Sun God Marvel

Chapter 2154

“Long-term consideration, why should everyone I meet let me take the long-term consideration?”

There was a smile on his face, but I thought about it carefully However, it is impossible to laugh. Frank’s tone was already overflowing with an uncontrollable brutality.

“Does it matter that I must wait for hundreds of years, until my enemies are already dying and have given up resistance, before I have the right to seek revenge from him? Why? Why not be Now, it can’t be this when he is most proud of him, let me destroy everything about him, let me avenge him thoroughly, and must let me wait? Will I be able to hold revenge if I wait?”

This series of rhetorical questions is easy to be speechless, because it is difficult for them to answer Frank’s questions. Whether it is emotionally or intellectually, the so-called long-term planning is often just talk, but it’s all a mere comfort. But Ultron wants to be more sensible and sober, so he is not just aimless. So when faced with this kind of rhetorical question, he quickly replied.

“Why? The power you have now is not qualified to be an enemy of that person. Weakness is the most fundamental mistake in this world, Frank. Since the birth of this planet, the evolution of life has been I have been following the truth that weak are prey to the strong. That is, in the hands of intelligent species like humans, it is reluctant to use ethics and morals to decorate this bloody truth so much that the weak are so A little chance of survival. However, no matter where it is or under any circumstances, powerhouse will not be eliminated.”

“Compared with that person, you are a weak one. And he has to Far stronger than you. So why do you think that oneself can find him to avenge Xuehen, just because you have seen him face to face, and because of some reason I don’t know, you have saved a small life by chance, you I think oneself can be confident?”

“Of course I know what kind of power he has!” Although he hates some gnashing teeth, Frank still argues with reason. “Because I know the gap between me and him, I am more aware that this is not a problem that I can solve for hundreds or even thousands of years. I will become strong, and he will also, and After he continues to expand oneself’s power and includes the entire world in oneself’s palm, this gap will only become bigger and bigger. Talent? I don’t think that monsters like him will lack this thing. And resources? Why should I? Compared with him, just relying on you bastards who push three and resist four, but refuse to make any effort?”

“Hush…” Under such questioning, Zhou Shang whistled and hung up a pair Guan Laozi’s expression.

Frank can accuse anyone, but he is not qualified to accuse him. Because firstly, he can’t provide Frank with any help he needs, and secondly, his identity is special. After all, Smith Zhou is his grandfather. Even if he says that this grandfather has done something wrong, he is definitely not qualified to say that he can help you deal with his grandfather, even if he is a friend.

Zhou Shang can be a matter of no concern to oneself, but Ultron obviously can’t. Because if you want to speak from a certain point of view, everything he has, including his existence, is given to him by Stark. Although Stark did not force him to report back, he himself was unwilling to do that to forget favors and violate justice. Therefore, facing Frank, who had the name of Stark, Ultron remained silent for a long time before speaking in a compromising manner.

“Tell me, what kind of help you plan to let me provide you. I declare in advance that I will not endlessly provide you with the help you need. Once I judge your needs, If you cause casualties of innocent people, or cause any potential hidden dangers to human society, I will immediately stop all help to you, understand?”

Is Ultron unable to let Frank do that alone? This kind of brainless recklessness. Instead of refusing here and letting him make all kinds of irrational actions under his anger, it is better to provide him with some limited help, and at the same time, it is to completely control his actions in the hands of the owner.

He doesn’t think there is anything wrong with this. After all, he is essentially kind. And Frank obviously didn’t want to understand the joints, or he wanted to understand, he just didn’t care. So listening to what Ultron said, he was very excited immediately and fully supported the own plan.

“My plan is very simple. It is to use your psychic power hidden here in Europe to launch a counterattack directly from Europe to the Middle East and even South Asia.”

“The basics of Hydra On the South Asian subcontinent, despite the great momentum, under the premise that this planet resource is that many, he is absolutely impossible to have more energy and resources to operate another base. Therefore, the Hydra forces other than South Asia They are all just guerrillas and disperse their courage. It is only the lack of a sufficiently intuitive understanding, or the lack of power level and technological level, that will make governments of all countries treat Hydra on oneself’s territory as one. What’s going on. Actually, if you really understand their details and target them, they are not worth mentioning compared to Hydra in South Asia.”

Frank This is according to United States The demons over there and Ultron in Europe did not take much effort to reach the conclusion that Victor had drawn.

On the United States side, the black-hearted messenger is a thing that can’t make it to the table. In essence, it’s just Victor, a member of the party who can’t make it to the table. I couldn’t mix in the core area and was kicked to United States. So he should be cooking. If he doesn’t, then he should be amazed the world with a single brilliant feat.

Obviously, this mentally retarded son of Mephisto has no such brains. So he was easily flattened by others. However, this can only represent his personal level, but it does not represent the same level of the entire Hydra peripheral organization.

Otherwise, Victor is an absolutely different example. Others don’t know Victor’s difficulty, can Ultron oneself still be unclear?

Living in the European Union, using the power of one country as the cover of own. While blatantly stealing information from the camp of the Allies, leading the development of the Allies, while operating the own forces in secret, extending the own tentacles. This ability is not terrifying.

It can be said that if Ultron hadn’t found him, it would only depend on the powers of these European countries. I am afraid that when Victor cannibalize all the power in Europe, he will become bigger and become the nominal king of Europe, and he will have no more scruples. It is possible for humans to discover his true identity. But if that time comes, it will be too late.

It was true that Ultron frustrated his conspiracy in time, but Ultron oneself also knew in his heart how much luck was in it.

