Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2153

For Ultron, this is not a very difficult question. So after just thinking about it for a moment, he already gave Frank an answer.

“Well, I can promise to prevent capital transactions between the United States Government and the European side. But I also hope you can promise me one thing, that is, this is the last thing you want to do with the United States Government. Retaliation. Everything ends here, you don’t have to kill to the last one anymore, right?”

“Yes.” On this question, Frank answered very simply. “Anyway, the so-called restoration government is also impossible to survive this wave of blows. In the end, it should be Nick Fury and the cunning guys who seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to take them down. And if that time comes, I guess they too I don’t have any ability to trouble me.”

This makes Ultron brows tightly knit, but it is completely helpless. He knew that this was human nature, and it was the worst power struggle in nature. Because it is attached to the social structure of human development to this day, this kind of power struggle will inevitably involve countless ordinary persons.

Undoubtedly, this is once again aggravating the trouble for American people who are already in dire straits. But what can he do? After all, it is just beyond reach. Besides, even if he broke the agreement with Frank, at this time take action to help. Who knows what huge hidden dangers will be brewed because of this kind of power struggle behind this kind of strength that he forcibly supports?

In the end, it’s not as good as Frank’s saying that the long pain is not as good as the short pain, which can solve the problem. Recognizing this, Ultron no longer had any extra sympathy. And at the same time, to strengthen this determination, he also said immediately.

“Then the first guarantee is so agreed, now, can you tell me what the second guarantee is?”

“Can it be What, of course, is the revenge for my father. What, do you want to tell me that you have never had such an idea?”

Speaking of this, Frank’s tone suddenly It becomes gnashing teeth. Obviously, he who seemed to have forgotten this matter during this period of time actually did not at all actually forget it, but remembered it in a deeper level.

Hate, this thing is so deliberately in the bones will not make people strange. Everyone present, whether it was Zhou Shang or Ultron, understood Frank’s feelings. After all, it was the enemy of killing his father, so there was no reason to let it go so easily. And even if Zhou Shang played a rather embarrassing identity in the middle, he absolutely couldn’t say to stop Frank at this time and tell him when it’s time to repay the wrongdoing. This thing just passed.

At most, I just shrink my body, just as you talk about it, I will treat oneself as a deaf gesture. This is probably the limit he can do.

Looking at his performance, Ultron’s mind was surging with thousands of thoughts, but at the same time he shifted his vision, watching Frank say to him like this.

“No, I will not forget about this. I also hope to be able to do something for Mr. Stark. But, Frank, if you know the opponent you are facing, you should Understand, revenge, these two words are not so simple to say. In the face of such a strong opponent, your blind move can only take oneself into it. And I believe that it is definitely not Mr. Stark willing to see So, I hope that when you say these two words, you’d better understand in your heart, how prepared you are.”

Ultron’s words are entirely out of good intentions. . Because he also didn’t want to see Frank buried oneself in it on impulse. It’s just that this kindness came too late, so that Frank, who had already made such a mistake, was completely impatient.

“Of course I know it’s not that simple. I also know how I should prepare, because I’ve already met that guy.”

“You Say… Have you met him?” Ultron’s eyes suddenly changed, and his expression became a little serious.

He thought that Frank was just a child talking angrily, but he didn’t want him to have encountered such a thing.

Face Smith Zhou, this is also a taboo for him not willing to touch easily.

As a pioneer striving for the future of mankind, Ultron has made an accurate analysis of the obstacles oneself may encounter in this world.

All his obstacles are roughly divided into four grades. Among them, the kind of policy suppression he encountered at the beginning can only barely be regarded as the first grade. That is, he hadn’t figured out what methods to play at the time, so he seemed so passive. Otherwise, with his method of reaching out to all levels of human society today, those politicians who dare to play such tricks, it is estimated that 2nd day will be involved in the incident, and then squatting in prison.

This level of threat is insignificant, and compared to this, the next level is the second level of threat, which is similar to the current situation. That is, opposition to the will of the people.

Although it sounds very difficult to deal with, it is only because public opposition cannot be suppressed by legal means. In fact, even if it is left alone, the so-called public opinion will hardly have any impact on Ultron.

He is not a politician who depends on the so-called support of the people for food. No matter how great the grievances of the people are, it is impossible to cause him any loss. At most, it was because of disgust that caused some minor influence when he pushed forward some of the plans. And to say that this can prevent him from pushing the own plan, but it is also unlikely.

His basic board is the progress of science and technology, the stride forward of civilization. To put it hard, the progress of human civilization has never been changed by the wishes of these ordinary persons. The ordinary person has only two choices under the progress of the overall civilization, if not adapt, or be abandoned by the development of civilization. According to the human instincts formed in the evolution of tens of thousands of years, they will naturally adapt to this progress.

It’s a bit troublesome, but as long as oneself stays still and stabilizes the basic disk, you will never lose. This is the obstacle of the second level, and the next level, the obstacle of the third level is that he has to work hard and needs to act like a chess. A little carelessness is a huge threat of losing all games.

