it does not mean that they have built an airtight wall.

After all, the number of people attending the meeting is far more than one or two. There are always one or two guys who are not pleasing to you. They will try to pass the mistakes you committed to them through various channels. Made public. If you are upright and not afraid of the shadow leaning, that’s fine, but if you are afraid, you are afraid that you did something wrong and left a handle.

This is the source of today’s turmoil in Europe. Under the slogan of the French who are known for their free revolution, the angry people already have a new plan to overthrow the brutal government and establish a regime.

This is not the kind of nonsense that fans would only say after drinking too much. It’s a practical, planned and organized behavior. The people who are heartbroken are even willing to pay out of their pockets to expand the scale of their sports. And some Chinese immigrants of less than two generations have also begun to actively wander among them, providing a sound program of action for this movement.

On this level of struggle, the Chinese who regard dragon-killing skills as a necessary teaching material are not comparable to these long-standing Europeans. So even if the current European format is still at the level of protests, demonstrations, and referendums, in fact, it has already had a subversive impact on several weak countries.

The riot? That is the choice the stupidest person would make. There is no reason for the riots just to vent their emotions and selfish desires, apart from pushing the neutral party and public opinion to the opposite side, it has no other effect. Smart people don’t use this method to get what they want in such an era. They will only use a more tactful and more determined way.

And this is the most troublesome issue in European countries.

Stopping a group of thugs and stopping a group of citizens who defend oneself’s legal rights are two different things. The former is supported by laws and regulations. Just like the United States, you have nowhere to reason if you beat you to death in the street. But to stop the legal behavior of citizens is to trample on the laws of oneself country.

If the state regime does this, then it will be tantamount to extinction from the world. Not to mention the impression that the people will have of you, I am afraid that people in your same camp will inevitably have a double heart towards you.

There are already fools in Europe who have done this, and as a result of what he did, he was directly confessed to all the criminal evidence in the past, and then he was sent to prison in one stroke.

He wants to be muddy, but that doesn’t mean that others are willing to commit muddy with him. In the face of the turbulent power of public opinion, anyone with such a little brain knows that calmness, restraint, and comfort are more stable and wise than any violence. If you don’t even know this, then you deserve to be fucked.

The governments of European countries have made urgent consultations, and the result of their consultations is to use their power as much as possible to appease these turbulent people.

Now they only have two means of taking action.

One is making a fuss about energy. This is why they would rather offer the Latvian people good terms to block their leisurely mouth and also hold the Latvian artificial sun in their hands.

There are only a few people in Latvinia, and it will be almost clean if it is distributed to neighboring countries. This is one hair from nine oxen for the finances of various countries, let alone the European Union to pay for it. But the energy of the artificial sun is different.

This means that Europe finally has its own stable energy supply, and the huge economic benefits it brings will not be mentioned for the time being. It can also play a huge role in the current situation.

For example, in urban functions that are paralyzed by turbulence. With the energy supply of the artificial sun, the paralyzed city functions will be restored in the shortest time, and with these basic guarantees, the grievances in the hearts of the people will be somewhat less.

After all, the root cause of their troubles is that their lives have been affected and destroyed, and it is always right to make a fuss about this and improve their current situation in the most direct way.

Restoring basic infrastructure protection is only the initial benefit of taking down the artificial sun, and going further, the government can completely rely on the promise of cheaper energy supply to the people in order to invite people to buy it.

This is a vital interest, and I am not afraid that the people will not buy it. In fact, as long as the sweetness is enough, they are really not afraid of people making trouble under the own banner.

The problem is also difficult. The trump card in their hands is really limited, and it is not enough to give these troublemakers enough sweetness. The energy of the artificial sun can only be said to stop boiling water, and it cannot solve the fundamental problem. And to push out those heads of state who have made mistakes in the turmoil and let them accept the people and the law Penalty is just a superficial job.

The essence of the problem is that the people have realized the danger of this World, and their country can hardly give them a sufficient sense of security. The inaction of the government and the covetousness and fear of death by a small number of national leaders are nothing but a solution to the problem that they believe oneself infallible.

The European government is very aware of the limitations of own. Without the space defense system, they are equivalent to losing the last fortress of oneself. And expecting them to rely on the strength that oneself currently possesses to protect their country and protect their citizens in this world of great controversy. This is really something that even they don’t have much hope for oneself.

They are powerless. But they know someone can help them solve this problem. And that is, under this situation, Ultron, this alien that is different from humans, was finally pushed to the front of the stage…

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