In order for Victor to secretly expand his own power, it is natural that he will inevitably attack people in some key parts of other countries. Buying is second. Those who can betray oneself country for profit will inevitably betray him for other things. So the method he chose was to use the devil controlled by oneself to replace these people. In order to achieve complete control of these key objectives.

This idea is very good. In this respect, human beings have no way to recognize this kind of change replaced by the devil. To some extent, it is foolproof. But the problem happened to be here.

Because of these key figures under control, there are many high-ranking officials. As the upper class of human beings, they rarely care about their own health and life safety.

If this were not for Ultron, it would be good for daily health care. But now that Ultron and those vests he opened, naturally some people couldn’t help fighting against the wind and used the Nano Guard on own. And this use is enough to make Ultron detect the problem.

Once the demon emulated by the flesh continues the habit of using Nanoguards for performance, he will immediately be aware of the DNA mismatch in the record. The higher-end ones, which are replaced by souls, have matching errors on the consciousness port.

Ultron oneself invented things, of course, I am confident that it is impossible to have problems in these links. And so follow the vine, investigate the mistakes all the way, this is the master behind Victor slowly pulled out of the water.

It was almost by luck that Victor’s true identity was revealed. Even if Victor himself was later annihilated in one fell swoop, it was only after the catastrophe that government institutions were paralyzed and all political methods failed to perform such a thunderbolt blow. This is the result of his exposure of the existence of own. If you change to the normal season, it won’t be that simple.

Ultron thinks Frank is taking it for granted. But he didn’t make a vocal identification, just silently, letting Frank play.

And Frank also thinks that the own statement is not at all. From his point of view, the Hydra forces outside South Asia can stand firm against the multinational coalition forces, and the Eastern forces are in Southeast Asia. The extent of the tug-of-war in Asia is really far behind.

At most, it is to play some tricks that are not on the table in secret, pulling the hind legs of various countries. If it is really put on the table, and the people with all the people are in conflict with those sovereign countries with complete military construction, it is most likely to be hanged and beaten.

Frank’s idea is not unfounded. From a certain point of view, after defeating Victor, the oversee a area leader, Hydra is indeed somewhat like him in other forces outside of South Asia. I can’t get on the table like this.

Of course, only a guy like Ultron who has always been on the sidelines can see this. In the case of the governments of various countries in Europe, their own buttocks have not been cleaned yet, so no matter whether they have anything on their buttocks.

That is Ultron, you don’t need to care about this kind of butt-wiping thing, and at the same time, he holds a powerful armies of omnics. Otherwise, if you talk to other heads of state about this kind of problem, if they don’t kick you out with Hehe, it will be regarded as the face of his father.

This is the reason why he had already thought of a plan. Frank didn’t come up with a deal with the guy Nick Fury. Instead, he didn’t come to negotiate terms with Ultron until now. Apart from Ultron, probably there is no reason. Who can provide him with such help.

This is not groundless speculation, but a fact. Because of this, Frank is increasingly unable to allow the own plan to be rejected by Ultron.

Because of this psychology, he devotes twelve points of energy to explain the own plan, and in this regard, he puts how to break the Hydra layout as the focus of the oneself plan.

“The key to the problem is not how to clean up these Hydra’s guerrillas. The key to the problem is to use this strike action to stabilize the situation of the countries involved, and then rely on the victory of the strike action. These countries have to be brought together and use their combined power to force the headquarters of Hydra military and even politically!”

Speaking of this, Frank’s face suddenly revealed something It seemed to be a grinning expression.

“I know Hydra’s strategic intentions. Their purpose is not just to rule this World by violence. What they want is to destroy the existing order of this World and build on this ruin. It belongs to their own kingdom! Not just focusing on a country or a continent, but setting the entire world as its goal. So it’s like what Smith Zhou said to me. That way, he is the enemy of all regimes in this world.”

“For the own enemy, Hydra’s course of action is very simple. That is, they first kill the largest and most likely to hinder them. One is United States. Then it madly creates turmoil and chaos, and when the world is panicking, it uses its own strength and resources to lay a foundation that is sufficient as a chassis in the world, and finally takes advantage of the momentum to launch a general offensive against this World.”

“On the basis that the overwhelming majority countries in the world are chaotic due to their strategies and unpredictable disasters, the forces of mankind must not be able to unite together, posing a deadly threat to them Yes. And also taking advantage of this opportunity, as long as Hydra can obtain the most critical victory in the shortest time, that is, in the case of a devastating blow to the only sovereign state in the world that can still be used as a support, the The entire world will be completely trapped in a situation where there is no leader among the dragons. At this time, they can use their great strength after victory to coerce those who have fallen apart because of their conspiracy and have no resistance. And then engulf them together, sweeping the entire world with terror.”

“No one dares to resist, because all that can resist has been interrupted, and the rest is Barking incompetent people. All countries, nations, and civilizations, as long as they have a heart of self-protection, will be forced to submit to their military force. This is the unification in Hydra’s vision. And we want What we did is to stop all of this!”

“Go the other way, starting from uniting these unusable guerrillas and dispersing bravely. As long as we are in the eastern country, we can continue to support the premise Next, unify these guerrillas and disperse their courage, and twist their strength into one. Then Hydra’s plan is no longer possible.”

“Unify the world, he can’t even think about it. Either it’s being trampled on by the strength of the united mankind, or it’s either the fish dies or the net splits, perish t ogether! He will never want to get the ending oneself wants! “

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