This is reflected in reality. It is probably a powerful sovereign country or an alliance of states like the European Union. From a national and political point of view, it strangles him completely at all costs.

If it were such a time, no matter how many methods he used, it would be difficult for him to be effective. Because human power is twisted into a ball at this time, it is definitely not something that can be easily shaken by external forces. And even if it’s him, he can only fight with these countries’ regimes, either the fish dies or the net splits, or just like the Hydra before, abandon the forces on the surface, turn to the dark with the core power, waiting for the opportunity Conspiracy to re-emerge these two options.

No matter which one it is, it will be a huge blow to his goals and ideals. Not to mention that countless innocent people may be involved. So until now, he is trying his best to avoid this situation. Even in Europe, which has been run by him, he tried to compromise in exchange for cooperation and recognition.

It’s not about who I’m afraid of, but I simply don’t want things to develop to that bad point that’s all.

Basically, these three levels are within the scope of his ability. In terms of his ability, there are probably not a few problems that he can’t solve in this world. But, after all, there is still this precedent. So the fourth level is divided in this way.

Fourth Stage, named Extinction Crisis by Ultron. Such as the previous Dormammu invasion and the previous Thanos incident, these events beyond his ability to cope with are all classified in this category. Faced with this level of threat, all he can do is to preserve the human fire to the greatest extent, hoping that this race will not be extinct. As for other things he could do, he simply didn’t dare to have too much hope.

Even as a very special intelligent being, his abilities have limits. It may be said that he possesses the unimaginable power of human beings, but compared with that level of monsters, his power is nothing. It’s just a bigger ant, an insignificant dust that’s all in Endless Starry Sky.

Ultron never undervalues ​​oneself to own power, so he understands more how huge the existence of the tip of the iceberg is. To put it bluntly, with the strength currently demonstrated by Smith Zhou, he is definitely above the Third Stage, and Infinity is approaching the threat of Fourth Stage.

The reason for such a fuzzy positioning is that on the one hand, Smith Zhou has never really shown the limit of his strength. The information Ultron can collect is only a rough idea. Describe completely. On the other hand, it is also because Smith Zhou’s positioning is very vague in his eyes.

A simple war madman, a human genocide? Such a statement is okay to deceive those ignorant ordinary persons, but it is obviously untenable to put it here. Because it is obvious that, except for lunatics, there are no people who do things for no reason in this world. Even if it is a guy like a mustache, it is intended for the rise and fall of the Germans.

Smith Zhou’s style of acting has not surpassed the category of human beings, so his original intention will never be as simple as just to cause such chaos in the world. He must have a deeper tropism, and this tropism has been collecting Hydra data, information, and the remarks they circulated for a long time, and Ultron, who has analyzed it, already has some cases that have been peeled off to reveal the truth. Meaning to come.

Although I can’t believe it, data is hard to deceive. Ultron got a conclusion that all Hydra’s actions so far are promoting the evolution of human society.

Although the methods are extreme, the process is cruel. But it is undeniable that the biggest constraint to the development of human society, that is, the barriers between nations, civilizations and even races are gradually disappearing.

Those decadent, ignorant, and even conservative forces were sacked, leaving behind the elite and essence of this race. This kind of change makes the human society show a kind of weird phenomenon of fragmentation, but continuous integration. From this perspective, Smith Zhou can completely say that through terror, destruction and war, he has achieved what is impossible for hundreds of years under the development of normal civilization.

Of course, this is only Ultron’s long-term conclusion. If mankind will not perish, perhaps it will be hundreds or even thousands of years before someone will make such a whitewash for Hydra today. But now, and even in the years to come, they will be called notoriety, abomination and hatred by others.

Humans cannot accept that own progress is accomplished under the impetus of a Bushwacker. Of course, Ultron is not a human being, so he can be a certain degree of bystander clear. And it was this unique sobriety that allowed him to set Smith Zhou’s bottom line at the third level.

In terms of strength, there may be a degree of extermination of mankind, but in terms of intention, he should not have any attempts in this regard. Although Ultron did not quite understand why Smith Zhou Mingming was able to choose a more stable and acceptable route, he chose such a path that turned the world into an enemy. But this does not prevent him from positioning Smith Zhou as a target that can be played and compromised.

Yes, in his heart, even if it is a guy like Smith Zhou, it is not impossible to compromise and trade. Although he was the enemy who killed Stark, Ultron was definitely not without any affection for Stark. However, under the premise of human beings, he is still willing to make such a choice.

If the situation develops to the point where he has to make a deal with Smith Zhou and compromise has already made concessions, he can accept Smith Zhou’s use of violence and destruction as a means, and thus retain Some elites have better plans to move forward.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not yet at the point where he needs to make such a sacrifice.

This is just a record, a record that only exists in his heart and cannot be told to others, especially to someone like Frank. And it was precisely because of such a special idea that he had reservations about Frank.

“Since you have met him, you should understand that it is difficult for our power to fight him. This is a hopeless thing, no matter how you look at it, you should not act impulsively. , So I think we should take a long-term view, shouldn’t we?”

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